예제 #1
 private static void CalcTrianglePlanes(float3 v0, float3 v1, float3 v2, float3 normalDirection,
                                        out FourTransposedPoints verts, out FourTransposedPoints edges, out FourTransposedPoints perps)
     verts = new FourTransposedPoints(v0, v1, v2, v0);
     edges = verts.V1230 - verts;
     perps = edges.Cross(new FourTransposedPoints(normalDirection));
예제 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Compute the closest point on the simplex, returns true if the simplex contains a duplicate vertex
            /// </summary>
            public void SolveDistance()
                int inputVertices = NumVertices;

                switch (NumVertices)
                // Point.
                case 1:
                    Direction      = A.Xyz;
                    ScaledDistance = math.lengthsq(Direction);

                // Line.
                case 2:
                    float3 delta = B.Xyz - A.Xyz;
                    sfloat den   = math.dot(delta, delta);
                    sfloat num   = math.dot(-A.Xyz, delta);

                    // Reduce if closest point do not project on the line segment.
                    if (num >= den)
                        NumVertices = 1; A = B; goto case 1;

                    // Compute support direction
                    Direction      = math.cross(math.cross(delta, A.Xyz), delta);
                    ScaledDistance = math.dot(Direction, A.Xyz);

                // Triangle.
                case 3:
                    float3 ca = A.Xyz - C.Xyz;
                    float3 cb = B.Xyz - C.Xyz;
                    float3 n  = math.cross(cb, ca);

                    // Reduce if closest point do not project in the triangle.
                    float3 crossA = math.cross(cb, n);
                    float3 crossB = math.cross(n, ca);
                    sfloat detA   = math.dot(crossA, B.Xyz);
                    sfloat detB   = math.dot(crossB, C.Xyz);
                    if (detA < sfloat.Zero)
                        if (detB >= sfloat.Zero || Det(n, crossA, C.Xyz) < sfloat.Zero)
                            A = B;
                    else if (detB >= sfloat.Zero)
                        sfloat dot = math.dot(C.Xyz, n);
                        if (dot < sfloat.Zero)
                            // Reorder vertices so that n points away from the origin
                            SupportVertex temp = A;
                            A   = B;
                            B   = temp;
                            n   = -n;
                            dot = -dot;
                        Direction      = n;
                        ScaledDistance = dot;

                    B           = C;
                    NumVertices = 2;
                    goto case 2;

                // Tetrahedra.
                case 4:
                    FourTransposedPoints tetra = new FourTransposedPoints(A.Xyz, B.Xyz, C.Xyz, D.Xyz);
                    FourTransposedPoints d     = new FourTransposedPoints(D.Xyz);

                    // This routine finds the closest feature to the origin on the tetra by testing the origin against the planes of the
                    // voronoi diagram. If the origin is near the border of two regions in the diagram, then the plane tests might exclude
                    // it from both because of float rounding.  To avoid this problem we use some tolerance testing the face planes and let
                    // EPA handle those border cases.  1e-5 is a somewhat arbitrary value and the actual distance scales with the tetra, so
                    // this might need to be tuned later!
                    float3 faceTest = tetra.Cross(tetra.V1203).Dot(d).xyz;
                    if (math.all(faceTest >= sfloat.FromRaw(0xb727c5ac)))
                        // Origin is inside the tetra
                        Direction = float3.zero;

                    // Check if the closest point is on a face
                    bool3 insideFace             = (faceTest >= sfloat.Zero).xyz;
                    FourTransposedPoints edges   = d - tetra;
                    FourTransposedPoints normals = edges.Cross(edges.V1203);
                    bool3 insideEdge0            = (normals.Cross(edges).Dot(d) >= sfloat.Zero).xyz;
                    bool3 insideEdge1            = (edges.V1203.Cross(normals).Dot(d) >= sfloat.Zero).xyz;
                    bool3 onFace = (insideEdge0 & insideEdge1 & !insideFace);
                    if (math.any(onFace))
                        if (onFace.y)
                            A = B; B = C;
                        else if (onFace.z)
                            B = C;
                        // Check if the closest point is on an edge
                        // TODO maybe we can safely drop two vertices in this case
                        bool3 insideVertex = (edges.Dot(d) >= 0).xyz;
                        bool3 onEdge       = (!insideEdge0 & !insideEdge1.zxy & insideVertex);
                        if (math.any(onEdge.yz))
                            A = B; B = C;

                    C           = D;
                    NumVertices = 3;
                    goto case 3;