예제 #1
        private void unlistCustomMap(long id)
            CustomMap cm = CustomMapsCache.getCustomMapById(id);

            if (cm != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < Project.FileDescrList.Count; i++)
                    FormattedFileDescr ffd = (FormattedFileDescr)Project.FileDescrList[i];
                    if (ffd.filename.Equals(cm.Source))
예제 #2
         * see http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0 for more info
         * Validating your GPX document
         *              Validation is done using the Xerces XML parser. Download the latest Xerces distribution from the Apache website.
         *               Windows users should download the "Latest Xerces-C++ Binary Package for Windows". Unzip the files, and locate the
         *               SAXCount.exe program in the bin folder. This is a command-line utility that will validate your GPX file.
         *      Assuming your GPX file is named my_gpx_file.gpx, and is located in the same folder as SaxCount.exe, use the following
         *       command line to validate your file:
         *                      SaxCount.exe -v=always -n -s -f test.gpx
         *      If your file validates successfully, SAXCount will display a count of the elements in your file, like the following:
         *                      test.gpx: 1012 ms (4025 elems, 1916 attrs, 8048 spaces, 36109 chars)
         *      Any other output from SAXCount.exe indicates that your GPX file is incorrect. It is your responsibility to ensure that any GPX files you create validate successfully against the GPX schema.

        public void doWrite()
            string diag = "Selected format: " + m_selectedFormat + "\r\n\r\n";

            trkpointCount = 0;
            waypointCount = 0;
            // could be "new DateTimeFormatInfo().UniversalSortableDateTimePattern;" - but it has space instead of 'T'

            messageBoxDirty     = true;
            messageTextBox.Text = diag;

                if (m_selectedFormat.Equals(FileStreetsTripsCsv.FormatName))
                    hasSaved = FileAndZipIO.saveCsv(m_selectedFileName, m_tracks, m_saveTracks,
                                                    m_waypoints, m_saveWaypoints, out waypointCount, out trkpointCount);
                else if (m_selectedFormat.Equals(FileEasyGps.FormatName))
                    int tracksCount;
                    hasSaved = FileAndZipIO.saveGpx(m_selectedFileName, m_tracks, m_saveTracks,
                                                    m_waypoints, m_saveWaypoints, out waypointCount, out trkpointCount, out tracksCount);

                    // try suggesting JPEG correlation here, if the folder has any .JPG files
                    if (tracksCount > 0)
                        bool hasJpegs = false;
                            FileInfo      fi = new FileInfo(m_selectedFileName);
                            DirectoryInfo di = fi.Directory;
                            foreach (FileInfo fii in di.GetFiles())
                                if (fii.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpg"))
                                    hasJpegs = true;
                        if (hasJpegs)
                            string message = "The folder you selected contains images\r\n\r\nDo you want to relate them to trackpoints?";
                            if (Project.YesNoBox(this, message))
                                Project.photoFileName = m_selectedFileName;
                                Project.pmLastTabMode = 0;
                                DlgPhotoManager dlg = new DlgPhotoManager(0);
                else if (m_selectedFormat.Equals(FileKml.FormatName))
                    string name = new FileInfo(m_selectedFileName).Name;

                    name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - FileKml.FileExtension.Length);

                        m_selectedFileName, name, m_tracks, m_saveTracks,
                        m_waypoints, m_saveWaypoints, out waypointCount, out trkpointCount
                    messageTextBox.Text = "Error: format " + m_selectedFormat + " not supported for writing.";
                    LibSys.StatusBar.Error("FileExportForm:doWrite() format " + m_selectedFormat + " not supported for writing.");

                WaypointsCache.isDirty = false;

                if (waypointCount > 0 || trkpointCount > 0)
                    diag += "OK: " + waypointCount + " waypoints and " + trkpointCount + " legs saved to file.";
                    messageTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Black;

                    FileInfo           fi = new FileInfo(Project.GetLongPathName(m_selectedFileName));
                    FormattedFileDescr fd = new FormattedFileDescr(fi.FullName, m_selectedFormat, persistCheckBox.Checked);

                    if (!m_selectedFormat.Equals(FileKml.FormatName))                           // can't read back kmz
                    diag += "Error: failed to save to file (0 waypoints, 0 legs).";
                    messageTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Red;

                messageTextBox.Text = diag;
            catch (Exception e)
                LibSys.StatusBar.Error("FileExportForm:doWrite() " + e);                 //.Message);
                messageTextBox.Text      = diag + e.Message;
                messageTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Red;