// Use this for initialization void Start() { seedX = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0.0f, 6.28f); seedY = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0.0f, 6.28f); originalScale = this.transform.localScale; }
// Update is called once per frame new void Update() { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > (1.0f / animationSpeed)) { frame = (frame + 1) % images.Length; mat.sprite = images [frame]; } if (state != ChispaWorldState.idle) { timeToEmit += Time.deltaTime; if (timeToEmit > (1.0f / dustFrequency)) { timeToEmit = 0.0f; float newAngle = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0, 6.28f); GameObject newDustGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(dustPrefab, this.transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, newAngle)); } } if (state == ChispaWorldState.comingOut) { if (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("ChispaRemainsOut")) { notifyFinishAction(); state = ChispaWorldState.Out; transitioning = false; } /*AnimatorStateInfo inf = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo (0); * float nt = inf.normalizedTime; * * * if ((anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime >= 1.0f) * && !anim.IsInTransition(0)) { * * notifyFinishAction(); * state = ChispaWorldState.Out; * }*/ } if (state == ChispaWorldState.returning) { if (anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Idle")) { mat.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); notifyFinishAction(); state = ChispaWorldState.idle; transitioning = false; } } }
public void initialize() { anim = roca.GetComponent <Animator> (); level = GameObject.Find("LevelController").GetComponent <LevelControllerScript> (); r = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody> (); angle = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0.0f, 6.28f); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { float randomYAngle = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0, 360.0f); this.transform.parent.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, randomYAngle, 0); delay = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0.2f, 0.8f); anim = this.GetComponent <Animator> (); state = 0; elapsedTime = 0.0f; //roll (); }
public void crack() { theImage.enabled = true; theImage.sprite = crackedGlass [0]; levelController.playSound(crackAudio [0]); theImage.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); elapsedTime = 0.0f; nextTimeToCrack = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(minTimeToCrack, maxTimeToCrack); state = HUDCrackGlassState.cracking; ds.storeBoolValue("IsHUDCracked", true); }
// Update is called once per frame new void Update() { if (state == HUDCrackGlassState.cracking) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > nextTimeToCrack) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; nextTimeToCrack = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(minTimeToCrack, maxTimeToCrack); if (frame < crackedGlass.Length - 1) { ++frame; theImage.sprite = crackedGlass [frame]; levelController.playSound(crackAudio [frame]); } else { state = HUDCrackGlassState.cracked; } } } if (state == HUDCrackGlassState.cracked) { } if (state == HUDCrackGlassState.changingActivity) { --waitFrames; if (waitFrames == 0) { ds.storeStringValue("ReturnLocation", levelController.locationName); levelController.storeStringValue("CurrentLevel", levelController.locationName); levelController.storePlayerCoordinates(); SceneManager.LoadScene("Scenes/QA"); } } }
public void reset() { mc = GameObject.Find("MasterController").GetComponent <MasterControllerScript> (); rosetta = GameObject.Find("Rosetta").GetComponent <Rosetta> (); currentAlphaCurtain = alphaCurtains [0]; currentCurtainPosition = targetCurtainPosition = rightClosedCurtain; currentAlphaCurtain.transform.position = new Vector3(currentCurtainPosition, currentAlphaCurtain.transform.position.y, currentAlphaCurtain.transform.position.z); amountRequired = mc.getStorage().retrieveIntValue("TVFerfuflosAmount"); adsAnim = ads.GetComponent <Animator> (); // do not always start at the beginning... adsAnim.SetFloat("offset", FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0.0f, 1.0f)); answer.text = ""; state = 0; chipScale = 1.0f; opacity = 0.0f; whiteCard.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); blackCard.GetComponent <Image> ().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); chip.GetComponent <Image> ().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); whiteHalo.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); blackHalo.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); answer.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.SetColor("_Tint", new Color(1, 1, 1, 0)); assertion.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.SetColor("_Tint", new Color(1, 1, 1, 0)); transmission.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.SetColor("_Tint", new Color(1, 1, 1, 0)); chipOnWhite = chipOnBlack = false; // //propositionBank = stringBanks [0].bank [0]; //wiseAnswers = stringBanks [0].bank [2]; /* just in case */ propositionBank.rosetta = rosetta; propositionBank.reset(); //wiseAnswers.rosetta = rosetta; transmissionBank.rosetta = rosetta; transmissionBank.reset(); //propositionBank.reset (); //wiseAnswers.reset (); chipInserted = false; // update number of screen id usage foreach (StringBank sb in sabias) { sb.rosetta = rosetta; sb.reset(); } foreach (StringBank sb in ignorantes) { sb.rosetta = rosetta; sb.reset(); } chip.transform.position = chipRelaxPos; chipCurrentPos = chipRelaxPos; chip.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; }
void Update() { if (freezer.frozen) { return; } if (!frozen) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; } /* busy: spawning whilwinds */ if (state == InterconNetworkState.busy) { // pursuing player elapsedVeeringTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedVeeringTime > timeToVeer) { elapsedVeeringTime = 0.0f; //int r = Random.Range (0, 100); Vector3 pPos = player.transform.position; Vector3 tPos = this.transform.position; Vector3 delta = pPos - tPos; delta.Normalize(); targetAngle = Mathf.Acos(delta.x); if (delta.z < 0.0) { targetAngle = (2.0f * 3.1416f) - targetAngle; } linearSpeed = floatRandomRange(minLinearSpeed, maxLinearSpeed); Debug.Log("<color=orange>Target Angle updated: " + targetAngle + "</color>"); } if (elapsedTime > timeToWhirl) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; GameObject newWhirl = (GameObject)Instantiate(whirlwindPrefab, this.transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); newWhirl.name = "Whirlwind"; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().thoughtTextPrefab = thoughtTextPrefab; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().parent = this; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().shadowPrefab = shadowPrefab; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().rosetta = rosetta; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().FamilyIcon = FamilyIcon; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().CoupleIcon = CoupleIcon; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().FriendsIcon = FriendsIcon; //newWhirl.GetComponent<Whirlpool> ().Start (); newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().WorkIcon = WorkIcon; int wave = shadowSpawnController.getWaveIndex(); newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().shadowStringBanks = HeroShadows[wave]; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().redEyesStringBanks = HeroRedeyes[wave]; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().shadowSpawnController = shadowSpawnController; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().placesStringBank = places; newWhirl.GetComponent <Whirlwind> ().datesStringBank = dates; timeToWhirl = floatRandomRange(minTimeToWhirl / whirlDifficulty, maxTimeToWhirl / whirlDifficulty); } if (level == null) { level = GameObject.Find("LevelController").GetComponent <LevelControllerScript> (); } string lvl = level.locationName.Substring(0, 6); int nShadows = level.retrieveIntValue(lvl + "SpawnedShadows"); if (nShadows >= ShadowSpawnController.maxShadows) { state = InterconNetworkState.driftingAway; } } if (state == InterconNetworkState.driftingAway) { // pursuing player if (!deletedWhirlwinds) { if (GameObject.Find("Whirlwind") != null) { Destroy(GameObject.Find("Whirlwind")); } else { deletedWhirlwinds = true; } } elapsedVeeringTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedVeeringTime > timeToVeer) { elapsedVeeringTime = 0.0f; //int r = Random.Range (0, 100); Vector3 pPos = player.transform.position; Vector3 tPos = this.transform.position; Vector3 delta = -(pPos - tPos); // flee from player delta.Normalize(); targetAngle = Mathf.Acos(delta.x); if (delta.z < 0.0) { targetAngle = (2.0f * 3.1416f) - targetAngle; } linearSpeed = floatRandomRange(minLinearSpeed, maxLinearSpeed); } } if (state == InterconNetworkState.relaxed) { // just float by... elapsedVeeringTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedVeeringTime > timeToVeer) { elapsedVeeringTime = 0.0f; //int r = Random.Range (0, 6.28f); float newAngle = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0, 6.28f); targetAngle = newAngle; linearSpeed = floatRandomRange(minLinearSpeed, maxLinearSpeed); } } if (angle < targetAngle) { angle += angleSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (angle > targetAngle) { angle = targetAngle; } } if (angle > targetAngle) { angle -= angleSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (angle < targetAngle) { angle = targetAngle; } } }
new void Update() { if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay0 && substate == -5) { cam._wa_warpToMarker(this, 4); substate = -4; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay0 && substate == -4) // everything black { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 2.6f) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; substate = -3; shadow.faded = false; hero.faded = false; // characters appear } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay0 && substate == -3) // characters separate { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 1.6f) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; substate = -2; shadow.displaced = false; hero.displaced = false; cam._wa_moveToMarker(this, 3); } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay0 && substate == -2) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 1.6f) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; substate = -1; shadow.setAnimation(0); hero.setAnimation(0); } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay0 && substate == -1) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 1.2f) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; substate = 0; shadow.setAnimation(1); hero.setAnimation(1); } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay0 && substate == 0) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 0.4f) { if (tutorialMode) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(AHORAAPRENDERAS)); this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; } //shadow.setAnimation (0); //hero.setAnimation (0); ++substate; elapsedTime = 0.0f; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay0 && substate == 1) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 0.2f) { substate = 0; state = WordFightControllerState.delay; //cam.lerpSpeed = 1.6f; // CAMBIAR TIEMPO DEL ITWEEN ? //shadow.setAnimation (1); //hero.setAnimation (1); } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert.close(); elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 0.5f) { state = WordFightControllerState.zoomToPlayer0; heroFan.open(); cam._wa_moveToMarker(this, 1); } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.zoomToPlayer0) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } // else { string currentLvl = ds.retrieveStringValue("CurrentLevel").Substring(0, 6); int nHeroes = 0; if (ds.retrieveBoolValue("Has" + currentLvl + "Warrior")) { ++nHeroes; } if (ds.retrieveBoolValue("Has" + currentLvl + "Master")) { ++nHeroes; } if (ds.retrieveBoolValue("Has" + currentLvl + "Philosopher")) { ++nHeroes; } if (ds.retrieveBoolValue("Has" + currentLvl + "Explorer")) { ++nHeroes; } if (ds.retrieveBoolValue("Has" + currentLvl + "Sage")) { ++nHeroes; } if (ds.retrieveBoolValue("Has" + currentLvl + "Wizard")) { ++nHeroes; } if (ds.retrieveBoolValue("Has" + currentLvl + "Yogi")) { ++nHeroes; } if (nHeroes == 0) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(NOTIENESNINGUN)); substate = 0; this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; state = WordFightControllerState.loseFromTheBeginning; } else if (tutorialMode) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(DEBESELEGIR)); this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; state = WordFightControllerState.zoomToPlayer1; substate = 0; } else { state = WordFightControllerState.zoomToPlayer; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.zoomToPlayer1 && substate == 0) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } if (tutorialMode) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(JUZGALOS)); } substate = 1; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.zoomToPlayer1 && substate == 1) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } if (tutorialMode) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(CONQUEHEROE)); } state = WordFightControllerState.zoomToPlayer2; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.zoomToPlayer2) { if (tutorialMode) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert.close(); } state = WordFightControllerState.zoomToPlayer; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.zoomToPlayer) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { RaycastHit hit; Ray ray = cam.gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>().ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { GameObject objectHit = hit.transform.gameObject; if (objectHit.tag == "Hero") { WordFightHero h = objectHit.GetComponent <WordFightHero> (); chosenHero = h.wisdom; heroFan.keep(h.wisdom); //heroFan.close (); state = WordFightControllerState.delay2; substate = -2; elapsedTime = 0.0f; } } } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.loseFromTheBeginning && substate == 0) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { chispAlert.close(); fader._wa_fadeOut(this); this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; substate = 1; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.loseFromTheBeginning && substate == 1) { if (!isWaitingForActionToComplete) { ds.storeIntValue("AlphabetReward", -Reward * 6); string ret = ds.retrieveStringValue("ReturnLocation"); SceneManager.LoadScene(ret); } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == -2) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 0.5f) { ++substate; heroFan.closeSlowly(); } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == -1) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 1.5f) { ++substate; heroGlow.glow(); //heroFan.closeSlowly (); } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 0) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 3.5f) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; //cam._wa_moveToMarker (this, 3); cam._wm_moveToMarker(3); ++substate; if (!chosenHero.Equals(requiredWisdom)) { state = WordFightControllerState.loseFromTheBeginning; substate = 0; chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(NOHASELEGIDO)); fader.setFadeColor(0, 0, 0); //fader.fadeOut (); } else if (tutorialMode) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(HASELEGIDOSABIA)); ++substate; } } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 1) { ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 2) { if (tutorialMode) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert.close(); } ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 3) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 0.75f) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; shadowBar.grow(); playerBar._wa_grow(this); //hero.fighting = true; //shadow.fighting = true; hero.showHalo(); shadow.showHalo(); //yingYang._wa_grow (this); timeToNextBlob = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(minTimeToNextBlob / difficulty, maxTimeToNextBlob / difficulty); ++substate; // Cambiar esto para jugar en serio shadowEnergy = 0.1f; playerEnergy = 1.0f; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 4) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } if (tutorialMode) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(TANTOTUSOMBRA)); } ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 5) { if (tutorialMode) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } } if (tutorialMode) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(TUAURAESLUM)); } ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 6) { if (tutorialMode) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert.close(); } yinYang._wa_grow(this); ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 7) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } hero.fighting = true; shadow.fighting = true; elapsedTime = 0.0f; if (tutorialMode) { ++substate; } else { state = WordFightControllerState.fightStart; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 8) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 1.5f) { if (tutorialMode) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(QUETIENESQUEHACER)); } ++substate; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 9) { if (tutorialMode) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } } if (tutorialMode) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(CADAPALABRASERA)); } ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 10) { if (tutorialMode) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(DEBESTOCARLOS)); } elapsedTime = 0.0f; ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 11) { if (tutorialMode) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert.close(); } elapsedTime = 0.0f; ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 12) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 1.0f) { yinYang.emitBlob(GenericGoodStuffBank.getNextString(), true); elapsedTime = 0.0f; ++substate; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 13) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 1.0f) { emittedBlob = GameObject.Find("WFBlob").GetComponent <WordFightWordBlob> (); emittedBlob.pause(); chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(YINYANGEMITIDOBUENO)); ++substate; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 14) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert.close(); emittedBlob.unpause(); shadowBar.queryClear(); ++substate; } /* wait until player drags word onto yingyang */ if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 15) { checkMouseClick(); if (shadowBar.queryEvent("HealthBarEvent")) { substate = 17; chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(HASILUMINADO)); } if (emittedBlob == null && shadowBar.targetBarFraction == 1) { yinYang.emitBlob(GenericGoodStuffBank.getNextString(), true); ++substate; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 16) { GameObject g = GameObject.Find("WFBlob"); if (g != null) { emittedBlob = g.GetComponent <WordFightWordBlob> (); substate = 15; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 17) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert.close(); ++substate; elapsedTime = 0.0f; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 18) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 1.0f) { yinYang.emitBlob(GenericNaughtyStuffBank.getNextString(), false); elapsedTime = 0.0f; ++substate; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 19) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 1.0f) { emittedBlob = GameObject.Find("WFBlob").GetComponent <WordFightWordBlob> (); emittedBlob.pause(); chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(YINYANGEMITIDOMALO)); ++substate; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 20) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert.close(); elapsedTime = 0.0f; ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 21) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > 1.0f) { emittedBlob.unpause(); ++substate; } } /* wait until naughtyWord has gone away */ if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 22) { checkMouseClick(); /* blob has hit player. Emit another */ if (emittedBlob == null && playerBar.queryEvent("HealthBarEvent")) { yinYang.emitBlob(GenericNaughtyStuffBank.getNextString(), false); ++substate; return; } if (playerBar.targetBarFraction < 0.5f) { playerBar.targetBarFraction = 0.9f; } /* blob has flown away. To next substate */ if (emittedBlob == null && !playerBar.queryEvent("HealthBarEvent")) { substate = 24; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 23) { /* spawn new blob */ GameObject g = GameObject.Find("WFBlob"); if (g != null) { emittedBlob = g.GetComponent <WordFightWordBlob> (); substate = 22; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 24) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(CONTINUALABATALLA)); ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.delay2 && substate == 25) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert.close(); state = WordFightControllerState.fightStart; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.fightEndWin && substate == 0) { cam.moveToMarker(2, 5); yinYang.home(); elapsedTime = 0.0f; ++substate; ds.storeIntValue("AlphabetReward", Reward); int defeated = ds.retrieveIntValue("DefeatedShadows"); ++defeated; ds.storeIntValue("DefeatedShadows", defeated); ds.storeBoolValue("WordFightTutorialDone", true); } if (state == WordFightControllerState.fightEndWin && substate == 1) { if (yinYang.isFinishedHoming()) { // yinYang.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = false; // justYin.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = true; // justYang.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = true; //blackSquare.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = true; ++substate; elapsedTime = 0.0f; } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.fightEndWin && substate == 2) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; // Vector3 pos; // pos = justYin.transform.localPosition; // pos.x += Time.deltaTime; // justYin.transform.position = pos; // pos = justYang.transform.localPosition; // pos.x -= Time.deltaTime; // justYang.transform.position = pos; // pos = blackSquare.transform.localScale; // pos.x -= Time.deltaTime; // blackSquare.transform.localScale = pos; if (!faderWhite.GetComponent <FaderItween>().action) { faderWhite.GetComponent <FaderItween> ().action = true; } if (elapsedTime > faderWhite.GetComponent <FaderItween> ().timeTo) { string levelName = ds.retrieveStringValue("CurrentLevel").Substring(0, 6); int nWave = ds.retrieveIntValue(levelName + "ShadowWaveNumber"); ++nWave; ds.storeIntValue(levelName + "ShadowWaveNumber", nWave); // increment wave number //Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie ("4.mp4", Color.black, FullScreenMovieControlMode.CancelOnInput); if (Version.versionType == VersionType.demo) { string returnLocation = ds.retrieveStringValue("ReturnLocation"); SceneManager.LoadScene(returnLocation); } else { //string currentHero = ds.retrieveStringValue (); int numHero = ds.retrieveIntValue("Has" + requiredWisdom); //ds.storeStringValue ("TheaterFolder", requiredWisdom + numHero); //SceneManager.LoadScene ("Scenes/Theater"); int wins = ds.retrieveIntValue("WordFightWins"); ds.storeIntValue("WordFightWins", ++wins); ds.storeBoolValue("JustWonFight", true); ds.storeBoolValue("FadeWhite", true); string returnLocation = ds.retrieveStringValue("ReturnLocation"); SceneManager.LoadScene(returnLocation); } } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.fightEndLose && substate == 0) { chispAlert._wa_alert(this, chispaStuff.getString(HASPERDIDOLABATALLA)); fader.setFadeColor(0, 0, 0); this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.fightEndLose && substate == 1) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } chispAlert.close(); fader._wa_fadeOut(this); this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.fightEndLose && substate == 2) { if (isWaitingForActionToComplete) { return; } this.isWaitingForActionToComplete = true; ++substate; } if (state == WordFightControllerState.fightEndLose && substate == 3) { if (!this.isWaitingForActionToComplete) { string ret = ds.retrieveStringValue("ReturnLocation"); ds.storeIntValue("AlphabetReward", -Reward); SceneManager.LoadScene(ret); } } if (state == WordFightControllerState.fightStart) { elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > timeToNextBlob) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; timeToNextBlob = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(minTimeToNextBlob / difficulty, maxTimeToNextBlob / difficulty); float chance = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0.0f, 1.0f); if (chance < 0.5f) { string ns = GenericGoodStuffBank.getNextString(); int a = ns.Length; yinYang.emitBlob(ns, true); } else { string ns = GenericNaughtyStuffBank.getNextString(); int hhh = ns.Length; yinYang.emitBlob(ns, false); } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { RaycastHit[] hits; Ray ray = cam.gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>().ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray); for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; ++i) { GameObject objectHit = hits[i].transform.gameObject; if (objectHit.tag == "TextBlob") { WordFightWordBlob theBlob = objectHit.GetComponent <WordFightWordBlob> (); //theBlob.tab = tab; theBlob.pickUp(hits[i].point); //Destroy (objectHit); } else if (objectHit.tag == "RayCastBillboard") { Vector3 worldCoords = hits[i].point; } } } } }
void Update() { float scaleFactor = Screen.height / 600.0f; if (showText) { controller.theText.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); showText = false; } if (state == ChispaState.leftToRight || state == ChispaState.rightToLeft) { xPos += xSpeed * scaleFactor * Time.deltaTime; xSpeed += xAccel * scaleFactor * Time.deltaTime; // we are in absolute coordinates: 0 is left, Screen.width is right yPos = (maxY / 2.0f) + swayAmplitude * Mathf.Sin(angle); angle += angleSpeed * Time.deltaTime; this.transform.position = new Vector2(xPos, yPos); if (xPos > maxX || xPos < minX) { state = ChispaState.idle; xSpeed = swipeSpeed; } elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > timeToEmitDust) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; GameObject newDustGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(dustPrefab, this.transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0, 180.0f))); newDustGO.transform.parent = this.transform.parent; ChispaAlertDustParticle newDust = newDustGO.GetComponent <ChispaAlertDustParticle> (); newDust.initialize(); } } if (state == ChispaState.leftToRight) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) // finish at once { xSpeed = xSpeed * scaleFactor * 10.0f; } } if (state == ChispaState.rightToLeft) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) // finish at once { xSpeed = xSpeed * scaleFactor * 10.0f; } } if (state == ChispaState.idle) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { controller.dismiss(); } } }
void Update() { if (state == WFYingYangState.idle) { } if (state == WFYingYangState.homing) { int nTurns = (int)(angle / 360.0f); float normalAngle = angle - 360.0f * nTurns; angle = normalAngle; angle += angleSpeed * Time.deltaTime; angleSpeed += Time.deltaTime * 20.0f; if (angle > 360.0f) { angle = 360.0f; state = WFYingYangState.idle; } this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle); } if (state == WFYingYangState.growing) { scale += scaleSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (scale > maxScale) { scale = maxScale; state = WFYingYangState.spinning; notifyFinishAction(); } angle += angleSpeed * Time.deltaTime; this.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale); this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle); if (angleSpeed > slowAngleSpeed) { angleSpeed = angleSpeed * 0.97f; } } if (state == WFYingYangState.spinning) { if (angleSpeed > slowAngleSpeed) { angleSpeed = angleSpeed * 0.97f; } angle += angleSpeed * Time.deltaTime; this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle); } if (state == WFYingYangState.trembling) { angle += angleSpeed * Time.deltaTime; this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle); Vector3 newPos = this.transform.position; if (oddFrame) { newPos.y += 0.05f; } else { newPos.y -= 0.05f; } this.transform.position = newPos; oddFrame = !oddFrame; elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; if (elapsedTime > tremblingTime) { elapsedTime = 0.0f; newPos = this.transform.position; if (oddFrame) { newPos.y += 0.05f; } else { newPos.y -= 0.05f; } this.transform.position = newPos; Vector3 spawnPos = this.transform.position; spawnPos.z += zOffset; GameObject newBlobGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(wordBlobPrefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero)); WordFightWordBlob newBlob = newBlobGO.GetComponent <WordFightWordBlob> (); newBlobGO.name = "WFBlob"; newBlob.angle = FloatRandom.floatRandomRange(0.0f, 6.28f); newBlob.initialize(); newBlob.good = nextGood; newBlob.controller = controller; newBlob.yinYang = this; newBlob.cam = cam; newBlob.difficulty = difficulty; if (nextString.Equals("")) { nextString = ""; } newBlob.setText(nextString); state = WFYingYangState.spinning; } } }