        //* MAIN METHODS
        private void Render()
            //*** Render Tab
            BytonEditorAssetManager.Render_TabHeader("Resizer", this);

            //*** Render Header
            BytonEditorAssetManager.Render_WindowHeader("Texture Resizer", this, ref scrollPostion);

            //*** Get texture array
            Object[] aTextures = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(Texture2D), SelectionMode.Assets);

            GUILayout.Label("Selected Textures".ToUpper(), BytonEditorAssetManager.skin.label);

            //*** Loop through selected textures
            foreach (Object oTexture in aTextures)
                //*** Render Additional Options
                RenderInspector(oTexture as Texture2D);

            //*** Space


            //*** Space

            GUILayout.Label("Resize Textures".ToUpper(), BytonEditorAssetManager.skin.label);

            //*** Resize Textures

            //*** Folder convention pop up
            folderConvention = (FolderConvention)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Naming Convention", folderConvention);

            //*** If tk2d
            if (folderConvention == FolderConvention.TK2D)
                stripExtraFileExtentions = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Strip Extra File Extentions:", stripExtraFileExtentions);
                stripExtraFileExtentions = false;

            if (GUILayout.Button("Resize"))
                Resize(aTextures, folderConvention);


            //*** Space

            GUILayout.Label("Texture Format Presets".ToUpper(), BytonEditorAssetManager.skin.label);

            //*** Resize Textures
            if (GUILayout.Button("32 Bit, Readable"))

            //*** Space

            //*** End Scroll view
        private void Resize(Object[] aTextures, FolderConvention pFolderConvention)
            //*** Variables
            Texture2D oTexture;
            string    xAssetFolder  = "Assets";
            string    xSpriteFolder = "Sprites";
            string    xFinalPath    = "";
            int       i;

            string[]        aTK2D    = new string[] { "@4x", "@2x", "@1x" };
            string[]        aFolders = new string[] { "Full", "Half", "Quater" };
            float[]         aSizes   = new float[] { 1, 0.5f, 0.25f };
            ImageFilterMode oMode    = ImageFilterMode.Average;

            //*** Get Base Path
            string xBasePath = Application.dataPath;

            xBasePath = xBasePath.Substring(0, xBasePath.Length - xAssetFolder.Length);

            //*** Loop through selected textures
            foreach (Object oObject in aTextures)
                //*** Cast
                oTexture = oObject as Texture2D;

                //*** IF it is a valid texture
                if (oTexture != null)
                    //*** Get Asset Path
                    string xAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(oTexture);
                    string xPath      = Path.GetDirectoryName(xAssetPath);
                    string xNewPath   = xPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + xSpriteFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

                    //*** If TK2d
                    if (pFolderConvention == FolderConvention.TK2D)
                        //*** If Folder Does not exist
                        if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(xBasePath + xNewPath))
                            //*** Make it
                            AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(xPath, xSpriteFolder);

                            //*** Refresh

                    //*** If Set Folders
                    else if (pFolderConvention == FolderConvention.FoldersPerSize)
                        //*** Loop through sizes
                        for (i = 0; i < aFolders.Length; i++)
                            //*** If Folder Does not exist
                            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(xBasePath + xPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + aFolders[i] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
                                //*** Make it
                                AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(xPath, aFolders[i]);

                                //*** Refresh

                    //*** Get Importer data
                    TextureImporter oTI = TextureImporter.GetAtPath(xAssetPath) as TextureImporter;

                    //*** If Not Readable, set
                    if (!oTI.isReadable)
                        oTI.isReadable = true;

                        //*** Apply Settings & Reload
                        AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(xAssetPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);

                    //*** Get All the source pixels
                    Color[] aSourceColor = oTexture.GetPixels(0);
                    Vector2 vSourceSize  = new Vector2(oTexture.width, oTexture.height);

                    //*** Loop through sizes
                    for (i = 0; i < aFolders.Length; i++)
                        //*** Make New Paths
                        string xNewAssetPath = xNewPath + Path.GetFileName(xAssetPath);

                        //*** Strip Extra File Extention Data
                        if (stripExtraFileExtentions)
                            List <string> aNewAssetPath = new List <string>(xNewAssetPath.Split(new char[] { '.' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

                            //*** If Has an extention, remove last
                            if (aNewAssetPath.Count > 1)
                                aNewAssetPath.RemoveAt(aNewAssetPath.Count - 1);

                            //*** Make join back together
                            //xNewAssetPath = xNewPath + string.Join(".", aNewAssetPath.ToArray());
                            xNewAssetPath = string.Join(".", aNewAssetPath.ToArray());

                        //*** Calculate New Size
                        float xWidth  = (int)Mathf.Round((float)oTexture.width * aSizes[i]);
                        float xHeight = (int)Mathf.Round((float)oTexture.height * aSizes[i]);

                        //*** Make New
                        Texture2D oNewTex = new Texture2D((int)xWidth, (int)xHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

                        //*** Make destination array
                        int     xLength = (int)xWidth * (int)xHeight;
                        Color[] aColor  = new Color[xLength];

                        Vector2 vPixelSize = new Vector2(vSourceSize.x / xWidth, vSourceSize.y / xHeight);

                        //*** If Not a resize but a copy
                        if (aSizes[i] == 1)
                            //*** Just get pixels
                            aColor = aSourceColor;

                        //*** If Needs resizing
                            //*** Loop through destination pixels and process
                            int     ii;
                            Vector2 vCenter = new Vector2();
                            for (ii = 0; ii < xLength; ii++)
                                //*** Figure out x&y
                                float xX = (float)ii % xWidth;
                                float xY = Mathf.Floor((float)ii / xWidth);

                                //*** Calculate Center
                                vCenter.x = (xX / xWidth) * vSourceSize.x;
                                vCenter.y = (xY / xHeight) * vSourceSize.y;

                                //*** Do Based on mode
                                //*** Nearest neighbour (testing)
                                if (oMode == ImageFilterMode.Nearest)
                                    //*** Nearest neighbour (testing)
                                    vCenter.x = Mathf.Round(vCenter.x);
                                    vCenter.y = Mathf.Round(vCenter.y);

                                    //*** Calculate source index
                                    int xSourceIndex = (int)((vCenter.y * vSourceSize.x) + vCenter.x);

                                    //*** Copy Pixel
                                    aColor[ii] = aSourceColor[xSourceIndex];

                                //*** Bilinear
                                else if (oMode == ImageFilterMode.Biliner)
                                    //*** Get Ratios
                                    float xRatioX = vCenter.x - Mathf.Floor(vCenter.x);
                                    float xRatioY = vCenter.y - Mathf.Floor(vCenter.y);

                                    //*** Get Pixel index's
                                    int xIndexTL = (int)((Mathf.Floor(vCenter.y) * vSourceSize.x) + Mathf.Floor(vCenter.x));
                                    int xIndexTR = (int)((Mathf.Floor(vCenter.y) * vSourceSize.x) + Mathf.Ceil(vCenter.x));
                                    int xIndexBL = (int)((Mathf.Ceil(vCenter.y) * vSourceSize.x) + Mathf.Floor(vCenter.x));
                                    int xIndexBR = (int)((Mathf.Ceil(vCenter.y) * vSourceSize.x) + Mathf.Ceil(vCenter.x));

                                    //*** Calculate Color
                                    aColor[ii] = Color.Lerp(
                                        Color.Lerp(aSourceColor[xIndexTL], aSourceColor[xIndexTR], xRatioX),
                                        Color.Lerp(aSourceColor[xIndexBL], aSourceColor[xIndexBR], xRatioX),

                                //*** Average
                                else if (oMode == ImageFilterMode.Average)
                                    //*** Calculate grid
                                    int xXFrom = (int)Mathf.Max(Mathf.Floor(vCenter.x - (vPixelSize.x * 0.5f)), 0);
                                    int xXTo   = (int)Mathf.Min(Mathf.Ceil(vCenter.x + (vPixelSize.x * 0.5f)), vSourceSize.x);
                                    int xYFrom = (int)Mathf.Max(Mathf.Floor(vCenter.y - (vPixelSize.y * 0.5f)), 0);
                                    int xYTo   = (int)Mathf.Min(Mathf.Ceil(vCenter.y + (vPixelSize.y * 0.5f)), vSourceSize.y);

                                    //*** Loop and accumulate
                                    Vector4 oColorTotal = new Vector4();
                                    Color   oColorTemp  = new Color();
                                    float   xGridCount  = 0;
                                    for (int iy = xYFrom; iy < xYTo; iy++)
                                        for (int ix = xXFrom; ix < xXTo; ix++)
                                            //*** Get Color
                                            oColorTemp += aSourceColor[(int)(((float)iy * vSourceSize.x) + ix)];

                                            //*** Sum

                                    //*** Average Color
                                    aColor[ii] = oColorTemp / (float)xGridCount;

                        //*** Set Pixels

                        //*** if TK2D
                        if (pFolderConvention == FolderConvention.TK2D)
                            if (stripExtraFileExtentions)
                                xFinalPath = xBasePath + xNewAssetPath + aTK2D[i] + ".png";
                                xFinalPath = xBasePath + xNewAssetPath + "." + aTK2D[i] + ".png";

                        //*** If Sepearte Folders
                        else if (pFolderConvention == FolderConvention.FoldersPerSize)
                            xFinalPath = xBasePath + xPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + aFolders[i] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + oTexture.name + ".png";

                        //*** Encode and save
                        byte[] aData = oNewTex.EncodeToPNG();
                        File.WriteAllBytes(xFinalPath, aData);

                        //*** Open New Asset

                        //*** Set Texture

            //*** Refresh