public void BindWap() { this.Pub1.AddFieldSet("<a href='Home.aspx' ><img src='" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Img/Home.gif' >Home</a>"); Flows fls = new Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); FlowSorts fss = new FlowSorts(); fss.RetrieveAll(); this.Pub1.AddUL(); foreach (FlowSort fs in fss) { this.Pub1.AddBR(fs.Name); foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (fl.FK_FlowSort != fs.No) { continue; } string src2 = BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Rpt/Search.aspx?EnsName=ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "Rpt&FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&IsWap=1"; this.Pub1.AddLi("<a href='" + src2 + "' >" + fl.Name + "</a>"); } } this.Pub1.AddULEnd(); this.Pub1.AddFieldSetEnd(); }
public void BindLeft() { FlowSorts sorts = new FlowSorts(); sorts.RetrieveAll(); Flows fls = new Flows(); fls.Retrieve(FlowAttr.FlowType, (int)FlowAppType.PRJ); foreach (FlowSort fs in sorts) { this.Pub1.AddB(fs.Name); this.Pub1.AddBR(); this.Pub1.AddUL(); foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (fl.FK_FlowSort != fs.No) { continue; } if (this.FK_Flow == fl.No) { this.Pub1.AddLi("<a href='NodeAccess.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&FK_Prj=" + this.FK_Prj + "' ><b>" + fl.Name + "</b></a>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddLi("<a href='NodeAccess.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&FK_Prj=" + this.FK_Prj + "' >" + fl.Name + "</a>"); } } this.Pub1.AddULEnd(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BP.WF.Flows fls = new BP.WF.Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); FlowSorts ens = new FlowSorts(); ens.RetrieveAll(); DataTable dt = BP.WF.Dev2Interface.DB_GenerCanStartFlowsOfDataTable(BP.Web.WebUser.No); int cols = 3; //定义显示列数 从0开始。 decimal widthCell = 100 / cols; this.Pub1.AddTable("width=100% border=0"); int idx = -1; bool is1 = false; string timeKey = "s" + this.Session.SessionID + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss"); foreach (FlowSort en in ens) { if (en.ParentNo == "0" || en.ParentNo == "" || en.No == "") { continue; } idx++; if (idx == 0) { is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); } this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("width='" + widthCell + "%' border=0 valign=top"); //输出类别. //this.Pub1.AddFieldSet(en.Name); this.Pub1.AddB(en.Name); this.Pub1.AddUL(); #region 输出流程。 foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (fl.FlowAppType == FlowAppType.DocFlow) { continue; } if (fl.FK_FlowSort != en.No) { continue; } bool isHaveIt = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (dr["No"].ToString() != fl.No) { continue; } isHaveIt = true; break; } this.Pub1.AddLi(" <a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('/WF/Rpt/Search.aspx?RptNo=ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "MyRpt&FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "');\" >" + fl.Name + "</a> "); } #endregion 输出流程。 this.Pub1.AddULEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); if (idx == cols - 1) { idx = -1; this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } } while (idx != -1) { idx++; if (idx == cols - 1) { idx = -1; this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD(); } } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
/// <summary> /// 工作流查询 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private string FlowSearchMethod() { FlowSorts fss = new FlowSorts(); fss.RetrieveAll(); Flows fls = new Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); StringBuilder appFlow = new StringBuilder(); appFlow.Append("{"); appFlow.Append("\"rows\":["); foreach (FlowSort fs in fss) { if (appFlow.Length == 9) { appFlow.Append("{"); } else { appFlow.Append(",{"); } if (fs.ParentNo == "0") { appFlow.Append(string.Format("\"No\":\"{0}\",\"Name\":\"{1}\",\"NumOfBill\":\"{2}\",\"_parentId\":null,\"state\":\"open\",\"Element\":\"sort\"", fs.No, fs.Name, "0")); } else { appFlow.Append(string.Format("\"No\":\"{0}\",\"Name\":\"{1}\",\"NumOfBill\":\"{2}\",\"_parentId\":\"{3}\",\"state\":\"open\",\"Element\":\"sort\"", fs.No, fs.Name, "0", fs.ParentNo)); } appFlow.Append("}"); } foreach (FlowSort fs in fss) { foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (fl.FK_FlowSort != fs.No) { continue; } if (appFlow.Length == 9) { appFlow.Append("{"); } else { appFlow.Append(",{"); } appFlow.Append(string.Format("\"No\":\"{0}\",\"Name\":\"{1}\",\"NumOfBill\":\"{2}\",\"_parentId\":\"{3}\",\"Element\":\"flow\"", fl.No, fl.Name, fl.NumOfBill, fl.FK_FlowSort)); appFlow.Append("}"); } } appFlow.Append("]"); appFlow.Append(",\"total\":" + fls.Count + fss.Count + ""); appFlow.Append("}"); return(appFlow.ToString()); }
public override object Do() { string msg = ""; #region 检查数据文件是否完整. string path = "C:\\CCFlowTemplete"; if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path) == false) { msg += "@错误:约定的目录不存在服务器" + path + ",请把从ccflow备份的文件放入" + path; } //PortTables. string file = path + "\\PortTables.xml"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file) == false) { msg += "@错误:约定的文件不存在," + file; } //SysTables. file = path + "\\SysTables.xml"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file) == false) { msg += "@错误:约定的文件不存在," + file; } //FlowTables. file = path + "\\FlowTables.xml"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(file) == false) { msg += "@错误:约定的文件不存在," + file; } #endregion 检查数据文件是否完整. #region 1 装载流程基础表数据. DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(path + "\\FlowTables.xml"); //流程类别. FlowSorts sorts = new FlowSorts(); sorts.ClearTable(); DataTable dt = ds.Tables["WF_FlowSort"]; // sorts = QueryObject.InitEntitiesByDataTable(sorts, dt, null) as FlowSorts; foreach (FlowSort item in sorts) { item.DirectInsert(); //插入数据. } #endregion 1 装载流程基础表数据. #region 2 组织结构. ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(path + "\\PortTables.xml"); //Port_Emp. Emps emps = new Emps(); emps.ClearTable(); dt = ds.Tables["Port_Emp"]; emps = QueryObject.InitEntitiesByDataTable(emps, dt, null) as Emps; foreach (Emp item in emps) { item.DirectInsert(); //插入数据. } //Depts. Depts depts = new Depts(); depts.ClearTable(); dt = ds.Tables["Port_Dept"]; depts = QueryObject.InitEntitiesByDataTable(depts, dt, null) as Depts; foreach (Dept item in depts) { item.DirectInsert(); //插入数据. } //Stations. Stations stas = new Stations(); stas.ClearTable(); dt = ds.Tables["Port_Station"]; stas = QueryObject.InitEntitiesByDataTable(stas, dt, null) as Stations; foreach (Station item in stas) { item.DirectInsert(); //插入数据. } //EmpDepts. EmpDepts eds = new EmpDepts(); eds.ClearTable(); dt = ds.Tables["Port_EmpDept"]; eds = QueryObject.InitEntitiesByDataTable(eds, dt, null) as EmpDepts; foreach (EmpDept item in eds) { item.DirectInsert(); //插入数据. } //EmpStations. EmpStations ess = new EmpStations(); ess.ClearTable(); dt = ds.Tables["Port_EmpStation"]; ess = QueryObject.InitEntitiesByDataTable(ess, dt, null) as EmpStations; foreach (EmpStation item in ess) { item.DirectInsert(); //插入数据. } #endregion 2 组织结构. #region 3 恢复系统数据. ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(path + "\\SysTables.xml"); //枚举Main. SysEnumMains sems = new SysEnumMains(); sems.ClearTable(); dt = ds.Tables["Sys_EnumMain"]; sems = QueryObject.InitEntitiesByDataTable(sems, dt, null) as SysEnumMains; foreach (SysEnumMain item in sems) { item.DirectInsert(); //插入数据. } //枚举. SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(); ses.ClearTable(); dt = ds.Tables["Sys_Enum"]; ses = QueryObject.InitEntitiesByDataTable(ses, dt, null) as SysEnums; foreach (SysEnum item in ses) { item.DirectInsert(); //插入数据. } ////Sys_FormTree. //BP.Sys.SysFormTrees sfts = new SysFormTrees(); //sfts.ClearTable(); //dt = ds.Tables["Sys_FormTree"]; //sfts = QueryObject.InitEntitiesByDataTable(sfts, dt, null) as SysFormTrees; //foreach (SysFormTree item in sfts) //{ // try // { // item.DirectInsert(); //插入数据. // } // catch // { // } //} #endregion 3 恢复系统数据. #region 4.备份表单相关数据. if (1 == 2) { string pathOfTables = path + "\\SFTables"; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pathOfTables); SFTables tabs = new SFTables(); tabs.RetrieveAll(); foreach (SFTable item in tabs) { if (item.No.Contains(".")) { continue; } string sql = "SELECT * FROM " + item.No; ds = new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(BP.DA.DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql)); ds.WriteXml(pathOfTables + "\\" + item.No + ".xml"); } } #endregion 4 备份表单相关数据. #region 5.恢复表单数据. //删除所有的流程数据. MapDatas mds = new MapDatas(); mds.RetrieveAll(); foreach (MapData fl in mds) { //if (fl.FK_FormTree.Length > 1 || fl.FK_FrmSort.Length > 1) // continue; fl.Delete(); //删除流程. } //清除数据. SysFormTrees fss = new SysFormTrees(); fss.ClearTable(); // 调度表单文件。 string frmPath = path + "\\Form"; DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(frmPath); DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dirInfo.GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo item in dirs) { if (item.FullName.Contains(".svn")) { continue; } string[] fls = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(item.FullName); if (fls.Length == 0) { continue; } SysFormTree fs = new SysFormTree(); fs.No = item.Name.Substring(0, item.Name.IndexOf('.')); fs.Name = item.Name.Substring(item.Name.IndexOf('.')); fs.ParentNo = "0"; fs.Insert(); foreach (string f in fls) { try { msg += "@开始调度表单模板文件:" + f; System.IO.FileInfo info = new System.IO.FileInfo(f); if (info.Extension != ".xml") { continue; } ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(f); MapData md = MapData.ImpMapData(ds, false); md.FK_FrmSort = fs.No; md.Update(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg += "@调度失败,文件:" + f + ",异常信息:" + ex.Message; } } } #endregion 5.恢复表单数据. #region 6.恢复流程数据. //删除所有的流程数据. Flows flsEns = new Flows(); flsEns.RetrieveAll(); foreach (Flow fl in flsEns) { fl.DoDelete(); //删除流程. } dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path + "\\Flow\\"); dirs = dirInfo.GetDirectories(); //删除数据. FlowSorts fsRoots = new FlowSorts(); fsRoots.ClearTable(); //生成流程树. FlowSort fsRoot = new FlowSort(); fsRoot.No = "99"; fsRoot.Name = "流程树"; fsRoot.ParentNo = "0"; fsRoot.DirectInsert(); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirs) { if (dir.FullName.Contains(".svn")) { continue; } string[] fls = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(dir.FullName); if (fls.Length == 0) { continue; } FlowSort fs = new FlowSort(); fs.No = dir.Name.Substring(0, dir.Name.IndexOf('.')); fs.Name = dir.Name.Substring(3); fs.ParentNo = fsRoot.No; fs.Insert(); foreach (string filePath in fls) { msg += "@开始调度流程模板文件:" + filePath; Flow myflow = BP.WF.Flow.DoLoadFlowTemplate(fs.No, filePath, ImpFlowTempleteModel.AsTempleteFlowNo); msg += "@流程:" + myflow.Name + "装载成功。"; System.IO.FileInfo info = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath); myflow.Name = info.Name.Replace(".xml", ""); if (myflow.Name.Substring(2, 1) == ".") { myflow.Name = myflow.Name.Substring(3); } myflow.DirectUpdate(); } } #endregion 6.恢复流程数据. BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineInfo(msg); //删除多余的空格. BP.WF.DTS.DeleteBlankGroupField dts = new DeleteBlankGroupField(); dts.Do(); //执行生成签名. GenerSiganture gs = new GenerSiganture(); gs.Do(); return(msg); }
/// <summary> /// 执行 /// </summary> /// <returns>返回执行结果</returns> public override object Do() { string path = this.GetValStrByKey("Path") + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yy年MM月dd日HH时mm分"); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { return("系统正在执行中,请稍后。"); } System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "\\Flow.流程模板"); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(path + "\\Frm.表单模板"); Flows fls = new Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); FlowSorts sorts = new FlowSorts(); sorts.RetrieveAll(); // 生成流程模板。 foreach (FlowSort sort in sorts) { string pathDir = path + "\\Flow.流程模板\\" + sort.No + "." + sort.Name; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDir); foreach (Flow fl in fls) { fl.DoExpFlowXmlTemplete(pathDir); } } // 生成表单模板。 foreach (FlowSort sort in sorts) { string pathDir = path + "\\Frm.表单模板\\" + sort.No + "." + sort.Name; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDir); foreach (Flow fl in fls) { string pathFlowDir = pathDir + "\\" + fl.No + "." + fl.Name; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pathFlowDir); Nodes nds = new Nodes(fl.No); foreach (Node nd in nds) { MapData md = new MapData("ND" + nd.NodeID); System.Data.DataSet ds = md.GenerHisDataSet(); ds.WriteXml(pathFlowDir + "\\" + nd.NodeID + "." + nd.Name + ".Frm.xml"); } } } // 流程表单模板. SysFormTrees frmSorts = new SysFormTrees(); frmSorts.RetrieveAll(); foreach (SysFormTree sort in frmSorts) { string pathDir = path + "\\Frm.表单模板\\" + sort.No + "." + sort.Name; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDir); MapDatas mds = new MapDatas(); mds.Retrieve(MapDataAttr.FK_FrmSort, sort.No); foreach (MapData md in mds) { System.Data.DataSet ds = md.GenerHisDataSet(); ds.WriteXml(pathDir + "\\" + md.No + "." + md.Name + ".Frm.xml"); } } return("生成成功,请打开" + path + "。<br>如果您想共享出来请压缩后发送到"); }
/// <summary> /// 树节点管理 /// </summary> public string Do() { string doWhat = getUTF8ToString("doWhat"); string para1 = getUTF8ToString("para1"); // 如果admin账户登陆时有错误发生,则返回错误信息 var result = LetAdminLogin("CH", true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) == false) { return(result); } switch (doWhat) { case "GetFlowSorts": //获取所有流程类型 try { FlowSorts flowSorts = new FlowSorts(); flowSorts.RetrieveAll(FlowSortAttr.Idx); return(BP.Tools.Entitis2Json.ConvertEntitis2GenerTree(flowSorts, "0")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, msg = ex.Message })); } case "NewSameLevelFrmSort": //创建同级别的 表单树 目录. SysFormTree frmSort = null; try { var para = para1.Split(','); frmSort = new SysFormTree(para[0]); string sameNodeNo = frmSort.DoCreateSameLevelNode().No; frmSort = new SysFormTree(sameNodeNo); frmSort.Name = para[1]; frmSort.Update(); return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { return("Do Method NewFormSort Branch has a error , para:\t" + para1 + ex.Message); } case "NewSubLevelFrmSort": //创建子级别的 表单树 目录. SysFormTree frmSortSub = null; try { var para = para1.Split(','); frmSortSub = new SysFormTree(para[0]); string sameNodeNo = frmSortSub.DoCreateSubNode().No; frmSortSub = new SysFormTree(sameNodeNo); frmSortSub.Name = para[1]; frmSortSub.Update(); return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { return("Do Method NewSubLevelFrmSort Branch has a error , para:\t" + para1 + ex.Message); } case "NewSameLevelFlowSort": //创建同级别的 流程树 目录. FlowSort fs = null; try { var para = para1.Split(','); fs = new FlowSort(para[0].Replace("F", "")); //传入的编号多出F符号,需要替换掉 string sameNodeNo = fs.DoCreateSameLevelNode().No; fs = new FlowSort(sameNodeNo); fs.Name = para[1]; fs.Update(); return (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { success = true, msg = string.Empty, data = "F" + fs.No })); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineError("Do Method NewSameLevelFlowSort Branch has a error , para:\t" + para1 + ex.Message); return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, msg = ex.Message })); } case "NewSubFlowSort": //创建子级别的 流程树 目录. try { var para = para1.Split(','); FlowSort fsSub = new FlowSort(para[0].Replace("F", ""));//传入的编号多出F符号,需要替换掉 string subNodeNo = fsSub.DoCreateSubNode().No; FlowSort subFlowSort = new FlowSort(subNodeNo); subFlowSort.Name = para[1]; subFlowSort.Update(); return (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { success = true, msg = string.Empty, data = "F" + subFlowSort.No })); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineError("Do Method NewSubFlowSort Branch has a error , para:\t" + ex.Message); return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, msg = ex.Message })); } case "EditFlowSort": //编辑表单树. try { var para = para1.Split(','); fs = new FlowSort(para[0].Replace("F", ""));//传入的编号多出F符号,需要替换掉 fs.Name = para[1]; fs.Save(); return (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { success = true, msg = string.Empty, data = fs.No })); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineError("Do Method EditFlowSort Branch has a error , para:\t" + para1 + ex.Message); return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, msg = ex.Message })); } case "NewFlow": //创建新流程. try { string[] ps = para1.Split(','); if (ps.Length != 6) { throw new Exception("@创建流程参数错误"); } string fk_floSort = ps[0]; //类别编号. fk_floSort = fk_floSort.Replace("F", ""); //传入的编号多出F符号,需要替换掉 string flowName = ps[1]; // 流程名称. DataStoreModel dataSaveModel = (DataStoreModel)int.Parse(ps[2]); //数据保存方式。 string pTable = ps[3]; // 物理表名。 string flowMark = ps[4]; // 流程标记. string flowVer = ps[5]; // 流程版本 string FK_Flow = BP.BPMN.Glo.NewFlow(fk_floSort, flowName, dataSaveModel, pTable, flowMark, flowVer); return (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { success = true, msg = string.Empty, data = new { no = FK_Flow, name = flowName } })); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineError("Do Method NewFlow Branch has a error , para:\t" + para1 + ex.Message); return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, msg = ex.Message })); } case "DelFlow": //删除流程. try { return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new { success = true, msg = WorkflowDefintionManager.DeleteFlowTemplete(para1) })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, msg = ex.Message })); } case "DelFlowSort": try { string FK_FlowSort = para1.Replace("F", ""); string forceDel = getUTF8ToString("force"); FlowSort delfs = new FlowSort(); delfs.No = FK_FlowSort; //强制删除,不需判断是否含有子项。 if (forceDel == "true") { delfs.DeleteFlowSortSubNode_Force(); delfs.Delete(); return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = true, reason = "" })); } //判断是否包含子类别 if (delfs.HisSubFlowSorts != null && delfs.HisSubFlowSorts.Count > 0) { return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, reason = "havesubsorts", msg = "此类别下包含子类别。" })); } //判断是否包含工作流程 if (delfs.HisFlows != null && delfs.HisFlows.Count > 0) { return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, reason = "haveflows", msg = "此类别下包含流程。" })); } //执行删除 delfs.Delete(); return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = true, reason = "" })); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineError("Do Method DelFlowSort Branch has a error , para:\t" + para1 + ex.Message); return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, msg = ex.Message })); } case "DelNode": try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(para1)) { BP.WF.Node delNode = new BP.WF.Node(int.Parse(para1)); delNode.Delete(); } else { throw new Exception("@参数错误:" + para1); } } catch (Exception ex) { return("err:" + ex.Message); } return(null); case "SetBUnit": try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(para1)) { BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(int.Parse(para1)); nd.IsTask = !nd.IsBUnit; nd.Update(); } else { throw new Exception("@参数错误:" + para1); } } catch (Exception ex) { return("err:" + ex.Message); } return(null); case "GetSettings": return(SystemConfig.AppSettings[para1]); case "SaveFlowFrm": //保存流程表单. Entity en = null; try { AtPara ap = new AtPara(para1); string enName = ap.GetValStrByKey("EnName"); string pk = ap.GetValStrByKey("PKVal"); en = ClassFactory.GetEn(enName); en.ResetDefaultVal(); if (en == null) { throw new Exception("无效的类名:" + enName); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pk) == false) { en.PKVal = pk; en.RetrieveFromDBSources(); } foreach (string key in ap.HisHT.Keys) { if (key == "PKVal") { continue; } en.SetValByKey(key, ap.HisHT[key].ToString().Replace('^', '@')); } en.Save(); return(en.PKVal as string); } catch (Exception ex) { if (en != null) { en.CheckPhysicsTable(); } return("Error:" + ex.Message); } case "ChangeNodeType": var p = para1.Split(','); try { if (p.Length != 3) { throw new Exception("@修改节点类型参数错误"); } //var sql = "UPDATE WF_Node SET Icon='{0}' WHERE FK_Flow='{1}' AND NodeID='{2}'"; var sql = "UPDATE WF_Node SET RunModel={0} WHERE FK_Flow='{1}' AND NodeID={2}"; DBAccess.RunSQL(string.Format(sql, p[0], p[1], p[2])); return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = true })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, msg = ex.Message })); } case "ChangeNodeIcon": p = para1.Split(','); try { if (p.Length != 3) { throw new Exception("@修改节点图标参数错误"); } var sql = "UPDATE WF_Node SET Icon='{0}' WHERE FK_Flow='{1}' AND NodeID={2}"; DBAccess.RunSQL(string.Format(sql, p[0], p[1], p[2])); return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = true })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { success = false, msg = ex.Message })); } default: throw new Exception("@没有约定的执行标记:" + doWhat); } }
public void BindWap_bak() { this.Pub1.AddFieldSet("<img src='" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Img/Home.gif' ><a href='Home.aspx' >Home</a>"); Flows fls = new Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); bool is1 = false; FlowSorts fss = new FlowSorts(); fss.RetrieveAll(); string search = "查询"; string dtl = "明细"; string bill = "单据"; string nodeSearch = "节点"; string FX = "分析"; this.Pub1.Add("<table width='100%' border=0 >"); foreach (FlowSort fs in fss) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(fs.Name); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (fl.FK_FlowSort != fs.No) { continue; } is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); this.Pub1.Add(fl.Name); this.Pub1.AddBR(); if (fl.NumOfBill == 0) { this.Pub1.Add("--"); } else { string src = "" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Comm/Search.aspx?EnsName=BP.WF.Bills&FK_Flow=" + fl.No; this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src + "');\" >" + bill + "</a>"); } string src1 = "" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Comm/Search.aspx?EnsName=ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "Rpt"; this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src1 + "');\" >" + search + "</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:Dtl('" + fl.No + "');\" >" + dtl + "</a>"); src1 = BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Comm/Group.aspx?EnsName=ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "Rpt"; this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src1 + "');\" >" + FX + "</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("-<a href='FlowSearch.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "'>" + nodeSearch + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); this.Pub1.AddFieldSetEnd(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Page.Title = "查询与分析"; switch (this.DoType) { case "Bill": this.BindBill(); return; case "MyWork": this.BindMyWork(); return; default: break; } if (this.FK_Flow != null) { if (WebUser.IsWap) { this.BindFlowWap(); } else { this.BindFlow(); } return; } if (this.FK_Node != 0) { return; } if (WebUser.IsWap) { BindWap(); return; } int colspan = 5; this.Pub1.AddTable("width='90%' align=left"); if (WebUser.IsWap) { this.Pub1.AddCaptionLeftTX2("<img src='" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Img/Home.gif' ><a href='Home.aspx' >Home</a> - <img src='" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Img/Search.gif' >-流程查询"); } else { this.Pub1.AddCaptionLeftTX2("<div style='float:left'><img src='" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Img/Search.gif' >流程查询/分析</div><div style='float:right'><a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('KeySearch.aspx',900,900); \">关键字查询</a>|<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Comm/Search.aspx?EnsName=BP.WF.Data.GenerWorkFlowViews',900,900); \">综合查询</a>|<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Comm/Group.aspx?EnsName=BP.WF.Data.GenerWorkFlowViews',900,900); \">综合分析</a>|<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Comm/Search.aspx?EnsName=BP.WF.WorkFlowDeleteLogs',900,900); \">删除日志</a></div>"); } this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("序"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("width='70%'", "流程名称"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("单据"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("流程查询-分析"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); Flows fls = new Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); FlowSorts fss = new FlowSorts(); fss.RetrieveAll(); string search = "查询"; string FX = "分析"; int idx = 1; int gIdx = 0; foreach (FlowSort fs in fss) { if (fs.ParentNo == "0" || fs.ParentNo == "" || fs.No == "0") { continue; } gIdx++; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDB("colspan=" + colspan + " class=TRSum onclick=\"GroupBarClick('" + gIdx + "')\" ", "<div style='text-align:left; float:left' ><img src='./Style/Min.gif' alert='Min' id='Img" + gIdx + "' border=0 /> <b>" + fs.Name + "</b>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (fl.FK_FlowSort != fs.No) { continue; } this.Pub1.AddTR("ID='" + gIdx + "_" + idx + "'"); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); if (WebUser.IsWap == false) { this.Pub1.AddTD("width='60%'", "<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('/WorkOpt/OneWork/ChartTrack.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&DoType=Chart','sd');\" >" + fl.Name + "</a>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD(fl.Name); } if (fl.NumOfBill == 0) { this.Pub1.AddTD("无"); } else { //string src = BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Rpt/Bill.aspx?EnsName=BP.WF.Bills&FK_Flow=" + fl.No; // this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src + "');\" ><img src='" + BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Img/Btn/Word.gif' border=0/>" + bill + "</a>"); } this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); string src2 = BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Rpt/Search.aspx?RptNo=ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "MyRpt&FK_Flow=" + fl.No; this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src2 + "');\" >" + search + "</a>"); src2 = BP.WF.Glo.CCFlowAppPath + "WF/Rpt/Group.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&DoType=Dept"; this.Pub1.Add(" - <a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src2 + "');\" >" + FX + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
public void BindWap_bak() { this.Pub1.AddFieldSet("<img src='/WF/Img/Home.gif' ><a href='Home.aspx' >Home</a>"); string sql = "SELECT FK_Flow FROM WF_Node "; Flows fls = new Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); int i = 0; bool is1 = false; string fk_sort = null; FlowSorts fss = new FlowSorts(); fss.RetrieveAll(); string open = "打开"; string search = "查询"; string dtl = "明细"; string bill = "单据"; string nodeSearch = "节点"; string FX = "分析"; this.Pub1.Add("<table width='100%' border=0 >"); foreach (FlowSort fs in fss) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(fs.Name); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (fl.FK_FlowSort != fs.No) { continue; } is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); this.Pub1.Add(fl.Name); this.Pub1.AddBR(); if (fl.NumOfBill == 0) { this.Pub1.Add("--"); } else { string src = "/WF/Comm/PanelEns.aspx?EnsName=BP.WF.Bills&FK_Flow=" + fl.No; this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src + "');\" >" + bill + "</a>"); } string src1 = "/WF/Comm/PanelEns.aspx?EnsName=ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "Rpt"; this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src1 + "');\" >" + search + "</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:Dtl('" + fl.No + "');\" >" + dtl + "</a>"); src1 = this.Request.ApplicationPath + "/Comm/GroupEnsMNum.aspx?EnsName=ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "Rpt"; this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src1 + "');\" >" + FX + "</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("-<a href='FlowSearch" + this.PageSmall + ".aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "'>" + nodeSearch + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); this.Pub1.AddFieldSetEnd(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Page.Title = "查询与分析"; switch (this.DoType) { case "Bill": this.BindBill(); return; case "MyWork": this.BindMyWork(); return; default: break; } if (this.FK_Flow != null) { if (WebUser.IsWap) { this.BindFlowWap(); } else { this.BindFlow(); } return; } if (this.FK_Node != 0) { return; } if (WebUser.IsWap) { BindWap(); return; } int colspan = 5; if (this.PageSmall != "") { this.Pub1.AddBR(); } this.Pub1.AddTable("border=1px width='960px'"); if (WebUser.IsWap) { this.Pub1.AddCaption("<img src='/WF/Img/Home.gif' ><a href='Home.aspx' >Home</a> - <img src='/WF/Img/Search.gif' > - 流程查询"); } else { this.Pub1.AddCaptionLeft("<img src='/WF/Img/Search.gif' > <b>流程查询-分析</b> <span style='float:right'><a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('KeySearch.aspx',900,900); \">关键字查询</a> | <a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('/WF/Comm/PanelEns.aspx?EnsName=BP.WF.FlowDatas',900,900); \">综合查询</a> | <a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('/WF/Comm/GroupEnsMNum.aspx?EnsName=BP.WF.FlowDatas',900,900); \">综合分析</a> "); } this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("序"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("width='70%'", "流程名称"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("单据"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("流程查询-分析"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); string sql = ""; Flows fls = new Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); FlowSorts fss = new FlowSorts(); fss.RetrieveAll(); string open = "打开"; string search = "查询"; string dtl = "明细"; string bill = "单据"; string nodeSearch = "节点"; string FX = "分析"; string myWork = "我的工作"; string BPR = "成本分析"; int idx = 1; int gIdx = 0; foreach (FlowSort fs in fss) { gIdx++; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDB("colspan=" + colspan + " class=Sum onclick=\"GroupBarClick('" + gIdx + "')\" ", "<div style='text-align:left; float:left' ><img src='./Style/Min.gif' alert='Min' id='Img" + gIdx + "' border=0 /> <b>" + fs.Name + "</b>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (fl.FK_FlowSort != fs.No) { continue; } this.Pub1.AddTR("ID='" + gIdx + "_" + idx + "'"); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); if (WebUser.IsWap == false) { this.Pub1.AddTD("width='60%'", "<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('Chart.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&DoType=Chart','sd');\" >" + fl.Name + "</a>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD(fl.Name); } if (fl.NumOfBill == 0) { this.Pub1.AddTD("无"); } else { string src = this.Request.ApplicationPath + "WF/Rpt/Bill.aspx?EnsName=BP.WF.Bills&FK_Flow=" + fl.No; this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src + "');\" ><img src='/WF/Img/Btn/Word.gif' border=0/>" + bill + "</a>"); } this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); string src2 = this.Request.ApplicationPath + "WF/Rpt/Search.aspx?EnsName=ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "Rpt&FK_Flow=" + fl.No; this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src2 + "');\" >" + search + "</a>"); src2 = this.Request.ApplicationPath + "WF/Rpt/Group.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&DoType=Dept"; this.Pub1.Add(" - <a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('" + src2 + "');\" >" + FX + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } } this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=" + colspan, " "); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
public override object Do() { string msg = ""; #region 处理表单. // 调度表单文件。 SysFormTrees fss = new SysFormTrees(); fss.ClearTable(); //创建root. SysFormTree root = new SysFormTree(); root.No = "1"; root.Name = "表单库"; root.ParentNo = "0"; root.Insert(); string frmPath = SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + "\\SDKFlowDemo\\FlowDemo\\Form\\"; DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(frmPath); DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dirInfo.GetDirectories(); int i = 0; foreach (DirectoryInfo item in dirs) { if (item.FullName.Contains(".svn")) { continue; } string[] fls = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(item.FullName); if (fls.Length == 0) { continue; } SysFormTree fs = new SysFormTree(); fs.No = item.Name.Substring(0, 2); fs.Name = item.Name.Substring(3); fs.ParentNo = "1"; fs.Idx = i++; fs.Insert(); foreach (string f in fls) { System.IO.FileInfo info = new System.IO.FileInfo(f); if (info.Extension != ".xml") { continue; } msg += "@开始调度表单模板文件:" + f; BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineInfo("@开始调度表单模板文件:" + f); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(f); try { MapData md = MapData.ImpMapData(ds); md.FK_FrmSort = fs.No; md.FK_FormTree = fs.No; md.AppType = "0"; md.Update(); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineInfo("@装载表单模版文件:" + f + "出现错误," + ex.Message + " <br> " + ex.StackTrace); throw new Exception("@装载模版文件:" + f + "出现错误," + ex.Message + " <br> " + ex.StackTrace); } } } #endregion 处理表单. #region 处理流程. FlowSorts sorts = new FlowSorts(); sorts.ClearTable(); dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + "\\SDKFlowDemo\\FlowDemo\\Flow\\"); dirs = dirInfo.GetDirectories(); FlowSort fsRoot = new FlowSort(); fsRoot.No = "99"; fsRoot.Name = "流程树"; fsRoot.ParentNo = "0"; fsRoot.DirectInsert(); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirs) { if (dir.FullName.Contains(".svn")) { continue; } string[] fls = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(dir.FullName); if (fls.Length == 0) { continue; } FlowSort fs = new FlowSort(); fs.No = dir.Name.Substring(0, 3); fs.Name = dir.Name.Substring(3); fs.ParentNo = fsRoot.No; fs.Insert(); foreach (string filePath in fls) { msg += "\t\n@开始调度流程模板文件:" + filePath; BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineInfo("@开始调度流程模板文件:" + filePath); Flow myflow = BP.WF.Flow.DoLoadFlowTemplate(fs.No, filePath, ImpFlowTempleteModel.AsTempleteFlowNo); msg += "\t\n@流程:[" + myflow.Name + "]装载成功。"; System.IO.FileInfo info = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath); myflow.Name = info.Name.Replace(".xml", ""); if (myflow.Name.Substring(2, 1) == ".") { myflow.Name = myflow.Name.Substring(3); } myflow.DirectUpdate(); } //调度它的下一级目录. DirectoryInfo dirSubInfo = new DirectoryInfo(SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + "\\SDKFlowDemo\\FlowDemo\\Flow\\" + dir.Name); DirectoryInfo[] myDirs = dirSubInfo.GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo mydir in myDirs) { if (mydir.FullName.Contains(".svn")) { continue; } string[] myfls = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(mydir.FullName); if (myfls.Length == 0) { continue; } // 流程类别. FlowSort subFlowSort = fs.DoCreateSubNode() as FlowSort; subFlowSort.Name = mydir.Name.Substring(3); subFlowSort.Update(); foreach (string filePath in myfls) { msg += "\t\n@开始调度流程模板文件:" + filePath; BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineInfo("@开始调度流程模板文件:" + filePath); Flow myflow = BP.WF.Flow.DoLoadFlowTemplate(subFlowSort.No, filePath, ImpFlowTempleteModel.AsTempleteFlowNo); msg += "\t\n@流程:" + myflow.Name + "装载成功。"; System.IO.FileInfo info = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath); myflow.Name = info.Name.Replace(".xml", ""); if (myflow.Name.Substring(2, 1) == ".") { myflow.Name = myflow.Name.Substring(3); } myflow.DirectUpdate(); } } } //执行流程检查. Flows flsEns = new Flows(); flsEns.RetrieveAll(); foreach (Flow fl in flsEns) { fl.DoCheck(); } #endregion 处理流程. BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineInfo(msg); //删除多余的空格. BP.WF.DTS.DeleteBlankGroupField dts = new DeleteBlankGroupField(); dts.Do(); return(msg); }
public void AthFlows() { FlowSorts sorts = new FlowSorts(); sorts.RetrieveAll(); Flows fls = new Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); BP.WF.Port.WFEmp emp = new BP.WF.Port.WFEmp(WebUser.No); this.AddTable(); this.AddCaptionLeft("授权流程范围"); this.AddTR(); this.AddTDTitle("IDX"); this.AddTDTitle("类别"); this.AddTDTitle("流程"); this.AddTREnd(); int i = 0; foreach (FlowSort sort in sorts) { i++; this.AddTRSum(); this.AddTDIdx(i); this.AddTDB(sort.Name); CheckBox cbAll = new CheckBox(); cbAll.Text = "选择类别下全部"; cbAll.ID = "CB_d" + sort.No; this.AddTD(cbAll); this.AddTREnd(); string ctlIDs = ""; foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (fl.FK_FlowSort != sort.No) { continue; } i++; this.AddTR(); this.AddTDIdx(i); this.AddTD(""); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + fl.No; cb.Text = fl.Name; if (emp.AuthorFlows.Contains(fl.No)) { cb.Checked = true; } ctlIDs += cb.ID + ","; this.AddTD(cb); this.AddTREnd(); } cbAll.Attributes["onclick"] = "SetSelected(this,'" + ctlIDs + "')"; } this.AddTR(); this.AddTDTitle(""); Button btnSaveAthFlows = new Button(); btnSaveAthFlows.CssClass = "Btn"; btnSaveAthFlows.ID = "Btn_Save"; btnSaveAthFlows.Text = "Save"; btnSaveAthFlows.Click += new EventHandler(btnSaveAthFlows_Click); this.Add(btnSaveAthFlows); this.AddTD("colspan=2", btnSaveAthFlows); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTableEnd(); }
/// <summary> /// 时效分析 /// </summary> public void BindTimes() { if (this.Request.QueryString["FK_Node"] != null) { this.BindTimesND(); return; } if (this.Request.QueryString["FK_Flow"] != null) { this.BindTimesFlow(); return; } FlowSorts sorts = new FlowSorts(); sorts.RetrieveAll(); Flows fls = new Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); Nodes nds = new Nodes(); nds.RetrieveAll(); this.AddTable(); // this.AddCaptionLeft("第1步:选择要分析的流程"); // this.AddTR(); //// this.AddTDTitle("ID"); // this.AddTDTitle("流程类别"); // this.AddTDTitle("流程/流程"); // // this.AddTDTitle("操作"); // this.AddTDTitle("工作数"); // this.AddTDTitle("平均用天"); // this.AddTREnd(); foreach (FlowSort sort in sorts) { this.AddTRSum(); this.AddTDB(sort.Name); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTD(); this.AddTD(); this.AddTD(); this.AddTD(); this.AddTREnd(); foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (sort.No != fl.FK_FlowSort) { continue; } this.AddTRSum(); this.AddTD(); this.AddTDB(fl.Name); // this.AddTD("<a href='"+this.PageID+".aspx?DoType=Times&FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "'>分析</a>"); this.AddTD("工作数"); this.AddTD("平均天" + fl.AvgDay.ToString("0.00")); this.AddTD("我参与的工作数"); this.AddTD("工作总数"); this.AddTREnd(); decimal avgDay = 0; foreach (BP.WF.Node nd in nds) { if (nd.FK_Flow != fl.No) { continue; } this.AddTR(); this.AddTD(); this.AddTD(nd.Name); // this.AddTD("<a href='"+this.PageID+".aspx?DoType=Times&FK_Node=" + nd.NodeID + "'>分析</a>"); string sql = ""; sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ND" + nd.NodeID; try { int num = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql); this.AddTD(num); } catch { nd.CheckPhysicsTable(); this.AddTD("无效"); } sql = "SELECT AVG( DateDiff(d, cast(RDT as datetime), cast(CDT as datetime) ) ) FROM ND" + nd.NodeID; try { decimal day = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValDecimal(sql, 0, 2); avgDay += day; this.AddTD(day.ToString("0.00")); } catch { nd.CheckPhysicsTable(); this.AddTD("无效"); } // day = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValDecimal(sql, 0, 2); //this.AddTD(DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt("")); this.AddTD("无效"); this.AddTREnd(); } if (avgDay != fl.AvgDay) { fl.AvgDay = avgDay; fl.Update(); } } } this.AddTableEnd(); }
public override object Do() { string msg = ""; FlowSorts sorts = new FlowSorts(); sorts.ClearTable(); DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(SystemConfig.PathOfData + "\\FlowDemo\\Flow\\"); DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dirInfo.GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirs) { if (dir.FullName.Contains(".svn")) { continue; } string[] fls = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(dir.FullName); if (fls.Length == 0) { continue; } FlowSort fs = new FlowSort(); fs.No = dir.Name.Substring(0, 2); fs.Name = dir.Name.Substring(3); fs.Insert(); foreach (string filePath in fls) { msg += "@开始调度流程模板文件:" + filePath; Flow myflow = BP.WF.Flow.DoLoadFlowTemplate(fs.No, filePath, ImpFlowTempleteModel.AsTempleteFlowNo); msg += "@流程:" + myflow.Name + "装载成功。"; System.IO.FileInfo info = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath); myflow.Name = info.Name.Replace(".xml", ""); if (myflow.Name.Substring(2, 1) == ".") { myflow.Name = myflow.Name.Substring(3); } myflow.DirectUpdate(); } } // 调度表单文件。 FrmSorts fss = new FrmSorts(); fss.ClearTable(); string frmPath = SystemConfig.PathOfData + "\\FlowDemo\\Form\\"; dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(frmPath); dirs = dirInfo.GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo item in dirs) { if (item.FullName.Contains(".svn")) { continue; } string[] fls = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(item.FullName); if (fls.Length == 0) { continue; } FrmSort fs = new FrmSort(); fs.No = item.Name.Substring(0, 2); fs.Name = item.Name.Substring(3); fs.Insert(); foreach (string f in fls) { try { msg += "@开始调度表单模板文件:" + f; System.IO.FileInfo info = new System.IO.FileInfo(f); if (info.Extension != ".xml") { continue; } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(f); MapData md = MapData.ImpMapData(ds, false); md.FK_FrmSort = fs.No; md.Update(); } catch (Exception ex) { msg += "@调度失败" + ex.Message; } } } BP.DA.Log.DefaultLogWriteLineInfo(msg); return(msg); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BP.WF.Flows fls = new BP.WF.Flows(); fls.RetrieveAll(); FlowSorts ens = new FlowSorts(); ens.RetrieveAll(); DataTable dt = BP.WF.Dev2Interface.DB_GenerCanStartFlowsOfDataTable(BP.Web.WebUser.No); int cols = 3; //定义显示列数 从0开始。 decimal widthCell = 100 / cols; this.Pub1.AddTable("width=100% border=0"); this.Pub1.AddCaptionMsg("发起流程"); int idx = -1; bool is1 = false; string timeKey = "s" + this.Session.SessionID + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmss"); foreach (FlowSort en in ens) { if (en.ParentNo == "0" || en.ParentNo == "" || en.No == "") { continue; } idx++; if (idx == 0) { is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); } this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("width='" + widthCell + "%' border=0 valign=top"); //输出类别. //this.Pub1.AddFieldSet(en.Name); this.Pub1.AddB(en.Name); this.Pub1.AddUL(); #region 输出流程。 foreach (Flow fl in fls) { if (fl.FlowAppType == FlowAppType.DocFlow) { continue; } if (fl.FK_FlowSort != en.No) { continue; } bool isHaveIt = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (dr["No"].ToString() != fl.No) { continue; } isHaveIt = true; break; } string extUrl = ""; if (fl.IsBatchStart) { extUrl = "<div style='float:right;'><a href='/WF/BatchStart.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "' >批量发起</a>|<a href='/WF/Rpt/Search.aspx?RptNo=ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "MyRpt&FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "'>查询</a>|<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('/WF/Chart.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&DoType=Chart&T=" + timeKey + "','sd');\" >图</a></div>"; } else { extUrl = "<div style='float:right;'><a href='/WF/Rpt/Search.aspx?RptNo=ND" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "MyRpt&FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "'>查询</a>|<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('/WF/Chart.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&DoType=Chart&T=" + timeKey + "','sd');\" >流程图</a></div>"; } if (isHaveIt) { if (Glo.IsWinOpenStartWork == 1) { this.Pub1.AddLiB("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpenIt('MyFlow.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&FK_Node=" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "01&T=" + timeKey + "');\" >" + fl.Name + "</a> - " + extUrl); } else if (Glo.IsWinOpenStartWork == 2) { this.Pub1.AddLiB("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpenIt('/WF/OneFlow/MyFlow.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&FK_Node=" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "01&T=" + timeKey + "');\" >" + fl.Name + "</a> - " + extUrl); } else { this.Pub1.AddLiB("<a href='MyFlow.aspx?FK_Flow=" + fl.No + "&FK_Node=" + int.Parse(fl.No) + "01' >" + fl.Name + "</a> - " + extUrl); } } else { this.Pub1.AddLi(fl.Name); } } #endregion 输出流程。 this.Pub1.AddULEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); if (idx == cols - 1) { idx = -1; this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } } while (idx != -1) { idx++; if (idx == cols - 1) { idx = -1; this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD(); } } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }