public override async Task <string> toHelpString(AbbybotCommandArgs aca) { var facts = await FunAbbybotFactsSql.GetFactsList(await aca.IsNSFW()); if (facts.Count == 0) { return("I... I don't understand... My facts list is empty... %fact won't do anything..."); } var ra = r.Next(0, facts.Count); return($"{facts[ra].fact}, get another abbybot fact with this command!!"); }
public override async Task DoWork(AbbybotCommandArgs a) { var facts = await FunAbbybotFactsSql.GetFactsList(await a.IsNSFW()); var ra = r.Next(0, facts.Count); if (facts.Count > 0) { await a.Send(facts[ra].fact.ReplaceA("ab!", "%")); } else { await a.Send("I'm sorry master... My facts list is empty... I... I can't send you a fact :("); } }
public static async Task Add(Tweet I, bool v) { var facts = await FunAbbybotFactsSql.GetFactsList(true); Random r = new(); int priority = v ? 1 : 0; var url = AbbysqlClient.EscapeString(I.url); var sourceurl = AbbysqlClient.EscapeString(I.sourceurl); var message = AbbysqlClient.EscapeString(I.message); if (message.Contains("new tweet just came in") && facts.Count > 0) { message = facts[r.Next(0, facts.Count)].fact; } message = AbbysqlClient.EscapeString(message); await AbbysqlClient.RunSQL($"INSERT INTO `twitter`.`archive` ( `ImgUrl`,`SrcUrl`, `Description`, `Priority`, `md5`, `GelId` ) VALUES('{url}', '{sourceurl}', '{message}','0', '{I.md5}', '{I.GelId}');"); }
static async Task RequestBeat(DateTime time) { if (time > CheckTime) { //Abbybot.print("running abc!!"); CheckTime = CheckTime.AddMinutes(1); SocketTextChannel channel = null; List <Character> characters = await AbbyBooruCharacterSql.GetListFromSqlAsync(); foreach (var character in characters) { //Abbybot.print("{}"); //AbbybotGuild bool safe = true; List <string> tags = new List <string>(); try { var Gl = Apis.Discord.__client.Guilds.ToList().Any(x => x.Id == character.guildId); if (!Gl) { continue; } //Console.WriteLine($"{character.tag}, guild found!"); var G = Apis.Discord.__client.GetGuild(character.guildId); var pref = await GuildSql.GetGuild(character.guildId); if (pref.PrefAbbybot != Apis.Discord.__client.CurrentUser.Id) { continue; } channel = G.GetTextChannel(character.channelId); tags.Add(character.tag); //Console.WriteLine($"channel nsfw? {channel.IsNsfw}, character lewd? {character.IsLewd}"); safe = !channel.IsNsfw; } catch (Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); continue; } if (safe) { tags.Add("rating:safe"); } Post[] charpicx = new Post[0]; try { charpicx = (await Apis.AbbyBooru.GetLatest(tags.ToArray())).ToArray(); if (charpicx == null) { continue; } if (charpicx.Length > 5) { charpicx = charpicx.Take(5).ToArray(); } else { continue; } } catch { //Console.WriteLine("aaaa"); } List <img> nngs = new List <img>(); var postIds = (await AbbyBooruCharacterSql.GetLatestPostIdsAsync(character)); Post[] eeee = charpicx.Where(x => !postIds.Contains((ulong); foreach (var ex in eeee) { img nng = new img() { Id = (ulong), imgurl = ex.fileUrl, source = ex.source, safe = (ex.rating.Contains($"safe")), GelId =, md5 = ex.md5 }; nngs.Add(nng); } for (int i = 0; i < nngs.Count; i++) { img sr = nngs[i]; EmbedBuilder embededodizer = new EmbedBuilder { ImageUrl = sr.imgurl }; string fixedsource = "no source found"; try { if (sr.source != null) { fixedsource = sr.source.Replace("/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=", "/en/artworks/"); } embededodizer.AddField($"New picture of {character.tag.Replace("_", " ")} :)", $"[Source]({fixedsource})"); embededodizer.Color = Color.LightOrange; await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embededodizer.Build()); } catch { } await AbbyBooruCharacterSql.AddLatestPostIdAsync(character.Id, sr.Id, sr.GelId); if (character.Id == 3) { var dl = await FunAbbybotFactsSql.GetFactsList(true, "twitter"); Random r = new Random(); var ranfac = dl.Count > 0? dl[r.Next(0, dl.Count)].fact:""; Tweet tweet = new() { message = $"A new tweet just came in from gelbooru!!\n{ranfac}", url = sr.imgurl, sourceurl = fixedsource, GelId = sr.GelId }; await TweetQueueSql.Add(tweet, true); } } } } } }