예제 #1
 private void PickUpFlower(Flower flower)
     _health.HealthPoints += 10.0f;
     // ...
예제 #2
	public override void Init (Flower _flower, int index) {

		if ( isInited )
		isInited = true;

        base.Init(_flower, index);

        // find component
        if ( follow == null )
            follow = GetComponentInChildren<Petal3DWind>();

        myUpDiff = Global.GetRandomDirectionV3() * 0.1f;
       // chaosFunction = StartCoroutine(GenerateChaos(0.1f));

        petalModelRotateToward = Global.GetRandomDirectionV3();

        // the initial phase position of the petal
        petalModelLinkInit = Random.Range(0,Mathf.PI * 2f);
        // randomize some parameter
        petalModelRotateIntense *= Random.Range(0.5f, 2f);
        petalModelLinkIntense *= Random.Range(0.1f, 5f);
        petalModelLinkInterval *= Random.Range(0.5f, 2f);

        m_rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

        // the up force intense is different because of diff shape
        upForceIntense *= Random.Range(0.5f, 2f);

		if ( state == PetalState.Init )
			SetColliderTrigger( false );

예제 #3
 public void addFlower(Flower f)
     int check = -1;
     int count = 0;
     for(int i = 0; i < flowers.Count; i++){ //check for flower already in list
         if(flowers[i].fName == f.fName){
             check = i;
             count = flowers[i].num;
     if (check > -1){ //if flower already in list, increment
         if (count < 5){ //max count of flowers
             flowers[check].num += 1;
             flowers[check].craftingCount += 1;
     else{ //otherwise add new flower
         Flower flower = new Flower();
         flower.fName = f.fName;
         flower.description = f.description;
         flower.num = 1;
         flower.craftingCount = 1;
예제 #4
	virtual public void Init(Flower _flower, int index)
		// link the parent flower
		flower = _flower;
		//initialize the init rotation
        public ArrangementPageViewModel(InteriorField[,] layout, Chair chairModel, Table tableModel)
            this.Rows = layout.GetLength(0);
            this.Columns = layout.GetLength(1);
            this.Arrangement = new ObservableCollection<ArrangedFieldViewModel>();
            for (int y = 0; y < layout.GetLength(0); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < layout.GetLength(1); x++)
                    this.Arrangement.Add(new ArrangedFieldViewModel((layout[y, x])));

            this.Palettes = new ObservableCollection<string>(new[] { "Light", "Dark" });
            this.ChairModel = chairModel;
            this.TableModel = tableModel;

            Pathway autoPathway = new Pathway();
            Flower autoFlower = new Flower();
            foreach (ArrangedFieldViewModel field in this.Arrangement)
                if (field?.PlaceHolder?.CanHoldObject(autoFlower) ?? false) field.ArrangeObjectCommand.Execute(autoFlower);
                else if (field?.PlaceHolder?.CanHoldObject(autoPathway) ?? false) field.ArrangeObjectCommand.Execute(autoPathway);

            this.ClearAllCommand = new DelegateCommand((param) => this.ClearAll());
            this.FillAllCommand = new DelegateCommand((param) => this.FillAll());
            this.RemoveObjectCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.RemoveObject, this.CanRemoveObject);
예제 #6
파일: Grandy.cs 프로젝트: HotFury/courses
 // grandy make and gives flower to girl
 public Flower GiveFlower(Girl girl)
     Console.WriteLine("Пожалела старушка Женю, привела ее в свой садик и говорит:");
     Console.WriteLine("- Ничего, не плачь, я тебе помогу.");
     Console.WriteLine("Я тебе подарю цветик-семицветик, он все устроит.");
     Console.WriteLine("С этими словами старушка подала девочке Жене цветок");
     Console.WriteLine("- Этот цветик может исполнить все, что ты захочешь.");
     Console.WriteLine("Для этого надо только оторвать один из лепестков, бросить его и сказать:");
     this.Spell();     // teaching girl make spell
     Flower flower = new Flower(girl); // giving flower
     return  flower;
예제 #7
	public override void  Init (Flower _flower , int index )

		if (m_collider == null )
			m_collider = GetComponent<Collider2D>();
		m_collider.isTrigger = true;

		float massRate = Random.Range(0.5f, 1.2f);
		top2D.mass *= massRate;
		root.mass *= massRate;
        public Bee(int id, Point location, Hive hive, World world)
            ID = id;
            Age = 0;
            this.location = location;
            InsideHive = true;
            destinationFlower = null;
            NectarCollected = 0;
            CurrentState = BeeState.Idle;
            this.world = world;
            this.hive = hive;

            MessageSender = hive.MessageSender;
예제 #9
 public void setFlower(Flower flower)
     //float x, float y, float z)
     if (_flower)
         if (_flower.isAttribuate())
     if (flower)
         _flower = flower;
         _flower.spawnFlower(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y, this.transform.position.z);
예제 #10
 void OnEnable()
     targ=target as Flower;
           targ.m_visualiser.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterial=new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"));
예제 #11
    //restore un jardin depuis une sauvegarde
    public void setJardin(Jardin newJardin)
        _jardin = newJardin;

        GameObject[] plane = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Tile");

        foreach (GameObject gameTile in plane) // Loop through List with foreach.
            //clean de l'ancien jardin
            Tiles tuile = gameTile.GetComponent<Tiles>();
            if (tuile.getFlower())
                Debug.Log("tuile(" + tuile.x + "," + tuile.y + ") destroy flower");
            //ajout d'une fleur si jamais il y en a une à ces coordonnées
            Element elem = _jardin.existFlowerOnTile(tuile.x, tuile.y);
            if (elem != null)
                Debug.Log(" elem x: " + elem.GetX() + " elem_y " + elem.GetY() + " non null!");
                _flower = gameTile.AddComponent<Flower>();

예제 #12
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _jardin = new Jardin();    //initialisation d'un jardin vide
     mode = ToggleType.View;  //le mode est en défault au départ
     lastMode = mode;
     _flower = null;
     _previousGameObject = null;
예제 #13
    //Modification d'une fleur, set les dropdown avec les valeurs de la fleur récupérée
    void ModifyFlower(GameObject tile)
        //Debug.Log("modif flower");
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            Flower flower = tile.GetComponent<Tiles>().getFlower();
            if (_flower == null)

            _flower = flower;
            buttonColor.value = buttonColor.options.FindIndex(a => a.text == _flower.couleur.ToString());
            buttonFlower.value = buttonFlower.options.FindIndex(a => a.text == _flower.espece.ToString());
            buttonSize.value = buttonSize.options.FindIndex(a => a.text == _flower.taille.ToString());
            buttonConstante.value = buttonConstante.options.FindIndex(a => a.text == _flower.constante);
            //on supprime la constante des listes pour que ce ne soit pas bloquant quand on passera dans create.
            if (_flower.Element != null)
                _flower.Element = null;
            //on désattribue la fleur de sa tuile

예제 #14
    //Création d'une fleur par récupération du contenu des dropdown
    //On supprime la fleur si jamais elle n'est pas attribuée à une tuile pour
    // pouvoir la reconstruire avec les nouvelles valeurs des dropdown
    void CreateFlower(GameObject tile)
        if (_flower != null)
            if (!_flower.isAttribuate() )

        Flower.Couleur couleur = (Flower.Couleur)Enum.Parse(typeof(Flower.Couleur), buttonColor.options.ElementAt(buttonColor.value).text);
        Flower.Espece espece = (Flower.Espece)Enum.Parse(typeof(Flower.Espece), buttonFlower.options.ElementAt(buttonFlower.value).text);
        Flower.Taille taille = (Flower.Taille)Enum.Parse(typeof(Flower.Taille), buttonSize.options.ElementAt(buttonSize.value).text);
        String constante = buttonConstante.options.ElementAt(buttonConstante.value).text;

        //check si la constante n'est pas déjà utilisée, si c'est le cas on stop la création
        if (_jardin.existConst(constante))
            errorText.text = "Constante déjà utilisée";
        //crée la fleur
        _flower = tile.AddComponent<Flower>();
        _flower.setFlower(espece, couleur, taille, constante);
예제 #15
        private void AddProductButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string price = PriceTextBox.Text.Replace(" ", "");

            int dot = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < price.Length; i++)
                if (price[i] == ',' || price[i] == '.')
            if (dot > 1 || price == "," || price == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Price Value");
                //MessageBox.Show($"Product Added Successfully\n Type: {selectedTypeRadioButton} \n Price:  {price}");
                switch (selectedTypeRadioButton)
                case "tree":

                    string height = HeightTextBox.Text.Replace(" ", "");
                    int    dot2   = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < height.Length; i++)
                        if (height[i] == ',' || price[i] == '.')
                    if (dot2 > 1 || height == "," || height == "")
                        MessageBox.Show("Invalid Height Value");
                        FlowerShop.Stock.Add(new Tree(float.Parse(price), float.Parse(height)));
                        Tree _tree = (Tree)FlowerShop.Stock[FlowerShop.Stock.Count - 1];
                        MessageBox.Show($"Product Added Successfully\nType: {selectedTypeRadioButton}\nPrice: ${_tree.Price.ToString()}\nHeight: {_tree.Height.ToString()}");
                    //Stock.Add(new Tree(float.Parse(price), float.Parse(feature)));


                case "flower":

                    FlowerShop.Stock.Add(new Flower(float.Parse(price), color));
                    Flower _flower = (Flower)FlowerShop.Stock[FlowerShop.Stock.Count - 1];
                    MessageBox.Show($"Product Added Successfully\nType: {selectedTypeRadioButton}\nPrice: ${_flower.Price.ToString()}\nColor: {_flower.Color.ToString()}");


                case "decoration":

                    FlowerShop.Stock.Add(new Decoration(float.Parse(price), material));
                    Decoration _decoration = (Decoration)FlowerShop.Stock[FlowerShop.Stock.Count - 1];
                    MessageBox.Show($"Product Added Successfully\nType: {selectedTypeRadioButton}\nPrice: ${_decoration.Price.ToString()}\Material: {_decoration.Material.ToString()}");


        public void Go(Random random)
            BeeState oldState = CurrentState;

            switch (CurrentState)
                case BeeState.Idle :
                    if (Age > CarrerSpan)
                        CurrentState = BeeState.Retired;
                    else if (world.flowers.Count > 0 && hive.ConsumeHoney(HoneyConsumed))
                        Flower flower = world.flowers[random.Next(world.flowers.Count)];
                        if (flower.Nectar >= MinimumFlowerNectar && flower.Alive)
                            destinationFlower = flower;
                            CurrentState = BeeState.FlyingToFlower;

                case BeeState.FlyingToFlower:
                    if (! world.flowers.Contains(destinationFlower))
                        CurrentState = BeeState.ReturningToHive;
                    else if (InsideHive)
                        if (MoveTowardsLocation(hive.GetLocation("Exit")))
                            InsideHive = false;
                            location = hive.GetLocation("Entrance");
                    else if (MoveTowardsLocation(destinationFlower.Location))
                        CurrentState = BeeState.GatheringNectar;

                case BeeState.GatheringNectar:
                    double nectar = destinationFlower.HarvestNectar();
                    if (nectar > 0)
                        NectarCollected += nectar;
                        CurrentState = BeeState.ReturningToHive;

                case BeeState.ReturningToHive:
                    if (!InsideHive)
                        if (MoveTowardsLocation(hive.GetLocation("Entrance")))
                            InsideHive = true;
                            location = hive.GetLocation("Exit");
                        if (MoveTowardsLocation(hive.GetLocation("HoneyFactory")))
                            CurrentState = BeeState.MakingHoney;

                case BeeState.MakingHoney:
                    if (NectarCollected < 0.5)
                        NectarCollected = 0;
                        CurrentState = BeeState.Idle;
                        if (hive.AddHoney(0.5))
                            NectarCollected -= 0.5;
                            NectarCollected = 0;

                case BeeState.Retired:


            if (oldState != CurrentState && MessageSender != null)
                MessageSender(ID, CurrentState.ToString());
예제 #17
        public static Block GetBlockById(byte blockId)
            Block block = null;

            if (CustomBlockFactory != null)
                block = CustomBlockFactory.GetBlockById(blockId);

            if (block != null) return block;

            if (blockId == 0) block = new Air();
            else if (blockId == 1) block = new Stone();
            else if (blockId == 2) block = new Grass();
            else if (blockId == 3) block = new Dirt();
            else if (blockId == 4) block = new Cobblestone();
            else if (blockId == 5) block = new Planks();
            else if (blockId == 6) block = new Sapling();
            else if (blockId == 7) block = new Bedrock();
            else if (blockId == 8) block = new FlowingWater();
            else if (blockId == 9) block = new StationaryWater();
            else if (blockId == 10) block = new FlowingLava();
            else if (blockId == 11) block = new StationaryLava();
            else if (blockId == 12) block = new Sand();
            else if (blockId == 13) block = new Gravel();
            else if (blockId == 14) block = new GoldOre();
            else if (blockId == 15) block = new IronOre();
            else if (blockId == 16) block = new CoalOre();
            else if (blockId == 17) block = new Log();
            else if (blockId == 18) block = new Leaves();
            else if (blockId == 19) block = new Sponge();
            else if (blockId == 20) block = new Glass();
            else if (blockId == 21) block = new LapisOre();
            else if (blockId == 22) block = new LapisBlock();
            else if (blockId == 23) block = new Dispenser();
            else if (blockId == 24) block = new Sandstone();
            else if (blockId == 25) block = new NoteBlock();
            else if (blockId == 26) block = new Bed();
            else if (blockId == 27) block = new GoldenRail();
            else if (blockId == 28) block = new DetectorRail();
            else if (blockId == 30) block = new Cobweb();
            else if (blockId == 31) block = new TallGrass();
            else if (blockId == 32) block = new DeadBush();
            else if (blockId == 35) block = new Wool();
            else if (blockId == 37) block = new YellowFlower();
            else if (blockId == 38) block = new Flower();
            else if (blockId == 39) block = new BrownMushroom();
            else if (blockId == 40) block = new RedMushroom();
            else if (blockId == 41) block = new GoldBlock();
            else if (blockId == 42) block = new IronBlock();
            else if (blockId == 43) block = new DoubleStoneSlab();
            else if (blockId == 44) block = new StoneSlab();
            else if (blockId == 45) block = new Bricks();
            else if (blockId == 46) block = new Tnt();
            else if (blockId == 47) block = new Bookshelf();
            else if (blockId == 48) block = new MossStone();
            else if (blockId == 49) block = new Obsidian();
            else if (blockId == 50) block = new Torch();
            else if (blockId == 51) block = new Fire();
            else if (blockId == 52) block = new MonsterSpawner();
            else if (blockId == 53) block = new OakWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 54) block = new Chest();
            else if (blockId == 55) block = new RedstoneWire();
            else if (blockId == 56) block = new DiamondOre();
            else if (blockId == 57) block = new DiamondBlock();
            else if (blockId == 58) block = new CraftingTable();
            else if (blockId == 59) block = new Wheat();
            else if (blockId == 60) block = new Farmland();
            else if (blockId == 61) block = new Furnace();
            else if (blockId == 62) block = new LitFurnace();
            else if (blockId == 63) block = new StandingSign();
            else if (blockId == 64) block = new WoodenDoor();
            else if (blockId == 65) block = new Ladder();
            else if (blockId == 66) block = new Rail();
            else if (blockId == 67) block = new CobblestoneStairs();
            else if (blockId == 68) block = new WallSign();
            else if (blockId == 69) block = new Lever();
            else if (blockId == 70) block = new StonePressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 71) block = new IronDoor();
            else if (blockId == 72) block = new WoodenPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 73) block = new RedstoneOre();
            else if (blockId == 74) block = new LitRedstoneOre();
            else if (blockId == 75) block = new UnlitRedstoneTorch();
            else if (blockId == 76) block = new RedstoneTorch();
            else if (blockId == 77) block = new StoneButton();
            else if (blockId == 78) block = new SnowLayer();
            else if (blockId == 79) block = new Ice();
            else if (blockId == 80) block = new Snow();
            else if (blockId == 81) block = new Cactus();
            else if (blockId == 82) block = new Clay();
            else if (blockId == 83) block = new Reeds();
            else if (blockId == 85) block = new Fence();
            else if (blockId == 86) block = new Pumpkin();
            else if (blockId == 87) block = new Netherrack();
            else if (blockId == 88) block = new SoulSand();
            else if (blockId == 89) block = new Glowstone();
            else if (blockId == 90) block = new Portal();
            else if (blockId == 91) block = new LitPumpkin();
            else if (blockId == 92) block = new Cake();
            else if (blockId == 93) block = new UnpoweredRepeater();
            else if (blockId == 94) block = new PoweredRepeater();
            else if (blockId == 95) block = new InvisibleBedrock();
            else if (blockId == 96) block = new Trapdoor();
            else if (blockId == 97) block = new MonsterEgg();
            else if (blockId == 98) block = new StoneBrick();
            else if (blockId == 99) block = new BrownMushroomBlock();
            else if (blockId == 100) block = new RedMushroomBlock();
            else if (blockId == 101) block = new IronBars();
            else if (blockId == 102) block = new GlassPane();
            else if (blockId == 103) block = new Melon();
            else if (blockId == 106) block = new Vine();
            else if (blockId == 107) block = new FenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 108) block = new BrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 109) block = new StoneBrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 110) block = new Mycelium();
            else if (blockId == 111) block = new Waterlily();
            else if (blockId == 112) block = new NetherBrick();
            else if (blockId == 113) block = new NetherBrickFence();
            else if (blockId == 114) block = new NetherBrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 115) block = new NetherWart();
            else if (blockId == 116) block = new EnchantingTable();
            else if (blockId == 117) block = new BrewingStand();
            else if (blockId == 120) block = new EndPortalFrame();
            else if (blockId == 121) block = new EndStone();
            else if (blockId == 122) block = new LitRedstoneLamp();
            else if (blockId == 123) block = new RedstoneLamp();
            else if (blockId == 126) block = new ActivatorRail();
            else if (blockId == 127) block = new Cocoa();
            else if (blockId == 128) block = new SandStoneStairs();
            else if (blockId == 129) block = new EmeraldOre();
            else if (blockId == 131) block = new TripwireHook();
            else if (blockId == 132) block = new Tripwire();
            else if (blockId == 133) block = new EmeraldBlock();
            else if (blockId == 134) block = new SpruceWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 135) block = new BirchWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 136) block = new JungleWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 139) block = new CobblestoneWall();
            else if (blockId == 140) block = new FlowerPot();
            else if (blockId == 141) block = new Carrots();
            else if (blockId == 142) block = new Potatoes();
            else if (blockId == 143) block = new WoodenButton();
            else if (blockId == 144) block = new Skull();
            else if (blockId == 145) block = new Anvil();
            else if (blockId == 146) block = new TrappedChest();
            else if (blockId == 147) block = new LightWeightedPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 148) block = new HeavyWeightedPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 151) block = new DaylightDetector();
            else if (blockId == 152) block = new RedstoneBlock();
            else if (blockId == 153) block = new QuartzOre();
            else if (blockId == 155) block = new QuartzBlock();
            else if (blockId == 156) block = new QuartzStairs();
            else if (blockId == 157) block = new DoubleWoodSlab();
            else if (blockId == 158) block = new WoodSlab();
            else if (blockId == 159) block = new StainedHardenedClay();
            else if (blockId == 161) block = new AcaciaLeaves();
            else if (blockId == 162) block = new AcaciaLog();
            else if (blockId == 163) block = new AcaciaStairs();
            else if (blockId == 164) block = new DarkOakStairs();
            else if (blockId == 167) block = new IronTrapdoor();
            else if (blockId == 170) block = new HayBlock();
            else if (blockId == 171) block = new Carpet();
            else if (blockId == 172) block = new HardenedClay();
            else if (blockId == 173) block = new CoalBlock();
            else if (blockId == 174) block = new PackedIce();
            else if (blockId == 175) block = new Sunflower();
            else if (blockId == 178) block = new DaylightDetectorInverted();
            else if (blockId == 183) block = new SpruceFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 184) block = new BirchFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 185) block = new JungleFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 186) block = new DarkOakFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 187) block = new AcaciaFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 198) block = new GrassPath();
            else if (blockId == 199) block = new ItemFrame();
            else if (blockId == 243) block = new Podzol();
            else if (blockId == 244) block = new Beetroot();
            else if (blockId == 245) block = new Stonecutter();
            else if (blockId == 246) block = new GlowingObsidian();
            else if (blockId == 247) block = new NetherReactorCore();
                //				Log.DebugFormat(@"
                //	// Add this missing block to the BlockFactory
                //	else if (blockId == {1}) block = new {0}();
                //	public class {0} : Block
                //	{{
                //		internal {0}() : base({1})
                //		{{
                //		}}
                //	}}
                //", "Missing", blockId);
                block = new Block(blockId);

            return block;
예제 #18
 public void remFlower(Flower f)
     if(flowers.Find(Flower => Flower.fName == f.fName) != null){ //see if flower exists in list already
         flowers[flowers.FindIndex(Flower => Flower.fName == f.fName)].num -= 1; //change 1 to f.num at some point plz self
예제 #19
 public void ShowFlower(Vector3 pos, string msg1, float time)
     Vector3 vector3 = mainCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(pos);
     Flower flower = new Flower();
     float num = (float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height;
     vector3.x = (float)(vector3.x / scaleX * num * 0.75f - (scaleX - scale.y) / 2.5f * originalWidth);
     vector3.y = vector3.y / scale.y;
     flower.X = vector3.x - (float)(msg1.Length * 16.0f / 2.0f);
     flower.Y = originalHeight - vector3.y;
     flower.txt = msg1;
     flower.timeEnd = time;
예제 #20
 public void ShowFlower(string msg1)
     Vector3 vector3 = mainCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(new Vector3(15.0f, 0.0f, 16.0f));
     Flower flower = new Flower();
     float num = (float)Screen.width / Screen.height;
     vector3.x = (vector3.x / scaleX * num * 0.75f - (scaleX - scale.y) / 2.5f * originalWidth);
     vector3.y = vector3.y / scale.y;
     flower.X = vector3.x - (msg1.Length * 16 / 2);
     flower.Y = originalHeight - vector3.y;
     flower.txt = msg1;
     flower.timeEnd = 1.0f;
예제 #21
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _flower = null;
예제 #22
 public void Attach(Flower flower)
     _flower = flower;
     flower.AttachTo(transform, Vector2.zero);
예제 #23
    public static void Main()
        random = new Random ();

         	ClutterRun.Init ();

        Stage stage = Stage.Default;
        stage.Fullscreen = true;

        stage.Color = new Clutter.Color (0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0xff);
        flowers = new Flower[N_FLOWERS];

        for (int i = 0; i < N_FLOWERS; i++)
            flowers[i] = new Flower ();
            flowers[i].x = (int)(rand () % stage.Width - (PETAL_MIN + PETAL_VAR)*2);
            flowers[i].y = (int)(rand () % stage.Height);
            flowers[i].rv = rand () % 5 + 1;
            flowers[i].v = rand () % 10 + 2;

            stage.AddActor (flowers[i].ctex);
            flowers[i].ctex.SetPosition (flowers[i].x, flowers[i].y);

        GLib.Timeout.Add (50, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (Tick));

        stage.ShowAll ();
        stage.KeyPressEvent += HandleKeyPress;

        ClutterRun.Main ();
예제 #24
 public override void Init (Flower _flower, int index) {
     base.Init(_flower, index);
     myUpDiff = Global.V2ToV3 (Global.GetRandomDirection() * 0.33f );
     chaosFunction = StartCoroutine(GenerateChaos(0.1f));
예제 #25
파일: Girl.cs 프로젝트: HotFury/courses
 // take flower from Grandy
 public void TakeFlower(Flower flower)
     this.flower = flower; // flower that Grandy give became also Girl flower
     Console.WriteLine("Женя вежливо поблагодарила старушку, вышла за калитку");
     Console.WriteLine("И решила она позагадывать желания");
예제 #26
 private FlowerF(Flower f)
     this.f = f;
예제 #27
 public void setCanPickTrue(Flower f)
     canPick = true;
     flower = f;