예제 #1
        private object ReadJsonAsResourceObject(ForkableJsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonSerializer serializer)
            // if the value has been explicitly set to null then the value of the element is simply null
            if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)

            var serializationData       = SerializationData.GetSerializationData(reader);
            var jsonApiContractResolver = (JsonApiContractResolver)serializer.ContractResolver;

            var reference = ReaderUtil.ReadAheadToIdentifyObject(reader);

            if (serializationData.Included.TryGetValue(reference, out object resourceObject))
                if (resourceObject is JObject resoruceObjectJObject)
                    // sometimes the value in the reference resolver is a JObject. This occurs when we
                    // did not know what type it should be when we first read it (i.e. included was processed
                    // before the item). In these cases we now know what type it should be so will read it
                    // as such
                    var resourceObjectReader = new ForkableJsonReader(resoruceObjectJObject.CreateReader(), reader.SerializationDataToken);
                    resourceObjectReader.Read(); //JObject readers begin at Not Started
                    resourceObject = jsonApiContractResolver.ResourceObjectConverter.ReadJson(

                //push the reader to the end, we dont need anything else out of the reference
                ReaderUtil.ReadUntilEnd(reader, reader.Path);
                var contract = (JsonObjectContract)jsonApiContractResolver.ResolveContract(objectType);

                resourceObject = ReaderUtil.CreateObject(serializationData, objectType, reference.Type, serializer);

                // for placeholders we will just read the top level properties
                // it is unlikely to have attributes/relationships present
                foreach (var propName in ReaderUtil.IterateProperties(reader))
                    var successfullyPopulateProperty = ReaderUtil.TryPopulateProperty(

                serializationData.Included[reference] = resourceObject;

            if (!TypeInfoShim.IsInstanceOf(objectType.GetTypeInfo(), resourceObject))
                throw new JsonSerializationException($"Unable to assign object '{resourceObject}' to type '{objectType}' at path {reader.FullPath}");

        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            var serializationData = SerializationData.GetSerializationData(reader);

            reader = new ForkableJsonReader(reader);

            var contract   = (JsonObjectContract)serializer.ContractResolver.ResolveContract(objectType);
            var rootObject = contract.DefaultCreator();

            serializationData.HasProcessedDocumentRoot = true;

            var includedConverter = new IncludedConverter();

            foreach (var propName in ReaderUtil.IterateProperties(reader))
                switch (propName)
                case PropertyNames.Data:

                    var documentRootInterfaceType = TypeInfoShim.GetInterfaces(objectType.GetTypeInfo())
                                                    .Select(x => x.GetTypeInfo())
                                                    .FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                                    x.IsGenericType &&
                                                                    x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDocumentRoot <>));
                    var dataType = documentRootInterfaceType.GenericTypeArguments[0];

                    var dataObj = serializer.Deserialize(reader, dataType);
                    contract.Properties.GetClosestMatchProperty(PropertyNames.Data).ValueProvider.SetValue(rootObject, dataObj);

                case PropertyNames.Included:

                    //if our object has an included property we will do our best to populate it
                    var property = contract.Properties.GetClosestMatchProperty(propName);
                    if (ReaderUtil.CanPopulateProperty(property))
                        ReaderUtil.TryPopulateProperty(serializer, rootObject, contract.Properties.GetClosestMatchProperty(propName), ((ForkableJsonReader)reader).Fork());

                    //still need to read our values so they are updated
                    foreach (var obj in ReaderUtil.IterateList(reader))
                        var includedObject = includedConverter.ReadJson(reader, typeof(object), null, serializer);


                    ReaderUtil.TryPopulateProperty(serializer, rootObject, contract.Properties.GetClosestMatchProperty(propName), reader);
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            //we may be starting the deserialization here, if thats the case we need to resolve this object as the root
            object obj;

            if (DocumentRootConverter.TryResolveAsRootData(reader, objectType, serializer, out obj))

            //read into the 'Data' element
                       reader as ForkableJsonReader ?? new ForkableJsonReader(reader),
                       dataReader =>
                //if the value has been explicitly set to null then the value of the element is simply null
                if (dataReader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)
                    return null;

                JsonObjectContract contract = (JsonObjectContract)serializer.ContractResolver.ResolveContract(objectType);
                var serializationData = SerializationData.GetSerializationData(dataReader);

                //if we arent given an existing value check the references to see if we have one in there
                //if we dont have one there then create a new object to populate
                if (existingValue == null)
                    var reference = ReaderUtil.ReadAheadToIdentifyObject(dataReader);

                    if (!serializationData.Included.TryGetValue(reference, out existingValue))
                        existingValue = contract.DefaultCreator();
                        serializationData.Included.Add(reference, existingValue);
                    if (existingValue is JObject)
                        //sometimes the value in the reference resolver is a JObject. This occurs when we
                        //did not know what type it should be when we first read it (i.e. included was processed
                        //before the item). In these cases we will create a new object and read data from the JObject
                        dataReader = new ForkableJsonReader(((JObject)existingValue).CreateReader(), dataReader.SerializationDataToken);
                        dataReader.Read(); //JObject readers begin at Not Started
                        existingValue = contract.DefaultCreator();
                        serializationData.Included[reference] = existingValue;

                PopulateProperties(serializer, existingValue, dataReader, contract);
                return existingValue;
예제 #4
        private object ReadJsonAsExplicitResourceIdentifier(ForkableJsonReader reader, Type objectType, JsonSerializer serializer)
            if (ReaderUtil.TryUseCustomConvertor(reader, objectType, null, serializer, this, out object customConvertedValue))

            // if the value has been explicitly set to null then the value of the element is simply null
            if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)

            var serializationData          = SerializationData.GetSerializationData(reader);
            var jsonApiContractResolver    = (JsonApiContractResolver)serializer.ContractResolver;
            var resourceIdentifierContract = (ResourceIdentifierContract)jsonApiContractResolver.ResolveContract(objectType);
            var resourceIdentifier         = resourceIdentifierContract.DefaultCreator();

            var reference = ReaderUtil.ReadAheadToIdentifyObject(reader);

            var explicitResourceIdentifierReader = reader.Fork();

            foreach (var innerPropName in ReaderUtil.IterateProperties(explicitResourceIdentifierReader))

            var resourceObject = ReadJsonAsResourceObject(

            //we will only set the resource object if we have rendered the included
            //value somehwere, if we have not it means the value was actaully provided
            var valueProvider = resourceIdentifierContract.ResourceObjectProperty.ValueProvider;

            serializationData.PostProcessingActions.Add(() =>
                if (serializationData.RenderedIncluded.Contains(reference))
                    valueProvider.SetValue(resourceIdentifier, resourceObject);

        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            reader = new ForkableJsonReader(reader);

            var contract   = (JsonObjectContract)serializer.ContractResolver.ResolveContract(objectType);
            var rootObject = contract.DefaultCreator();

            serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(null, IncludedReferenceResolver.RootReference, rootObject);

            var includedConverter = new IncludedConverter();

            foreach (var propName in ReaderUtil.IterateProperties(reader))
                switch (propName)
                case PropertyNames.Data:

                    var documentRootInterfaceType = TypeInfoShim.GetInterfaces(objectType.GetTypeInfo())
                                                    .Select(x => x.GetTypeInfo())
                                                    .FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                                    x.IsGenericType &&
                                                                    x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDocumentRoot <>));
                    var dataType = documentRootInterfaceType.GenericTypeArguments[0];

                    var dataObj = serializer.Deserialize(reader, dataType);
                    contract.Properties.GetClosestMatchProperty(PropertyNames.Data).ValueProvider.SetValue(rootObject, dataObj);

                case PropertyNames.Included:
                    foreach (var obj in ReaderUtil.IterateList(reader))
                        var includedObject = includedConverter.ReadJson(reader, typeof(object), null, serializer);

                    ReaderUtil.TryPopulateProperty(serializer, rootObject, contract.Properties.GetClosestMatchProperty(propName), reader);
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            //we may be starting the deserialization here, if thats the case we need to resolve this object as the root
            if (DocumentRootConverter.TryResolveAsRootData(reader, objectType, serializer, out object obj))

            //read into the 'Data' element
                       reader as ForkableJsonReader ?? new ForkableJsonReader(reader),
                       dataReader =>
                //if they have custom convertors registered, we will respect them
                var customConvertor = serializer.Converters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CanRead && x.CanConvert(objectType));
                if (customConvertor != null && customConvertor != this)
                    return customConvertor.ReadJson(reader, objectType, existingValue, serializer);

                //if the value has been explicitly set to null then the value of the element is simply null
                if (dataReader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)
                    return null;

                var serializationData = SerializationData.GetSerializationData(dataReader);

                //if we arent given an existing value check the references to see if we have one in there
                //if we dont have one there then create a new object to populate
                if (existingValue == null)
                    var reference = ReaderUtil.ReadAheadToIdentifyObject(dataReader);

                    if (!serializationData.Included.TryGetValue(reference, out existingValue))
                        existingValue = CreateObject(objectType, reference.Type, serializer);
                        serializationData.Included.Add(reference, existingValue);
                    if (existingValue is JObject existingValueJObject)
                        //sometimes the value in the reference resolver is a JObject. This occurs when we
                        //did not know what type it should be when we first read it (i.e. included was processed
                        //before the item). In these cases we will create a new object and read data from the JObject
                        dataReader = new ForkableJsonReader(existingValueJObject.CreateReader(), dataReader.SerializationDataToken);
                        dataReader.Read(); //JObject readers begin at Not Started
                        existingValue = CreateObject(objectType, reference.Type, serializer);
                        serializationData.Included[reference] = existingValue;

                //additional check to ensure the object we created is of the correct type
                if (!TypeInfoShim.IsInstanceOf(objectType.GetTypeInfo(), existingValue))
                    throw new JsonSerializationException($"Unable to assign object '{existingValue}' to type '{objectType}'");

                PopulateProperties(serializer, existingValue, dataReader);
                return existingValue;