public async Task <FormDTO> CreateFormAsync(FormDTO tempForm) { if (tempForm == null) { throw new BusinessLogicException(ExceptionMessages.EntityNull); } if (tempForm.Title == null) { throw new BusinessLogicException(ExceptionMessages.TitleNull); } var form = tempForm.MapFrom(); form.CreatedOn = dateTimeProvider.GetDateTime(); form.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); await this.dbcontext.Forms.AddAsync(form); await this.dbcontext.SaveChangesAsync(); var formDto = form.MapFrom(); return(formDto); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id, NumberForm, SurveyGeographyId, HousingTypeId, DistrictId, InterviewerId, Address, Phone,InterviewDate, StartTime, EndTime")] FormVM formVM) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { FormDTO formDTO = Mapper.Map <FormDTO>(formVM); FormService.Update(formDTO); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError(null, "Что-то пошло не так. Не удалось сохранить изменения."); } ViewBag.SurveyGeographyId = GetSurveyGeographySelectList(formVM.SurveyGeographyId); ViewBag.HousingTypeId = GetHousingTypeSelectList(formVM.HousingTypeId); ViewBag.DistrictId = GetDistrictSelectList(formVM.DistrictId); ViewBag.InterviewerId = GetInterviewerSelectList(formVM.InterviewerId); return(View(formVM)); } catch (UniqueConstraintException ex) { return(Json(new { hasError = true, data = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
protected FormDTO CreateFormDTO(FormType type) { var form = new FormDTO(); form.Type = type; form.Fullname = Request.Form.Get("fullname"); form.Address = Request.Form.Get("address"); form.Postcode = Request.Form.Get("postcode"); form.City = Request.Form.Get("city"); form.Email = Request.Form.Get("email"); form.PhoneNumberPrimary = Request.Form.Get("phoneNumberPrimary"); form.PhoneNumberAlternate = Request.Form.Get("phoneNumberAlternate"); form.PreferredDate = Request.Form.Get("preferredDate"); form.PreferredTime = Request.Form.Get("preferredTime"); form.CarBrand = Request.Form.Get("carBrand"); form.CarModel = Request.Form.Get("carModel"); form.CarLicencePlate = Request.Form.Get("carLicencePlate"); form.CarYear = Request.Form.Get("carYear"); form.CarAddress = Request.Form.Get("carAddress"); form.CarCity = Request.Form.Get("carCity"); form.CarPostcode = Request.Form.Get("carPostcode"); form.Comments = Request.Form.Get("comments"); form.PaymentMethod = Request.Form.Get("paymentMethod"); form.IpAddress = Request.UserHostAddress; ValidateFormDTO(form); return(form); }
public List <FormDTO> GetVotedForms(string username) { //returneaza toate formurile votate de catre un user int userID = _dataAccess.UserRepository.FindFirstBy(user => user.Username == username).UserID; List <Form> formList = new List <Form>(); List <VotedForms> votedFormsList = _dataAccess.VotedFormsRepository.FindAllBy(voted => voted.UserID == userID).ToList(); List <FormDTO> formDtoList = new List <FormDTO>(); FormDTO formDTO; Form form; foreach (VotedForms votedForm in votedFormsList) { form = _dataAccess.FormRepository.FindFirstBy(f => f.FormID == votedForm.FormID); formList.Add(form); } foreach (Form f in formList) { formDTO = new FormDTO(); formDTO.Title = f.Title; formDTO.State = f.State; formDTO.CreatedDate = f.CreatedDate.ToString(); formDTO.Deadline = f.Deadline.ToString(); formDTO.Category = _dataAccess.CategoryRepository.FindFirstBy(category => category.CategoryID == f.CategoryID).Name; formDTO.Username = _dataAccess.UserRepository.FindFirstBy(user => user.UserID == f.UserID).Username; formDTO.Id = f.FormID; formDTO.Voted = true; formDtoList.Add(formDTO); } return(formDtoList); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "NumberForm, SurveyGeographyId, HousingTypeId, DistrictId, InterviewerId, Address, Phone,InterviewDate, StartTime, EndTime")] FormVM formVM) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { FormDTO formDTO = Mapper.Map <FormDTO>(formVM); //int questionId = QuestionService.AddAndGetId(questionDTO); FormService.Add(formDTO); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.SurveyGeographyId = GetSurveyGeographySelectList(formVM.SurveyGeographyId); ViewBag.HousingTypeId = GetHousingTypeSelectList(formVM.HousingTypeId); ViewBag.DistrictId = GetDistrictSelectList(formVM.DistrictId); ViewBag.InterviewerId = GetInterviewerSelectList(formVM.InterviewerId); ViewBag.Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); ViewBag.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH\\:mm"); return(View(formVM)); } catch (UniqueConstraintException ex) { return(Json(new { hasError = true, data = ex.Message }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
/// <summary> /// method for converting a System.DateTime value to a UNIX Timestamp /// </summary> /// <param name = "value" > date to convert/// <returns></returns> //private static double ConvertToTimestamp(DateTime value) ////{ //// create Timespan by subtracting the value provided from //// the Unix Epoch // TimeSpan span = (value - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).ToLocalTime()); // return (double)span.TotalSeconds; //} public List <HostDTO> InformacoesPDF(FormDTO form, int userID) { Usuarios user = _userRepository.BuscarPorID(userID); var listaHosts = _hostService.ListarHostsPorIdGroup(form.GroupID, user.Id); //var dataInicio = ConvertToTimestamp(form.DataInicial); //var dataFinal = ConvertToTimestamp(form.DataFinal); foreach (var item in listaHosts) { var listaTrigger = _triggerService.BuscarTriggers(user, item.Id); var listaEvents = _eventService.ListarEvents(user, form, item.Id); //foreach (var events in listaEvents.Where(x => > form.DataInicial && < form.DataFinal)) foreach (var events in listaEvents) { var triggerEvent = listaTrigger.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == events.IdTrigger); events.Mensagem = triggerEvent.Mensagem; } item.listaEvent = listaEvents; } List <HostDTO> listaHost = new List <HostDTO>(); return(listaHost); }
public async Task EditForm(FormDTO form) { var connection = new MySqlConnection(_configuration.GetConnectionString(CONNECTION_STRING_NAME)); await connection.OpenAsync(); using (MySqlCommand cmdSel = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM jkh.forms WHERE UID = {form.UID}", connection)) { var reader = await cmdSel.ExecuteReaderAsync(); reader.Read(); form.Lat = form.Lat == 0 ? Convert.ToDouble(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(((byte[])reader["lat"]))) : form.Lat; form.Lon = form.Lon == 0 ? Convert.ToDouble(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(((byte[])reader["Lon"]))) : form.Lon; form.MundepUID = form.MundepUID == 0 ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["mundep_UID"]) : form.MundepUID; form.UserUID = form.UserUID == 0 ? Convert.ToInt32(reader["user_UID"]) : form.UserUID; form.Adress = form.Adress == "" ? Encoding.UTF8.GetString(((byte[])reader["adress"])) : form.Adress; } connection.Close(); connection = new MySqlConnection(_configuration.GetConnectionString(CONNECTION_STRING_NAME)); await connection.OpenAsync(); using var cmdUpd = new MySqlCommand($"UPDATE jkh.forms t SET t.mundep_UID = '{form.MundepUID}', t.Adress = '{form.Adress}', = {form.Lat}, t.lon = {form.Lon} WHERE t.UID = {form.UID}", connection); await cmdUpd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); }
public async Task <bool> SendForm(FormDTO data) { var httpClient = _clientFactory.CreateClient("HttpClient"); httpClient.Timeout = System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(275); var dataToSend = JsonSerializer.Serialize(data); using (var content = new StringContent(dataToSend, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")) { try { var result = await httpClient.PostAsync($"", content); // The call was a success if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { return(true); } return(false); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } }
public static FormViewModel MapFrom(this FormDTO dto) { if (dto == null) { throw new Exception(ExceptionMessages.EntityNull); } List <int> positionsInForm = new List <int>(); List <TextQuestionViewModel> textQuestions = new List <TextQuestionViewModel>(); foreach (var item in dto.TextQuestions) { textQuestions.Add(item.MapFrom()); positionsInForm.Add(item.QuestionNumber); } List <MultipleChoiceQuestionViewModel> multipleChoiceQuestions = new List <MultipleChoiceQuestionViewModel>(); foreach (var item in dto.MultipleChoiceQuestions) { multipleChoiceQuestions.Add(item.MapFrom()); positionsInForm.Add(item.QuestionNumber); } List <DocumentQuestionViewModel> documentQuestions = new List <DocumentQuestionViewModel>(); foreach (var item in dto.DocumentQuestions) { documentQuestions.Add(item.MapFrom()); positionsInForm.Add(item.QuestionNumber); } int lastQuestionNumber = 0; if (positionsInForm.Count() > 0) { lastQuestionNumber = positionsInForm.Max(); } else { lastQuestionNumber = 0; } var result = new FormViewModel { Id = dto.Id, Title = dto.Title, Description = dto.Description, UserId = dto.UserId, MultipleChoiceQuestions = multipleChoiceQuestions, TextQuestions = textQuestions, DocumentQuestions = documentQuestions, LastQuestionNumber = lastQuestionNumber, CorelationTokens = dto.CorelationTokens, }; return(result); }
private async Task <Form> ConvertDTOtoBO(FormDTO formDTO) { Form form = new Form { Id = formDTO.Id, Graduated = formDTO.Graduated, ClusterContestId = formDTO.ClusterContestId, ClusterContestCode = formDTO.ClusterContestCode, ClusterContestName = formDTO.ClusterContestName, RegisterPlaceOfExamId = formDTO.RegisterPlaceOfExamId, RegisterPlaceOfExamCode = formDTO.RegisterPlaceOfExamCode, RegisterPlaceOfExamName = formDTO.RegisterPlaceOfExamName, Biology = formDTO.Biology, Chemistry = formDTO.Chemistry, CivicEducation = formDTO.CivicEducation, Geography = formDTO.Geography, History = formDTO.History, Languages = formDTO.Languages, Literature = formDTO.Literature, Maths = formDTO.Maths, NaturalSciences = formDTO.NaturalSciences, Physics = formDTO.Physics, SocialSciences = formDTO.SocialSciences, ExceptLanguages = formDTO.ExceptLanguages, Mark = formDTO.Mark, ReserveBiology = formDTO.ReserveBiology, ReserveChemistry = formDTO.ReserveChemistry, ReserveCivicEducation = formDTO.ReserveCivicEducation, ReserveGeography = formDTO.ReserveGeography, ReserveHistory = formDTO.ReserveHistory, ReserveLanguages = formDTO.ReserveLanguages, ReserveLiterature = formDTO.ReserveLiterature, ReserveMaths = formDTO.ReserveMaths, ReservePhysics = formDTO.ReservePhysics, Area = formDTO.Area, PriorityType = formDTO.PriorityType, Aspirations = formDTO.Aspirations == null ? null : formDTO.Aspirations.Select(m => new Aspiration { Id = m.Id ?? Guid.Empty, FormId = m.FormId, MajorsId = m.MajorsId, MajorsCode = m.MajorsCode, MajorsName = m.MajorsName, UniversityId = m.UniversityId, UniversityCode = m.UniversityCode, UniversityName = m.UniversityName, UniversityAddress = m.UniversityAddress, SubjectGroupId = m.SubjectGroupId, SubjectGroupCode = m.SubjectGroupCode, SubjectGroupName = m.SubjectGroupName, Sequence = m.Sequence }).ToList() }; return(form); }
public async Task AddForm(FormDTO form) { var connection = new MySqlConnection(_configuration.GetConnectionString(CONNECTION_STRING_NAME)); await connection.OpenAsync(); using var cmd = new MySqlCommand($" INSERT INTO jkh.forms (Adress, date, mundep_UID, lat, lon, user_UID) VALUES ('{form.Adress}', curdate(), {form.MundepUID}, {form.Lat}, {form.Lon}, {form.UserUID})", connection); await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddNewForm([FromBody] FormDTO form) { long userId = User.GetUserId(); long formId = await _formService.SaveNewFormAndReturnId(userId, form.FormName, form.uniqueId); await _formService.SaveDetailsOfForm(formId, form.FormDetailsList); return(JsonResponseStatus.Success()); }
public async Task AddForm(Form form) { if (form == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(form)); } FormDTO form_w_geo = await _IGeoProvider.GetAdress(new FormDTO(form)); await _IformRepository.AddForm(form_w_geo); }
public Form(FormDTO form) { UID = form.UID; Adress = form.Adress; Date = form.Date; MundepUID = form.MundepUID; UserUID = form.UserUID; Lat = form.Lat; Lon = form.Lon; }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddForm([FromBody] FormDTO newForm) { if (!this.IsTokenValid(_tokenService.GetTemporaryToken(this.GetCurrentUserId()))) { return(Unauthorized()); } newForm.Draft = true; FormDTO result = await _mediator.Send(new AddFormQuery { Form = newForm, UserId = this.GetCurrentUserId() }); return(Ok(result.Id)); }
public JsonResult Add(FormDTO formDTO) { UserService userService = new UserService(); var user = userService.getUserWithUsername(User.Identity.Name); formDTO.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; formDTO.CreatedBy = user.Id; FormService formService = new FormService(); var result = formService.add(formDTO); return(Json(result)); }
/// <summary> /// Returnarea tuturor sondajelor /// </summary> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="per_page"></param> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <FormDTO> GetAllForms(string token, int page, int per_page, string state) { List <Form> formList; FormDTO formDTO; List <FormDTO> formDtoList; int userID; if (state == "all") { formList = _dataAccess.FormRepository.GetAll().OrderByDescending(form => form.CreatedDate).ToList(); } else { formList = _dataAccess.FormRepository.GetAll().Where(form => form.State == state).OrderByDescending(form => form.CreatedDate).ToList(); } formList = formList.Skip(page * per_page).Take(per_page).ToList(); formDtoList = new List <FormDTO>(); userID = _dataAccess.TokenRepository.FindFirstBy(user => user.TokenString.Equals(token)).UserID; foreach (Form f in formList) { formDTO = new FormDTO(); formDTO.Title = f.Title; formDTO.State = f.State; formDTO.CreatedDate = f.CreatedDate.ToString(); formDTO.Deadline = f.Deadline.ToShortDateString(); formDTO.Category = _dataAccess.CategoryRepository.FindFirstBy(category => category.CategoryID == f.CategoryID).Name; formDTO.Username = _dataAccess.UserRepository.FindFirstBy(user => user.UserID == f.UserID).Username; formDTO.Id = f.FormID; formDTO.NrVotes = f.NrVotes; formDTO.Voted = true; try { userID = _dataAccess.VotedFormsRepository.FindFirstBy(voted => voted.FormID == f.FormID && voted.UserID == userID).UserID; } catch { // Daca userul a votat sondajul deja sau sondajul este inchis, nu il va mai putea vota if (formDTO.State != "closed") { formDTO.Voted = false; } } formDtoList.Add(formDTO); } return(formDtoList.ToList()); }
//[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public async Task <IActionResult> SendForm(FormDTO data) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var isSend = false; while (isSend != true) { isSend = await formService.SendForm(data); } return(Accepted(1)); } return(StatusCode(404)); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] FormDTO formDto) { try { Uri uri = new Uri(formDto.Uri); formDto.Uri = uri.AbsoluteUri; } catch (UriFormatException ex) { var res = new Dictionary <string, string>(); res.Add("Uri", "Invalid Uri."); return(BadRequest(res)); } var uriModel = _uriRepository.FindByField(FIELD_ORIGINAL, formDto.Uri); if (uriModel != null) { formDto.Alias = GetBaseUrl(Request, uriModel.Alias); return(Ok(formDto)); } else { string token = null; uriModel = null; for (var count = 0; count < 20; count++) { token = Token.Generate(); uriModel = _uriRepository.FindByField(FIELD_ALIAS, token); if (uriModel == null) { break; } } uriModel = new UriModel { Original = formDto.Uri, Alias = token }; _uriRepository.Add(uriModel); formDto.Alias = GetBaseUrl(Request, token); return(Created("", formDto)); } }
public static void Seeder(SurvelloContext context) { var formDto = new FormDTO { Title = "TestForm", Description = "TestDescrtiption", UserId = userId, TextQuestions = new List <TextQuestionDTO>() { new TextQuestionDTO { Description = "Where are you from?", IsLongAnswer = false, IsRequired = true, } }, MultipleChoiceQuestions = new List <MultipleChoiceQuestionDTO>() { new MultipleChoiceQuestionDTO { Description = "How would you rate your experience with our product?", IsRequired = true, IsMultipleAnswer = false, Options = new List <MultipleChoiceOptionDTO>() { new MultipleChoiceOptionDTO { OptionDescription = "Satisfied", } } }, }, DocumentQuestions = new List <DocumentQuestionDTO>() { new DocumentQuestionDTO { Description = "TestDescription", FileNumberLimit = 10, FileSize = 1, } } }; var user = new User { Id = userId, UserName = "******" }; }
protected void ValidateFormDTO(FormDTO form) { foreach (var prop in form.GetType().GetProperties()) { var mandatory = prop.GetCustomAttribute <NLNameAttribute>()?.Mandatory; if (mandatory.HasValue && mandatory.Value) { var val = prop.GetValue(form) as string; if (val == null || val.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException(prop.GetCustomAttribute <NLNameAttribute>().NLName); } } } }
public IActionResult solicitarPDF([FromQuery] FormDTO form) { try { var idUsuario = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.User.Claims.First(c => c.Type == JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Jti).Value); var result = _pdfService.InformacoesPDF(form, idUsuario); return(Ok(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } }
public async Task ThrowException_WhenTitleIsNull() { var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(ThrowException_WhenTitleIsNull)); var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>(); var mockBlobService = new Mock <IBlobServices>(); var formDto = new FormDTO { Title = null }; using (var assertContext = new SurvelloContext(options)) { var sut = new FormServices(assertContext, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockBlobService.Object); await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <BusinessLogicException>(() => sut.CreateFormAsync(formDto)); } }
public void Update(FormDTO formDTO) { try { Form form = Mapper.Map <Form>(formDTO); _unitOfWork.Forms.Update(form); _unitOfWork.Save(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (NotUnique(formDTO.NumberForm)) { throw new UniqueConstraintException(); } } }
public async Task EditForm(Form form) { if (form == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(form)); } if (form.Adress != "") { FormDTO form_w_NewGeo = await _IGeoProvider.GetAdress(new FormDTO(form)); await _IformRepository.EditForm(form_w_NewGeo); } else { await _IformRepository.EditForm(new FormDTO(form)); } }
public ActionResult Details(int?id) { try { FormDTO formDTO = FormService.Get(id); FormVM formVM = Mapper.Map <FormVM>(formDTO); return(View(formVM)); } catch (ArgumentException) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } catch (NotFoundException) { return(HttpNotFound()); } }
/// <summary> /// Returnarea tuturor sondajelor votate de catre un user /// </summary> /// <param name="username"></param> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="per_page"></param> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <FormDTO> GetVotedForms(string username, int page, int per_page, string state) { int userID = _dataAccess.UserRepository.FindFirstBy(user => user.Username.Equals(username)).UserID; List <Form> formList = new List <Form>(); List <VotedForm> votedFormsList; List <FormDTO> formDtoList = new List <FormDTO>(); FormDTO formDTO; Form form; if (state == "all") { votedFormsList = _dataAccess.VotedFormsRepository.FindAllBy(voted => voted.UserID == userID).OrderByDescending(voted => voted.Form.CreatedDate).ToList(); } else { votedFormsList = _dataAccess.VotedFormsRepository.FindAllBy(voted => voted.UserID == userID && voted.Form.State == state).OrderByDescending(voted => voted.Form.CreatedDate).ToList(); } votedFormsList = votedFormsList.Skip(page * per_page).Take(per_page).ToList(); foreach (VotedForm votedForm in votedFormsList) { form = _dataAccess.FormRepository.FindFirstBy(f => f.FormID == votedForm.FormID); formList.Add(form); } foreach (Form f in formList) { formDTO = new FormDTO(); formDTO.Title = f.Title; formDTO.State = f.State; formDTO.CreatedDate = f.CreatedDate.ToString(); formDTO.Deadline = f.Deadline.ToShortDateString(); formDTO.Category = _dataAccess.CategoryRepository.FindFirstBy(category => category.CategoryID == f.CategoryID).Name; formDTO.Username = _dataAccess.UserRepository.FindFirstBy(user => user.UserID == f.UserID).Username; formDTO.Id = f.FormID; formDTO.NrVotes = f.NrVotes; formDTO.Voted = true; formDtoList.Add(formDTO); } return(formDtoList.ToList()); }
public async Task <FormDTO> GetAdress(FormDTO form) { string addressToGeocode = form.Adress; string requestUri = string.Format("{1}&address={0}&sensor=false", Uri.EscapeDataString(addressToGeocode), _configuration.GetConnectionString(API_GOOGLE_STRING_NAME)); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var response = await client.GetStringAsync(requestUri); var yourXml = XElement.Parse(response); var dict = yourXml.Descendants() .Where(node => node.Name == "location") .Descendants() .ToDictionary(node => node.Name.ToString(), node => node.Value); form.Lat = Convert.ToDouble(dict["lat"]); form.Lon = Convert.ToDouble(dict["lng"]); return(form); }
public static Form MapFrom(this FormDTO dto) { if (dto == null) { throw new Exception(ExceptionMessages.EntityNotFound); } return(new Form { Id = dto.Id, Title = dto.Title, Description = dto.Description, UserId = dto.UserId, NumberOfFilledForms = dto.NumberOfFilledForms, MultipleChoiceQuestions = dto.MultipleChoiceQuestions.MapFrom(), TextQuestions = dto.TextQuestions.MapFrom(), DocumentQuestions = dto.DocumentQuestions.MapFrom() }); }
public void SubmitForm(FormDTO dto) { SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient(""); var mail = new MailMessage(); mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mail.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); mail.Subject = dto.Subject; mail.IsBodyHtml = true; string htmlBody; htmlBody = "<h3>Client " + dto.Name + " says:</h3><br/><p>" + dto.Description + "</p><br/><p>Client Email: " + dto.Email + "</p>"; mail.Body = htmlBody; SmtpServer.Port = 587; SmtpServer.UseDefaultCredentials = false; SmtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Prognasa12"); SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true; SmtpServer.Send(mail); }