예제 #1
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())
                // The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see https://aka.ms/aspnetcore-hsts.



            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
                    name: "default",
                    pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

            OAData.OADB.Init(env.ContentRootPath + @"\wwwroot\");
            OAData.Ontology.Init(env.ContentRootPath + @"\wwwroot\ontology_iis-v12-doc_ruen.xml");
            FormatService.Load(env.ContentRootPath + @"\wwwroot\ApplicationProfile.xml");
예제 #2
         * // Evento para setear el BoxNumber desde otro hilo
         * public void setNumberBoxText(int pElementIndex, string pText)
         * {
         *  if (this.boxArray[pElementIndex].textbox.InvokeRequired)
         *  {
         *      SetNumberBoxTextCallback callBack = new SetNumberBoxTextCallback(setNumberBoxText);
         *      this.Invoke(callBack, new object[] { pElementIndex, pText });
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      this.boxArray[pElementIndex].textbox.Text = pText;
         *  }
         * }
         * // Evento para obtener el SelectedGroup desde otro hilo
         * public int getSelectedGroup()
         * {
         *  int selectedIndex = 0;
         *  if (this.drawTypeBox.InvokeRequired)
         *  {
         *      GetSelectedGroupCallback callBack = new GetSelectedGroupCallback(getSelectedGroup);
         *      selectedIndex = (int)this.Invoke(callBack, new object[] { });
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      selectedIndex = this.drawTypeBox.SelectedIndex;
         *  }
         *  Console.WriteLine("selectedIndex: " + selectedIndex);
         *  return selectedIndex;
         * }
         * // Evento para setear el SelectedGroup desde otro hilo
         * public void setSelectedGroup(int pGroupId)
         * {
         *  if (this.drawTypeBox.InvokeRequired)
         *  {
         *      SetSelectedGroupCallback callBack = new SetSelectedGroupCallback(setSelectedGroup);
         *      this.Invoke(callBack, new object[] { pGroupId });
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      this.drawTypeBox.SelectedIndex = pGroupId;
         *  }
         * }
         * // Evento para setear el TotalImport desde otro hilo
         * public void setTotalImport(string pText)
         * {
         *  if (this.txbTotalImport.InvokeRequired)
         *  {
         *      SetTotalImportCallback callBack = new SetTotalImportCallback(setTotalImport);
         *      this.Invoke(callBack, new object[] { pText });
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      this.txbTotalImport.Text = pText;
         *  }
         * }
         * // Evento para setear el SyncImport desde otro hilo
         * public void setSyncImport(string pText)
         * {
         *  if (this.txbSyncImport.InvokeRequired)
         *  {
         *      SetSyncImportCallback callBack = new SetSyncImportCallback(setSyncImport);
         *      this.Invoke(callBack, new object[] { pText });
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      this.txbSyncImport.Text = pText;
         *  }
         * }
         * // Evento para setear el PendingImport desde otro hilo
         * public void setPendingImport(string pText)
         * {
         *  if (this.txbPendingImport.InvokeRequired)
         *  {
         *      SetPendingImportCallback callBack = new SetPendingImportCallback(setPendingImport);
         *      this.Invoke(callBack, new object[] { pText });
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      this.txbPendingImport.Text = pText;
         *  }
         * }
         * // Evento para setear el MaxToReceive desde otro hilo
         * public void setMaxToReceive(string pText)
         * {
         *  if (this.txbMaxToReceive.InvokeRequired)
         *  {
         *      SetMaxToReceiveCallback callBack = new SetMaxToReceiveCallback(setMaxToReceive);
         *      this.Invoke(callBack, new object[] { pText });
         *  }
         *  else
         *  {
         *      this.txbMaxToReceive.Text = pText;
         *  }
         * }

        //--------------------------------------- Métodos de Actualización --------------------------------------//

        private void updateBoxArray(long pGroupId)

            int totalImport = 0;
            //int pendingImport = 0;
            ListService listService = new ListService();

            // Calcular importe sincronizado con el server
            int[] syncTotalImportArray = listService.getDrawTotals(this.datePickerList.Value.Date, pGroupId);
            for (int i = 0; i < syncTotalImportArray.Length; i++)
                totalImport += syncTotalImportArray[i];
                //this.boxArray[i].textbox.Text = FormatService.formatInt(syncTotalImportArray[i]);
                this.setNumberBoxText(i, FormatService.formatInt(syncTotalImportArray[i]));

             * // Calcular importe pendiente de sincronización
             * int[] pendingSyncImportArray = listService.getDrawPendingSyncTotals(this.datePickerList.Value.Date, pGroupId);
             * for (int i = 0; i < syncTotalImportArray.Length; i++)
             * {
             *  pendingImport += pendingSyncImportArray[i];
             * }
             * this.setSyncImport(FormatService.formatInt(totalImport - pendingImport));
             * this.setPendingImport(FormatService.formatInt(pendingImport));
             * int maxToReceive = (int) (totalImport * 0.03);
             * this.setMaxToReceive(maxToReceive == 0 ? "" : FormatService.formatInt(maxToReceive));
예제 #3
        public long getDrawSaleImport(long posId, DateTime pDate, long pGroup)
            long   saleTotal = 0;
            string drawDate  = FormatService.formatDrawDateToString(pDate);

            using (var context = new SILOEntities())
                string query =
                    "SELECT IFNULL(SUM(N.LND_SaleImport), 0) AS totalImport "
                    + "FROM LTL_LotteryList AS L "
                    + "INNER JOIN LND_ListNumberDetail AS N ON N.LTL_LotteryList = L.LTL_Id "
                    + "INNER JOIN LTD_LotteryDraw AS D ON D.LTD_Id = L.LTD_LotteryDraw "
                    + "INNER JOIN LDT_LotteryDrawType AS T ON T.LDT_Id = D.LDT_LotteryDrawType "
                    + "WHERE L.LPS_LotteryPointSale = " + posId + " "
                    + "AND L.LLS_LotteryListStatus <> " + SystemConstants.LIST_STATUS_CANCELED + " "
                    + "AND D.LTD_CreateDate = '" + drawDate + "' "
                    + "AND D.LDT_LotteryDrawType = " + pGroup + " "
                    + ";"
                var totalList = context.Database.SqlQuery <long>(query).ToList();
                saleTotal = totalList.First();
                //saleTotal = context.Database.SqlQuery<IEnumerable<long>>(query);
        public static Task CreateInvalidFormat()
            var connectionString = ConnectivityService.GetConnectionString("TEMP");
            var context = new BookOrganizer2DbContext(connectionString);
            var repository = new FormatRepository(context);
            var formatService = new FormatService(repository);

            var formatId = new FormatId(SequentialGuid.NewSequentialGuid());
            var command = new Commands.Create { Id = formatId };

            return formatService.Handle(command);
예제 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FormatService greeting = new FormatService();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter First Name");
            string firstName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter Surname");
            String lastName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine(greeting.GetGreeting(firstName, lastName));
        // DELETE
        public static Task RemoveFormat(FormatId id)
            var connectionString = ConnectivityService.GetConnectionString("TEMP");
            var context = new BookOrganizer2DbContext(connectionString);
            var repository = new FormatRepository(context);

            var formatService = new FormatService(repository);
            var command = new Commands.Delete
                Id = id,

            return formatService.Handle(command);
        public FormatDetailViewModelTests()
            var eventAggregatorMock     = new Mock <IEventAggregator>();
            var loggerMock              = new Mock <ILogger>();
            var formatLookupServiceMock = new Mock <IFormatLookupDataService>();
            var formatRepoMock          = new Mock <IRepository <Format> >();
            var domainService           = new FormatService(formatRepoMock.Object);
            var dialogService           = new DialogService();

            viewModel = new FormatDetailViewModel(eventAggregatorMock.Object,
        internal static Task UpdateFormat(Format sut)
            var connectionString = ConnectivityService.GetConnectionString("TEMP");
            var context = new BookOrganizer2DbContext(connectionString);
            var repository = new FormatRepository(context);

            var formatService = new FormatService(repository);
            var command = new Commands.Update
                Id = sut.Id,
                Name = sut.Name

            return formatService.Handle(command);
예제 #9
         * public void getListDetail()
         * {
         *  //var listDetail = null;
         *  using (var context = new SILOEntities())
         *  {
         *      var listDetail = context.Database.
         *          SqlQuery<LotteryTuple>("SELECT LNR_LotteryNumber AS number, CAST(LND_SaleImport AS INTEGER) AS import FROM LND_ListNumberDetail  WHERE LTL_LotteryList = 1; ")
         *          .ToList()
         *          ;
         *      foreach (var item in listDetail)
         *      {
         *          Console.WriteLine(item.ToString());
         *          Console.WriteLine(item.number + " " + item.import + " ");
         *      }
         *  }
         * }

        public int[] getDrawListTotals(long posId, DateTime pDate, long pGroup, long pSyncStatus = 0, bool pOnlyPendingTransactions = false)
            int[]  importArray     = new int[100];
            string drawDate        = FormatService.formatDrawDateToString(pDate);
            string pendingFilter   = " AND L.SYS_SynchronyStatus = " + SystemConstants.SYNC_STATUS_PENDING_TO_SERVER + " ";
            string synStatusFilter = " AND L.SYS_SynchronyStatus = " + pSyncStatus + " ";
            Dictionary <int, int> importCollection = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            using (var context = new SILOEntities())
                string query =
                    "SELECT N.LNR_LotteryNumber AS numberId, SUM(N.LND_SaleImport) AS totalImport "
                    + "FROM LTL_LotteryList AS L "
                    + "INNER JOIN LND_ListNumberDetail AS N ON N.LTL_LotteryList = L.LTL_Id "
                    + "INNER JOIN LTD_LotteryDraw AS D ON D.LTD_Id = L.LTD_LotteryDraw "
                    + "INNER JOIN LDT_LotteryDrawType AS T ON T.LDT_Id = D.LDT_LotteryDrawType "
                    + "WHERE L.LPS_LotteryPointSale = " + posId + " "
                    + "AND L.LLS_LotteryListStatus <> " + SystemConstants.LIST_STATUS_CANCELED + " "
                    + "AND D.LTD_CreateDate = '" + drawDate + "' "
                    + "AND D.LDT_LotteryDrawType = " + pGroup + " "
                    + (pOnlyPendingTransactions ? pendingFilter : "")
                    + (pSyncStatus != 0 ? synStatusFilter : "")
                    + "GROUP BY N.LNR_LotteryNumber "
                    + ";"
                var listDetail = context.Database.SqlQuery <ListTotalRecord>(query).ToList();
                // Crear diccionario para realizar la conversión
                foreach (var item in listDetail)
                    importCollection.Add(item.numberId, item.totalImport);
            // Llenar el array
            for (int i = 0; i < importArray.Length; i++)
                int importValue = 0;
                int numberId    = (i == 0 ? 100 : i);
                if (importCollection.TryGetValue(numberId, out importValue))
                    importArray[i] = importValue;
                    importArray[i] = 0;
예제 #10
        public SettingsPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService,
                                     FormatService formatService,
                                     ConstantsPurchasingService purchasingService,
                                     IPageDialogService dialogService)
            : base(navigationService)
            _navigationService = navigationService;
            _formatService     = formatService;
            _purchasingService = purchasingService;
            _dialogService     = dialogService;

            SetDefaultCommang = new DelegateCommand(SetDefaultExecute);
            SaveCommand       = new DelegateCommand(SaveExecute);
            PurchaseCommand   = new DelegateCommand(PurchaseExecute, PurchaseCanExecute);

            Sample = _formatService.FormatResult(sampleValue);
예제 #11
        public static async Task<Format> CreateValidFormat()
            var connectionString = ConnectivityService.GetConnectionString("TEMP");
            var context = new BookOrganizer2DbContext(connectionString);
            var repository = new FormatRepository(context);

            var formatService = new FormatService(repository);

            var command = new Commands.Create
                Id = new FormatId(SequentialGuid.NewSequentialGuid()),
                Name = "paperback"

            await formatService.Handle(command);
            return await repository.GetAsync(command.Id);
예제 #12
 private void updateTotalBoxes(long pGroupId)
     if (pGroupId != 0)
         int         totalImport   = 0;
         int         syncImport    = 0;
         int         qrImport      = 0;
         int         pendingImport = 0;
         ListService listService   = new ListService();
         // Calcular importe sincronizado con el server
         int[] syncTotalImportArray = listService.getDrawTotals(this.datePickerList.Value.Date, pGroupId);
         for (int i = 0; i < syncTotalImportArray.Length; i++)
             totalImport += syncTotalImportArray[i];
         // Calcular importe pendiente de sincronización
         //int[] pendingSyncImportArray = listService.getDrawPendingSyncTotals(this.datePickerList.Value.Date, pGroupId);
         int[] pendingSyncImportArray = listService.getTotalImportBySyncStatus(this.datePickerList.Value.Date, pGroupId, SystemConstants.SYNC_STATUS_PENDING_TO_SERVER);
         for (int i = 0; i < pendingSyncImportArray.Length; i++)
             pendingImport += pendingSyncImportArray[i];
         // Calcular importe sincronizado vía web
         int[] syncImportArray = listService.getTotalImportBySyncStatus(this.datePickerList.Value.Date, pGroupId, SystemConstants.SYNC_STATUS_COMPLETED);
         for (int i = 0; i < syncImportArray.Length; i++)
             syncImport += syncImportArray[i];
         // Calcular importe sincronizado vía Código QR
         int[] qrSyncImportArray = listService.getTotalImportBySyncStatus(this.datePickerList.Value.Date, pGroupId, SystemConstants.SYNC_STATUS_QRUPDATED);
         for (int i = 0; i < qrSyncImportArray.Length; i++)
             qrImport += qrSyncImportArray[i];
         // Setear los controles
         //this.setSyncImport(FormatService.formatInt(totalImport - pendingImport));
         int prohibitedFactor = Int32.Parse(ServerParameterService.getProhibitedFactor());
         int maxToReceive     = (int)(totalImport * ((double)prohibitedFactor / 100));
         this.setMaxToReceive(maxToReceive == 0 ? "" : FormatService.formatInt(maxToReceive) + " ");
예제 #13
        public List <ListData> getListCollection(DateTime pDate, long pGroup)
            string          drawDate           = FormatService.formatDrawDateToString(pDate);
            List <ListData> listDataCollection = new List <ListData>();

            using (var context = new SILOEntities())
                var query = "SELECT '0' || L.LPS_LotteryPointSale || '000' || L.LTL_Id AS global, '0' || L.LTL_Id AS id, L.LTL_CreateDate AS date, L.LTL_CustomerName AS name FROM LTL_LotteryList AS L INNER JOIN LTD_LotteryDraw AS D ON D.LTD_Id = L.LTD_LotteryDraw "
                            + "WHERE D.LTD_CreateDate = '" + drawDate + "' "
                            + "AND D.LDT_LotteryDrawType = " + pGroup + " "
                            + "AND L.LLS_LotteryListStatus <> " + SystemConstants.LIST_STATUS_CANCELED + " "
                            + " ;";
                listDataCollection = context.Database.
                                     SqlQuery <ListData>(query)
예제 #14
        // Updates all pins' remaining time. If 0, remove from list
        public void UpdatePinTimeRemaining()
            // Changing a property doesn't fire INotifyPropertyChange (dev bug), replacing pin does
            for (int i = 0; i < PermanentCustomPinList.Count; i++)
                CustomPin pin      = PermanentCustomPinList[i];
                string    timeLeft = new FormatService().FormatTimeRemainingToString(pin.EndTime, DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay);

                if (timeLeft == "expired")
                    pin.TimeRemaining         = timeLeft;
                    PermanentCustomPinList[i] = pin;
예제 #15
        private void closeDraw(long pDrawTypeToClose, DateTime pDateToClose)
            DrawService     drawService  = new DrawService();
            LTD_LotteryDraw existingDraw = drawService.getDraw(pDrawTypeToClose, pDateToClose);

            // Validar si el sorteo está cerrado
            if (existingDraw == null || existingDraw.LDS_LotteryDrawStatus == SystemConstants.DRAW_STATUS_CLOSED)
                    "El sorteo se encuentra cerrado\nNo es necesario realizar la operación.",
                    "SORTEO CERRADO PREVIAMENTE"
                List <LTD_LotteryDraw> otherUnclosedDrawList = drawService.getUnclosedDraw(pDrawTypeToClose, pDateToClose);
                if (otherUnclosedDrawList.Count > 0)
                    DrawTypeService     drawType  = new DrawTypeService();
                    LDT_LotteryDrawType type      = drawType.getById(pDrawTypeToClose);
                    string unclosedDateListString = "\n\n";
                    foreach (LTD_LotteryDraw drawItem in otherUnclosedDrawList)
                        if (drawItem.LTD_CreateDate != pDateToClose)
                            unclosedDateListString += type.LDT_DisplayName + "\t" + FormatService.formatDrawDateToSimpleString(drawItem.LTD_CreateDate) + "\n";
                        "Existen sorteos de fechas anteriores pendientes de cierre.\nPor favor, proceda primero a realizar los cierres pendientes:" + unclosedDateListString,
                        "SORTEOS ANTERIORES SIN CERRAR"
                    this.confirmDrawClosing(pDrawTypeToClose, pDateToClose);
예제 #16
 private async void enviarAlServidorToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DialogResult msgResult =
                     "¿Está seguro desea realizar sincronización con el servidor?",
     // Procesar el resultado de la confirmación
     switch (msgResult)
         case DialogResult.Yes:
             // Procesar la sincronización
             await this.processParallelSynchronization(FormatService.formatDrawDate(DateTime.Today));
         case DialogResult.No:
예제 #17
        public CalcPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService,
                                 IPageDialogService dialogService,
                                 IBinaryOperationService binaryOperationService,
                                 FormatService formatService,
                                 DedicationService dedicationService,
                                 ConstantsPurchasingService purchasingService)
            : base(navigationService)
            _dialogService     = dialogService;
            _binaryOperation   = binaryOperationService;
            _formatService     = formatService;
            _dedicationService = dedicationService;
            _purchasingService = purchasingService;

            Title            = "Calculator for Life";
            Display          = "0";
            canBackSpace     = true;
            canChangeSign    = true;
            mustClearDisplay = false;

            DecimalSeparator = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;

            ConstCommand               = new DelegateCommand(ConstCommandExecute);
            OptionsCommand             = new DelegateCommand(OptionsCommandExecute);
            EnterFiguresCommand        = new DelegateCommand <string>(EnterFiguresExecute);
            BackSpaceCommand           = new DelegateCommand(BackSpaceExecute);
            EnterOperatorCommand       = new DelegateCommand <string>(EnterOperatorExecute);
            CalcCommand                = new DelegateCommand(CalcExecute);
            SignCommand                = new DelegateCommand(SignExecute);
            MemoryCommand              = new DelegateCommand <string>(MemoryExecute);
            AddConstantCommand         = new DelegateCommand(AddConstExecute);
            ClearCommand               = new DelegateCommand(ClearExecute);
            NaigateToDedicationCommand = new DelegateCommand(NavigateToDedicationExecute);

            //подписываемся на событие изменения настроек калькулятора, для того чтобы отформатировать Display
            //на основе новых настроек
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <SettingsPageViewModel>(this, AppConstants.SETTINGS_CHANGED_MESSAGE, (settingsVm) => UpdateDisplayText());
예제 #18
 public void Setup()
     _service = new FormatService();
예제 #19
        private void setTimeToSyncLabel()
            int syncTimerSeconds = (int) this.getSyncTimeSpam().TotalSeconds;
            int timeToSync = ParameterService.getPeriodSyncInterval() / 1000 - syncTimerSeconds;
            if (ParameterService.isPeriodSyncEnabled())
                //this.timeToSyncLabel.Text = syncTimerSeconds == 0 ? "" : "Sincronización en: " +  timeToSync;
                this.timeToSyncLabel.Text = syncTimerSeconds == 0 ? "" : "Sincronización en: " + FormatService.formatSecondsToMinutes(timeToSync);

                this.timeToSyncLabel.Text = "Sincronización desactivada";
예제 #20
 public string ToString(bool full)
     return(FormatService.ToString(this, FormatOptions.Default));
예제 #21
 private void syncTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //Console.WriteLine("Tick: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
     this.lastSyncTick = DateTime.Now;
예제 #22
 public BinaryOperationService(FormatService formatService)
     _formatService = formatService;
예제 #23
 public CardRulingRestrictionService(AccioContext context, FormatService formatService)
     _context       = context;
     _formatService = formatService;
예제 #24
        public void SetUp()
            _formatRepository = Substitute.For <IFormatRepository>();

            _sut = new FormatService(_formatRepository);