public int AddUpdateFormat2Detail(int tID, Format2 det) { IMRDataContext context = new IMRDataContext(); PDFDetail pdfDetails = null; bool addNew = false; if (context.PDFDetails.Where(fdet => fdet.TreatmentID == tID).Any()) { pdfDetails = context.PDFDetails.Single(fdet => fdet.TreatmentID == tID); } if (pdfDetails == null) { addNew = true; pdfDetails = new PDFDetail(); } pdfDetails.ClinicalCaseSummary = det.ClinicalCaseSummary; pdfDetails.DocumentsReviewed = det.DocumentsReviewed; pdfDetails.HowIMRDetermination = det.HowIMRDetermination; pdfDetails.IMRIssuesRationales = det.IMRIssuesRationales; pdfDetails.URDenialDate = det.URDenialDate; pdfDetails.TreatmentID = tID; if (addNew) { context.PDFDetails.InsertOnSubmit(pdfDetails); } context.SubmitChanges(); context.Connection.Close(); context.Dispose(); context = null; return(0); }
private void ParseFormat2Text() { try { Format2 f = new Format2(); string urDenial = ""; urDenial = _text.Substring(_text.IndexOf("UR Denial Date: ") + 17, 10); f.URDenialDate = DateTime.Parse(urDenial); int imrindex = _text.IndexOf("HOW THE IMR FINAL DETERMINATION WAS MADE"); int documentsindex = _text.IndexOf("DOCUMENTS REVIEWED"); int caseindex = _text.IndexOf("CLINICAL CASE SUMMARY"); int issueindex = _text.IndexOf("IMR DECISION(S) AND RATIONALE(S)"); f.HowIMRDetermination = _text.Substring(imrindex + 40, documentsindex - imrindex - 40).Trim(); f.DocumentsReviewed = _text.Substring(documentsindex + 18, caseindex - documentsindex - 18).Trim(); f.ClinicalCaseSummary = _text.Substring(caseindex + 21, issueindex - caseindex - 21).Trim(); f.IMRIssuesRationales = _text.Substring(issueindex + 32).Trim(); DBHelper helper = new DBHelper(); helper.AddUpdateFormat2Detail(_treatmentID, f); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Could not parse PDF ", e); } }
public ShpD2Frame(Stream s) { var flags = (FormatFlags)s.ReadUInt16(); s.Position += 1; var width = s.ReadUInt16(); var height = s.ReadUInt8(); Size = new Size(width, height); // Subtract header size var dataLeft = s.ReadUInt16() - 10; var dataSize = s.ReadUInt16(); byte[] table; if ((flags & FormatFlags.PaletteTable) != 0) { var n = (flags & FormatFlags.VariableLengthTable) != 0 ? s.ReadUInt8() : (byte)16; table = new byte[n]; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { table[i] = s.ReadUInt8(); } dataLeft -= n; } else { table = new byte[256]; for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { table[i] = (byte)i; } table[1] = 0x7f; table[2] = 0x7e; table[3] = 0x7d; table[4] = 0x7c; } Data = new byte[width * height]; // Decode image data var compressed = s.ReadBytes(dataLeft); if ((flags & FormatFlags.SkipFormat80) == 0) { var temp = new byte[dataSize]; Format80.DecodeInto(compressed, temp); compressed = temp; } Format2.DecodeInto(compressed, Data, 0); // Lookup values in lookup table for (var j = 0; j < Data.Length; j++) { Data[j] = table[Data[j]]; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Format1 f1 = new Format1("5.10"); f1.Data.Dic1.Add("Greet", "Hello World"); f1.Data.Dic2.Add("RepeatGreet", 10); f1.Write("f1"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------"); Format2 f2 = new Format2("2.1", "general", f1.Data); f2.Data.Dic1.Add("Goodbye", "See you later, Alligator"); f2.Data.Dic2.Add("RepeatBye", 1); f1.Write("f1"); f2.Write("f2"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public string XMLSave(string path) { XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(path); xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("QuestionDatabase"); // write question data for (int i = 0; i < this.FormatList.Count; i++) { Format2 format = this.FormatList[i]; xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Questions"); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Question"); xmlWriter.WriteString(format.Question); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("IsTrue"); xmlWriter.WriteString(format.IsTrue ? "1" : "0"); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Difficulty"); xmlWriter.WriteString(format._Difficulty.ToString()); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Fact"); xmlWriter.WriteString(format.Fact); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); xmlWriter.Close(); string content = File.ReadAllText(path); content = UTF8ByteArrayToString(StringToUTF8ByteArray(content)); return(content); }
public override void OnDrawColumns() { this.Scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(this.Scroll); { for (int i = 0; i < this.FormatList.Count; i++) { GUILayout.Space(5); Format2 format = this.FormatList[i]; GUILayout.BeginVertical(); { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { = true; // question format.Question = EditorGUILayout.TextField(format.Question, GUILayout.Width(this.QuestionWidth), GUILayout.Height(FieldHeight)); GUILayout.Space(5); // is true format.IsTrue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(format.IsTrue, GUILayout.Width(this.IsTrueWidth), GUILayout.Height(FieldHeight)); GUILayout.Space(5); // difficulty format._Difficulty = (DifficultyLevel)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(format._Difficulty, GUILayout.Width(this.DifficultyWidth), GUILayout.Height(FieldHeight)); GUILayout.Space(5); // fact format.Fact = EditorGUILayout.TextField(format.Fact, GUILayout.Width(this.FactWidth), GUILayout.Height(FieldHeight)); GUILayout.Space(5); // delete entry if (GUILayout.Button("X", EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(20), GUILayout.Height(FieldHeight))) { this.FormatList.RemoveAt(i); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
public void XMLLoad(string path) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(path == string.Empty ? EditorPrefs.GetString("lastXML_format2") : File.ReadAllText(path)); int index = 0; foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xmlDoc.DocumentElement) { Format2 format = new Format2(); // get all parent nodes foreach (XmlNode questionsNode in xmlNode) { if (questionsNode.Name == "Question") { format.Question = questionsNode.InnerText; } if (questionsNode.Name == "IsTrue") { format.IsTrue = questionsNode.InnerText == "0" ? false : true; } if (questionsNode.Name == "Difficulty") { string inner = questionsNode.InnerText; DifficultyLevel dif = DifficultyLevel.Easy; dif = inner == "Easy" ? DifficultyLevel.Easy : inner == "Medium" ? DifficultyLevel.Medium : inner == "Hard" ? DifficultyLevel.Hard : DifficultyLevel.Bonus; format._Difficulty = dif; } if (questionsNode.Name == "Fact") { format.Fact = questionsNode.InnerText; } index++; } this.FormatList.Add(format); } }
/// <summary>Get new subtable in this format by /// <c>EncodingTableEntry</c>. /// This method is virtual so that /// the corresponding validator class can override this and /// return an object of its subclass of the subtable. /// </summary> virtual public Subtable GetSubtable(EncodingTableEntry ete) { Subtable st = null; // identify the format of the table ushort format = 0xffff; try { format = m_bufTable.GetUshort(ete.offset); } catch { } switch(format) { case 0: st = new Format0 (ete, m_bufTable); break; case 2: st = new Format2 (ete, m_bufTable); break; case 4: st = new Format4 (ete, m_bufTable); break; case 6: st = new Format6 (ete, m_bufTable); break; case 8: st = new Format8 (ete, m_bufTable); break; case 10: st = new Format10(ete, m_bufTable); break; case 12: st = new Format12(ete, m_bufTable); break; case 14: st = new Format14(ete, m_bufTable); break; } return st; }
public ShpTSFrame(Stream s, Size frameSize) { var x = s.ReadUInt16(); var y = s.ReadUInt16(); var width = s.ReadUInt16(); var height = s.ReadUInt16(); // Pad the dimensions to an even number to avoid issues with half-integer offsets var dataWidth = width; var dataHeight = height; if (dataWidth % 2 == 1) { dataWidth += 1; } if (dataHeight % 2 == 1) { dataHeight += 1; } Offset = new int2(x + (dataWidth - frameSize.Width) / 2, y + (dataHeight - frameSize.Height) / 2); Size = new Size(dataWidth, dataHeight); FrameSize = frameSize; Format = s.ReadUInt8(); s.Position += 11; FileOffset = s.ReadUInt32(); if (FileOffset == 0) { return; } // Parse the frame data as we go (but remember to jump back to the header before returning!) var start = s.Position; s.Position = FileOffset; Data = new byte[dataWidth * dataHeight]; if (Format == 3) { // Format 3 provides RLE-zero compressed scanlines for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) { var length = s.ReadUInt16() - 2; Format2.DecodeInto(s.ReadBytes(length), Data, dataWidth * j); } } else { // Format 2 provides uncompressed length-prefixed scanlines // Formats 1 and 0 provide an uncompressed full-width row var length = Format == 2 ? s.ReadUInt16() - 2 : width; for (var j = 0; j < height; j++) { s.ReadBytes(Data, dataWidth * j, length); } } s.Position = start; }
public void Read(TTFReader r, uint tableStart) { r.ReadInt(out this.version); r.ReadInt(out this.numTables); this.encodingRecords = new List <EncodingRecord>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.numTables; ++i) { EncodingRecord er = new EncodingRecord(); er.Read(r); this.encodingRecords.Add(er); } foreach (EncodingRecord rc in this.encodingRecords) { r.SetPosition(tableStart + rc.subtableOffset); ushort format = r.ReadUInt16(); if (format == 0) { if (this.format0 == null) { this.format0 = new List <Format0>(); } Format0 f0 = new Format0(); f0.Read(r); this.format0.Add(f0); } else if (format == 2) { if (this.format2 == null) { this.format2 = new List <Format2>(); } Format2 f2 = new Format2(); f2.Read(r); this.format2.Add(f2); } else if (format == 4) { if (this.format4 == null) { this.format4 = new List <Format4>(); } Format4 f4 = new Format4(); f4.Read(r); this.format4.Add(f4); } else if (format == 6) { if (this.format6 == null) { this.format6 = new List <Format6>(); } Format6 f6 = new Format6(); f6.Read(r); this.format6.Add(f6); } else if (format == 8) { if (this.format8 == null) { this.format8 = new List <Format8>(); } Format8 f8 = new Format8(); f8.Read(r); this.format8.Add(f8); } else if (format == 10) { if (this.format10 == null) { this.format10 = new List <Format10>(); } Format10 f10 = new Format10(); f10.Read(r); this.format10.Add(f10); } else if (format == 12) { if (this.format12 == null) { this.format12 = new List <Format12>(); } Format12 f12 = new Format12(); f12.Read(r); this.format12.Add(f12); } else if (format == 13) { if (this.format13 == null) { this.format13 = new List <Format13>(); } Format13 f13 = new Format13(); f13.Read(r); this.format13.Add(f13); } else if (format == 14) { if (this.format14 == null) { this.format14 = new List <Format14>(); } Format14 f14 = new Format14(); f14.Read(r); this.format14.Add(f14); } } }