override public void create() { FlxG.resetHud(); FlxG.showHud(); FlxG.backColor = Color.LightGray; base.create(); string levelData = FlxU.randomString(10); FlxG.log("levelData: " + levelData); makeCave(0.1f, Color.Black); makeCave(0.5f, new Color(0.98f, 1.0f, 0.95f)); makeCave2(1.0f, Color.Green); spaceShip = new FlxSprite(60, 60); spaceShip.loadGraphic(FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("flixel/surt/spaceship_32x32"), true, false, 32, 32); spaceShip.addAnimation("Static", new int[] { 0 }, 36, true); spaceShip.addAnimation("Transform", new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 }, 36, false); spaceShip.play("Static"); spaceShip.setDrags(1100, 1100); add(spaceShip); FlxG.follow(spaceShip, 10.0f); FlxG.followBounds(0, 0, 50 * 16, 40 * 16); }
override public void create() { FlxG.backColor = Color.DarkBlue; base.create(); FlxG.resetHud(); string textInfo = ""; textInfo = "Choose:\n"; textInfo += "1. Camera Test State\n"; textInfo += "2. Cave Tiles Test State\n"; FlxG.setHudText(1, textInfo); FlxG.setHudTextPosition(1, 20, 20); FlxG.setHudTextScale(1, 3); FlxG.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_KEYBOARD, FlxHud.Keyboard_1, FlxG.width - 40, 30); FlxG.showHud(); }
override public void create() { base.create(); FlxG.showHud(); FlxG.setHudText(1, "Press [`] to show the debug console.\nYou must build with the Debug Solution Configuration.\n\nIn the console press TAB to bring up the cheat menu.\n\nTry typing in the cheat code \"cheatcode\""); FlxG.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_KEYBOARD, FlxHud.Keyboard_Tilda, (FlxG.width * 2) - 100, 10); FlxG.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION, FlxHud.Keyboard_Tab, (FlxG.width * 2) - 100, 100); }
override public void update() { if (FlxGlobal.cheatString == "cheatcode") { FlxG._game._console.visible = false; FlxG.showHud(); FlxG.setHudText(1, "Awesome Cheat Activated!"); } base.update(); }
override public void create() { base.create(); FlxG.mouse.show(FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("flixel/cursor")); mouseInfo = new FlxText(1, 1, 100); mouseInfo.text = "Info:"; mouseInfo.alignment = FlxJustification.Left; mouseInfo.setScrollFactors(1, 1); add(mouseInfo); FlxG.resetHud(); string textInfo = ""; textInfo = "Choose:\n"; textInfo += "1. Cheat State\n"; textInfo += "2. Cave State\n"; textInfo += "3. Race Or Die\n"; textInfo += "4. Tweens\n"; textInfo += "5. Robot Football\n"; textInfo += "6. Animation Callbacks\n"; textInfo += "7. FlxPath \n"; textInfo += "8. Physics \n"; textInfo += "9. Angle And Velocity\n"; textInfo += "F2. Physics 2\n"; textInfo += "F3. Island \n"; textInfo += "F4. Island 2 \n"; textInfo += "F5. Physics Hockey \n"; textInfo += "F6. FlxBar \n"; textInfo += "F7. Scrolling Test \n"; textInfo += "Q. Garbage Tests \n"; FlxG.setHudText(1, textInfo); FlxG.setHudTextPosition(1, 50, 20); FlxG.setHudTextScale(1, 2); FlxG.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_KEYBOARD, FlxHud.Keyboard_1, FlxG.width - 120, 30); FlxG.showHud(); /* * FlxSprite logo = new FlxSprite(12, 12); * logo.loadGraphic("flixel/surt/race_or_die", true, false, 64, 64); * logo.addAnimation("Static", new int[] { 8 }, 0, true); * logo.play("Static"); * logo.setDrags(5, 5); * add(logo); */ }
//PlayHud localHud; override public void create() { FlxG.backColor = Color.Black; base.create(); FlxG.mouse.show(FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("initials/crosshair")); //FlxG.backColor = new Color(0xc2, 0x88, 0x83); base.create(); FlxG.resetHud(); FlxG.showHud(); _nameEntry = new FlxText(60, 150, FlxG.width); _nameEntry.setFormat(null, 2, Color.White, FlxJustification.Left, Color.White); _nameEntry.text = ""; add(_nameEntry); try { _nameEntry.text = LoadFromDevice(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Cannot load name from file"); } FlxG.showHud(); FlxG.setHudText(1, "Enter name, use @ symbol to specify Twitter handle.\nPress enter when complete."); FlxG.setHudTextScale(1, 2); FlxG.setHudTextScale(3, 2); FlxG.setHudTextPosition(1, 30 * 2, 40 * 2); FlxG.setHudTextPosition(3, 10 * 2, 20 * 2); //play = new FlxButton(FlxG.width / 2 - 50, FlxG.height - 30, advanceToNextState, FlxButton.ControlPadA); ////play = new FlxButton(0, FlxG.height - 30, advanceToNextState, FlxButton.ControlPadA); //play.loadGraphic((new FlxSprite()).loadGraphic(FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("fourchambers/menuButton"), false, false, 100, 20), (new FlxSprite()).loadGraphic(FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("fourchambers/menuButtonPressed"), false, false, 100, 20)); //play.loadText(new FlxText(2, 2, 100, "Enter"), new FlxText(2, 2, 100, "ENTER")); //add(play); FlxG.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_XBOX, FlxButton.ControlPadA, FlxG.width / 2 + 54, FlxG.height - 100); FlxG.flash.start(Color.Black, 1.5f); }
override public void create() { FlxG.backColor = FlxColor.ToColor("dedbc3"); base.create(); _world = new World(new Vector2(0, 98.0f)); charactersGrp = new FlxGroup(); blocksGrp = new FlxGroup(); movingBlocksGrp = new FlxGroup(); doors = new FlxGroup(); crates = new FlxGroup(); //Dictionary<string,string> levelAttrs = FlxXMLReader.readAttributesFromOelFile("ogmo/level1.oel", "level/grid"); //FlxTilemap tiles = new FlxTilemap(); //tiles.useExtraMiddleTiles = false; //tiles.auto = FlxTilemap.AUTO; //tiles.indexOffset = -1; //tiles.loadMap(levelAttrs["grid"], FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("level1_tiles"), 10, 10); //tiles.setScrollFactors(0, 0); //tiles.boundingBoxOverride = true; //blocksGrp.add(tiles); List <Dictionary <string, string> > lblocks = FlxXMLReader.readNodesFromOelFile("ogmo/level1.oel", "level/grid"); foreach (Dictionary <string, string> nodes in lblocks) { FarTileblock t = new FarTileblock(Convert.ToInt32(nodes["x"]) + (Convert.ToInt32(nodes["w"]) / 2), Convert.ToInt32(nodes["y"]) + (Convert.ToInt32(nodes["h"]) / 2), Convert.ToInt32(nodes["w"]), Convert.ToInt32(nodes["h"]), _world); t.auto = FlxTilemap.AUTO; t.loadTiles("level1_tiles", 10, 10, 0); blocksGrp.add(t); t._body.BodyType = BodyType.Static; FlxTileblock t2 = new FlxTileblock(Convert.ToInt32(nodes["x"]), Convert.ToInt32(nodes["y"]), Convert.ToInt32(nodes["w"]), Convert.ToInt32(nodes["h"])); t2.auto = FlxTilemap.AUTO; t2.loadTiles("level1_tiles", 10, 10, 0); blocksGrp.add(t2); } List <Dictionary <string, string> > blocks = FlxXMLReader.readNodesFromOelFile("ogmo/level1.oel", "level/tileblocks"); foreach (Dictionary <string, string> nodes in blocks) { if (nodes["Name"] == "elevator") { MovingBlock block = new MovingBlock(Convert.ToInt32(nodes["x"]), Convert.ToInt32(nodes["y"])); block.loadGraphic("level1_specialBlock", false, true, 40, 20); movingBlocksGrp.add(block); FlxPath xpath = new FlxPath(null); xpath.add(Convert.ToInt32(nodes["x"]) + 20, Convert.ToInt32(nodes["y"]) + 10); xpath.addPointsUsingStrings(nodes["pathNodesX"], nodes["pathNodesY"], 20, 10); block.followPath(xpath, 80, FlxObject.PATH_FORWARD, false); } if (nodes["Name"] == "door") { Door door = new Door(Convert.ToInt32(nodes["x"]), Convert.ToInt32(nodes["y"]) - 100); doors.add(door); } //foreach (var item in nodes) //{ // Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", item.Key, item.Value); //} } //bat = new Bat(x, y); //actors.add(bat); //Console.WriteLine("Building a bat {0} {1} {2} {3}", x, y, PathNodesX, PathNodesY); //if (PathNodesX != "" && PathNodesY != "") //{ // Console.WriteLine("Building a path {0} {1} {2}", PathNodesX, PathNodesY, PathCornering); // FlxPath xpath = new FlxPath(null); // xpath.add(x, y); // xpath.addPointsUsingStrings(PathNodesX, PathNodesY); // bat.followPath(xpath, PathSpeed, PathType, false); // bat.pathCornering = PathCornering; //} Andre andre = new Andre(0, 0); charactersGrp.add(andre); Liselot liselot = new Liselot(40, 40); charactersGrp.add(liselot); Army army = new Army(30, 20); charactersGrp.add(army); Inspector inspector = new Inspector(50, 50); charactersGrp.add(inspector); Worker worker = new Worker(60, 60); charactersGrp.add(worker); Chef chef = new Chef(100, 30); charactersGrp.add(chef); FlxTileblock bg = new FlxTileblock(0, 0, 240, 800); bg.auto = FlxTileblock.RANDOM; bg.loadTiles("level1_shelfTile", 80, 80, 0); add(bg); bg = new FlxTileblock(640, 0, 240, 800); bg.auto = FlxTileblock.RANDOM; bg.loadTiles("level1_shelfTile", 80, 80, 0); add(bg); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { SmallCrate c = new SmallCrate((int)FlxU.random(0, FlxG.width), (int)FlxU.random(0, FlxG.height - 100)); crates.add(c); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Bottle b = new Bottle((int)FlxU.random(0, FlxG.width), (int)FlxU.random(0, FlxG.height - 100)); crates.add(b); } for (int i = 0; i < 55; i++) { Fruit f = new Fruit((int)FlxU.random(0, FlxG.width), (int)FlxU.random(0, FlxG.height - 100), _world); f._body.ApplyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(20, 2120)); crates.add(f); } add(doors); add(charactersGrp); add(blocksGrp); add(movingBlocksGrp); add(crates); FlxG.showHud(); FlxG.setHudTextPosition(1, FlxG.width / 2, 10); FlxG.setHudTextScale(1, 3); }
public override void overlapped(FlxObject obj) { base.overlapped(obj); if (Math.Abs(velocity.X) > 1 || Math.Abs(velocity.Y) > 1) { if (obj.GetType().ToString() == "Lemonade.Worker" && obj.dead == false) { //Lemonade_Globals.gameProgress[Lemonade_Globals.location + "_" + FlxG.level.ToString()].KilledWorker = true; obj.kill(); play("explode"); velocity.X = 0; FlxG.play("Lemonade/sfx/cw_sound38", 0.5f, false); } else if (obj.GetType().ToString() == "Lemonade.Army" && obj.dead == false) { //Lemonade_Globals.gameProgress[Lemonade_Globals.location + "_" + FlxG.level.ToString()].KilledArmy = true; obj.kill(); play("explode"); velocity.X = 0; FlxG.play("Lemonade/sfx/cw_sound38", 0.5f, false); } else if (obj.GetType().ToString() == "Lemonade.Chef" && obj.dead == false) { //Lemonade_Globals.gameProgress[Lemonade_Globals.location + "_" + FlxG.level.ToString()].KilledChef = true; obj.kill(); play("explode"); velocity.X = 0; FlxG.play("Lemonade/sfx/cw_sound38", 0.5f, false); } else if (obj.GetType().ToString() == "Lemonade.Inspector" && obj.dead == false) { //Lemonade_Globals.gameProgress[Lemonade_Globals.location + "_" + FlxG.level.ToString()].KilledInspector = true; obj.kill(); play("explode"); velocity.X = 0; FlxG.play("Lemonade/sfx/cw_sound38", 0.5f, false); } } if (obj.GetType().ToString() == "Lemonade.Liselot" || obj.GetType().ToString() == "Lemonade.Andre") { if (((FlxPlatformActor)(obj)).control == FlxPlatformActor.Controls.player && parent == null) { FlxG.showHud(); //Console.WriteLine("Small crate is at {0} {1} collider is {2} {3} Zoom {4} ", x, y, this.getScreenXY().X, this.getScreenXY().Y, FlxG.zoom); if (FlxG.BUILD_TYPE == FlxG.BUILD_TYPE_PC) { if (FlxG.lastControlTypeUsed == FlxG.CONTROL_TYPE_KEYBOARD) { FlxG._game.hud.setHudGamepadButton( FlxHud.TYPE_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION, FlxHud.Keyboard_Arrow_Down, (this.getScreenXY().X *FlxG.zoom) - 80, (this.getScreenXY().Y *FlxG.zoom) - 120); FlxG._game.hud.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_KEYBOARD, FlxHud.Keyboard_C, (this.getScreenXY().X *FlxG.zoom) + 20, (this.getScreenXY().Y *FlxG.zoom) - 120); } else if (FlxG.lastControlTypeUsed == FlxG.CONTROL_TYPE_GAMEPAD) { FlxG._game.hud.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_XBOX_DIRECTION, FlxHud.xboxDPadDown, (this.getScreenXY().X *FlxG.zoom) - 80, (this.getScreenXY().Y *FlxG.zoom) - 120); FlxG._game.hud.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_XBOX, FlxHud.xboxButtonX, (this.getScreenXY().X *FlxG.zoom) + 20, (this.getScreenXY().Y *FlxG.zoom) - 120); } } if (FlxG.BUILD_TYPE == FlxG.BUILD_TYPE_OUYA) { FlxG._game.hud.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_OUYA_DIRECTION, FlxHud.ouyaDPadDown, (this.getScreenXY().X *FlxG.zoom) - 80, (this.getScreenXY().Y *FlxG.zoom) - 120); FlxG._game.hud.setHudGamepadButton(FlxHud.TYPE_OUYA, FlxHud.ouyaButtonU, (this.getScreenXY().X *FlxG.zoom) + 20, (this.getScreenXY().Y *FlxG.zoom) - 120); } FlxG._game.hud.resetTime(); FlxG._game.hud.timeToShowButton = 0.05f; throwTimer = 0; if (canParent) { parent = obj; Console.WriteLine("can parent == True);"); } canParent = false; } } else { canParent = false; } if (obj.GetType().ToString() == "Lemonade.Trampoline") { trampolineTimer = 0; velocity.Y = -1000; } if (obj.GetType().ToString() == "Lemonade.Spike") { play("explode"); } }