public void RemoveAclEntries(FsPath path, IEnumerable <FsAclEntry> entries) { foreach (var entry in entries) { if (entry.Permission.HasValue) { var perm = entry.Permission.Value; if (perm.Integer > 0) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("For RemoveAclEntries the RWX must be empty"); } } } var s = FsAclEntry.EntriesToString(entries); s = s.Replace("---", ""); // NOTE: RemoveAclEntries doesn't support --- only empty this.RestClients.FileSystemClient.FileSystem.RemoveAclEntries(this.Account.Name, path.ToString(), s); }
public void SetAcl(StoreAccount store, FsPath path, IEnumerable <FsAclEntry> entries) { var s = FsAclEntry.EntriesToString(entries); this.RestClient.FileSystem.SetAcl(store.Name, path.ToString(), s); }
public void SetAcl(AdlClient.Models.StoreAccountRef account, FsPath path, IEnumerable <FsAclEntry> entries) { var s = FsAclEntry.EntriesToString(entries); this.RestClient.FileSystem.SetAcl(account.Name, path.ToString(), s); }
public void ModifyAclEntries(FsPath path, IEnumerable <FsAclEntry> entries) { var s = FsAclEntry.EntriesToString(entries); this.RestClients.FileSystemClient.FileSystem.ModifyAclEntries(this.Account.Name, path.ToString(), s); }
public void SetAcl(FsUri uri, IEnumerable <FsAclEntry> entries) { var s = FsAclEntry.EntriesToString(entries); this.RestClient.FileSystem.SetAcl(uri.Account, uri.Path, s); }