예제 #1
        // This method runs 20 times per second (every 50ms). This is set on the timerMain properties.
        private void timerMain_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Call process() to read/write data to/from FSUIPC
            // We do this in a Try/Catch block incase something goes wrong
                if (this.onGround.Value == 0)
                    this.tookOf = true;

                if (this.onGround.Value == 1 && this.tookOf == true)
                    double verticalSpeedMPS = (double)this.verticalSpeed.Value / 256d;
                    double verticalSpeedFPM = verticalSpeedMPS * 60d * 3.28084d;
                    this.landingRate = verticalSpeedFPM;
                    this.tookOf      = false;

                // Update the information on the form
                // (See the Examples Application for more information on using Offsets).

                FsLatLonPoint playerPos = new FsLatLonPoint(this.playerLat.Value, this.playerLon.Value);
                this.txtAircraft.Text = this.model.Value;

                PayloadServices ps = FSUIPCConnection.PayloadServices;
                this.currentFuel = ps.FuelWeightKgs;

                // this.txtPlayerLocation.Text = this.playerLat.Value.DecimalDegrees.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                // An error occured. Tell the user and stop this timer.
                MessageBox.Show("Communication with FSUIPC Failed\n\n" + ex.Message, "FSUIPC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                // Update the connection status
예제 #2
        public void BroadcastPosition()
            udp.Connect("", 49002);
            string basePacket = "XGPSSimulator,";

            new Thread(() =>
                Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;

                while (true)
                    playerPos = FSUIPCConnection.GetPositionSnapshot();
                    //Populate positional variables
                    alt = (Decimal)playerPos.Altitude.Feet;
                    FsLatLonPoint location = playerPos.Location;
                    lat = (Decimal)location.Latitude.DecimalDegrees;
                    lon = (Decimal)location.Longitude.DecimalDegrees;
                    hdg = (Decimal)playerPos.HeadingDegreesTrue;
                    spd = groundSpeed.GetValue <UInt32>();
                    spd = spd / 65536;
                    spd = spd * 3600;
                    spd = spd / 1852;

                    alt = Decimal.Round(alt, 1);
                    lat = Decimal.Round(lat, 3);
                    lon = Decimal.Round(lon, 3);
                    hdg = Decimal.Round(hdg, 2);

                    //Assemble a packet
                    string packetToSend = basePacket + lon.ToString() + "," + lat.ToString() + "," + alt.ToString() + "," + hdg.ToString() + "," + spd.ToString() + ".0";
                    byte[] sendMe       = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(packetToSend);

                    //Broadcast via UDP

                    udp.Send(sendMe, sendMe.Length);

                    //Pause the thread to allow for the one second gap required by foreflight.
                    Thread.Sleep(990); //Only 990 to allow for processing time.