private void unlistCustomMap(long id) { CustomMap cm = CustomMapsCache.getCustomMapById(id); if (cm != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Project.FileDescrList.Count; i++) { FormattedFileDescr ffd = (FormattedFileDescr)Project.FileDescrList[i]; if (ffd.filename.Equals(cm.Source)) { Project.FileDescrList.RemoveAt(i); break; } } } }
/* * see for more info * * Validating your GPX document * Validation is done using the Xerces XML parser. Download the latest Xerces distribution from the Apache website. * Windows users should download the "Latest Xerces-C++ Binary Package for Windows". Unzip the files, and locate the * SAXCount.exe program in the bin folder. This is a command-line utility that will validate your GPX file. * * Assuming your GPX file is named my_gpx_file.gpx, and is located in the same folder as SaxCount.exe, use the following * command line to validate your file: * * SaxCount.exe -v=always -n -s -f test.gpx * * If your file validates successfully, SAXCount will display a count of the elements in your file, like the following: * * test.gpx: 1012 ms (4025 elems, 1916 attrs, 8048 spaces, 36109 chars) * * Any other output from SAXCount.exe indicates that your GPX file is incorrect. It is your responsibility to ensure that any GPX files you create validate successfully against the GPX schema. */ public void doWrite() { string diag = "Selected format: " + m_selectedFormat + "\r\n\r\n"; trkpointCount = 0; waypointCount = 0; // could be "new DateTimeFormatInfo().UniversalSortableDateTimePattern;" - but it has space instead of 'T' messageBoxDirty = true; messageTextBox.Text = diag; try { if (m_selectedFormat.Equals(FileStreetsTripsCsv.FormatName)) { hasSaved = FileAndZipIO.saveCsv(m_selectedFileName, m_tracks, m_saveTracks, m_waypoints, m_saveWaypoints, out waypointCount, out trkpointCount); } else if (m_selectedFormat.Equals(FileEasyGps.FormatName)) { int tracksCount; hasSaved = FileAndZipIO.saveGpx(m_selectedFileName, m_tracks, m_saveTracks, m_waypoints, m_saveWaypoints, out waypointCount, out trkpointCount, out tracksCount); // try suggesting JPEG correlation here, if the folder has any .JPG files if (tracksCount > 0) { bool hasJpegs = false; try { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(m_selectedFileName); DirectoryInfo di = fi.Directory; foreach (FileInfo fii in di.GetFiles()) { if (fii.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpg")) { hasJpegs = true; break; } } } catch { } if (hasJpegs) { string message = "The folder you selected contains images\r\n\r\nDo you want to relate them to trackpoints?"; if (Project.YesNoBox(this, message)) { Project.photoFileName = m_selectedFileName; Project.pmLastTabMode = 0; DlgPhotoManager dlg = new DlgPhotoManager(0); dlg.setImportButtonsAgitated(); dlg.ShowDialog(); } } } } else if (m_selectedFormat.Equals(FileKml.FormatName)) { string name = new FileInfo(m_selectedFileName).Name; name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - FileKml.FileExtension.Length); GoogleEarthManager.saveTracksWaypoints( m_selectedFileName, name, m_tracks, m_saveTracks, m_waypoints, m_saveWaypoints, out waypointCount, out trkpointCount ); } else { messageTextBox.Text = "Error: format " + m_selectedFormat + " not supported for writing."; LibSys.StatusBar.Error("FileExportForm:doWrite() format " + m_selectedFormat + " not supported for writing."); return; } WaypointsCache.isDirty = false; if (waypointCount > 0 || trkpointCount > 0) { diag += "OK: " + waypointCount + " waypoints and " + trkpointCount + " legs saved to file."; messageTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Black; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Project.GetLongPathName(m_selectedFileName)); FormattedFileDescr fd = new FormattedFileDescr(fi.FullName, m_selectedFormat, persistCheckBox.Checked); Project.FileDescrListAdd(fd); if (!m_selectedFormat.Equals(FileKml.FormatName)) // can't read back kmz { Project.insertRecentFile(fi.FullName); } } else { diag += "Error: failed to save to file (0 waypoints, 0 legs)."; messageTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Red; } messageTextBox.Text = diag; } catch (Exception e) { LibSys.StatusBar.Error("FileExportForm:doWrite() " + e); //.Message); messageTextBox.Text = diag + e.Message; messageTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Red; } }