public void AddTile(Rectangle bounds, FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib) { if (fib == null) { return; } try { Rectangle imageBounds = TranslateVirtualRectangleToImageRectangle(bounds); if (this.xScaleFactor < 1.0f || this.yScaleFactor < 1.0f) { fib.Rescale(imageBounds.Size, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR); } fib.ConvertToStandardType(true); if (this.forceGreyscale && !fib.IsGreyScale) { fib.ConvertToGreyscale(); } this.image.PasteFromTopLeft(fib, imageBounds.Location, this.blending); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } }
public void TileImage(Tile tile) { lock (tile) { if (tile.Thumbnail == null) { return; } float xscaleFactor = (float)this.scaledWidth / MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.TotalWidth; float yscaleFactor = (float)this.scaledHeight / MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.TotalHeight; Size scaledSize = new Size((int)(tile.Width * xscaleFactor + 0.5), (int)(tile.Height * yscaleFactor + 0.5)); Point scaledPosition = new Point(); scaledPosition.X = (int)(tile.Position.X * xscaleFactor + 0.5); scaledPosition.Y = (int)(tile.Position.Y * yscaleFactor + 0.5); Rectangle dstRect = new Rectangle(scaledPosition, scaledSize); FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap thumb = null; lock (tile.ThumbnailLock) { thumb = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(tile.Thumbnail); } thumb.ConvertToStandardType(true); if (thumb.IsGreyScale) { thumb.LinearScaleToStandardType(MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.ThumbnailScaleMinIntensity, MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.ThumbnailScaleMaxIntensity); thumb.SetGreyLevelPalette(); } if (thumb.ImageType != FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to convert tile thumbnail to a standard type ?"); } thumb.Rescale(dstRect.Size, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BOX); thumb.ConvertTo24Bits(); this.bitmap.PasteFromTopLeft(thumb, dstRect.Location, this.imageViewer.BlendingEnabled); thumb.Dispose(); } this.Invalidate(); }
public FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap LoadFreeImageBitmap(int width, int height) { FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib = this.LoadFreeImageBitmap(this.FilePath); if (width != 0 || height != 0) { fib.Rescale(width, height, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BOX); } return(fib); }
public static void ResizeToThumbnail(FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib) { int height = Tile.ThumbnailHeight; // Scale to a width of around 200 pixels if (fib.Width <= Tile.ThumbnailWidth) { return; } if (height == 0) { height = (int)(((float)ThumbnailWidth / fib.Width) * fib.Height); } fib.Rescale(Tile.ThumbnailWidth, height, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR); }
private void OnIdle(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Nothing todo. if (this.preventIdleProcessing == true) { return; } if (this.highResBitmapReady == true) { return; } if (this.imageSize.IsEmpty) { return; } if (this.highResBitmap == null) { return; } if (this.intermediateBitmapDrawn == true && this.NumberOfTilesExceedCacheThreshold) { return; } this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Rectangle viewRect = ViewedImageSectionRect; this.idleTiles = Tile.GetTilesIntersectingRectangle(MosaicWindow.MosaicInfo.Items, viewRect); // Go through the tiles and draw them at the highest resolution. // This is where gradient blending should go also. if (this.highResBitmapReady == false && this.currentTileIdleProcess < this.idleTiles.Count) { Tile tile = this.idleTiles[this.currentTileIdleProcess]; FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib = tile.LoadFreeImageBitmap(); if (fib.IsGreyScale) { fib.LinearScaleToStandardType(mosaicInfo.ScaleMinIntensity, mosaicInfo.ScaleMaxIntensity); fib.SetGreyLevelPalette(); } fib.ConvertTo24Bits(); if (this.zoom < 1.0) { fib.Rescale(new Size((int)(fib.Width * this.zoom), (int)(fib.Height * this.zoom)), FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR); } Point pos = new Point(); // We may be using the thumbnails to display so // we need to work out the scaled coordinates if the zoom is < 1.0 // For 1.0 and above we draw in native res just the area we can see on the screen. if (this.zoom < 1.0f) { pos = tile.Position; pos.X = (int)(tile.Position.X - viewRect.Location.X + 0.5); pos.Y = (int)(tile.Position.Y - viewRect.Location.Y + 0.5); pos.X = (int)(this.zoom * pos.X); pos.Y = (int)(this.zoom * pos.Y); } else { pos.X = tile.Position.X - viewRect.Location.X; pos.Y = tile.Position.Y - viewRect.Location.Y; } lastIdleTileRectangles.Add(new Rectangle(pos, fib.Size)); if (highResBitmap.Bounds.IntersectsWith(new Rectangle(pos, fib.Size))) { highResBitmap.PasteFromTopLeft(fib, pos, this.blendingEnabled); } this.highResBitmapIsReset = false; fib.Dispose(); // We have completed the last tile if (this.currentTileIdleProcess == this.idleTiles.Count - 1) { // We are finished with the highres tiles // Draw the joins if neccessary if (this.ShowJoins) { int i = 0; foreach (Tile t in this.idleTiles) { highResBitmap.DrawColourRect(lastIdleTileRectangles[i++], Color.Red, 2); } } lastIdleTileSize.Width = (int)(Tile.GetHorizontalRangeOfTiles(idleTiles) * this.zoom); lastIdleTileSize.Height = (int)(Tile.GetVerticalRangeOfTiles(idleTiles) * this.zoom); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; this.highResBitmapReady = true; } this.currentTileIdleProcess++; this.Invalidate(); } }
private void DrawIntermediateBitmap() { if (!this.intermediateBitmapDrawn) { this.threadController.ReportThreadStarted(this, "Started Zoom"); float aspectRatio = (float)(this.mosaicInfo.TotalWidth) / this.mosaicInfo.TotalHeight; int scaledWidth = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size.Width; int scaledHeight = (int)(scaledWidth / aspectRatio + 0.5); if (this.mosaicInfo.IsGreyScale) { this.intermediateBitmap = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, 8); } else { this.intermediateBitmap = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, 24); } float xscaleFactor = (float)scaledWidth / this.mosaicInfo.TotalWidth; float yscaleFactor = (float)scaledHeight / this.mosaicInfo.TotalHeight; if (this.intermediateBitmap == null) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to create intermediate bitmap"); } float scale = (float)scaledWidth / this.mosaicInfo.TotalWidth; Point scaledPosition = new Point(); int count = 0; foreach (Tile tile in this.mosaicInfo.Items) { if (tile.Thumbnail == null) { MessageBox.Show("Error thumnail is null"); } //FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap thumb = null; //lock (tile.ThumbnailLock) //{ // thumb = new FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap(tile.Thumbnail); //} FreeImageAlgorithmsBitmap fib = tile.LoadFreeImageBitmap(); fib.Rescale(new Size((int)(xscaleFactor * fib.Width), (int)(yscaleFactor * fib.Height)), FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR); if (fib.IsGreyScale) { fib.LinearScaleToStandardType(mosaicInfo.ScaleMinIntensity, mosaicInfo.ScaleMaxIntensity); fib.SetGreyLevelPalette(); } else { fib.ConvertToStandardType(true); } if (fib.ImageType != FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to convert tile thumbnail to a standard type ?"); } Size scaledSize = new Size((int)(tile.Width * xscaleFactor + 0.5), (int)(tile.Height * yscaleFactor + 0.5)); scaledPosition.X = (int)(tile.Position.X * xscaleFactor + 0.5); scaledPosition.Y = (int)(tile.Position.Y * yscaleFactor + 0.5); Rectangle dstRect = new Rectangle(scaledPosition, scaledSize); intermediateBitmap.PasteFromTopLeft(fib, scaledPosition, this.BlendingEnabled); fib.Dispose(); this.threadController.ReportThreadPercentage(this, "Performing Zoom", count++, this.tiles.Count); } } //intermediateBitmap.ConvertTo24Bits(); this.intermediateBitmapDrawn = true; this.preventIdleProcessing = false; this.dontDraw = false; this.threadController.ReportThreadCompleted(this, "Zoom Completed", false); this.Redraw(); this.Invalidate(); }