private void RegisterBorrowingOpening() { DisplayerHeader("REGISTER BORROWING"); Console.WriteLine(" - Enter id of the Borrowed magazine."); string magazineIdTxt = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(magazineIdTxt, out int magazineId)) { DisplayErrorText("Attribute id of the magazine must a valid integer."); return; } Console.WriteLine(" - Enter id of the friend that Borrowed the magazine"); string friendIdTxt = Console.ReadLine(); if (!int.TryParse(friendIdTxt, out int friendId)) { DisplayErrorText("Attribute id of the storage box must a valid integer."); return; } Friend friend = (Friend)controllerFriend.SelectEntityById(friendId); Magazine magazine = (Magazine)controllerMagazine.SelectEntityById(magazineId); Borrowing borrowing = new Borrowing(0, magazine, friend, DateTime.Now); string response = mainController.CreateEntity(borrowing); if (response != "OP_SUCCESS") { DisplayErrorText(response); } else { DisplaySuccessText("Register Operation Sucessful"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } }