public override void OnMouseRightDown(System.Drawing.Point location) { if (!drawing) { drawing = true; drawMode = true; int sizeX = LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsX; int sizeY = LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsY; FlxCaveGenerator cave = new FlxCaveGenerator(LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsX, LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsY); cave.genInitMatrix(LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsX, LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsY); int[,] level = cave.generateCaveLevel(); for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sizeY; j++) { System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point(i * LayerEditor.Layer.Definition.Grid.Width, j * LayerEditor.Layer.Definition.Grid.Height); setCell(p, true); if (level[j, i] == 1) { setCell(p, false); } else { setCell(p, true); } } } } }
public static FlxTilemap createCave() { FlxCaveGenerator cav = new FlxCaveGenerator((int)Registry.levelSize.X, (int)Registry.levelSize.Y, 0.55f, 30); int[,] matr = cav.generateCaveLevel(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); matr = cav.editRectangle(matr, 0, (int)Registry.levelSize.Y / 2, (int)Registry.levelSize.X, 4, 1); matr = cav.editRectangle(matr, (int)Registry.levelSize.X / 2, 0, 4, (int)Registry.levelSize.Y, 1); matr = cav.grow(matr); matr = cav.editRectangle(matr, 0, 0, (int)Registry.levelSize.X, 1, 0); matr = cav.editRectangle(matr, 0, 0, 1, (int)Registry.levelSize.Y, 0); matr = cav.editRectangle(matr, 0, (int)Registry.levelSize.Y-1, (int)Registry.levelSize.X, 1, 0); matr = cav.editRectangle(matr, (int)Registry.levelSize.X-1, 0, 1, (int)Registry.levelSize.Y, 0); string newMap = cav.convertMultiArrayToString(matr); FlxTilemap tiles = new FlxTilemap(); // Remap guide before loading map tiles.remapGuide = Registry.createAltTileRemap(); = FlxTilemap.REMAPALT; tiles.loadMap(newMap, FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/oryx_16bit_fantasy_world_trans"), Registry.tileSize, Registry.tileSize); tiles.setScrollFactors(1, 1); Registry.levelAsTilemap = tiles; return tiles; }
public void makeCave(float Scroll, Color Col) { // make a new cave of tiles 50x40; FlxCaveGenerator cav = new FlxCaveGenerator(100, 100, 0.48f, 1); //Create a matrix based on these parameters. int[,] matr = cav.generateCaveLevel(3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1); //convert the array to a comma separated string string newMap = cav.convertMultiArrayToString(matr); //Create a tilemap and assign the cave map. tiles = new FlxTilemap(); = FlxTilemap.AUTO; tiles.loadMap(newMap, FlxG.Content.Load <Texture2D>("flixel/autotiles_16x16"), 16, 16); tiles.setScrollFactors(Scroll, Scroll); tiles.color = Col; add(tiles); }
public override void OnMouseLeftDown(System.Drawing.Point location) { int sizeX = LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsX; int sizeY = LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsY; FlxCaveGenerator cave = new FlxCaveGenerator(LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsX, LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsY); cave.genInitMatrix(LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsX, LayerEditor.Layer.GridCellsY); int[,] level = cave.generateCaveLevel(); for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++) { level[y, x] = Convert.ToInt32(LayerEditor.Layer.Grid[x, y]); } } level = cave.smoothLevel(level); for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++) { System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point(x * LayerEditor.Layer.Definition.Grid.Width, y * LayerEditor.Layer.Definition.Grid.Height); setCell(p, false); if (level[y, x] == 1) { setCell(p, true); } else { setCell(p, false); } } } }
private void buildCave() { // make a new cave of tiles 50x40; cav = new FlxCaveGenerator(50, 50, 0.55f, 30); //Create a matrix based on these parameters. matr = cav.generateCaveLevel(null, null, null, null, null, null, new int[] { 0, 49 }, new int[] { 0, 49 }); matr = cav.grow(matr); foreach (Dictionary<string, string> item in Registry.boxes) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} ", item["Name"], item["x"], item["y"], item["width"], item["height"]); if (item["Name"] == "TileCrate") { createTileblock(item); matr = cav.editRectangle(matr, Convert.ToInt32(item["x"]) / 16, Convert.ToInt32(item["y"]) / 16, Convert.ToInt32(item["width"]) / 16, Convert.ToInt32(item["height"]) / 16, 0); } } //foreach (Dictionary<string, string> item in p) //{ // if (item["Name"]=="Crate") // matr = cav.editRectangle(matr, Convert.ToInt32(item["x"]) / 16, Convert.ToInt32(item["y"]) / 16 , 4, 4, 0); //} string newMap = cav.convertMultiArrayToString(matr); //Create a tilemap and assign the cave map. tiles = new FlxTilemap(); = FlxTilemap.REMAPALT; tiles.loadMap(newMap, FlxG.Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/oryx_16bit_fantasy_world_trans"), 24, 24); tiles.setScrollFactors(1, 1); add(tiles); Registry.levelAsTilemap = tiles; for (int i = 0; i < 55; i++) { int rx = FlxU.randomInt(1, 35); int ry = FlxU.randomInt(1, 35); int rz = tiles.getTile(rx, ry); if (rz == 292) { Dictionary<string, string> x = new Dictionary<string, string>(); x.Add("Name", "PickUp"); x.Add("x", (rx * 24).ToString()); x.Add("y", (ry * 24).ToString()); createSprite(x); } } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { int rx = FlxU.randomInt(1, 35); int ry = FlxU.randomInt(1, 35); int rz = tiles.getTile(rx, ry); if (rz == 292) { Dictionary<string, string> x = new Dictionary<string, string>(); x.Add("Name", "Character"); x.Add("x", (rx * 24).ToString()); x.Add("y", ((ry * 24) - 2).ToString()); createSprite(x); } } }
public void cave(int custom = 0) { int sizeX = LayerEditor.Layer.TileCellsX; int sizeY = LayerEditor.Layer.TileCellsY; Console.WriteLine("Size X {0} Size Y {1} - crashes? ", sizeX, sizeY); FlxCaveGenerator cave = new FlxCaveGenerator(sizeX, sizeY); cave.genInitMatrix(sizeX, sizeY); int[,] level = cave.generateCaveLevel(); for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++) { if (LayerEditor.Layer.Tiles[x, y] == -1) { level[y, x] = 0; } else if (LayerEditor.Layer.Tiles[x, y] <= LayerEditor.Layer.Tileset.TilesAcross - 1) { level[y, x] = 1; } // HACK : Setting this decoration tile to a negative number so doesn't affect auto-tiling // HACK : Revert to original before setting tile. else { level[y, x] = (LayerEditor.Layer.Tiles[x, y] + 1) * -1; } } } //level = cave.smoothLevel(level); string MapData = cave.convertMultiArrayToString(level); int heightInTiles = 0; //Figure out the map dimensions based on the data string string[] cols; string[] rows = MapData.Split('\n'); heightInTiles = rows.Length; int r = 0; int c; cols = rows[r].Split(','); _data = new int[rows.Length * cols.Length]; while (r < heightInTiles) { cols = rows[r++].Split(','); if (cols.Length <= 1) { heightInTiles = heightInTiles - 1; continue; } if (widthInTiles == 0) { widthInTiles = cols.Length; } c = 0; // TODO: // This causes a crash in some situations. // while (c < widthInTiles) { _data[((r - 1) * widthInTiles) + c] = int.Parse(cols[c++]); } } int total = 0; int ii = 0; int totalTiles = LayerEditor.Layer.TileCellsX * LayerEditor.Layer.TileCellsY; while (ii < totalTiles) { if (custom == 1) { customAutoTile(ii++); } else if (custom == 2) { squareAutoTile(ii++); } else { autoTile(ii++); } } total = 0; for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++) { System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point(x * LayerEditor.Layer.Definition.Grid.Width, y * LayerEditor.Layer.Definition.Grid.Height); SetCaveTile(p, -1); if (_data[total] >= 1) { SetCaveTile(p, _data[total] - 1); } else if (_data[total] == 0) { SetCaveTile(p, -1); } // HACK : Since this is a negative number, it's a decoration tile. // HACK : Reverse the tile number to revert back to decoration. else if (_data[total] < 0) { SetCaveTile(p, (_data[total] + 1) * -1); } total++; } } }
public void cave() { int sizeX = LayerEditor.Layer.TileCellsX; int sizeY = LayerEditor.Layer.TileCellsY; FlxCaveGenerator cave = new FlxCaveGenerator(sizeX, sizeY); cave.genInitMatrix(sizeX, sizeY); int[,] level = cave.generateCaveLevel(); for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++) { if (LayerEditor.Layer.Tiles[x, y] == -1) { level[y, x] = 0; } else { level[y, x] = 1; } } } level = cave.smoothLevel(level); string MapData = cave.convertMultiArrayToString(level); int heightInTiles = 0; //Figure out the map dimensions based on the data string string[] cols; string[] rows = MapData.Split('\n'); heightInTiles = rows.Length; int r = 0; int c; cols = rows[r].Split(','); _data = new int[rows.Length * cols.Length]; while (r < heightInTiles) { cols = rows[r++].Split(','); if (cols.Length <= 1) { heightInTiles = heightInTiles - 1; continue; } if (widthInTiles == 0) { widthInTiles = cols.Length; } c = 0; while (c < widthInTiles) { _data[((r - 1) * widthInTiles) + c] = int.Parse(cols[c++]); } } int total = 0; int ii = 0; int totalTiles = LayerEditor.Layer.TileCellsX * LayerEditor.Layer.TileCellsY; while (ii < totalTiles) { autoTile(ii++); } total = 0; for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++) { System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point(x * LayerEditor.Layer.Definition.Grid.Width, y * LayerEditor.Layer.Definition.Grid.Height); SetCaveTile(p, -1); if (_data[total] >= 1) { SetCaveTile(p, _data[total] - 1); } else { SetCaveTile(p, -1); } total++; } } }