protected void lnk_View_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int restId = Convert.ToInt32((sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument); RestaurantBLL rBLL = new RestaurantBLL(); Restaurant restaurant = rBLL.DoRetrieveRestaurantByRestID(restId); FoodItemBLL foodItemBLL = new FoodItemBLL(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = foodItemBLL.DoRetrieveAllFoodItemByRestId(restId); panelViewFoodItems.Visible = true; txtRName.Text = restaurant.RestName; if (dt != null) { gv_foodItem.DataSource = dt; gv_foodItem.DataBind(); } else { alertFailure.Visible = true; lblErrorRetrieve.Text = "Error in retrieving food item list"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["isLogin"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } gv_listofRestaurant.Visible = false; gv_listOfFood.Visible = false; btnBack.Visible = false; alertFailure.Visible = false; alertSuccess.Visible = false; OrderItemListBLL orderItemListBLL = new OrderItemListBLL(); if (Session["generatedId"] == null) { string transactionId = GenerateRandomString(); int result = orderItemListBLL.DoCheckIfTransactionIDExists(transactionId); while (result > 0) { transactionId = GenerateRandomString(); result = orderItemListBLL.DoCheckIfTransactionIDExists(transactionId); } Session["generatedId"] = transactionId; } else { Restaurant restaurant = orderItemListBLL.DoCheckOrderLineItemForExistingRestaurant((Session["generatedId"].ToString())); if (restaurant != null) { btnSearch.Enabled = false; btnBack.Enabled = false; FoodItemBLL foodItemBLL = new FoodItemBLL(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = foodItemBLL.DoRetrieveAllFoodItemByRestId(restaurant.RestId); if (dt != null) { lblRestName.Text = restaurant.RestName; lblRestAddress.Text = restaurant.RestAddress; gv_listOfFood.DataSource = dt; gv_listOfFood.DataBind(); gv_listOfFood.Visible = true; } else { alertFailure.Visible = true; lblErrorRetrieve.Text = "Error in retrieving food item list"; } } } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtFTitle.Text.Length <= 0) { lblFTitleMsg.Text = "Food Title cannot be blank"; } if (txtPrice.Text.Length <= 0) { lblPriceMsg.Text = "Price cannot be blank"; } if (txtDLimit.Text.Length <= 0) { lblDLimitMsg.Text = "Daily Limit cannot be blank"; } int currCount = 0; string category = ddlFCategory.SelectedValue; if (txtFTitle.Text.Length > 0 && txtPrice.Text.Length > 0 && txtDLimit.Text.Length > 0) { FoodItemBLL foodItemBLL = new FoodItemBLL(); int result = foodItemBLL.DoCreateFoodItem(Convert.ToInt32(txtRestId.Text), category, txtFTitle.Text, Convert.ToDouble(txtPrice.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtDLimit.Text), currCount); if (result > 0) { alertFoodSuccess.Visible = true; } else { alertFoodFailure.Visible = true; lblFoodFailure.Text = "Error in creating food item record"; } //Refresh the table panelViewFoodItem.Visible = true; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = foodItemBLL.DoRetrieveAllFoodItemByRestId(Convert.ToInt32(txtRestId.Text)); gv_foodItem.DataSource = dt; gv_foodItem.DataBind(); } }
protected void gv_listofRestaurant_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int rowNo = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); GridViewRow row = gv_listofRestaurant.Rows[rowNo]; int restId = int.Parse(row.Cells[0].Text); if (e.CommandName == "SelectFood") { lblRestName.Text = row.Cells[1].Text.ToString(); lblRestAddress.Text = row.Cells[2].Text.ToString(); FoodItemBLL foodItemBLL = new FoodItemBLL(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = foodItemBLL.DoRetrieveAllFoodItemByRestId(restId); if (dt != null) { gv_listOfFood.DataSource = dt; gv_listOfFood.DataBind(); gv_listOfFood.Visible = true; btnSearch.Enabled = false; btnBack.Visible = true; } else { alertFailure.Visible = true; lblErrorRetrieve.Text = "Error in retrieving food item list"; } } if (e.CommandName == "RestaurantReview") { int restIds = int.Parse(row.Cells[0].Text); Response.Redirect("UserViewRestaurantReview.aspx?restId=" + restIds); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["isLogin"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } panelViewFoodItem.Visible = false; panelUpdateFoodItem.Visible = false; alertFoodSuccess.Visible = false; alertFoodFailure.Visible = false; alertOthersFailure.Visible = false; UserAccount user = (UserAccount)Session["UserAccountObj"]; if (user.UserRole.Equals("Manager")) { lblAccessRight.Text = "YOU DO NOT HAVE STAFF RIGHTS TO ACCESS THIS FUNCTION"; } else { if (!IsPostBack) { StaffBLL staffBLL = new StaffBLL(); Staff staff = staffBLL.DoRetrieveStaffByID(user.UserId); if (staff != null) { RestaurantBLL restaurantBLL = new RestaurantBLL(); Restaurant restaurant = restaurantBLL.DoRetrieveRestaurantByRestID(staff.RestId); panelViewFoodItem.Visible = true; if (restaurant != null) { txtRestId.Text = restaurant.RestId.ToString(); txtRestName.Text = restaurant.RestName; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); FoodItemBLL foodItemBLL = new FoodItemBLL(); dt = foodItemBLL.DoRetrieveAllFoodItemByRestId(restaurant.RestId); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { gv_foodItem.DataSource = dt; gv_foodItem.DataBind(); } else { lblNoFoodItem.Text = "There is currently no food item, you will need to add a new food item"; } } else { alertOthersFailure.Visible = true; lblErrorRetrieve.Text = "Unable to retrieve food item records"; } } else { alertOthersFailure.Visible = true; lblErrorRetrieve.Text = "Unable to retrieve restaurant record"; } } else { alertOthersFailure.Visible = true; lblErrorRetrieve.Text = "Unable to retrieve staff account"; } } } }