public void ApplyNames(Forms.FormApply.ApplyOptions options = null) { if (options == null) { return; } //@"Confirms the application of names to classes and enums? //The current names will be overwritten")) if (options == null) { return; } if (Program.RunSafe(this, () => { trv.Focus(); tabObjects.Focus(); ViewToData(); var pars = file.Parameters; var crtl = this.ActiveControl; btnApplyNames.Focus(); foreach (var table in pars.Tables) { if (!options.OnlySelected || table.IsSelected) { ApplyName(options, table); } } foreach (var table in pars.Views) { if (!options.OnlySelected || table.IsSelected) { ApplyName(options, table); } } DataToView(); UpdateGrid(); ViewToData(); this.ActiveControl = crtl; })) { ; } }
public void ApplyNames(Forms.FormApply.ApplyOptions options = null) { if (options == null) { options = new Forms.FormApply.ApplyOptions { BusinessClass = true, DataClass = true, Enum = true, Unnamed = true } } ; //@"Confirms the application of names to classes and enums? //The current names will be overwritten")) if (options == null) { return; } if (Program.RunSafe(this, () => { trv.Focus(); tabObjects.Focus(); ViewToData(); var pars = file.Parameters; var crtl = this.ActiveControl; btnApplyNames.Focus(); foreach (var table in pars.Tables) { if (!options.OnlySelected || table.IsSelected) { ApplyName(options, table); } } foreach (var table in pars.Views) { if (!options.OnlySelected || table.IsSelected) { ApplyName(options, table); } } DataToView(); UpdateGrid(); ViewToData(); this.ActiveControl = crtl; })) { ; } } void ApplyName(Speed.UI.Forms.FormApply.ApplyOptions options, GenTable table) { if (options.ApplyDataClass(table.DataClassName)) { table.DataClassName = ctlDataPars.ApplyNames(table.SchemaName, table.TableName, true); } foreach (GenColumn col in table.Columns) { if (options.ApplyDataClass(col.PropertyName)) { col.PropertyName = ctlDataPars.ApplyNames(null, col.ColumnName, false); } } if (options.ApplyBusinessClass(table.BusinessClassName)) { table.BusinessClassName = ctlBusPars.ApplyNames(table.SchemaName, table.TableName, true); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.EnumColumnId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.EnumColumnName) && options.ApplyEnum(table.EnumName)) { table.EnumName = ctlDataPars.ApplyNames(null, "EnumDb" + table.DataClassName, true); } table.SubDirectory = (file.Parameters.ArrangeDirectoriesBySchema && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.SchemaName)) ? Database.GetName(table.SchemaName, file.Parameters.DataClass.NameCase) : null; } bool isNodeChecking;