public void Generate(FunBookDbContext context) { if (!context.Users.Any()) { throw new ArgumentException("Register at least one user first !"); } var userId = context.Users.FirstOrDefault().Id; System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient(); var endpoints = new string[] { "popular-jokes", "latest-jokes", "joke-of-the-day", "animal-jokes", "blonde-jokes", "boycott-these-jokes", "clean-jokes", "family-jokes", "holiday-jokes", "how-to-be-insulting", "insult-jokes", "miscellaneous-jokes", "national-jokes", "office-jokes", "political-jokes", "pop-culture-jokes", "racist-jokes", "relationship-jokes", "religious-jokes", "school-jokes", "science-jokes", "sex-jokes", "sexist-jokes", "sports-jokes", "technology-jokes", "word-play-jokes", "yo-momma-jokes" }; var tagDict = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, System.Collections.Generic.List <Joke> >(); for (int j = 0; j < endpoints.Length; j++) { var jokeCategory = endpoints[j].Replace("-jokes", ""); string downloadString = client.DownloadString(string.Format("{0}", endpoints[j])); var jokes = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(downloadString, @"<p id=""joke_\d+"">"); context.Categories.Add(new Category() { Name = jokeCategory }); context.SaveChanges(); var categoryId = context.Categories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == jokeCategory).Id; for (int i = 1; i < jokes.Length; i++) { var joke = jokes[i].TrimStart(); joke = joke.Substring(0, joke.IndexOf(" ")); var tags = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(joke, @"\W+"); var jokeObj = new Joke() { CategoryId = categoryId, UserId = userId, IsAnonymous = true, Title = joke.Split(' ').FirstOrDefault(t => t.Length > 2), Text = joke.Replace("<br>", ""), }; foreach (var tag in tags) { if (!tagDict.ContainsKey(tag.ToLower())) { tagDict[tag.ToLower()] = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Joke>(); } tagDict[tag.ToLower()].Add(jokeObj); } context.Jokes.Add(jokeObj); } context.SaveChanges(); } var counter = 0; foreach (var kvPair in tagDict) { if (kvPair.Key.Length > 2) { context.Tags.Add(new Tag() { Name = kvPair.Key, Jokes = kvPair.Value }); counter++; if (counter > 10) { counter = 0; context.SaveChanges(); } } } context.SaveChanges(); context.Categories.Add(new Category() { Name = "Other" }); context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Generate(FunBookDbContext context) { if (!context.Users.Any()) { throw new ArgumentException("Register at least one user first !"); } if (!context.Jokes.Any() || !context.Categories.Any() || !context.Tags.Any()) { throw new ArgumentException("Method needs already added jokes, categories and tags!"); } var userId = context.Users.FirstOrDefault().Id; var uploader = new TelerikBackendServicesImageUpload(); var allFiles = uploader.GetUploadedFiles(); foreach (var file in allFiles) { var categoryName = file.Item1.Substring(0, file.Item1.IndexOf("#")); if (context.Categories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == categoryName) == null) { context.Categories.Add(new Category() { Name = categoryName }); context.SaveChanges(); } var categoryId = context.Categories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == categoryName).Id; var hashIndex = file.Item1.IndexOf("#") + 1; var tagString = file.Item1.Substring(hashIndex, file.Item1.IndexOf("#", hashIndex) - hashIndex); var title = "Funny pic"; var picObj = new Picture() { CategoryId = categoryId, IsAnonymous = true, Title = title, UrlPath = file.Item2, UserId = userId }; context.Pictures.Add(picObj); context.SaveChanges(); var allTags = tagString.Split(); foreach (var tag in allTags) { if (context.Tags.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == tag.ToLower()) == null) { context.Tags.Add(new Tag() { Name = tag.ToLower() }); context.SaveChanges(); } context.Tags.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == tag.ToLower()).Pictures.Add(picObj); } context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void Generate(FunBookDbContext context) { if (!context.Users.Any()) { throw new ArgumentException("Register at least one user first !"); } if (!context.Jokes.Any() || !context.Categories.Any() || !context.Tags.Any()) { throw new ArgumentException("Method needs already added jokes, categories and tags!"); } var userId = context.Users.FirstOrDefault().Id; var titlesFromBase = context.Jokes.Select(j => j.Title); var titles = new List <string>(); foreach (var title in titlesFromBase) { var meaningfullTitle = title.IndexOf(" ") >= 0 ? title.Substring(0, title.IndexOf(" ")) : title; if (meaningfullTitle.Length > 3) { titles.Add(meaningfullTitle); } } var categoryIds = context.Categories.Select(c => c.Id).ToList(); WebClient client = new WebClient(); var endpoints = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "" }; var linkString = @"<a class=""image_link"" href="""; foreach (var endpoint in endpoints) { var downloadString = client.DownloadString(endpoint); var URLs = Regex.Split(downloadString, linkString); for (int i = 1; i < URLs.Length; i++) { var title = Regex.Replace(titles[(i - 1) % titles.Count], @"\W", ""); var link = URLs[i].Substring(0, URLs[i].IndexOf("\"", linkString.Length + 1)); var linkObj = new Link() { CategoryId = categoryIds[(i - 1) % categoryIds.Count], UserId = userId, IsAnonymous = true, Title = title, URL = link }; context.Links.Add(linkObj); var tag = context.Tags.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == title.ToLower()); if (tag != null) { tag.Links.Add(linkObj); } } context.SaveChanges(); } }