예제 #1
        public async Task <IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(FrontPageItem item)
            FrontPageParameter param = (FrontPageParameter)Enum.Parse(typeof(FrontPageParameter), item.FrontPageParameter, true);
            SortType           type  = (SortType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SortType), item.SortType, true);

            var res  = _service.GetFrontPage(param, type, item.Count, item.CategoryId, item.TimeOffSet);
            var data = res.data;

예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// This method returns products with applied filtering that can be displayed on the front page.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameter">Specifies the nature of the front page items, orders the products by this parameter.</param>
 /// <param name="type">Specifies whether the sorting is ascending or descending</param>
 /// <param name="count">Specifies how many items should be returned</param>
 /// <param name="categoryId">Specifies the category of the front page products.</param>
 /// <param name="timeOffset">Limits the age in days of products (by addition time).</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public AlzaAdminDTO <List <ProductBO> > GetFrontPage(FrontPageParameter parameter, SortType type, int count, int categoryId, int?timeOffset = null)
         return(AlzaAdminDTO <List <ProductBO> > .Data(_filteringRepository.GetProducts(parameter, type, count, categoryId, timeOffset).ToList()));
     catch (Exception e)
         return(AlzaAdminDTO <List <ProductBO> > .Error(e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace));
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that gets first n products from database sorted by specified column.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">Column to sort by</param>
        /// <param name="type">Sorting order (ASC/DESC)</param>
        /// <param name="count">Number of products to fetch</param>
        /// <param name="categoryId">Category of fetched products</param>
        /// <param name="timeOffset">Maximal age (in days) of orders that are included in calculation of the amount of sold products</param>
        /// <returns>Requested products</returns>
        public IQueryable <ProductBO> GetProducts(FrontPageParameter parameter, SortType type, int count, int categoryId, int?timeOffset = null)
            string sortParameter;
            string sortType;

            switch (parameter)
            case FrontPageParameter.Date:
                sortParameter = "DateAdded";

            case FrontPageParameter.Price:
                sortParameter = "Price";

            case FrontPageParameter.Rating:
                sortParameter = "AverageRating";

            case FrontPageParameter.Count:
                sortParameter = "Count";

            case FrontPageParameter.Name:
                sortParameter = "ProductName";

                sortParameter = "AverageRating";
            switch (type)
            case SortType.Asc:
                sortType = "ASC";

            case SortType.Desc:
                sortType = "DESC";

                sortType = "DESC";
            var      queryString = $"SELECT * FROM dbo.Frontpage(@timeOffset,@category) ORDER BY {sortParameter} {sortType}";
            var      result      = new List <ProductBO>();
            DateTime?date        = null;

            if (timeOffset != null)
                date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-(double)timeOffset).Date;

            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
                var command = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@timeOffset", (object)date ?? DBNull.Value);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@category", categoryId);

                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    int       productCount      = 0;
                    int       previousProductId = 0;
                    ProductBO currentProduct    = null;
                    //read all products
                    while (reader.Read() && productCount <= count)
                        //Has to be reviewed if column names change by chance
                        int id     = (int)reader["ProductId"];
                        int bookId = (int)reader["BookId"];

                        //if they differ, stop adding AuthorsBooks and make a new product
                        if (id != previousProductId)
                            previousProductId = id;
                            if (currentProduct != null)
                            //Getting columns from DB
                            string productName = (string)reader["ProductName"];
                            string text        = reader["Text"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["Text"] : null;

                            string   bookName       = (string)reader["BookName"];
                            string   bookAnnotation = reader["BookAnnotation"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["BookAnnotation"] : null;
                            int      catagoryId     = (int)reader["CategoryId"];
                            string   categoryName   = (string)reader["CategoryName"];
                            int      publisherId    = (int)reader["PublisherId"];
                            string   publisherName  = (string)reader["PublisherName"];
                            int      languageId     = (int)reader["LanguageId"];
                            string   languageName   = (string)reader["LanguageName"];
                            int      stateId        = (int)reader["ProductStateId"];
                            string   stateName      = (string)reader["ProductStateName"];
                            int      formatId       = (int)reader["FormatId"];
                            string   formatName     = (string)reader["FormatName"];
                            string   ean            = reader["EAN"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["EAN"] : null;
                            string   isbn           = reader["ISBN"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["ISBN"] : null;
                            string   picAddress     = reader["PicAddress"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["PicAddress"] : null;
                            decimal  price          = (decimal)reader["Price"];
                            int?     year           = reader["Year"] != DBNull.Value ? (int?)reader["Year"] : null;
                            int?     pageCount      = reader["PageCount"] != DBNull.Value ? (int?)reader["PageCount"] : null;
                            DateTime dateAdded      = (DateTime)reader["DateAdded"];
                            decimal? avgRating      = reader["AverageRating"] != DBNull.Value ? (decimal?)reader["AverageRating"] : null;

                            //creating principal entities
                            Publisher pub = new Publisher()
                                Id = publisherId, Name = publisherName
                            Category cat = new Category()
                                Name = categoryName, Id = catagoryId
                            Language lang = new Language()
                                Id = languageId, Name = languageName
                            Format form = new Format()
                                Id = formatId, Name = formatName
                            ProductState state = new ProductState()
                                Id = stateId, Name = stateName
                            Book book = new Book()
                                Name = bookName, Annotation = bookAnnotation, BookId = bookId, AuthorsBooks = new List <AuthorBook>()

                            currentProduct = new ProductBO()
                                Id            = id,
                                Name          = productName,
                                BookId        = bookId,
                                Book          = book,
                                Category      = cat,
                                CategoryId    = catagoryId,
                                DateAdded     = dateAdded,
                                EAN           = ean,
                                ISBN          = isbn,
                                Format        = form,
                                FormatId      = formatId,
                                Language      = lang,
                                LanguageId    = languageId,
                                PageCount     = pageCount,
                                PicAddress    = picAddress,
                                Price         = price,
                                Publisher     = pub,
                                PublisherId   = publisherId,
                                Text          = text,
                                Year          = year,
                                State         = state,
                                StateId       = stateId,
                                AverageRating = avgRating
                        //add a new authorbook, author
                        int?    countryId = reader["AuthorCountryId"] != DBNull.Value ? (int?)reader["AuthorCountryId"] : null;
                        Country country   = countryId != null ? new Country()
                            Name = (string)reader["AuthorCountryName"], Id = (int)countryId, CountryCode = (string)reader["AuthorCountryCode"]
                        } : null;
                        int    authorId      = (int)reader["AuthorId"];
                        string authorName    = (string)reader["AuthorName"];
                        string authorSurname = (string)reader["AuthorSurname"];
                        Author author        = new Author()
                            Country = country, CountryId = countryId, Name = authorName, Surname = authorSurname, AuthorId = authorId
                        AuthorBook ab = new AuthorBook {
                            Author = author, AuthorId = authorId, Book = currentProduct.Book, BookId = bookId
                    if (result.Count < count)
