예제 #1
    void UpdateDepthImageTexture()
        depthImageUpdateCompleted = false;

        // Get debug image
        Fubi.getImage(m_rawImage, FubiUtils.ImageType.Depth, FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4, FubiUtils.ImageDepth.D8);

        depthImageUpdateCompleted = true;
예제 #2
//AA: We don't need the FubiSwipeMenu. Removed 'FubiSwipeMenu(Vector2 center, float radius, string[] options, GUIStyle optionStyle, GUIStyle centerStyle)'
//    static public string FubiSwipeMenu(Vector2 center, float radius, string[] options, GUIStyle optionStyle, GUIStyle centerStyle)
//    {
//        if (instance)
//            return instance.DisplayFubiSwipeMenu(center, radius, options, optionStyle, centerStyle);
//        return "";
//    }

//    static public bool FubiCroppedUserImage(int x, int y, bool forceReload = false)
//    {
//        if (instance)
//            return instance.DisplayFubiCroppedUserImage(x, y, forceReload);
//        return false;
//    }

    // AA: The 'DisplayFubiCroppedUserImage' function could be used to explain the problems with filtering
    private bool DisplayFubiCroppedUserImage(int x, int y, bool forceReload)
        if (m_userImageTexture == null || forceReload == true)
            // First get user image
            Fubi.getImage(m_rawImage, FubiUtils.ImageType.Color, FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4, FubiUtils.ImageDepth.D8, (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.None, (uint)FubiUtils.JointsToRender.ALL_JOINTS, FubiUtils.DepthImageModification.Raw, m_currentUser, FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.HEAD, true);

            // Now look for the image borders
            int xMax = m_xRes; int yMax = m_yRes;
            int index = 0;
            for (int x1 = 0; x1 < m_xRes; ++x1, index += 4)
                if (m_rawImage[index + 3] == 0)
                    xMax = x1;
            index = 0;
            for (int y1 = 0; y1 < m_yRes; ++y1, index += (m_xRes + 1) * 4)
                if (m_rawImage[index + 3] == 0)
                    yMax = y1;

            // Create the texture
            m_userImageTexture = new Texture2D(xMax, yMax, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
            Color[] pixels = new Color[xMax * yMax];

            // And copy the pixels
            int i = xMax * yMax - 1;
            index = 0;
            for (int yy = 0; yy < yMax; ++yy)
                index += (xMax - 1) * 4; // Move to line end
                for (int xx = 0; xx < xMax; ++xx, --i, index -= 4)
                    pixels[i] = new Color(m_rawImage[index] / 255.0f, m_rawImage[index + 1] / 255.0f, m_rawImage[index + 2] / 255.0f, m_rawImage[index + 3] / 255.0f);
                index += (m_xRes + 1) * 4; // Move to next line


        GUI.depth = -4;
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x, y, m_userImageTexture.width, m_userImageTexture.height), m_userImageTexture);

예제 #3
        private void fubiMain(object filterOptions)
            m_renderOptions  = 0;
            m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Shapes;
            //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Skeletons;
            //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.UserCaptions;
            //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Background;
            //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.SwapRAndB;
            // m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.DetailedFaceShapes;
            //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.BodyMeasurements;
            // m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.GlobalOrientCaptions; // or
            //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.LocalOrientCaptions;
            // m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.GlobalPosCaptions;  // or
            //m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.LocalPosCaptions;
            m_renderOptions |= (int)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.UseFilteredValues;

            var rgbOptions     = new FubiUtils.StreamOptions();
            var irOptions      = new FubiUtils.StreamOptions();
            var depthOptions   = new FubiUtils.StreamOptions();
            var invalidOptions = new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(-1);

            lock (LockFubiUpdate)
                if (!Fubi.init(new FubiUtils.SensorOptions(depthOptions, rgbOptions, irOptions, m_selectedSensor),
                {   // the following for when the init fails
                    m_selectedSensor = FubiUtils.SensorType.NONE;
                    Fubi.init(new FubiUtils.SensorOptions(depthOptions, invalidOptions, invalidOptions, m_selectedSensor),
                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new TwoStringDelegate(showWarnMsg),
                                           new object[]
                        "Error starting sensor! \nDid you connect the sensor and install the correct driver? \nTry selecting a different sensor.",
                        "Error starting sensor"
                Fubi.getDepthResolution(out m_width, out m_height);
                m_numChannels = FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4;

                // All known combination recognizers will be started automatically for new users

                // Load XML with sample mouse control gestures
                if (Fubi.loadRecognizersFromXML("TutorialRecognizers.xml"))
                    //    // This requires to update the gesture list used for selecting key/button bindings and for xml generation
                    //    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new NoArgDelegate(refreshGestureList), null);
                    //    // Now we can load the default bindings using the above recognizers
                    //    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new OneStringDelegate(m_fubiMouseKeyboard.Bindings.loadFromXML), "KeyMouseBindings.xml");

            Fubi.RecognitionStart += new Fubi.RecognitionHandler(recognitionStart);
            Fubi.RecognitionEnd   += new Fubi.RecognitionHandler(recognitionEnd);
            DispatcherOperation currentOp = null;

            videoFile.fileName = "trainingData/tempRecord2.vid";

            while (m_running)
                lock (LockFubiUpdate)
                    // Now update the sensors

                    Fubi.getImage(s_buffer2, FubiUtils.ImageType.Depth, m_numChannels, FubiUtils.ImageDepth.D8, m_renderOptions,
                                  (int)FubiUtils.JointsToRender.ALL_JOINTS, m_selectedDepthMod);

                // And trigger a GUI update event
                currentOp = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new NoArgDelegate(updateGUI), null);
                // Wait for the GUI update to finish
                while (currentOp.Status != DispatcherOperationStatus.Completed &&
                       currentOp.Status != DispatcherOperationStatus.Aborted)
            // Wait for the last GUI update to really have finished
            while (currentOp != null && currentOp.Status != DispatcherOperationStatus.Completed &&
                   currentOp.Status != DispatcherOperationStatus.Aborted)
            // Now we can release Fubi safely
예제 #4
        private void updateFubi()
            if (clearRecognizersOnNextUpdate)
                if (Fubi.getNumUserDefinedCombinationRecognizers() == 0 && Fubi.getNumUserDefinedRecognizers() == 0)
                    button3.IsEnabled = false;
                clearRecognizersOnNextUpdate = false;

            if (switchSensorOnNextUpdate)
                Fubi.switchSensor(new FubiUtils.SensorOptions(new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(), new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(), new FubiUtils.StreamOptions(-1, -1, -1),
                                                              (FubiUtils.SensorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FubiUtils.SensorType), sensorSelectionComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString())));
                switchSensorOnNextUpdate = false;

            label1.Content = "User Count : " + Fubi.getNumUsers().ToString();

            // Update Fubi and get the debug image
            int width = 0, height = 0;

            FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels channels = FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4;
            FubiUtils.ImageType        type     = FubiUtils.ImageType.Depth;

            uint renderOptions = 0;

            if (shapeCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Shapes;
            if (skeletonCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Skeletons;
            if (userCaptionscheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.UserCaptions;
            if (localOrientCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.LocalOrientCaptions;
            if (globalOrientCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.GlobalOrientCaptions;
            if (localPosCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.LocalPosCaptions;
            if (globalPosCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.GlobalPosCaptions;
            if (backgroundCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.Background;
            if (swapRAndBcheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.SwapRAndB;
            if (fingerShapecheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.FingerShapes;
            if (detailedFaceCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.DetailedFaceShapes;
            if (bodyMeasuresCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                renderOptions |= (uint)FubiUtils.RenderOptions.BodyMeasurements;

            FubiUtils.DepthImageModification depthMods = (FubiUtils.DepthImageModification)Enum.Parse(typeof(FubiUtils.DepthImageModification), comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(), true);

            if (checkBox3.IsChecked == true)
                Fubi.getRgbResolution(out width, out height);
                channels = FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C3;
                type     = FubiUtils.ImageType.Color;
                Fubi.getDepthResolution(out width, out height);
                channels = FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C4;
                type     = FubiUtils.ImageType.Depth;

            // Display the debug image
            if (width > 0 && height > 0)
                WriteableBitmap wb = image1.Source as WriteableBitmap;
                if (wb != null && (wb.Width != width || wb.Height != height || wb.Format.BitsPerPixel != (int)channels * 8))
                    wb            = null;
                    image1.Width  = width;
                    image1.Height = height;
                    buffer        = new byte[(int)channels * width * height];
                if (wb == null)
                    PixelFormat format = PixelFormats.Bgra32;
                    if (channels == FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C3)
                        format = PixelFormats.Rgb24;
                    else if (channels == FubiUtils.ImageNumChannels.C1)
                        format = PixelFormats.Gray8;
                    wb            = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 0, 0, format, BitmapPalettes.Gray256);
                    image1.Source = wb;

                Fubi.getImage(buffer, type, channels, FubiUtils.ImageDepth.D8, renderOptions, depthMods);

                int stride = wb.PixelWidth * (wb.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8);
                wb.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, wb.PixelWidth, wb.PixelHeight), buffer, stride, 0);

            //Check postures for all users
            for (uint i = 0; i < Fubi.getNumUsers(); i++)
                uint id = Fubi.getUserID(i);
                if (id > 0)
                    bool changedSomething = false;
                    // Print postures
                    if (checkBox1.IsChecked == true)
                        // Only user defined postures
                        for (uint p = 0; p < Fubi.getNumUserDefinedRecognizers(); ++p)
                            if (Fubi.recognizeGestureOn(p, id) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED)
                                // Posture recognized
                                if (!currentPostures.ContainsKey(p) || !currentPostures[p])
                                    // Posture start
                                    textBox1.Text     += "User" + id + ": START OF " + Fubi.getUserDefinedRecognizerName(p) + " -->\n";
                                    currentPostures[p] = true;
                                    changedSomething   = true;
                            else if (currentPostures.ContainsKey(p) && currentPostures[p])
                                // Posture end
                                textBox1.Text     += "User" + id + ": --> END OF " + Fubi.getUserDefinedRecognizerName(p) + "\n";
                                currentPostures[p] = false;
                                changedSomething   = true;

                        if (PredefinedCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                            for (int p = 0; p < (int)FubiPredefinedGestures.Postures.NUM_POSTURES; ++p)
                                if (Fubi.recognizeGestureOn((FubiPredefinedGestures.Postures)p, id) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED)
                                    if (!currentPostures1[p])
                                        // Posture recognized
                                        textBox1.Text      += "User" + id + ": START OF" + FubiPredefinedGestures.getPostureName((FubiPredefinedGestures.Postures)p) + "\n";
                                        currentPostures1[p] = true;
                                        changedSomething    = true;
                                else if (currentPostures1[p])
                                    textBox1.Text      += "User" + id + ": --> END OF " + FubiPredefinedGestures.getPostureName((FubiPredefinedGestures.Postures)p) + "\n";
                                    currentPostures1[p] = false;
                                    changedSomething    = true;

                        if (changedSomething)

                    // Print combinations
                    for (uint pc = 0; pc < Fubi.getNumUserDefinedCombinationRecognizers(); ++pc)
                        // Only user defined postures
                        if (checkBox2.IsChecked == true)
                            if (Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn(Fubi.getUserDefinedCombinationRecognizerName(pc), id) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED)
                                // Posture recognized
                                textBox2.Text += "User" + id + ": " + Fubi.getUserDefinedCombinationRecognizerName(pc) + "\n";
                                Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(Fubi.getUserDefinedCombinationRecognizerName(pc), id, true);
                        //    Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(Fubi.getUserDefinedCombinationRecognizerName(pc), id, false);

                    for (uint pc = 0; pc < (uint)FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS; ++pc)
                        if (checkBox2.IsChecked == true && PredefinedCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                            if (Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn((FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations)pc, id) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED)
                                // Posture recognized
                                textBox2.Text += "User" + id + ": " + FubiPredefinedGestures.getCombinationName((FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations)pc) + "\n";
                                Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition((FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations)pc, id, true);
                        //    Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition((FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations)pc, id, false);
                    if (checkBox2.IsChecked == true)

            uint closestId = Fubi.getClosestUserID();

            if (closestId > 0)
                // For printing the user orientation
                //float[] mat = new float[9];
                //float confidence;
                //double timeStamp;
                //Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointOrientation(closestId, FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.Torso, mat, out confidence, out timeStamp);
                //float rx, ry, rz;
                //FubiUtils.Math.rotMatToRotation(mat, out rx, out ry, out rz);
                //label1.Content = "UserOrient:" + String.Format("{0:0.#}", rx) + "/" + String.Format("{0:0.#}", ry) + "/" + String.Format("{0:0.#}", rz);

                if (controlMouse)
                    float x, y;
                    FubiMouse.applyHandPositionToMouse(closestId, out x, out y, leftHandRadioButton.IsChecked == true);
                    label2.Content = "X:" + x + " Y:" + y;

                if (checkBox4.IsChecked == true)
                    FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations activationGesture = FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.WAVE_RIGHT_HAND_OVER_SHOULDER;
                    // TODO use left hand waving
                    if (Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn(activationGesture, closestId, false) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED)
                        if (controlMouse)
                        Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(activationGesture, closestId, true);