public void Ordinal() { var ff = new FordFulkerson(); ff.AddEdge(0, 1, 10); ff.AddEdge(0, 2, 2); ff.AddEdge(1, 2, 6); ff.AddEdge(1, 3, 6); ff.AddEdge(2, 4, 5); ff.AddEdge(3, 2, 3); ff.AddEdge(3, 4, 8); Assert.AreEqual(11, ff.GetMaxFlow(0, 4)); ff = new FordFulkerson(); ff.AddEdge(0, 1, 10); ff.AddEdge(0, 2, 2); ff.AddEdge(1, 2, 6); ff.AddEdge(1, 3, 6); ff.AddEdge(2, 4, 5); ff.AddEdge(3, 2, 3); ff.AddEdge(3, 4, 8); Assert.AreEqual(11, ff.GetMaxFlow(1, 4)); ff = new FordFulkerson(); ff.AddEdge(0, 1, 10); ff.AddEdge(0, 2, 2); ff.AddEdge(1, 2, 6); ff.AddEdge(1, 3, 6); ff.AddEdge(2, 4, 5); ff.AddEdge(3, 2, 3); ff.AddEdge(3, 4, 8); Assert.AreEqual(9, ff.GetMaxFlow(1, 2)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); //matrix.Run(); new FordFulkerson().Run(); FordFulkerson.PrintLn("Press key to exit ..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Test() { FlowNetwork network = GraphGenerator.flowNetwork(); FordFulkerson fordFulkerson = new FordFulkerson(network, 0, 7); console.WriteLine("max-flow: " + fordFulkerson.Value); Console.WriteLine("max-flow: " + fordFulkerson.Value); }
public void GivenNullArcsWhenTryToFindMaximumFlowThenThrowError() { // arrange var source = new SimpleNode("START"); var destination = new SimpleNode("DESTINATION"); // act & assert Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => FordFulkerson.FindMaximumFlow(null, source, destination)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => FordFulkerson.FindMaximumFlow <IArcWithFlow <SimpleNode> >(null)); }
// public double Calculate(Graph g) { if (g.order == 0 || !InvariantBool.IsConnected.Calculate(g)) { return(0); } FordFulkerson fordF = new FordFulkerson(g.adjacencyMatrix); return(fordF.FindMaximumFlow()); }
/// <summary> /// The execute calculate graph. /// </summary> private void ExecuteCalculateGraph() { const string Source = "s"; const string Target = "t"; var fordFulkerson = new FordFulkerson(this.visualizedGraph, Source, Target); this.graphSteps = fordFulkerson.RunAlgorithm(); this.IsCalculated = true; this.MaxFlow = fordFulkerson.MaxFlow; this.MinCut = fordFulkerson.MinCut; this.currentStep = 0; this.RaiseFlowAndResidualGraphChanged(this); }
public void Baseline() { var sut = new FordFulkerson(); var graph = new int[6][]; graph[0] = new [] { 0, 16, 13, 0, 0, 0 }; graph[1] = new [] { 0, 0, 10, 12, 0, 0 }; graph[2] = new [] { 0, 4, 0, 0, 14, 0 }; graph[3] = new [] { 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 20 }; graph[4] = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 4 }; graph[5] = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; Assert.Equal(23, sut.MaxFlow(graph)); }
/* * Too long * public static void YangLiuPeptidesWithAllProteins() * { * vsCSV csvPeptides = new vsCSV(@"G:\Thibault\-=Proteomics_Raw_Data=-\ELITE\DEC18_2012\DMatton\Clustering_186716\Cluster_Intensity_peptides_NormP.csv"); * vsCSVWriter writer = new vsCSVWriter(@"G:\Thibault\-=Proteomics_Raw_Data=-\ELITE\DEC18_2012\DMatton\Clustering_186716\ProteinsPerPeptidesFromDatabases.csv"); * * NucleicAcid.InitHash(); * * FileStream protein_fasta_database1 = new FileStream(@"G:\Thibault\Olivier\Databases\DMatton\Matton_Illumina_Anthesis_WithReverse.fasta", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); * List<Protein> proteins1 = new List<Protein>(ProteinFastaReader.ReadProteins(protein_fasta_database1, false)); * foreach(Protein prot in proteins1) * prot.BaseSequence = prot.BaseSequence.Replace('T','U'); * * FileStream protein_fasta_database2 = new FileStream(@"G:\Thibault\Olivier\Databases\DMatton\mattond_20110418_WithReverse_EditedJuly2013.fasta", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); * List<Protein> proteins2 = new List<Protein>(ProteinFastaReader.ReadProteins(protein_fasta_database2, false)); * foreach (Protein prot in proteins2) * prot.BaseSequence = prot.BaseSequence.Replace('T', 'U'); * * writer.AddLine(csvPeptides.LINES_LIST[0]); * Dictionary<string, List<string>> dicOfPepProt = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); * for (int i = 1; i < csvPeptides.LINES_LIST.Count; i++) * { * string[] splits = csvPeptides.LINES_LIST[i].Split(vsCSV._Generic_Separator); * string seq = splits[4]; * * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); * foreach (string alternateSeq in NucleicAcid.ConvertAAToNAs(seq)) * { * foreach (Protein prot in proteins1) * if (prot.BaseSequence.Contains(alternateSeq)) * sb.Append(prot.Description + " "); * foreach (Protein prot in proteins2) * if (prot.BaseSequence.Contains(alternateSeq)) * sb.Append(prot.Description + " "); * } * if(sb.Length == 0) * Console.WriteLine("Zut"); * writer.AddLine(csvPeptides.LINES_LIST[i] + "," + sb.ToString().Trim()); * } * writer.writeToFile(); * }//*/ /* * Only one protein returned by Mascot ... so the list of protein is always of length one * public static void YangLiuPeptidesWithAllProteins() * { * vsCSV csvIDs = new vsCSV(@"G:\Thibault\-=Proteomics_Raw_Data=-\ELITE\DEC18_2012\DMatton\Clustering_186716\AllProteinPerPeptides.csv"); * //vsCSV csvPeptides = new vsCSV(@"G:\Thibault\-=Proteomics_Raw_Data=-\ELITE\DEC18_2012\DMatton\Clustering_186716\Cluster_Intensity_peptides_NormP.csv"); * vsCSVWriter writer = new vsCSVWriter(@"G:\Thibault\-=Proteomics_Raw_Data=-\ELITE\DEC18_2012\DMatton\Clustering_186716\ProteinsPerPeptides.csv"); * * Dictionary<string, List<string>> dicOfPepProt = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); * for (int i = 1; i < csvIDs.LINES_LIST.Count; i++) * { * string[] splits = csvIDs.LINES_LIST[i].Split(vsCSV._Generic_Separator); * string seq = splits[1]; * List<string> protIDs; * if(!dicOfPepProt.ContainsKey(seq)) * dicOfPepProt.Add(seq, new List<string>()); * protIDs = dicOfPepProt[seq]; * * AddOnce(protIDs, splits[2]); * * for (int k = 3; k < splits.Length; k++) * { * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(splits[k])) * { * string[] prots = splits[k].Split(' '); * seq = prots[3]; * if (!dicOfPepProt.ContainsKey(seq)) * dicOfPepProt.Add(seq, new List<string>()); * protIDs = dicOfPepProt[seq]; * * AddOnce(protIDs, prots[0]); * } * } * } * * writer.AddLine("Peptide Sequence,Protein IDs"); * foreach (string key in dicOfPepProt.Keys) * { * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(key); * foreach (string prot in dicOfPepProt[key]) * sb.Append("," + prot); * writer.AddLine(sb.ToString()); * } * writer.writeToFile(); * }//*/ public static void TestGraphOptimization(Result result) { FordFulkerson ff = new FordFulkerson(); List <FordFulkerson.Node> nodes = new List <FordFulkerson.Node>(); List <FordFulkerson.Edge> edges = new List <FordFulkerson.Edge>(); FordFulkerson.Node source = new FordFulkerson.Node("Source"); nodes.Add(source); //foreach potential node //{ // nodes.Add(theNode); // ff.AddNode(theNode); // ff.AddEdge(source, theNode, capacity); //} ff.Optimize(); }
public void BaselineWithStraightLines() { var sut = new FordFulkerson(); var graph = new int[4][]; for (var i = 0; i < graph.Length; i++) { graph[i] = new int[4]; } graph[0][1] = 3; graph[0][2] = 2; graph[1][3] = 2; graph[2][3] = 3; Assert.Equal(4, sut.MaxFlow(graph)); }
public void UnitFordFulkerson() { // Let us create a graph shown in the above example int[,] graph = new int[6, 6] { { -1, 16, 13, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, -1, 10, 12, 0, 0 }, { 0, 4, -1, 0, 14, 0 }, { 0, 0, 9, -1, 0, 20 }, { 0, 0, 0, 7, -1, 4 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 } }; FordFulkerson newFlot = new FordFulkerson(); newFlot.TwoDimensionArray = graph; newFlot.NumberOfNodes = 6; //Console.WriteLine(newFlot.FordFulkersonWork(0, 5)); Assert.AreEqual("23", newFlot.FordFulkersonWork(0, 5).ToString()); }
/**//**/ public static void main(string[] strarr) { int num = Integer.parseInt(strarr[0]); int num2 = Integer.parseInt(strarr[1]); int i = 2 * num; int i2 = 2 * num + 1; FlowNetwork flowNetwork = new FlowNetwork(2 * num + 2); for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { int k = StdRandom.uniform(num); int num3 = StdRandom.uniform(num) + num; flowNetwork.addEdge(new FlowEdge(k, num3, double.PositiveInfinity)); StdOut.println(new StringBuilder().append(k).append("-").append(num3).toString()); } for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { flowNetwork.addEdge(new FlowEdge(i, j, (double)1f)); flowNetwork.addEdge(new FlowEdge(j + num, i2, (double)1f)); } FordFulkerson fordFulkerson = new FordFulkerson(flowNetwork, i, i2); StdOut.println(); StdOut.println(new StringBuilder().append("Size of maximum matching = ").append(ByteCodeHelper.d2i(fordFulkerson.value())).toString()); for (int k = 0; k < num; k++) { Iterator iterator = flowNetwork.adj(k).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { FlowEdge flowEdge = (FlowEdge); if (flowEdge.from() == k && flowEdge.flow() > (double)0f) { StdOut.println(new StringBuilder().append(flowEdge.from()).append("-").append(; } } } }
void CriarNodos() { List <string> arquivoLido = new List <string>(LerAqruivo().Split(default(string[]), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); List <int> numerosLidos = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < arquivoLido.Count; i++) { numerosLidos.Add(Int32.Parse(arquivoLido[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < numerosLidos.Count; i = i + 3) { //print(numerosLidos[i]); bool novo; GameObject nodo; if (GameObject.Find("Nodo " + numerosLidos[i].ToString()) == null) { nodo = Instantiate(nodoPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); novo = true; } else { nodo = GameObject.Find("Nodo " + numerosLidos[i].ToString()); novo = false; } Nodo nodoScript = nodo.GetComponent <Nodo>(); nodoScript.numero = numerosLidos[i]; = "Nodo " + numerosLidos[i].ToString(); Conexao conexao = Instantiate(conexaoPrefab); conexao.transform.SetParent(nodo.transform); conexao.origem = numerosLidos[i]; conexao.destino = numerosLidos[i + 1]; conexao.custo = numerosLidos[i + 2]; nodoScript.conexoes.Add(conexao); if (novo) { nodos.Add(nodoScript); } } print("numero de nodos na lista: " + nodos.Count); int numeroDeConexoes = 0; foreach (Nodo nodo in nodos) { foreach (Conexao conexao in nodo.conexoes) { numeroDeConexoes++; } } print(numeroDeConexoes); FlowNetwork flowNetwork = new FlowNetwork(numeroDeConexoes); foreach (Nodo nodo in nodos) { foreach (Conexao conexao in nodo.conexoes) { flowNetwork.AddEdge(new FlowEdge(nodo.numero, conexao.destino, conexao.custo)); } } FordFulkerson fordFulkerson = new FordFulkerson(flowNetwork, 1, 99); print(fordFulkerson.Value); }