Node CreateFooterNode(float x, float y)
            Node node = new FooterNode();

            node.SetPosition(new Rect(x, y, 100, 100));


        public void StackNodeContainsAddedElements()
            // Create a stack
            StackNode stack = CreateFilteredStackNode(k_DefaultX, k_DefaultY);
            Node      footer;

            // Verify that nodes are properly added to the stack
            stack.InsertElement(0, m_Node3);
            stack.InsertElement(0, footer = new FooterNode());

            Assert.AreEqual(4, stack.childCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(stack, m_Node1.parent);
            Assert.AreEqual(stack, m_Node2.parent);
            Assert.AreEqual(stack, m_Node3.parent);
            Assert.AreEqual(stack, footer.parent);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, stack.IndexOf(m_Node3));
            // Verify that the footer is added at the end of the stack even though we tried to insert it at the begining
            Assert.AreEqual(stack.childCount - 1, stack.IndexOf(footer));