예제 #1
        public async Task<IActionResult> Create([Bind("Title,Date,NumberOfFloaters,UserId,RiverId,DeviceId")] FloatTrip floatTrip)

            FloatTripCreateViewModel ViewModel = new FloatTripCreateViewModel();
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //Check User's Id
                var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();
                floatTrip.UserId = user.Id;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                return RedirectToAction("PicAPs", new { id = floatTrip.FloatTripId });

            ViewModel.rivers = _context.River.Select(r => new SelectListItem
                Text = r.Name,
                Value = r.RiverId.ToString()

            ViewModel.devices = _context.Device.Select(d => new SelectListItem
                Text = d.Type,
                Value = d.DeviceId.ToString()

            return View(ViewModel);
예제 #2
        public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("FloatTripId,Title,Date,Distance,NumberOfFloaters,Duration,Notes,Rating,PicPath,NeedASherpa,UserId,User,RiverId,PutInAPId,TakeOutAPId,DeviceId,SherpaId")] FloatTrip floatTrip)

            if (id != floatTrip.FloatTripId)
                return NotFound();

            //if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!FloatTripExists(floatTrip.FloatTripId))
                    return NotFound();
            return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));

            ViewData["DeviceId"] = new SelectList(_context.Device, "DeviceId", "Type", floatTrip.DeviceId);
            ViewData["PutInAPId"] = new SelectList(_context.AccessPoint, "AccessPointId", "AccessPointId", floatTrip.PutInAPId);
            ViewData["RiverId"] = new SelectList(_context.River, "RiverId", "RiverId", floatTrip.RiverId);
            ViewData["SherpaId"] = new SelectList(_context.Sherpa, "SherpaId", "FirstName", floatTrip.SherpaId);
            ViewData["TakeOutAPId"] = new SelectList(_context.AccessPoint, "AccessPointId", "AccessPointId", floatTrip.TakeOutAPId);
            ViewData["UserId"] = new SelectList(_context.ApplicationUsers, "Id", "Id", floatTrip.UserId);
            return View(floatTrip);
예제 #3
        //The following line with Type FloatTrip floatTrip is what is coming in from the Get model above
        public async Task<IActionResult> PicAPs(int id, [Bind("User, UserId, Title,RiverId,PutInAPId,TakeOutAPId,")] FloatTrip floatTrip)
            //Don't need this next line because I am IN the new FloatTrip I'm creating - comes from the int id in the call above

            //if (id != floatTrip.FloatTripId)
            //    return NotFound();

            //New ThisfloatTrip variable to get the information on this floattrip from the database
           var ThisfloatTrip = await _context.FloatTrip
               .FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.FloatTripId == id);

            //Then add the PutInAPId and the TakeoutAPId from the floatTrip that came in from the Model to ThisfloatTrip from the database

            ThisfloatTrip.PutInAPId = floatTrip.PutInAPId;
            ThisfloatTrip.TakeOutAPId = floatTrip.TakeOutAPId;

            //Don't need to check ModelState because it's not valid - I don't have everything I need in the ModelState
            //if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //Don't need to set the UserId because it's already in ThisfloatTrip variable
                    //var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();
                    //floatTrip.UserId = user.Id;
                    //Update the database with the new ThisfloatTrip parms (PutInApId and TakeOutApId
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!FloatTripExists(floatTrip.FloatTripId))
                        return NotFound();
                return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));
            //    AccessPointsPickViewModel viewModel = new AccessPointsPickViewModel();
            //    viewModel.floatTrip = await _context.FloatTrip
            //        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.FloatTripId == id);
            //    viewModel.riverId = floatTrip.RiverId.Value;
            //    viewModel.putIns = _context.AccessPoint.Select(p => new SelectListItem
            //    {

            //        Value = p.AccessPointId.ToString(),
            //        Text = p.Name
            //    }
            //    ).ToList();

            //viewModel.takeOuts = _context.AccessPoint.Select(t => new SelectListItem
            //    Value = t.AccessPointId.ToString(),
            //    Text = t.Name
            //    return View(viewModel);