private void buttonImportMod_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Forms.ImportFolderOrZip popup = new Forms.ImportFolderOrZip(); popup.textInstuctions = "Folder must have a 'melee' or 'end' folder with a stage folder inside that. (Based\r\non the Sm4shExplorer hierarchy in the stage folder) so Kami Modpack\r\nBuilder knows where to place the files. Can also have UI files."; popup.ShowDialog(); String path = String.Empty; if (popup.choseZip) { if (openFileDialogImportZip.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _GridModsInactive.BeginImport(openFileDialogImportZip.FileName); } } else if (popup.choseFolder) { FolderSelectDialog ofd = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _GridModsInactive.BeginImport(ofd.SelectedPath); } } }
private void buttonImportGeneralMod_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Forms.ImportFolderOrZip popup = new Forms.ImportFolderOrZip(); popup.textInstuctions = "Folder must have at least one of the following folders (Based on the\r\nSm4shExplorer hierarchy in the fighter folder) so Kami Modpack Builder\r\nknows where to place the files: model, sound, motion, effect, script, camera."; popup.ShowDialog(); String path = String.Empty; if (popup.choseZip) { if (openFileDialogImportZip.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _GridGeneralInactive.BeginImport(openFileDialogImportZip.FileName); } } else if (popup.choseFolder) { FolderSelectDialog ofd = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _GridGeneralInactive.BeginImport(ofd.SelectedPath); } } }
private void buttonImportMod_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Forms.ImportFolderOrZip popup = new Forms.ImportFolderOrZip(); popup.textInstuctions = "Folder must have a 'data', 'data(us_en)', 'data(us_fr)' and/or 'data(us_sp)'\r\nfolder for the root of the mod files (Based on the Sm4shExplorer hierarchy\r\nin the fighter folder) so Kami Modpack Builder knows where to place\r\nthe files."; popup.ShowDialog(); String path = String.Empty; if (popup.choseZip) { if (openFileDialogImportZip.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _GridModsInactive.BeginImport(openFileDialogImportZip.FileName); } } else if (popup.choseFolder) { FolderSelectDialog ofd = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _GridModsInactive.BeginImport(ofd.SelectedPath); } } }
private void buttonImportSlotMod_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Forms.ImportFolderOrZip popup = new Forms.ImportFolderOrZip(); popup.textInstuctions = "Mod can contain model data, portrait data, and audio data."; popup.ShowDialog(); String path = String.Empty; if (popup.choseZip) { if (openFileDialogImportZip.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _GridSlotsInactive.BeginImport(openFileDialogImportZip.FileName); } } else if (popup.choseFolder) { FolderSelectDialog ofd = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _GridSlotsInactive.BeginImport(ofd.SelectedPath); } } }