예제 #1
        ///// Create a decoder by loading the serialized model from a specified
        ///// filename
        ///// @param g2pmodel_file
        /////            the filename of the serialized model
        // */
        //public G2PConverter(String g2pmodel_file)
        //    g2pmodel = ImmutableFst.loadModel(g2pmodel_file);
        //    init();

         * /// Initialize the decoder
        private void Init()
            // keep an augmented copy (for compose)
            Compose.Augment(0, _g2Pmodel, _g2Pmodel.Semiring);
            ArcSort.Apply(_g2Pmodel, new ILabelCompare());

            var isyms = _g2Pmodel.Isyms;


            // get epsilon filter for composition
            _epsilonFilter = Compose.GetFilter(_g2Pmodel.Isyms, _g2Pmodel.Semiring);
            ArcSort.Apply(_epsilonFilter, new ILabelCompare());
예제 #2
         * /// Finds nbest paths in an Fst returned by NShortestPaths operation
         * ///
         * /// @param fst
         * ///            the input fst
         * /// @param nbest
         * ///            the number of paths to return
         * /// @param skipSeqs
         * ///            the sequences to ignore
         * /// @param tie
         * ///            the separator symbol
         * /// @return the paths
        private List <Path> FindAllPaths(Fsts.Fst fst, int nbest, HashSet <String> skipSeqs, string tie)
            var semiring = fst.Semiring;

            // ArrayList<Path> finalPaths = new ArrayList<Path>();
            var finalPaths = new Dictionary <String, Path>();
            var paths      = new Dictionary <State, Path>();
            var queue      = new Queue <State>();
            var p          = new Path(fst.Semiring);

            p.Cost = semiring.One;
            paths.Add(fst.Start, p);


            var osyms = fst.Osyms;

            while (queue.Count != 0)
                var s           = queue.Dequeue();
                var currentPath = paths[s];

                if (s.FinalWeight != semiring.Zero)
                    var pathString = currentPath.GetPath().ToString();
                    if (finalPaths.ContainsKey(pathString))
                        // path already exist. update its cost
                        var old = finalPaths[pathString];
                        if (old.Cost > currentPath.Cost)
                            finalPaths.Add(pathString, currentPath);
                        finalPaths.Add(pathString, currentPath);

                var numArcs = s.GetNumArcs();
                for (var j = 0; j < numArcs; j++)
                    var a = s.GetArc(j);
                    p = new Path(fst.Semiring);
                    var cur = paths[s];
                    p.Cost = cur.Cost;

                    var sym = osyms[a.Olabel];

                    var symsArray = sym.Split(new String[] { "\\" + tie }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                    for (var i = 0; i < symsArray.Length; i++)
                        var phone = symsArray[i];
                        if (!skipSeqs.Contains(phone))
                    p.Cost = semiring.Times(p.Cost, a.Weight);
                    var nextState = a.NextState;
                    paths.Add(nextState, p);
                    if (!queue.Contains(nextState))

            var res = new List <Path>();

            foreach (var path in finalPaths.Values)

            res.Sort(new PathComparator());
            var numPaths = res.Count;

            for (var i = nbest; i < numPaths; i++)
                res.RemoveAt(res.Count - 1);

예제 #3
         * /// Transforms an input spelling/pronunciation into an equivalent FSA, adding
         * /// extra arcs as needed to accommodate clusters.
         * ///
         * /// @param entry
         * ///            the input vector
         * /// @return the created fst
        private Fsts.Fst EntryToFsa(List <String> entry)
            var ts   = new TropicalSemiring();
            var efst = new Fsts.Fst(ts);

            var s = new State(ts.Zero);


            // Build the basic FSA
            for (var i = 0; i < entry.Count + 1; i++)
                s = new State(ts.Zero);
                if (i >= 1)
                    var symIndex = Utils.GetIndex(_g2Pmodel.Isyms,
                                                  entry[i - 1]);
                    efst.GetState(i).AddArc(new Arc(symIndex, symIndex, 0.0f, s));
                else if (i == 0)
                    var symIndex = Utils.GetIndex(_g2Pmodel.Isyms, Sb);
                    efst.Start.AddArc(new Arc(symIndex, symIndex, 0.0f, s));

                if (i == entry.Count)
                    var s1 = new State(ts.Zero);
                    var symIndex = Utils.GetIndex(_g2Pmodel.Isyms, Se);
                    s.AddArc(new Arc(symIndex, symIndex, 0.0f, s1));
                    s1.FinalWeight = 0.0f;

            // Add any cluster arcs
            for (var value = 0; value < _clusters.Count; value++)
                var cluster = _clusters[value];
                if (cluster != null)
                    var start = 0;
                    var k     = 0;
                    while (k != -1)
                        k = Utils.Search(entry, cluster, start);
                        if (k != -1)
                            var from = efst.GetState(start + k + 1);
                            from.AddArc(new Arc(value, value, 0.0f, efst
                                                .GetState(start + k + cluster.Count + 1)));
                            start = start + k + cluster.Count;

            efst.Isyms = _g2Pmodel.Isyms;
            efst.Osyms = _g2Pmodel.Isyms;
