예제 #1
        //	评审 - 个人全部评审信息导出至pdf
        // GET:/Eval/ExportAll
        public ActionResult ExportAll()
            var user        = ResSettings.SettingsInSession.User;
            var expertId    = user.UserId;
            var models      = GetExpertScoreViewModels(expertId);
            var indicaitons = db.IndicationDal.ConditionQuery(idi.ActiveId == ThisApp.CurrentActiveId, null, null, null);

            var htmlText = _pdfRender.RenderViewToString(this, "ExportAll", new ExportAllViewModel
                ScoreModels      = models,
                IndicationModels = indicaitons,
                GroupName        = models.Count() <= 0 ? string.Empty : models.First().GroupName

            byte[] pdfFile = FormatConverter.ConvertHtmlTextToPDF(htmlText);

            return(new BinaryContentResult($"专家:{user.UserName} 的评审结果.pdf", "application/pdf", pdfFile));
예제 #2
        //	评审 - 评审导出至pdf
        // GET:		/Eval/Export
        public ActionResult Export(long id, long resId, long groupId, long?expertId)
            var expert = expertId == null ? ResSettings.SettingsInSession.User : APBplDef.ResUserBpl.PrimaryGet(expertId.Value);

            if (expert == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("expert can not be null");

            var i   = APDBDef.Indication;
            var a   = APDBDef.Active;
            var er  = APDBDef.EvalResult;
            var u   = APDBDef.ResUser;
            var ege = APDBDef.EvalGroupExpert;
            var egr = APDBDef.EvalGroupResource;

            var model = APBplDef.CroResourceBpl.GetResource(db, resId);
            var query = APQuery.select(i.IndicationId, i.Description, i.LevelPKID, i.Score, i.IndicationName,
                                       i.TypePKID, i.ActiveId, a.ActiveName, a.ActiveId,
                                       eri.ResultId, eri.Score.As("evalScore"),
                                       er.Comment, er.ExpertId)
                              a.JoinInner(a.ActiveId == i.ActiveId),
                              eri.JoinLeft(eri.IndicationId == i.IndicationId & eri.ResultId == id),
                              er.JoinLeft(er.ResultId == eri.ResultId & er.ResultId == id)

            string comment = string.Empty, expId = string.Empty;

            // indication list

            var list = query.query(db, r =>
                comment = er.Comment.GetValue(r);
                expId   = er.ExpertId.GetValue(r).ToString();

                var indication            = new Indication();
                indication.IndicationName = i.IndicationName.GetValue(r);
                indication.ActiveId       = a.ActiveId.GetValue(r);
                indication.ActiveName     = a.ActiveName.GetValue(r);
                indication.IndicationId   = i.IndicationId.GetValue(r);
                indication.Description    = i.Description.GetValue(r);
                indication.EvalScore      = eri.Score.GetValue(r, "evalScore");
                indication.Score          = (int)eri.Score.GetValue(r);
                indication.LevelPKID      = i.LevelPKID.GetValue(r);
                indication.TypePKID       = i.TypePKID.GetValue(r);

            var subquery = APQuery.select(egr.GroupId).from(egr).where (egr.ResourceId == resId);

            var experts = APQuery.select(u.UserId, u.RealName)
                ege.JoinLeft(ege.ExpertId == u.UserId)
                          .where (ege.GroupId.In(subquery))
                          .group_by(u.UserId, u.RealName)
                          .query(db, r => u.RealName.GetValue(r))

            // Expert html to pdf

            var htmlText = _pdfRender.RenderViewToString(this, "Export", new EvalExportViewModel {
                Experts = experts, Resource = model, Indications = list, EvalComment = comment

            byte[] pdfFile = FormatConverter.ConvertHtmlTextToPDF(htmlText);

            return(new BinaryContentResult($"【{model.Title}】评审结果.pdf", "application/pdf", pdfFile));

            //return View(new EvalExportViewModel { Experts = experts, Resource = model, Indications = list, EvalComment = comment });