예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a new forum topic and post.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forumId"></param>
        /// <param name="forumType"></param>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="memberId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static long CreateNewForumTopicAndPost(Guid forumId, ForumOwnerTypeEnum forumType, string subject, string message, Guid memberId, long groupId, bool emailGroupAboutPost, bool pinMessage, bool lockMessage, long chosenCategory)
                var dc = new ManagementContext();
                var forum = dc.Forums.Where(x => x.ForumId == forumId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (forum != null)
                    var member = dc.Members.Where(x => x.MemberId == memberId).FirstOrDefault();
                    member.TotalForumPosts = member.TotalForumPosts + 1;
                    DataModels.Forum.ForumMessage mess = new DataModels.Forum.ForumMessage();
                    mess.Member = member;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                        message = message.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br/>");
                        message = message.Replace("\r", "<br/>");
                    mess.MessageHTML = message;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                        mess.MessagePlain = _htmlRegex.Replace(message, " ");
                        mess.MessagePlain = message;
                    mess.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    RDN.Library.DataModels.Forum.ForumTopic topic = new DataModels.Forum.ForumTopic();
                    topic.CreatedByMember = member;
                    topic.LastPostDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    topic.LastPostByMember = member;
                    if (groupId > 0)
                        topic.GroupId = groupId;
                    topic.Forum = forum;
                    topic.TopicTitle = subject;
                    topic.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    topic.IsSticky = pinMessage;
                    topic.IsLocked = lockMessage;
                    if (chosenCategory > 0)
                        topic.Category = forum.Categories.Where(x => x.CategoryId == chosenCategory).FirstOrDefault();

                    int c = dc.SaveChanges();
                    UpdateForumInbox(dc, topic, memberId);

                    string groupName = "Forum";
                    if (topic.Forum.LeagueOwner != null)
                        groupName = topic.Forum.LeagueOwner.Name;
                    if (topic.GroupId > 0)
                            var group = SiteCache.GetAllGroups().Where(x => x != null && x.Id == topic.GroupId).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (group != null)
                                groupName = group.GroupName;
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType(), additionalInformation: forumId.ToString() + ":" + forumType + ":" + subject + ":" + message + ":" + memberId.ToString() + ":" + groupId + ":" + emailGroupAboutPost + ":" + pinMessage + ":" + lockMessage + ":" + chosenCategory);
                    if (topic.Forum.LeagueOwner != null)
                        var notify = new ForumNotificationFactory(forumId, topic.Forum.LeagueOwner.LeagueId, true, emailGroupAboutPost, topic.GroupId, topic.TopicId, groupName, topic.TopicTitle, mess.MessageHTML, member.MemberId, member.DerbyName)

                        //notify.MembersSent.Add(new MemberDisplayBasic() { MemberId = member.MemberId, UserId = member.AspNetUserId });
                        var fact = new MobileNotificationFactory()
                            .Initialize("Forum Post:", topic.TopicTitle, Mobile.Enums.NotificationTypeEnum.Forum)

                    return topic.TopicId;
            catch (Exception exception)
                ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType(), additionalInformation: forumId.ToString() + ":" + forumType + ":" + subject + ":" + message + ":" + memberId.ToString() + ":" + groupId + ":" + emailGroupAboutPost + ":" + pinMessage + ":" + lockMessage + ":" + chosenCategory);
            return 0;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <param name="forumId"></param>
        /// <param name="groupId"></param>
        /// <param name="categoryId">id of the category selected.
        /// Category ID could be -1 which in that case the user selected just UNREAD messages.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<ForumTopicJson> GetForumTopicsJson(int page, int count, Guid forumId, long groupId, long categoryId, bool isArchived, ForumOwnerTypeEnum forumType)

            List<ForumTopicJson> topics = new List<ForumTopicJson>();
                Guid memId = RDN.Library.Classes.Account.User.GetMemberId();
                var dc = new ManagementContext();
                int pNum = page * count;

                //because if the page is greater than 1, then the league already went through the default 100 topics.
                if (page > 0)
                    pNum = ((page - 1) * count) + Forum.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;

                var groups = MemberCache.GetGroupsApartOf(memId).ToList();

                var groupIds = groups.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                List<DataModels.Forum.ForumTopic> dbSticky = new List<DataModels.Forum.ForumTopic>();
                List<DataModels.Forum.ForumTopic> db = new List<DataModels.Forum.ForumTopic>();

                if (groupIds.Where(x => x == groupId).FirstOrDefault() != null)

                    if (categoryId == 0 || categoryId == -1)
                        //don't call stickies if we are on second page.
                        if (page == 0)
                            dbSticky = (from xx in dc.ForumTopics
                                        where xx.Forum.ForumId == forumId
                                        where xx.GroupId == groupId
                                        where xx.IsRemoved == false
                                        where xx.IsSticky == true
                                        where xx.IsArchived == isArchived
                                        select xx).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastPostDateTime).AsParallel().ToList();
                        db = (from xx in dc.ForumTopics
                              where xx.Forum.ForumId == forumId
                              where xx.GroupId == groupId
                              where xx.IsRemoved == false
                              where xx.IsArchived == isArchived
                              select xx).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastPostDateTime).Skip(pNum).Take(count).AsParallel().ToList();
                        //don't call stickies if we are on second page.
                        if (page == 0)
                            dbSticky = (from xx in dc.ForumTopics
                                        where xx.Forum.ForumId == forumId
                                        where xx.Category.CategoryId == categoryId
                                        where xx.GroupId == groupId
                                        where xx.IsRemoved == false
                                        where xx.IsArchived == isArchived
                                        where xx.IsSticky == true
                                        select xx).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastPostDateTime).AsParallel().ToList();
                        db = (from xx in dc.ForumTopics
                              where xx.Forum.ForumId == forumId
                              where xx.Category.CategoryId == categoryId
                              where xx.GroupId == groupId
                              where xx.IsRemoved == false
                              where xx.IsArchived == isArchived
                              select xx).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastPostDateTime).Skip(pNum).Take(count).AsParallel().ToList();
                    bool isManager = false;
                    bool isModerator = false;

                    if (forumType == ForumOwnerTypeEnum.league)
                        isManager = RDN.Library.Cache.MemberCache.IsManagerOrBetterOfLeague(memId);
                        isModerator = MemberCache.IsModeratorOrBetterOfLeagueGroup(memId, groupId);
                    else if (forumType == ForumOwnerTypeEnum.main)
                        isManager = MemberCache.IsAdministrator(memId);
                        isModerator = MemberCache.IsAdministrator(memId);
                    if (categoryId != -1)
                        foreach (var message in dbSticky)
                            if (topics.Where(x => x.TopicId == message.TopicId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                ForumTopicJson top = new ForumTopicJson();
                                if (message.Category != null)
                                    top.Category = message.Category.NameOfCategory;
                                    top.CategoryId = message.Category.CategoryId;
                                top.ForumOwnerTypeEnum = forumType.ToString();
                                top.ForumId = forumId;
                                top.IsArchived = isArchived;
                                top.LastModified = message.LastModified.GetValueOrDefault();
                                top.Created = message.Created;
                                top.CreatedHuman = RDN.Utilities.Dates.DateTimeExt.RelativeDateTime(message.Created);
                                top.CreatedByMember = new MemberDisplayBasic();
                                top.CreatedByMember.DerbyName = message.CreatedByMember.DerbyName;
                                top.CreatedByMember.DerbyNameUrl = RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(message.CreatedByMember.DerbyName);
                                top.CreatedByMember.MemberId = message.CreatedByMember.MemberId;
                                top.LastPostByMember = new MemberDisplayBasic();
                                top.LastPostByMember.DerbyName = message.LastPostByMember.DerbyName;
                                top.LastPostByMember.MemberId = message.LastPostByMember.MemberId;
                                top.LastPostByMember.DerbyNameUrl = RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(message.LastPostByMember.DerbyName);
                                if (message.LastPostDateTime != null)
                                    top.LastPostHuman = RDN.Utilities.Dates.DateTimeExt.RelativeDateTime(message.LastPostDateTime.GetValueOrDefault());
                                    top.LastPostHuman = RDN.Utilities.Dates.DateTimeExt.RelativeDateTime(message.LastModified.GetValueOrDefault());

                                top.TopicId = message.TopicId;
                                top.GroupId = message.GroupId;
                                top.TopicTitle = message.TopicTitle;
                                top.TopicTitleForUrl = RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(message.TopicTitle);
                                top.ViewCount = message.ViewCount;
                                top.Replies = message.Messages.Where(x => x.IsRemoved == false).Count() - 1;
                                top.IsLocked = message.IsLocked;
                                top.IsPinned = message.IsSticky;
                                //is league manager
                                top.IsManagerOfTopic = isManager;
                                //if nt league manager and group id > 0
                                if (message.GroupId > 0 && !isManager)
                                    top.IsManagerOfTopic = isModerator;

                                if (message.TopicsInbox.Where(x => x.ToUser.MemberId == memId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                    top.IsRead = true;

                                if (!top.IsPinned)
                                    topics.Insert(0, top);
                    foreach (var message in db)
                        if (topics.Where(x => x.TopicId == message.TopicId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                            ForumTopicJson top = new ForumTopicJson();
                            if (message.Category != null)
                                top.Category = message.Category.NameOfCategory;
                                top.CategoryId = message.Category.CategoryId;
                            top.ForumOwnerTypeEnum = forumType.ToString();
                            top.ForumId = forumId;
                            top.IsArchived = isArchived;
                            top.LastModified = message.LastModified.GetValueOrDefault();
                            top.Created = message.Created;
                            top.CreatedHuman = RDN.Utilities.Dates.DateTimeExt.RelativeDateTime(message.Created);
                            top.CreatedByMember = new MemberDisplayBasic();
                            top.CreatedByMember.DerbyName = message.CreatedByMember.DerbyName;
                            top.CreatedByMember.DerbyNameUrl = RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(message.CreatedByMember.DerbyName);
                            top.CreatedByMember.MemberId = message.CreatedByMember.MemberId;
                            top.LastPostByMember = new MemberDisplayBasic();
                            top.LastPostByMember.DerbyName = message.LastPostByMember.DerbyName;
                            top.LastPostByMember.MemberId = message.LastPostByMember.MemberId;
                            top.LastPostByMember.DerbyNameUrl = RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(message.LastPostByMember.DerbyName);
                            if (message.LastPostDateTime != null)
                                top.LastPostHuman = RDN.Utilities.Dates.DateTimeExt.RelativeDateTime(message.LastPostDateTime.GetValueOrDefault());
                                top.LastPostHuman = RDN.Utilities.Dates.DateTimeExt.RelativeDateTime(message.LastModified.GetValueOrDefault());

                            top.TopicId = message.TopicId;
                            top.GroupId = message.GroupId;
                            top.TopicTitle = message.TopicTitle;
                            top.TopicTitleForUrl = RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(message.TopicTitle);
                            top.ViewCount = message.ViewCount;
                            top.Replies = message.Messages.Where(x => x.IsRemoved == false).Count() - 1;
                            top.IsLocked = message.IsLocked;
                            top.IsPinned = message.IsSticky;
                            //is league manager
                            top.IsManagerOfTopic = isManager;
                            //if nt league manager and group id > 0
                            if (message.GroupId > 0 && !isManager)
                                top.IsManagerOfTopic = isModerator;

                            if (message.TopicsInbox.Where(x => x.ToUser.MemberId == memId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                top.IsRead = true;
                            if (categoryId != -1)
                                //users selects something other than unread topics.
                                if (!top.IsPinned)
                                    topics.Insert(0, top);
                            else if (top.IsRead == false)
                                //case happens when the user selects to only see unread topics.
                                //which means the category will be -1.
            catch (Exception exception)
                ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType());
            return topics;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// gets all the forum topics from the DB for the forum id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forumId"></param>
        public static Forum GetForumTopics(Guid memberId, Guid forumId, ForumOwnerTypeEnum ownerType, long groupId, int count, int page, bool isArchived)
            Forum forum = new Forum();
                var dc = new ManagementContext();
                var groups = MemberCache.GetGroupsApartOf(memberId).ToList();

                var db = (from xx in dc.Forums.Include("Topics").Include("Topics.Messages").Include("Topics.TopicsInbox")
                          where xx.ForumId == forumId
                          select new
                              Created = xx.Created,
                              ForumId = xx.ForumId,
                              ForumName = xx.ForumName,
                              LeagueId = xx.LeagueOwner,
                              FederationId = xx.FederationOwner,
                              Categories = xx.Categories.OrderBy(x => x.NameOfCategory)
                forum.Created = db.Created;
                forum.ForumId = db.ForumId;
                forum.ForumName = db.ForumName;

                bool isManager = RDN.Library.Cache.MemberCache.IsManagerOrBetterOfLeague(memberId);
                //need to add the default forum.
                groups.Insert(0, new LeagueGroup { Id = 0, GroupName = db.ForumName });

                if (groups.Where(x => x.Id == groupId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                    return forum;
                if (ownerType == ForumOwnerTypeEnum.federation)
                    groups = groups.Where(x => x.Id == 0).ToList();

                foreach (var g in groups)
                    ForumGroup gff = new ForumGroup();
                    gff.GroupId = g.Id;
                    gff.GroupName = g.GroupName;

                    //if nt league manager and group id > 0
                    if (gff.GroupId > 0 && !isManager)
                        isManager = MemberCache.IsModeratorOrBetterOfLeagueGroup(memberId, gff.GroupId);
                    //this is making sure its the actual starting group.
                    if (g.Id == groupId)
                        var topics = dc.ForumTopics.Where(x => gff.GroupId == x.GroupId && x.IsRemoved == false && x.IsArchived == isArchived && x.Forum.ForumId == forumId).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastPostDateTime).Skip(page * count).Take(count).AsParallel();

                        foreach (var topic in topics)
                            if (gff.Topics.Where(x => x.TopicId == topic.TopicId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                ForumTopic top = DisplayForumTopic(memberId, isManager, topic);
                                if (!top.IsPinned)
                                    gff.Topics.Insert(0, top);
                        var topicsSticky = dc.ForumTopics.Where(x => gff.GroupId == x.GroupId && x.IsRemoved == false && x.IsArchived == isArchived && x.IsSticky == true && x.Forum.ForumId == forumId).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastPostDateTime).Skip(page * count).Take(count).AsParallel();

                        foreach (var topic in topicsSticky)
                            if (gff.Topics.Where(x => x.TopicId == topic.TopicId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                ForumTopic top = DisplayForumTopic(memberId, isManager, topic);
                                if (!top.IsPinned)
                                    gff.Topics.Insert(0, top);

                        var topicsCount = dc.ForumTopics.Where(x => gff.GroupId == x.GroupId && x.IsRemoved == false && x.IsArchived == isArchived && x.Forum.ForumId == forumId).AsParallel().Count();
                        gff.PageSize = count;
                        gff.CurrentPage = page;
                        gff.NumberOfRecords = topicsCount;
                        gff.NumberOfPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)topicsCount / count);
                        forum.CurrentGroup = gff;

                    gff.UnreadTopics = dc.ForumInbox.Where(x => x.Topic.GroupId == gff.GroupId && x.Topic.IsRemoved == false && x.Topic.IsArchived == isArchived && x.Topic.Forum.ForumId == forumId && x.ToUser.MemberId == memberId).Count();


                //add the categories.
                //adds the unread category if there are unread messages
                ForumCategory unreadCat = new ForumCategory();
                unreadCat.CategoryId = -1;
                unreadCat.CategoryName = "Unread";
                unreadCat.GroupId = 0;
                var gro = forum.GroupTopics.Where(x => x.GroupId == groupId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (gro != null)
                    unreadCat.UnreadTopics = gro.UnreadTopics;

                if (unreadCat.UnreadTopics > 0)

                ForumCategory latestCat = new ForumCategory();
                latestCat.CategoryId = 0;
                latestCat.CategoryName = "Latest";
                latestCat.GroupId = groupId;
                if (gro != null)
                    latestCat.UnreadTopics = gro.UnreadTopics;

                var cats = db.Categories.Where(x => x.IsRemoved == false && x.GroupId == latestCat.GroupId).OrderBy(x => x.NameOfCategory);

                if (cats.Count() > 0 || unreadCat.UnreadTopics > 0)

                foreach (var cat in cats)
                    ForumCategory c = new ForumCategory();
                    c.CategoryId = cat.CategoryId;
                    c.CategoryName = cat.NameOfCategory;
                    c.GroupId = cat.GroupId;
                    c.UnreadTopics = dc.ForumInbox.Where(x => x.Topic.GroupId == cat.GroupId && x.Topic.Forum.ForumId == forumId && x.ToUser.MemberId == memberId && x.Topic.Category.CategoryId == cat.CategoryId).Count();

                if (ownerType == ForumOwnerTypeEnum.federation)
                    forum.FederationId = db.FederationId.FederationId;
                    forum.Type = ForumOwnerTypeEnum.federation;
                else if (ownerType == ForumOwnerTypeEnum.league)
                    forum.LeagueId = db.LeagueId.LeagueId;
                    forum.Type = ForumOwnerTypeEnum.league;

            catch (Exception exception)
                ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType());
            return forum;
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// creates a new forum.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ownerId">the league or federation id</param>
 /// <param name="ownerType">type of owner so we can choose who owns it.</param>
 /// <param name="forumName">name of the forum.</param>
 public static Guid CreateNewForum(Guid ownerId, ForumOwnerTypeEnum ownerType, string forumName)
         var dc = new ManagementContext();
         RDN.Library.DataModels.Forum.Forum forum = new DataModels.Forum.Forum();
         if (ownerType == ForumOwnerTypeEnum.federation)
             forum.FederationOwner = dc.Federations.Where(x => x.FederationId == ownerId).FirstOrDefault();
         else if (ownerType == ForumOwnerTypeEnum.league)
             forum.LeagueOwner = dc.Leagues.Where(x => x.LeagueId == ownerId).FirstOrDefault();
         forum.ForumName = forumName;
         return forum.ForumId;
     catch (Exception exception)
         ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType());
     return new Guid();