예제 #1
        private double FindMinimumWithDerivative(
            FuncWithDerivative f,
            double a, double b,
            double u, double fu, double fpu,
            double v, double fv, double fpv,
            EvaluationSettings settings
            double tol = 0.0;

            int count = 0;
            while (count < settings.EvaluationBudget) {

                Console.WriteLine("n = {0}, tol = {1}", count, tol);
                Console.WriteLine("[{0} f({1})={2}({3}) f({4})={5}({6}) {7}]", a, u, fu, fpu, v, fv, fpv, b);

                // a, b bracket minimum a < u, v < b and f(u), f(v) <= f(a), f(b)
                Debug.Assert(a < b);
                Debug.Assert((a <= u) && (u <= b));
                //Debug.Assert((a <= v) && (v <= b));
                Debug.Assert(fu <= fv);

                if ((b - a) <= 4.0 * tol) return (u);

                // compute the minimum of the interpolating Hermite cubic
                double x, fpp; CubicHermiteMinimum(u, fu, fpu, v, fv, fpv, out x, out fpp);

                Console.WriteLine("cubic x = {0}, fpp = {1}", x, fpp);

                // if the cubic had no minimum, or the minimum lies outside our bounds, fall back to bisection
                if (Double.IsNaN(x) || (x <= a) || (x >= b)) {

                    // the derivative tells us which side to choose
                    if (fpu > 0.0) {
                        x = (a + u) / 2.0;
                    } else {
                        x = (u + b) / 2.0;

                    Console.WriteLine("bisection x = {0}", x);


                // ensure we don't evaluate within tolerance of an existing point
                if (Math.Abs(x - u) < tol) { Console.WriteLine("shift from u (x={0})", x); x = (x > u) ? u + tol : u - tol; }
                if ((x - a) < tol) { Console.WriteLine("shift from a (x={0})", x); x = a + tol; }
                if ((b - x) < tol) { Console.WriteLine("shift from b (x={0})", x); x = b - tol; }

                // evaluate the function plus derivative at the predicted minimum
                double fx, fpx;
                f(x, out fx, out fpx);

                Console.WriteLine("f({0}) = {1}({2})", x, fx, fpx);

                // check if we have converged
                double df = fu - fx;
                Console.WriteLine("df={0}", df);
                if ((Math.Abs(df) < settings.AbsolutePrecision) || (2.0 * Math.Abs(df) < settings.RelativePrecision * (Math.Abs(fu) + Math.Abs(fx)))) {
                    Console.WriteLine("count = {0}", count);
                    return (x);

                if (fx < fu) {

                    // x is the new lowest point: f(x) < f(u) < f(v)
                    // this is the expected outcome

                    // move the bracket
                    if (x < u) {
                        b = u;
                    } else {
                        a = u;

                    // x -> u -> v
                    v = u; fv = fu; fpv = fpu;
                    u = x; fu = fx; fpu = fpx;

                } else {

                    // move the bracket
                    if (x < u) {
                        a = x;
                    } else {
                        b = x;

                    if (fx < fv) {

                        // x lies between other two known points: f(u) < f(x) < f(v)

                        // x -> v
                        v = x; fv = fx; fpv = fpx;

                    } else {

                        // x is higher than both other points: f(u) < f(v) < f(x)
                        // this is a really poor outcome; we expected to get a point lower than our other two and we got a point higher than both
                        // next time we should bisect
                        Console.WriteLine("bad point");
                        //throw new NotImplementedException();

                        //v = x; fv = fx; fpv = fpx;



                // if the user has specified a tollerance, use it
                if ((settings.RelativePrecision > 0.0 || settings.AbsolutePrecision > 0.0)) {
                    tol = Math.Max(Math.Abs(u) * settings.RelativePrecision, settings.AbsolutePrecision);
                } else {
                    // otherwise, try to get the tollerance from the curvature
                    if (fpp > 0.0) {
                        tol = Math.Sqrt(2.0 * 1.0E-14 * (Math.Abs(fu) + 1.0E-14) / fpp);
                    } else {
                        // but if we don't have a useable curvature either, wing it
                        if (tol == 0.0) tol = 1.0E-7;


            throw new NonconvergenceException();
예제 #2
        private double FindMinimumWithDerivative(
            FuncWithDerivative f,
            double a, double b
            // pick two points in the interval
            double u = 2.0 / 3.0 * a + 1.0 / 3.0 * b;
            double v = 1.0 / 3.0 * a + 2.0 / 3.0 * b;

            // evalue the function there
            double fu, fpu, fv, fpv;
            f(u, out fu, out fpu);
            f(v, out fv, out fpv);

            // move in the bound at the higher side
            if (fu > fv) {
                a = u;
            } else {
                b = v;

            // if f(v) < f(u), swap the points to ensure that u and v are ordered as required
            if (fv < fu) {
                double t;
                t = u; u = v; v = t;
                t = fu; fu = fv; fv = t;
                t = fpu; fpu = fpv; fpv = t;

            // An evaluation budget of 32 is sufficient for all our test cases except for |x|, which requires 82 (!) evaluations to converge. Parabolic fitting just does a very poor job
            // for this function (at all scales, since it is scale invariant). We should look into cubic fitting.

            return (FindMinimumWithDerivative(f, a, b, u, fu, fpu, v, fv, fpv, new EvaluationSettings() { EvaluationBudget = 64, AbsolutePrecision = 0.0, RelativePrecision = 0.0 }));