//Error 1 Type 'Ticker.Controllers.PlaylistItemsController' already defines a member called 'GetPlaylistItems' with the same parameter types C:\Users\areich\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Ticker\Ticker.Web\Controllers\PlaylistItemsController.cs 358 37 Ticker.Web //public IEnumerable<dynamic> GetPlaylistItems(int entryID, string ObjectType) //{ // return GetPlaylistItems(0, entryID, ObjectType); //} public IEnumerable <dynamic> GetPlaylistItems(int cid, int ID, string ObjectType)//,[ModelBinder(typeof(Ticker.ModelBinders.DataSourceRequestModelBinder))] DataSourceRequest request) { Utilities.LoadClientShares(db, cid); var ret = new List <dynamic>(); var retGroups = new List <dynamic>(); switch (ObjectType) { case "Group": return(db.Notes.Where(gn => gn.GroupID == ID).OrderBy(on => on.SortOrder) .Select(on => new { on.ID, on.Note1, on.UserID, on.LastUpdated, on.GroupID, on.SortOrder }) //first trip is pure ef and can't convert dt to string (See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5370402/entity-framework-4-linq-how-to-convert-from-datetime-to-string-in-a-query) .AsEnumerable() .Select(n => new { n.ID, Name = n.Note1, Note = (n.UserID != null && n.UserID != 0 && db.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == n.UserID).Count() != 0 ? "last updated by " + db.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == n.UserID).FirstOrDefault().FirstName + " " + db.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == n.UserID).FirstOrDefault().LastName + ", " + n.LastUpdated.ToString() : ""), ParentID = n.GroupID, n.SortOrder, ObjectType = "GroupNote" })); case "Game": { foreach (Client c in db.Clients.Single(s => s.ID == cid).Clients) { retGroups = retGroups.Concat(db.spTICK_GameNotes_GetByGameID(gameID: ID, clientID: c.ID) .Select(on => new { on.ID, on.Note, on.UserID, on.LastUpdated, on.GameID, on.SortOrder }) //first trip is pure ef and can't convert dt to string (See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5370402/entity-framework-4-linq-how-to-convert-from-datetime-to-string-in-a-query) .AsEnumerable() .Select(n => new { // Skip the EntityState and EntityKey properties inherited from EF. It would break model binding. //n.Group, //n.GroupID, //n.Header, n.ID, //n.Imported, //n.LastUpdated, //n.Note1, //Name = n.Note//Utilities.ConvertToHTML(n.NoteColor) Name = n.Note, Note = (n.UserID != null && n.UserID != 0 && db.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == n.UserID).Count() != 0 ? "last updated by " + db.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == n.UserID).FirstOrDefault().FirstName + " " + db.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == n.UserID).FirstOrDefault().LastName + ", " + n.LastUpdated : ""), ParentID = n.GameID, n.SortOrder, ObjectType = "GameNote" //n.TeamID, //n.UserID })).ToList(); } return(retGroups.Concat(db.spTICK_GameNotes_GetByGameID(gameID: ID, clientID: cid) .Select(on => new { on.ID, on.Note, on.UserID, on.LastUpdated, on.GameID, on.SortOrder }) //first trip is pure ef and can't convert dt to string (See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5370402/entity-framework-4-linq-how-to-convert-from-datetime-to-string-in-a-query) .AsEnumerable() .Select(n => new { // Skip the EntityState and EntityKey properties inherited from EF. It would break model binding. //n.Group, //n.GroupID, //n.Header, n.ID, //n.Imported, //n.LastUpdated, //n.Note1, //Name = n.Note//Utilities.ConvertToHTML(n.NoteColor) Name = n.Note, Note = (n.UserID != null && n.UserID != 0 && db.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == n.UserID).Count() != 0 ? "last updated by " + db.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == n.UserID).FirstOrDefault().FirstName + " " + db.Users.Where(u => u.UserID == n.UserID).FirstOrDefault().LastName + ", " + n.LastUpdated : ""), ParentID = n.GameID, n.SortOrder, ObjectType = "GameNote" //n.TeamID, //n.UserID }))); } case "Sports": dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject(); expando = new { ID = 0, Name = "Today", ObjectType = "Game", SortOrder = -1, hasChildren = false }; ret.Add(expando); expando = new { ID = 0, Name = "Previous", ObjectType = "Game", SortOrder = -1, hasChildren = false }; ret.Add(expando); foreach (Client c in db.Clients.Single(s => s.ID == cid).Clients) { ret = ret.Concat(db.spTICK_Games_Get(c.ID, ID, null, null, null).Select(g => new { g.ID, Name = g.Matchup, ObjectType = "Game", g.SortOrder, hasChildren = db.spTICK_GameNotes_GetByGameID(gameID: g.ID, clientID: c.ID).Any() })).ToList(); } return(ret.Concat(db.spTICK_Games_Get(cid, ID, null, null, null).Select(g => new { g.ID, Name = g.Matchup, ObjectType = "Game", g.SortOrder, hasChildren = db.spTICK_GameNotes_GetByGameID(gameID: g.ID, clientID: cid).Any() }))); //return ret.Concat; //return db.spTICK_Games_Get(id, entryID, null, null, null).Select(g => new //{ // g.ID, // Name = g.Matchup, // ObjectType = "Game", // hasChildren = db.spTICK_GameNotes_GetByGameID(gameID: g.ID, clientID: id).Any() //}); default: return(null); } //return db.Notes.Where(gw => gw.ID == id).Single(n => new //{ // // Skip the EntityState and EntityKey properties inherited from EF. It would break model binding. // //n.Group, // //n.GroupID, // //n.Header, // n.ID, // //n.Imported, // //n.LastUpdated, // //n.Note1, // Name = n.Note1,// Utilities.ConvertToHTML(n.NoteColor), // //n.SortOrder, // //n.TeamID, // n.UserID //}); }