public ActionResult FoodPantry()
            // Get the logged in Site ID from the session
            int?SiteID = Session["SiteID"] as int?;

            // if there is none, redirect to the login page
            if (!SiteID.HasValue)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));

            // set up the response object
            FoodPantryViewModel vm = new FoodPantryViewModel();

            // Find food pantry for user's site
            string sql = String.Format(
                "SELECT HoursOfOperation, ConditionsForUse, Description " +
                "FROM foodpantry WHERE SiteID = {0}; ", SiteID.Value.ToString());

            // run the sql against the db
            object[] result = SqlHelper.ExecuteSingleSelect(sql, 3);

            // if we got a result, populate the view model fields
            if (result != null)
                vm.SiteID           = SiteID.Value;
                vm.HoursOfOperation = result[0].ToString();
                vm.ConditionsForUse = result[1].ToString();
                vm.Description      = result[2].ToString();

        public ActionResult FoodPantry(FoodPantryViewModel vm)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // this is needed for some reason.. come back to it

                // find out if the soup kitchen exists for this SiteID already
                // and set up the SQL to INSERT or UPDATE accordingly

                if (vm.SiteID.Equals(0))
                    // we didn't find an existing soup kitchen. so insert a new one based on the logged in users Site ID
                    int?SiteID = Session["SiteID"] as int?;
                    // Insrt food pantry for user's site
                    string sql = String.Format(
                        "INSERT INTO foodpantry (SiteID, HoursOfOperation, ConditionsForUse, Description) " +
                        "VALUES ({0}, '{1}', '{2}', '{3}'); ",
                        SiteID.Value.ToString(), vm.HoursOfOperation, vm.ConditionsForUse, vm.Description);


                    vm.SiteID        = SiteID.Value;              // set the ID since it now exists
                    vm.StatusMessage = "Succesfully added!";
                    // update the existing record

                    string sql = String.Format(
                        "UPDATE foodpantry " +
                        "SET HoursOfOperation = '{0}', " +
                        "ConditionsForUse = '{1}', " +
                        "Description = '{2}' " +
                        "WHERE SiteID = {3}; ",
                        vm.HoursOfOperation, vm.ConditionsForUse, vm.Description, vm.SiteID


                    vm.StatusMessage = "Succesfully updated!";