예제 #1
        unsafe void generate_alpha_mask(int cx, int cy)
            m_alpha_buf = new byte[cx * cy];
            fixed(byte *pAlphaBuffer = m_alpha_buf)
                m_alpha_mask_rbuf.attach(pAlphaBuffer + 20 * cx + 20, (uint)cx - 40, (uint)cy - 40, cx, 1);
                m_alpha_mask_rbuf.attach(pAlphaBuffer, (uint)cx, (uint)cy, cx, 1);

                FormatGray          pixf          = new FormatGray(m_alpha_mask_rbuf, new BlenderGray(), 1, 0);
                FormatClippingProxy clippingProxy = new FormatClippingProxy(pixf);
                ScanlinePacked8     sl            = new ScanlinePacked8();

                clippingProxy.Clear(new RGBA_Doubles(0));

                VertexSource.Ellipse <T> ell = new AGG.VertexSource.Ellipse <T>();

                System.Random randGenerator = new Random(1432);

                int i;
                int num = (int)m_num_cb.value().ToInt();
                for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    if (i == num - 1)
                        ell.Init(width().Divide(2), height().Divide(2), M.New <T>(110), M.New <T>(110), 100);
                        Renderer <T> .RenderSolid(clippingProxy, g_rasterizer, sl, new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0, 255));

                        ell.Init(ell.X, ell.Y, ell.RX.Subtract(10), ell.RY.Subtract(10), 100);
                        Renderer <T> .RenderSolid(clippingProxy, g_rasterizer, sl, new RGBA_Bytes(255, 0, 0, 255));
                        ell.Init(randGenerator.Next() % cx,
                                 randGenerator.Next() % cy,
                                 randGenerator.Next() % 100 + 20,
                                 randGenerator.Next() % 100 + 20,
                        // set the color to draw into the alpha channel.
                        // there is not very much reason to set the alpha as you will get the amount of
                        // transparency based on the color you draw.  (you might want some type of different edeg effect but it will be minor).
                        Renderer <T> .RenderSolid(clippingProxy, g_rasterizer, sl, new RGBA_Bytes((uint)((float)i / (float)num * 255), 0, 0, 255));

예제 #2
        public override void OnDraw()
            FormatRGB pf = new FormatRGB(rbuf_window(), new BlenderBGR());

            FormatGray pfr = new FormatGray(rbuf_window(), new BlenderGray(), 3, 2);
            FormatGray pfg = new FormatGray(rbuf_window(), new BlenderGray(), 3, 1);
            FormatGray pfb = new FormatGray(rbuf_window(), new BlenderGray(), 3, 0);

            FormatClippingProxy clippingProxy      = new FormatClippingProxy(pf);
            FormatClippingProxy clippingProxyRed   = new FormatClippingProxy(pfr);
            FormatClippingProxy clippingProxyGreen = new FormatClippingProxy(pfg);
            FormatClippingProxy clippingProxyBlue  = new FormatClippingProxy(pfb);

            RasterizerScanlineAA <T> ras = new RasterizerScanlineAA <T>();
            ScanlinePacked8          sl  = new ScanlinePacked8();

            clippingProxy.Clear(m_UseBlackBackground.status() ? new RGBA_Doubles(0, 0, 0) : new RGBA_Doubles(1, 1, 1));

            RGBA_Bytes FillColor = m_UseBlackBackground.status() ? new RGBA_Bytes(255, 255, 255, (uint)(m_alpha.value().ToInt())) : new RGBA_Bytes(0, 0, 0, (uint)(m_alpha.value().ToInt()));

            VertexSource.Ellipse <T> er = new AGG.VertexSource.Ellipse <T>(width().Divide(2).Subtract(0.87 * 50), height().Divide(2).Subtract(0.5 * 50), M.New <T>(100), M.New <T>(100), 100);
            Renderer <T> .RenderSolid(clippingProxyRed, ras, sl, FillColor);

            VertexSource.Ellipse <T> eg = new AGG.VertexSource.Ellipse <T>(width().Divide(2).Add(0.87 * 50), height().Divide(2).Subtract(0.5 * 50), M.New <T>(100), M.New <T>(100), 100);
            Renderer <T> .RenderSolid(clippingProxyGreen, ras, sl, FillColor);

            //renderer_scanlines.render_scanlines_aa_solid(ras, sl, rbg, new gray8(0, unsigned(m_alpha.Value())));

            VertexSource.Ellipse <T> eb = new AGG.VertexSource.Ellipse <T>(width().Divide(2), height().Divide(2).Add(50), M.New <T>(100), M.New <T>(100), 100);
            Renderer <T> .RenderSolid(clippingProxyBlue, ras, sl, FillColor);

            //renderer_scanlines.render_scanlines_aa_solid(ras, sl, rbb, new gray8(0, unsigned(m_alpha.Value())));

            //m_alpha.Render(ras, sl, clippingProxy);
            //m_UseBlackBackground.Render(ras, sl, clippingProxy);