private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ServerFilesTree.Nodes.Clear(); FtpConnection = new FluentFTP.FtpClient(HostNameTextBox.Text); FtpConnection.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; FtpConnection.ConnectTimeout = 10000; if (UsernameTextBox.Text != "") { FtpConnection.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(UsernameTextBox.Text, PasswordTextBox.Text); } try { FtpConnection.Connect(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error Connecting"); MessageBox.Show("Error: \n " + ex.Message); return; } MessageBox.Show("Conected"); WorkingDirectory = "/"; ServerFilesTree.Nodes.Add("/"); ServerFilesTree.Nodes[0].Tag = "/"; foreach (FluentFTP.FtpListItem Item in FtpConnection.GetListing(WorkingDirectory)) { ServerFilesTree.Nodes[0].Nodes.Add(Item.FullName.Replace(WorkingDirectory, "")); ServerFilesTree.Nodes[0].LastNode.Tag = Item.FullName; //MessageBox.Show("Item Name: " + ServerFilesTree.Nodes[0].LastNode.Text); //MessageBox.Show("Item Tag: " + ServerFilesTree.Nodes[0].LastNode.Tag); } }
private void ConnectTo() { try { AddEditWindow addEditWindow = new AddEditWindow(); if (addEditWindow.model.ReturnCommand?.ToLower() == "ok") { if (client.IsConnected) { client.Disconnect(); } var customConfig = addEditWindow.model.SelectedItem; if (customConfig == null || !customConfig.CanTryConnect) { return; } client = new FluentFTP.FtpClient(customConfig.HostName, int.Parse(customConfig.Port), customConfig.UserName, customConfig.Password); client.Connect(); ListCombine(customConfig.RemoteFolder ?? ""); StatusText = "Connected"; } } catch (Exception exc) { ToolsLib.Tools.ExceptionLogAndShow(exc, "ConnectTo"); } }
public void changePermissions(string Path, string Permissions, string HostName, string UserName, string Password) { FluentFTP.FtpClient client = new FluentFTP.FtpClient(HostName); client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(UserName, Password); client.Connect(); client.Chmod(Path, Convert.ToInt32(Permissions)); client.Disconnect(); }
private FluentFTP.FtpClient GetFtpClient() { if (ftp == null) { ftp = new FluentFTP.FtpClient { Host = host, Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(user, password), }; } if (!ftp.IsConnected) { ftp.Connect(); } return(ftp); }
static void TestClient() { string host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_HOST"]; int port = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_PORT"]); string username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_USERNAME"]; string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_PASSWORD"]; using (FileStream stream = File.Open("C:\\ftp.txt", FileMode.Open)) { FluentFTP.FtpClient client = new FluentFTP.FtpClient(host, port, username, password); client.Connect(); client.Upload(stream, $"/ftp.txt", FluentFTP.FtpExists.Overwrite, true); client.Disconnect(); stream.Close(); } }
public void runFluent(int command) { //0 = change permissions if (command == 0) { try { FluentFTP.FtpClient client = new FluentFTP.FtpClient(this.connection.ServerName); client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(this.connection.UserName, this.connection.PassWord); client.Connect(); client.Chmod(this.path, this.permission); client.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } }
private void Connect() { try { if (ConfigData == null || !ConfigData.CanTryConnect) { return; } client = new FluentFTP.FtpClient(ConfigData.HostName, int.Parse(ConfigData.Port), ConfigData.UserName, ConfigData.Password); client.Connect(); ListCombine(ConfigData.RemoteFolder ?? ""); StatusText = "Connected"; ConfigData.LastUse = DateTime.Now; } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Can't connect"); } }
static void SaveFileToFtp(string sessionId, string userId, string toSave, string extName) { string filename = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SSO_ROOT"] + sessionId; string host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_HOST"]; int port = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_PORT"]); string username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_USERNAME"]; string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FTP_PASSWORD"]; string remoteRoot = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["REMOTE_ROOT"]; using (FileStream stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)) { FluentFTP.FtpClient client = new FluentFTP.FtpClient(host, port, username, password); client.Connect(); client.Upload(stream, $"{remoteRoot}{userId}/{userId}_{toSave}_{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")}.{extName}", FluentFTP.FtpExists.Overwrite, true); client.Disconnect(); stream.Close(); } File.Delete(filename); }
public void SendCmd(string arg, bool user = false) { if (user) { log.Add(arg); } List <string> args = arg.Split(' ').ToList(); string command = args[0]; string GetArgs(int index, int to = -1) { string data = ""; if (to == -1) { to = 999999999; } for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) { if (i >= index && i <= to) { data += args[i] + " "; } } return(data.TrimEnd()); } if (arg.Split(' ')[0] == "echocl") { string color = arg.Split(' ')[1]; Add(GetArgs(2), Color.FromName(color)); return; } if (arg.Split(' ')[0] == "echoclcode") { try { int R = Convert.ToInt32(arg.Split(' ')[1]); int G = Convert.ToInt32(arg.Split(' ')[2]); int B = Convert.ToInt32(arg.Split(' ')[3]); Add(GetArgs(4), Color.FromArgb(R, G, B)); } catch (Exception ex) { ResultsList.FromException(ex); } return; } if (arg.Split(' ')[0] == "echo") { Add(GetArgs(1)); return; } if (arg.Split(' ')[0] == "ln") { if (GetArgs(1) == password) { Add("Logged In!", Color.Lime); login = true; return; } if (GetArgs(1) == "logout") { Add("Logged Out!", Color.Red); login = false; return; } Add("Bad Password!", Color.Red); return; } Add(" - " + arg, Color.Yellow); if (arg.Split(' ')[0] == "cd") { bool inoe = false; try { var tmp = arg.Split(' ')[1]; if (tmp == " ") { inoe = true; } } catch { inoe = true; } if (inoe) { List <FluentFTP.FtpListItem> items = FTPHandle.GetItemsList("/ScreenShot"); Add("Items In Dir : Main : "); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Add(items[i].Name, Color.Violet); } } else { List <FluentFTP.FtpListItem> items = FTPHandle.GetItemsList("/ScreenShot/" + arg.Split(' ')[1]); Add("Items In Dir : " + arg.Split(' ')[1] + " : "); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Add(items[i].Name, Color.Violet); } } return; } if (arg.Split(' ')[0] == "wshmax") { if (login) { try { wikipediamax = Convert.ToInt32(arg.Split(' ')[1]); Add("Limit set to " + wikipediamax.ToString(), Color.Lime); } catch { return; } return; } } if (arg.Split(' ')[0] == "color") { try { if (arg.Split(' ')[1] == "1" || arg.Split(' ')[1] == "0") { if (arg.Split(' ')[1] == "1") { color = true; } if (arg.Split(' ')[1] == "0") { color = false; } Add("Color is " + color.ToString(), Color.Lime); } richTextBox1.Visible = color; richTextBox2.Visible = !color; richTextBox2.Text = richTextBox1.Text; richTextBox2.SelectAll(); richTextBox2.SelectionColor = Color.Gray; richTextBox2.DeselectAll(); } catch { return; } return; } if (arg.Split(' ')[0] == "wsearch" || arg.Split(' ')[0] == "wsh") { if (login) { string querry = GetArgs(1); try { Add("Searching : " + querry, Color.Aqua); List <Search> searches = new List <Search>(); Wikipedia wikipedia = new Wikipedia(WikipediaNet.Enums.Language.Polish); wikipedia.Limit = wikipediamax; QueryResult result = wikipedia.Search(querry); List <string> results = new List <string>(); foreach (Search s in result.Search) { searches.Add(s); results.Add(s.Snippet); } for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++) { results[i] = results[i].Replace("<span class=\"searchmatch\">", ""); results[i] = results[i].Replace("</span>", ""); } for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++) { Add(results[i], Color.Violet); } } catch (Exception ex) { Add(ex.ToString()); } return; } } if (arg.Split(' ')[0] == "clear" || arg.Split(' ')[0] == "cs") { richTextBox1.Text = ""; log.Clear(); return; } if (arg.Split(' ')[0] == "credentials") { if (args.Count > 1) { if (args[1] == "reset") { FTPHandle.credential.Password = FTPHandle.haslo; FTPHandle.credential.UserName = FTPHandle.login; FTPHandle.adres = FTPHandle.adresfactory; Add("Credentials changed to factory", Color.Violet); } if (args[1] == "ping") { try { FluentFTP.FtpClient f = new FluentFTP.FtpClient(FTPHandle.adres, FTPHandle.credential); f.Connect(); f.Disconnect(); Add("Credentials ping succes", Color.Lime); } catch (Exception ex) { ResultsList.FromException(ex); Add("To reset write : credentials reset", Color.Violet); } return; } if (args[1] == "changepass") { FTPHandle.credential.Password = GetArgs(2); Add("Password changed to : " + GetArgs(2), Color.Violet); } if (args[1] == "changelogin") { FTPHandle.credential.UserName = GetArgs(2); Add("Login changed to : " + GetArgs(2), Color.Violet); } if (args[1] == "changehost") { FTPHandle.adres = GetArgs(2); Add("Host changed to : " + GetArgs(2), Color.Violet); } } Add("Login Credentials", Color.Yellow); Add("Host : " + FTPHandle.adres, Color.Violet); Add("Login : "******"Password : "******""; for (int i = 0; i < FTPHandle.credential.Password.Length; i++) { passhide += "*"; } if (!login) { Add("Password : "******"Null Command", Color.Red); }
public void Connect() { _client.Connect(); }
public override void Connect() { _client.Connect(); OnPropertyChanged("IsConnected"); }