예제 #1
        //handler bottone uguale
        private void btn_ug_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int n, d, op;

            n  = Convert.ToInt32(text_n1.Text);
            d  = Convert.ToInt32(text_d1.Text);
            f1 = new Frazione(n, d);

            n  = Convert.ToInt32(text_n2.Text);
            d  = Convert.ToInt32(text_d2.Text);
            f2 = new Frazione(n, d);

            op = cb_op.SelectedIndex;
            switch (op)
            case 0:       //+
                f3 = f1 + f2;

            case 1:       //-
                f3 = f1 - f2;

            case 2:       //x
                f3 = f1 * f2;

            case 3:       //:
                f3 = f1 / f2;

            text_nris.Text = f3.n.ToString();
            text_dris.Text = f3.d.ToString();
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using DisposableClass dispClass = new();

            Console.WriteLine("=== Week 2 - Day 3 ===");

            #region Delegate

            BinaryOperation somma = Add;

            int result = somma(3, 2);   // = Add(3, 2)

            somma = Subtract;
            // somma = Reverse; // ERRORE !!!

            result = somma(3, 2);   // = Subtract(3, 2)

            PrintResult(somma, 3, 2);
            PrintResult(Add, 3, 2); // Add è una BinaryOperation

            Func <int, int, int> add = Add;

            List <Person> people = new List <Person>();

            WhereFunction funct = WhereName;

            //people.Where(funct); // al momento no :(

            Func <Person, bool> whereClause = WhereName;

            //static bool WhereName(Person p)
            //    return p.FirstName == "Roberto";
            // EQUIVALE A
            whereClause = p =>
                return(p.FirstNameProp == "Roberto");
            // EQUIVALE A
            whereClause = p => p.FirstNameProp == "Roberto";                 // In-Line funct, Arrow funct, lambda expression

            IEnumerable <Person> selectedPeople = people.Where(whereClause); // LINQ


            #region Nullable Types

            int i  = 9;
            int?i2 = null;

            int i2Value = i2.HasValue ? i2.Value : 99;

            i2Value = i2.GetValueOrDefault(99);

            Person p1 = new Person
                FirstNameProp = "Mario",
                LastNameProp  = "Rossi"

            if (p1.Father != null)
                string first = p1.Father.FirstNameProp != "" ? p1.Father.FirstNameProp : "Orfano";
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", first);

            Console.WriteLine("{0}", p1.Father?.Father?.FirstNameProp ?? "Niente Nonno");



            #region Casting

            Frazione es5f1 = new(3, 2);
            Frazione es5f2 = new(1, 6);

            Console.WriteLine("es5f1 > es5f2 : {0}", (es5f1.CompareTo(es5f2) == 1));
            // EQUIVALE A ...
            Console.WriteLine("es5f1 > es5f2 : {0}", (es5f1 > es5f2));

            ComplexNumber es51 = new(3, 4);
            ComplexNumber es52 = new(3, 4);

            Console.WriteLine("es51 == es52 (ref): {0}", object.ReferenceEquals(es51, es52));

            Console.WriteLine("es51 == es52 (1): {0}", (es51 == es52));

            es52 = new(1, 4);

            Console.WriteLine("es51 == es52 (2): {0}", (es51 == es52));

            double dbl51 = (double)es51;

            Console.WriteLine("Casting Complex to double {0}", dbl51);

            ComplexNumber es53 = 5;

            Console.WriteLine("Casting double to Complex ({0}, {1})", es53.Real, es53.Immag);


            Currency c1 = new(10, "EUR");
            Currency c2 = new(10, "USD");

            decimal d1 = (decimal)c1 + (decimal)c2;

            Currency.DefaultCurrency = "USD";

            Currency c3 = d1;

            Frazione f   = new(3, 2);
            Frazione f99 = new(3, 2);

            //f == f99;

            Console.WriteLine("f == f1: {0}", (f == f99));

            double d = f;

            int value = (int)f;

            Console.WriteLine("Casting Frazione to double {0}", d);
            Console.WriteLine("Casting Frazione to int {0}", value);



            #region Esercitazione 4

            ComplexNumber cpx1 = new("(1,2)");
            Console.WriteLine($"CPX2: {cpx1.Real}, {cpx1.Immag}");

            ComplexNumber cpx2 = new(3, -5);
            Console.WriteLine($"CPX2: {cpx2.Real}, {cpx2.Immag}");

            var cpx3 = -cpx2;
            Console.WriteLine($"CPX3: {cpx3.Real}, {cpx3.Immag}");

            var cpx4 = cpx1 + cpx2;
            Console.WriteLine($"CPX4: {cpx4.Real}, {cpx4.Immag}");



            #region Op Overloading

            Frazione f1 = new(2, 3);
            Frazione f2 = new(5, 9);

            Frazione f3 = f1.Somma(f2);
            // ovvero ...
            f3 = -f1;
            f3 = f1 + f2;

            if (f3)

            // a = b - c    => operatore binario
            // a = -b       => operatore unario
            // a++


            #region Interfacce

            DataService dataSvc = new();

            InMemoryDataService mDataSvc = new();

            MainBusinessLayer bl = new(mDataSvc);


            #region Esercitazione 3

            Product prod1 = new();
            Product prod2 = new("PRD001", 100);
            Product prod3 = new("PRD002", "SSD 500Gb", 34.8M);

            if (prod2.DiscountedPrice(20, out decimal discountedPrice))
                Console.WriteLine($"Discounted prod2 (20%): {discountedPrice}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Discount rate out of valid range.");


            if (prod3.SaveProduct(@"C:\Temp"))



            #region Ctors

            Person p  = new("Mario", "Rossi");
            Person p2 = new("Paolo");
            Person p3 = new();


            #region Nested types

            HelpDeskTicket ticket = new HelpDeskTicket
                Id    = 1,
                State = HelpDeskTicket.HelpDeskTicketState.New,
                Owner = new HelpDeskTicket.TicketOwner()

            HelpDeskTicket.TicketOwner owner = new();

            HelpDeskTicket t1 = new HelpDeskTicket
                Id    = 1,
                State = HelpDeskTicket.HelpDeskTicketState.New,
                Owner = owner

        }  // Dispose() ...