예제 #1
        public override void ReadFrom(GraphFactory factory, BinaryReader reader)
            var lap = factory?.LinearAlgebraProvider;

            InputSize  = reader.ReadInt32();
            OutputSize = reader.ReadInt32();

            // read the bias parameters
            var bias = FloatVector.ReadFrom(reader);

            if (Bias == null)
                Bias = lap.CreateVector(bias);
                Bias.Data = bias;

            // read the weight parameters
            var weight = FloatMatrix.ReadFrom(reader);

            if (Weight == null)
                Weight = lap.CreateMatrix(weight);
                Weight.Data = weight;
            if (_updater == null)
                _updater = factory?.CreateWeightUpdater(Weight);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates random integers added together as feature vectors
        /// The input feature contains two features, one for each bit at that position
        /// The output feature contains a single feature: 1 or 0 if that bit is set in the result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sampleCount">How many samples to generate</param>
        /// <param name="stochastic">True to generate random integers</param>
        /// <returns>A list of sequences</returns>
        public static IDataTable Addition(int sampleCount, bool stochastic)
            Random rand    = stochastic ? new Random() : new Random(0);
            var    builder = DataTableBuilder.CreateTwoColumnMatrix();

            for (var i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                // generate some random numbers (sized to prevent overflow)
                var a          = rand.Next(int.MaxValue / 2);
                var b          = rand.Next(int.MaxValue / 2);
                var a2         = _GetBitArray(a);
                var b2         = _GetBitArray(b);
                var r2         = _GetBitArray(a + b);
                var inputList  = new FloatVector[r2.Length];
                var outputList = new FloatVector[r2.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < r2.Length; j++)
                    inputList[j] = new FloatVector {
                        Data = new[] { a2[j], b2[j] }
                    outputList[j] = new FloatVector {
                        Data = new[] { r2[j] }

                builder.Add(FloatMatrix.Create(inputList), FloatMatrix.Create(outputList));

        private Tuple <QuantityValues, FloatMatrix> getTimeAndAllValuesFor(DataRow row)
            var allValuesForQuantity = row[_aggreationName] as IReadOnlyList <QuantityValues>;

            if (allValuesForQuantity == null || allValuesForQuantity.Count == 0)

            var firstQuantityValue = allValuesForQuantity.First();

            if (firstQuantityValue.IsNull() || firstQuantityValue.Time.IsNull())

            var matrix = new FloatMatrix();
            var time   = firstQuantityValue.Time;
            var length = time.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                //values might have different lenght if using different time arrays. We base our arrays on the first time values
                var values = allValuesForQuantity.Where(qv => i < qv.Length)
                             .Select(qv => qv.ValueAt(i));


            return(new Tuple <QuantityValues, FloatMatrix>(time, matrix));
예제 #4
파일: MatrixLine.cs 프로젝트: AJ213/Awitu
			public void WriteLine (FloatMatrix matrix, int z, MatrixLine mask)
				int start = (z-matrix.rect.offset.z)*matrix.rect.size.x - matrix.rect.offset.x   +  offset;
				for (int x=0; x<length; x++)
					matrix.arr[start+x] = arr[x] * mask.arr[x];  //matrix[x+offset, z];
예제 #5
        ///<summary>Calculates the inverse of the matrix.</summary>
        ///<returns>the inverse of the matrix.</returns>
        ///<exception cref="NotPositiveDefiniteException">A is not positive definite.</exception>
        public FloatMatrix GetInverse()
            if (!ispd)
                throw new NotPositiveDefiniteException();
                FloatMatrix ret = FloatMatrix.CreateIdentity(order);
                ret = Solve(ret);
                float[] inverse = new float[l.data.Length];
                Array.Copy(l.data, inverse, l.data.Length);
                Lapack.Potri.Compute(Lapack.UpLo.Lower, order, inverse, order);
                FloatMatrix ret = new FloatMatrix(order, order);
                ret.data = inverse;
                for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < order; j++)
                        if (j > i)
                            ret.data[j * order + i] = ret.data[i * order + j];
        public void NonSymmFactorTest()
            FloatMatrix b = new FloatMatrix(3);

            b[0, 0] = 2;
            b[0, 1] = 1;
            b[0, 2] = 1;
            b[1, 0] = 1;
            b[1, 1] = 2;
            b[1, 2] = 0;
            b[2, 0] = 0;
            b[2, 1] = 0;
            b[2, 2] = 3;
            FloatCholeskyDecomp dcd = new FloatCholeskyDecomp(b);

            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[0, 0], 1.414, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[0, 1], 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[0, 2], 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[1, 0], 0.707, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[1, 1], 1.225, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[1, 2], 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[2, 0], 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[2, 1], 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[2, 2], 1.732, TOLERENCE);
예제 #7
        public void GetInverseSingularTest()
            FloatMatrix   a   = new FloatMatrix(3, 3);
            FloatLUDecomp dlu = new FloatLUDecomp(a);

        public void GetInverseNotPositiveDefiniteTest()
            FloatMatrix         a   = new FloatMatrix(3, 3);
            FloatCholeskyDecomp dcd = new FloatCholeskyDecomp(a);

예제 #9
 static FloatQRDecompTest()
   FloatMatrix a = new FloatMatrix(3);
   a[0,0] = -1.0f;
   a[0,1] = 5.0f;
   a[0,2] = 6.0f;
   a[1,0] = 3.0f;
   a[1,1] = -6.0f;
   a[1,2] = 1.0f;
   a[2,0] = 6.0f;
   a[2,1] = 8.0f;
   a[2,2] = 9.0f;
   qr = new FloatQRDecomp(a);
   a = new FloatMatrix(2,3);
   a[0,0] = -1.0f;
   a[0,1] = 5.0f;
   a[0,2] = 6.0f;
   a[1,0] = 3.0f;
   a[1,1] = -6.0f;
   a[1,2] = 1.0f;
   wqr = new FloatQRDecomp(a);
   a = new FloatMatrix(3,2);
   a[0,0] = -1.0f;
   a[0,1] = 5.0f;
   a[1,0] = 3.0f;
   a[1,1] = -6.0f;
   a[2,0] = 6.0f;
   a[2,1] = 8.0f;
   lqr = new FloatQRDecomp(a);
예제 #10
        public ManyToOneDataTableAdaptor(ILinearAlgebraProvider lap, IDataTable dataTable)
            : base(lap, dataTable)
            if (_dataColumnIndex.Count() > 1)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Sequential datasets not supported with more than one input data column");

            _rowDepth = new int[dataTable.RowCount];
            FloatMatrix inputMatrix  = null;
            FloatVector outputVector = null;

            dataTable.ForEach((row, i) => {
                inputMatrix  = row.GetField <FloatMatrix>(_dataColumnIndex[0]);
                outputVector = row.GetField <FloatVector>(_dataTargetIndex);
                _rowDepth[i] = inputMatrix.RowCount;
                if (inputMatrix.ColumnCount != outputVector.Size)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Rows between input and output data tables do not match");

            _inputSize  = inputMatrix.ColumnCount;
            _outputSize = outputVector.Size;
예제 #11
        static FloatQRDecompTest()
            FloatMatrix a = new FloatMatrix(3);

            a[0, 0] = -1.0f;
            a[0, 1] = 5.0f;
            a[0, 2] = 6.0f;
            a[1, 0] = 3.0f;
            a[1, 1] = -6.0f;
            a[1, 2] = 1.0f;
            a[2, 0] = 6.0f;
            a[2, 1] = 8.0f;
            a[2, 2] = 9.0f;
            qr      = new FloatQRDecomp(a);

            a       = new FloatMatrix(2, 3);
            a[0, 0] = -1.0f;
            a[0, 1] = 5.0f;
            a[0, 2] = 6.0f;
            a[1, 0] = 3.0f;
            a[1, 1] = -6.0f;
            a[1, 2] = 1.0f;
            wqr     = new FloatQRDecomp(a);

            a       = new FloatMatrix(3, 2);
            a[0, 0] = -1.0f;
            a[0, 1] = 5.0f;
            a[1, 0] = 3.0f;
            a[1, 1] = -6.0f;
            a[2, 0] = 6.0f;
            a[2, 1] = 8.0f;
            lqr     = new FloatQRDecomp(a);
예제 #12
        public void Current()
            var test = new FloatMatrix(new float[2, 2] {
                { 1f, 2f }, { 3f, 4f }
            IEnumerator enumerator = test.GetEnumerator();
            bool        movenextresult;

            movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
            Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[0, 0]);

            movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
            Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[1, 0]);

            movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
            Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[0, 1]);

            movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
            Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[1, 1]);

            movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// One hot encodes the REBER strings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strList">A list of REBER sequences</param>
        /// <returns>A data table with matrices to represent the sequences of vectors and their corresponding outputs</returns>
        public static IDataTable GetOneHot(IEnumerable <string> strList)
            var strList2 = strList.ToList();

            // build the following item table
            var following = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <int> >();

            foreach (var str in strList2)
                var    sb   = new StringBuilder();
                string prev = null;
                foreach (var ch in str)
                    var key = sb.ToString();
                    if (prev != null)
                        if (!following.TryGetValue(prev, out HashSet <int> temp))
                            following.Add(prev, temp = new HashSet <int>());
                    prev = key;

            var builder = DataTableBuilder.CreateTwoColumnMatrix();

            foreach (var str in strList2)
                var inputList  = new FloatVector[str.Length];
                var outputList = new FloatVector[str.Length];

                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (var i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                    var ch = str[i];
                    var input  = new float[_ch.Count];
                    var output = new float[_ch.Count];
                    input[_ch[ch]] = 1f;
                    if (following.TryGetValue(sb.ToString(), out HashSet <int> temp))
                        foreach (var item in temp)
                            output[item] = 1f;
                    inputList[i] = new FloatVector {
                        Data = input
                    outputList[i] = new FloatVector {
                        Data = output
                builder.Add(FloatMatrix.Create(inputList), FloatMatrix.Create(outputList));
예제 #14
		public void Current()
			FloatMatrix test = new FloatMatrix(new float[2, 2] { { 1f, 2f }, { 3f, 4f } });
			IEnumerator enumerator = test.GetEnumerator();
			bool movenextresult;

			movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
			Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[0, 0]);

			movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
			Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[1, 0]);

			movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
			Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[0, 1]);

			movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
			Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[1, 1]);

			movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
예제 #15
    /// <summary>Performs the QR factorization.</summary>
    protected override void InternalCompute() 
      int m = matrix.RowLength;
      int n = matrix.ColumnLength;

      int minmn = m < n ? m : n;
      r_ = new FloatMatrix(matrix); // create a copy
      FloatVector[] u = new FloatVector[minmn];
      for (int i = 0; i < minmn; i++) 
        u[i] = Householder.GenerateColumn(r_, i, m-1, i);
        Householder.UA(u[i], r_, i, m-1, i + 1, n-1);
      q_ = FloatMatrix.CreateIdentity(m);
      for (int i = minmn - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
        Householder.UA(u[i], q_, i, m - 1, i, m - 1);
      qr = new float[matrix.data.Length];
      Array.Copy(matrix.data, qr, matrix.data.Length);
      jpvt = new int[n];
      jpvt[0] = 1;
      Lapack.Geqp3.Compute(m, n, qr, m, jpvt, out tau);
      r_ = new FloatMatrix(m, n);
      // Populate R
      for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          if (i <= j) {
            r_.data[j * m + i] = qr[(jpvt[j]-1) * m + i];
          else {
            r_.data[j * m + i] = 0.0f;
      q_ = new FloatMatrix(m, m);
      for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
          if (j < n)
            q_.data[j * m + i] = qr[j * m + i];
            q_.data[j * m + i] = 0.0f;

      if( m < n ){
        Lapack.Orgqr.Compute(m, m, m, q_.data, m, tau);
      } else{
        Lapack.Orgqr.Compute(m, m, n, q_.data, m, tau);
      for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) 
        if (q_[i, i] == 0)
          isFullRank = false;
예제 #16
        static void ManyToOne()
            var grammar   = new SequenceGenerator(dictionarySize: 16, minSize: 3, maxSize: 6, noRepeat: true, isStochastic: false);
            var sequences = grammar.GenerateSequences().Take(1000).ToList();
            var builder   = BrightWireProvider.CreateDataTableBuilder();

            builder.AddColumn(ColumnType.Matrix, "Sequence");
            builder.AddColumn(ColumnType.Vector, "Summary");

            foreach (var sequence in sequences)
                var list    = new List <FloatVector>();
                var charSet = new HashSet <char>();
                foreach (var ch in sequence)

                var target = grammar.Encode(charSet.Select(ch2 => (ch2, 1f)));
                builder.Add(FloatMatrix.Create(list.ToArray()), target);
            var data = builder.Build().Split(0);

            using (var lap = BrightWireProvider.CreateLinearAlgebra(false)) {
                var graph       = new GraphFactory(lap);
                var errorMetric = graph.ErrorMetric.BinaryClassification;

                // create the property set
                var propertySet = graph.CurrentPropertySet

                // create the engine
                var trainingData = graph.CreateDataSource(data.Training);
                var testData     = trainingData.CloneWith(data.Test);
                var engine       = graph.CreateTrainingEngine(trainingData, 0.03f, 8);

                // build the network
                const int HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE = 128;
                var       memory            = new float[HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE];
                var       network           = graph.Connect(engine)
                                              //.AddSimpleRecurrent(graph.ReluActivation(), memory)

                engine.Train(20, testData, errorMetric);

                var networkGraph    = engine.Graph;
                var executionEngine = graph.CreateEngine(networkGraph);

                var output = executionEngine.Execute(testData);
                Console.WriteLine(output.Where(o => o.Target != null).Average(o => o.CalculateError(errorMetric)));
예제 #17
        public void IsSingularTest()
            FloatMatrix   b   = new FloatMatrix(3);
            FloatLUDecomp dlu = new FloatLUDecomp(b);

예제 #18
 public void CurrentException()
     FloatMatrix test = new FloatMatrix(new float[2, 2] {
         { 1f, 2f }, { 3f, 4f }
     IEnumerator enumerator = test.GetEnumerator();
     object      value      = enumerator.Current;
예제 #19
 private static void dscalColumn(FloatMatrix A, int Col, int Start, float z)
     // A part of column Col of matrix A from row Start to end multiply by z
     for (int i = Start; i < A.RowLength; i++)
         A[i, Col] = A[i, Col] * z;
예제 #20
 ///<summary>Constructor for SVD decomposition class.</summary>
 ///<param name="matrix">The matrix to decompose.</param>
 ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">matrix is null.</exception>
 public FloatSVDDecomp(IROMatrix <float> matrix)
     if (matrix == null)
         throw new System.ArgumentNullException("matrix cannot be null.");
     this.matrix = new FloatMatrix(matrix);
예제 #21
 static FloatMatrix Relu(FloatMatrix m)
     float[,] output = new float[m.x, m.y];
     FloatMatrix.MatrixLoop((i, j) => {
         output[i, j] = m[i, j] > 0 ? m[i, j] : 0;
     }, m.x, m.y);
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lap"></param>
        /// <param name="matrix">Matrix to copy</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IMatrix CreateMatrix(this ILinearAlgebraProvider lap, FloatMatrix matrix)
            var ret = lap.CreateMatrix(matrix.RowCount, matrix.ColumnCount, false);

            ret.Data = matrix;
            //return lap.CreateMatrix(matrix.RowCount, matrix.ColumnCount, (i, j) => matrix.Row[i].Data[j]);
예제 #23
 static FloatMatrix Sigmoid(FloatMatrix m)
     float[,] output = m;
     FloatMatrix.MatrixLoop((i, j) => {
         output[i, j] = 1 / (1 + UnityEngine.Mathf.Exp(-output[i, j]));
     }, m.x, m.y);
예제 #24
 protected override void Context()
     sut          = new StatisticalDataCalculator();
     _floatMatrix = new FloatMatrix();
예제 #25
        ///<summary>Solves a system on linear equations, AX=B, where A is the factored matrixed.</summary>
        ///<param name="B">RHS side of the system.</param>
        ///<returns>the solution matrix, X.</returns>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">B is null.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="SingularMatrixException">Ais singular.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentException">The number of rows of A and B must be the same.</exception>
        public FloatMatrix Solve(IROFloatMatrix B)
            if (B == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("B cannot be null.");
            if (singular)
                throw new SingularMatrixException();
                if (B.Rows != order)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Matrix row dimensions must agree.");
                // Copy right hand side with pivoting
                int         nx = B.Columns;
                FloatMatrix X  = Pivot(B);

                // Solve L*Y = B(piv,:)
                for (int k = 0; k < order; k++)
                    for (int i = k + 1; i < order; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++)
                            X.data[i][j] -= X.data[k][j] * factor[i][k];
                // Solve U*X = Y;
                for (int k = order - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++)
                        X.data[k][j] /= factor[k][k];
                    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++)
                            X.data[i][j] -= X.data[k][j] * factor[i][k];
                float[] rhs = FloatMatrix.ToLinearArray(B);
                Lapack.Getrs.Compute(Lapack.Transpose.NoTrans, order, B.Columns, factor, order, pivots, rhs, B.Rows);
                FloatMatrix ret = new FloatMatrix(order, B.Columns);
                ret.data = rhs;
예제 #26
        public void WideQTest()
            FloatMatrix Q = wqr.Q;

            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(Q[0, 0]), 0.316, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(Q[0, 1]), 0.949, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(Q[1, 0]), 0.949, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(Q[1, 1]), 0.316, TOLERENCE);
예제 #27
 ///<summary>Constructor for SVD decomposition class.</summary>
 ///<param name="matrix">The matrix to decompose.</param>
 ///<param name="computeVectors">Whether to compute the singular vectors or not.</param>
 ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">matrix is null.</exception>
 public FloatSVDDecomp(IROFloatMatrix matrix, bool computeVectors)
     if (matrix == null)
         throw new System.ArgumentNullException("matrix cannot be null.");
     this.matrix         = new FloatMatrix(matrix);
     this.computeVectors = computeVectors;
예제 #28
 public static void AssertEqual(FloatMatrix m1, FloatMatrix m2, int maxDifference = 6)
     Assert.AreEqual(m1.RowCount, m2.RowCount);
     Assert.AreEqual(m1.ColumnCount, m2.ColumnCount);
     for (var i = 0; i < m1.RowCount; i++)
         AssertEqual(m1.Row[i], m2.Row[i], maxDifference);
예제 #29
        ///<summary>Solves a system on linear equations, AX=B, where A is the factored matrixed.</summary>
        ///<param name="B">RHS side of the system.</param>
        ///<returns>the solution matrix, X.</returns>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">B is null.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="NotPositiveDefiniteException">A is not positive definite.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentException">The number of rows of A and B must be the same.</exception>
        public FloatMatrix Solve(IROFloatMatrix B)
            if (B == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("B cannot be null.");
            if (!ispd)
                throw new NotPositiveDefiniteException();
                if (B.Rows != order)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Matrix row dimensions must agree.");
                // Copy right hand side.
                int         cols = B.Columns;
                FloatMatrix X    = new FloatMatrix(B);
                for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
                    // Solve L*Y = B;
                    for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                        float sum = B[i, c];
                        for (int k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                            sum -= l.data[i][k] * X.data[k][c];
                        X.data[i][c] = sum / l.data[i][i];

                    // Solve L'*X = Y;
                    for (int i = order - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        float sum = X.data[i][c];
                        for (int k = i + 1; k < order; k++)
                            sum -= l.data[k][i] * X.data[k][c];
                        X.data[i][c] = sum / l.data[i][i];

                float[] rhs = FloatMatrix.ToLinearArray(B);
                Lapack.Potrs.Compute(Lapack.UpLo.Lower, order, B.Columns, l.data, order, rhs, B.Rows);
                FloatMatrix ret = new FloatMatrix(order, B.Columns);
                ret.data = rhs;
예제 #30
		public void CtorDimensions()
			FloatMatrix test = new FloatMatrix(2, 2);
			Assert.AreEqual(test.RowLength, 2);
			Assert.AreEqual(test.ColumnLength, 2);
			Assert.AreEqual(test[0, 0], 0);
			Assert.AreEqual(test[0, 1], 0);
			Assert.AreEqual(test[1, 0], 0);
			Assert.AreEqual(test[1, 1], 0);
예제 #31
        private static float ddot(FloatMatrix A, int Col1, int Col2, int Start)
            float z = 0.0f;

            for (int i = Start; i < A.RowLength; i++)
                z += A[i, Col2] * A[i, Col1];
예제 #32
        public void WideRTest()
            FloatMatrix R = wqr.R;

            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[0, 0]), 3.162, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[0, 1]), 7.273, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[0, 2]), 0.949, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[1, 0]), 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[1, 1]), 2.846, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[1, 2]), 6.008, TOLERENCE);
예제 #33
		public void CtorInitialValues()
			FloatMatrix test = new FloatMatrix(2, 2, 1);

			Assert.AreEqual(test.RowLength, 2);
			Assert.AreEqual(test.ColumnLength, 2);
			Assert.AreEqual(test[0, 0], 1);
			Assert.AreEqual(test[0, 1], 1);
			Assert.AreEqual(test[1, 0], 1);
			Assert.AreEqual(test[1, 1], 1);
예제 #34
        private float[] calculateValueFor(FloatMatrix quantityResults, Func <float[], float> calculationMethodForSortedArray)
            var result = new float[quantityResults.NumberOfRows];

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
                result[i] = calculationMethodForSortedArray(quantityResults.SortedValueAt(i));

예제 #35
        public void LongRTest()
            FloatMatrix R = lqr.R;

            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[0, 0]), 6.782, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[0, 1]), 3.686, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[1, 0]), 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[1, 1]), 10.555, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[2, 0]), 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Abs(R[2, 1]), 0.000, TOLERENCE);
예제 #36
		///<summary>Computes the algorithm.</summary>
		protected override void InternalCompute()
			l = new FloatMatrix(order);
			for (int j = 0; j < order; j++)
				float[] rowj = l.data[j];
				float d = 0.0f;
				for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
					float[] rowk = l.data[k];
					float s = 0.0f;
					for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
						s += rowk[i] * rowj[i];
					rowj[k] = s = (matrix.data[j][k] - s) / l.data[k][k];
					d = d + s * s;
				d = matrix.data[j][j] - d;
				if (d <= 0.0)
					ispd = false;
				l.data[j][j] = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(System.Math.Max(d, 0.0));
				for (int k = j + 1; k < order; k++)
					l.data[j][k] = 0.0f;

            float[] factor = new float[matrix.data.Length];
            Array.Copy(matrix.data, factor, matrix.data.Length);
            int status = Lapack.Potrf.Compute(Lapack.UpLo.Lower, order, factor, order);
            if (status != 0 ) {
                ispd = false;
            l = new FloatMatrix(order);
            l.data = factor;
            for (int i = 0; i < order; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < order; j++) {
                    if ( j > i) {
                        l.data[j*order+i] = 0;

 static FloatCholeskyDecompTest() 
   FloatMatrix a = new FloatMatrix(3);
   a[0,0] = 2;
   a[0,1] = 1;
   a[0,2] = 0;
   a[1,0] = 1;
   a[1,1] = 2;
   a[1,2] = 0;
   a[2,0] = 0;
   a[2,1] = 0;
   a[2,2] = 3;
   cd = new FloatCholeskyDecomp(a);
예제 #38
		static FloatLUDecompTest()
			FloatMatrix a = new FloatMatrix(3);
			a[0, 0] = -1;
			a[0, 1] = 5;
			a[0, 2] = 6;
			a[1, 0] = 3;
			a[1, 1] = -6;
			a[1, 2] = 1;
			a[2, 0] = 6;
			a[2, 1] = 8;
			a[2, 2] = 9;
			lu = new FloatLUDecomp(a);
예제 #39
		///<summary>Constructor for Cholesky decomposition class. The constructor performs the factorization of a symmetric positive
		///definite matrax and the Cholesky factored matrix is accessible by the <c>Factor</c> property. The factor is the lower
		///triangular factor.</summary>
		///<param name="matrix">The matrix to factor.</param>
		///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">matrix is null.</exception>
		///<exception cref="NotSquareMatrixException">matrix is not square.</exception>
		///<remarks>This class only uses the lower triangle of the input matrix. It ignores the
		///upper triangle.</remarks>
		public FloatCholeskyDecomp(IROFloatMatrix matrix)
			if (matrix == null)
				throw new System.ArgumentNullException("matrix cannot be null.");

			if (matrix.Rows != matrix.Columns)
				throw new NotSquareMatrixException("Matrix must be square.");

			order = matrix.Columns;
			this.matrix = new FloatMatrix(matrix);
예제 #40
		public void CtorCopy()
			FloatMatrix a = new FloatMatrix(2, 2);
			a[0, 0] = 1;
			a[0, 1] = 2;
			a[1, 0] = 3;
			a[1, 1] = 4;

			FloatMatrix b = new FloatMatrix(a);

			Assert.AreEqual(a.RowLength, b.RowLength);
			Assert.AreEqual(a.ColumnLength, b.ColumnLength);
			Assert.AreEqual(a[0, 0], a[0, 0]);
			Assert.AreEqual(a[0, 1], b[0, 1]);
			Assert.AreEqual(a[1, 0], b[1, 0]);
			Assert.AreEqual(a[1, 1], b[1, 1]);
 public void NonSymmFactorTest()
   FloatMatrix b = new FloatMatrix(3);
   b[0,0] = 2;
   b[0,1] = 1;
   b[0,2] = 1;
   b[1,0] = 1;
   b[1,1] = 2;
   b[1,2] = 0;
   b[2,0] = 0;
   b[2,1] = 0;
   b[2,2] = 3;
   FloatCholeskyDecomp dcd = new FloatCholeskyDecomp(b);
예제 #42
 public void SetupTestCases() 
   a = new FloatMatrix(3);
   a[0,0] = 1.91f;
   a[0,1] = 9.82f;
   a[0,2] = 2.73f;
   a[1,0] = 8.64f;
   a[1,1] = 3.55f;
   a[1,2] = 7.46f;
   a[2,0] = 4.37f;
   a[2,1] = 6.28f;
   a[2,2] = 5.19f;
   svd = new FloatSVDDecomp(a, true);
   wa = new FloatMatrix(2,4);
   wa[0,0] = 1.91f;
   wa[0,1] = 9.82f;
   wa[0,2] = 2.73f;
   wa[0,3] = 8.64f;
   wa[1,0] = 3.55f;
   wa[1,1] = 7.46f;
   wa[1,2] = 4.37f;
   wa[1,3] = 6.28f;
   wsvd = new FloatSVDDecomp(wa, true);
   la = new FloatMatrix(4,2);
   la[0,0] = 1.91f;
   la[0,1] = 9.82f;
   la[1,0] = 2.73f;
   la[1,1] = 8.64f;
   la[2,0] = 3.55f;
   la[2,1] = 7.46f;
   la[3,0] = 4.37f;
   la[3,1] = 6.28f;
   lsvd = new FloatSVDDecomp(la, true);
    public void CtorCopyDouble()
      FloatMatrix a = new FloatMatrix(2,2);
      a[0,0] = 1;
      a[0,1] = 2;
      a[1,0] = 3;
      a[1,1] = 4;

      ComplexFloatMatrix b = new ComplexFloatMatrix(a);
      Assert.AreEqual(a.RowLength, b.RowLength);
      Assert.AreEqual(a.ColumnLength, b.ColumnLength);
      Assert.AreEqual(a[0,0], b[0,0].Real);
      Assert.AreEqual(a[0,1], b[0,1].Real);
      Assert.AreEqual(a[1,0], b[1,0].Real);
      Assert.AreEqual(a[1,1], b[1,1].Real);
      Assert.AreEqual(0, b[0,0].Imag);
      Assert.AreEqual(0, b[0,1].Imag);
      Assert.AreEqual(0, b[1,0].Imag);
      Assert.AreEqual(0, b[1,1].Imag);
 public void CDLong()
   FloatMatrix lm = new FloatMatrix(3,2);
   FloatCholeskyDecomp lcd = new FloatCholeskyDecomp(lm);
예제 #45
 ///<summary>Constructor for QR decomposition class. The constructor performs the factorization and the upper and
 ///lower matrices are accessible by the <c>Q</c> and <c>R</c> properties.</summary>
 ///<param name="matrix">The matrix to factor.</param>
 ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">matrix is null.</exception>
 public FloatQRDecomp(IROFloatMatrix matrix) 
   if (matrix == null)
     throw new System.ArgumentNullException("matrix cannot be null.");
   this.matrix = new FloatMatrix(matrix);
예제 #46
    /// <summary>Finds the least squares solution of <c>A*X = B</c>, where <c>m &gt;= n</c></summary>
    /// <param name="B">A matrix with as many rows as A and any number of columns.</param>
    /// <returns>X that minimizes the two norm of <c>Q*R*X-B</c>.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Matrix row dimensions must agree.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Matrix is rank deficient or <c>m &lt; n</c>.</exception>
    public FloatMatrix Solve (IROFloatMatrix B) 
      if (B.Rows != matrix.RowLength) 
        throw new ArgumentException("Matrix row dimensions must agree.");
      if (matrix.RowLength < matrix.ColumnLength) 
        throw new System.InvalidOperationException("A must have at lest as a many rows as columns.");
      if (!this.isFullRank) 
        throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Matrix is rank deficient.");
      // Copy right hand side
      int m = matrix.RowLength;
      int n = matrix.ColumnLength;
      int nx = B.Columns;
      FloatMatrix ret = new FloatMatrix(n,nx);

      FloatMatrix X = new FloatMatrix(B);
      // Compute Y = transpose(Q)*B
      float[] column = new float[q_.RowLength];
      for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) 
        for (int k = 0; k < m; k++) 
          column[k] = X.data[k][j];
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) 
          float s = 0;
          for (int k = 0; k < m; k++) 
            s += q_.data[k][i] * column[k];
          X.data[i][j] = s;

      // Solve R*X = Y;
      for (int k = n-1; k >= 0; k--) 
        for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) 
          X.data[k][j] /= r_.data[k][k];
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) 
          for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++) 
            X.data[i][j] -= X.data[k][j]*r_.data[i][k];
      for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        for( int j = 0; j < nx; j++ )
          ret.data[i][j] = X.data[i][j];

      float[] c = FloatMatrix.ToLinearArray(B);
      Lapack.Ormqr.Compute(Lapack.Side.Left, Lapack.Transpose.Trans, m, nx, n, qr, m, tau, c, m);
      Blas.Trsm.Compute(Blas.Order.ColumnMajor, Blas.Side.Left, Blas.UpLo.Upper, Blas.Transpose.NoTrans, Blas.Diag.NonUnit,
        n, nx, 1, qr, m, c, m);
      for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        for ( int j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
          ret.data[j*n+i] = c[j*m+(jpvt[i]-1)];

      return ret;
    /// <summary>
    /// Get the inverse of the Toeplitz matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The inverse matrix.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="SingularMatrixException">
    /// The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.
    /// </exception>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The class implicitly decomposes the inverse Toeplitz matrix into a <b>UDL</b> factorisation
    /// using the Levinson algorithm, before using Trench's algorithm to complete
    /// the calculation of the inverse.
    /// <para>
    /// Trench's algorithm requires approximately <b>N</b> squared FLOPS, compared to <b>N</b> cubed FLOPS
    /// if we simply multiplied the <b>UDL</b> factors (<b>N</b> is the matrix order).
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    public FloatMatrix GetInverse()

      if (m_IsSingular == true)
        throw new SingularMatrixException("The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.");

      FloatMatrix I = new FloatMatrix(m_Order);           // the solution matrix
      float[] A = m_LowerTriangle[m_Order - 1];
      float A1, A2, scale;


      float[] current, previous;                    // references to rows in the solution
      int i, j, k, l;

      // setup the first row in wedge
      scale = m_Diagonal[m_Order - 1];
      current = I.data[0];
      for (i = 0, j = m_Order - 1; i < m_Order; i++, j--)
        current[i] = scale * A[j];

      // calculate values in the rest of the wedge
      for (i = 1; i < (1 + m_Order) / 2; i++)
        previous = current;
        current = I.data[i];
        A1 = A[m_Order - i - 1];
        A2 = A[i - 1];
        for (j = i, k = i - 1, l = m_Order - i - 1; j < m_Order - i; j++, k++, l--)
          current[j] = previous[k] + scale * (A1 * A[l] - A2 * A[k]);


      int i, j, k, l;

      // setup the first row in wedge
      scale = m_Diagonal[m_Order-1];
      for (i = 0, j = m_Order - 1; i < m_Order; i++, j--)
        I[0, i] = scale* A[j];

      // calculate values in the rest of the wedge
      for (i = 1; i < (1 + m_Order) / 2; i++)
        A1 = A[m_Order - i - 1];
        A2 = A[i - 1];
        for (j = i, k = i - 1, l = m_Order - i - 1; j < m_Order - i; j++, k++, l--)
          I[i, j] = I[i - 1, k] + scale * (A1 * A[l] - A2 * A[k]);


      // this is symmetric matrix ...
      for (i = 0; i < (1 + m_Order) / 2; i++)
        for (j = i; j < m_Order - i; j++)
          I[j, i] = I[i, j];

      // and a persymmetric matrix.
      for (i = 0, j = m_Order - 1; i < m_Order; i++, j--)
        for (k = 0, l = m_Order - 1; k < j; k++, l--)
          I[l, j] = I[i, k];

      return I;
예제 #48
    public void Equals()
      DoubleMatrix a = new DoubleMatrix(2,2,4);
      DoubleMatrix b = new DoubleMatrix(2,2,4);
      DoubleMatrix c = new DoubleMatrix(2,2);
      c[0,0] = 4;
      c[0,1] = 4;
      c[1,0] = 4;
      c[1,1] = 4;

      DoubleMatrix d = new DoubleMatrix(2,2,5);
      DoubleMatrix e = null;
      FloatMatrix f = new FloatMatrix(2,2,4);
예제 #49
 public void ImplictToFloatMatrix()
   FloatMatrix a = new FloatMatrix(2,2);
   a[0,0] = 1;
   a[0,1] = 2;
   a[1,0] = 3;
   a[1,1] = 4;
   DoubleMatrix b = DoubleMatrix.ToDoubleMatrix(a);
   Assert.AreEqual(a.RowLength, b.RowLength);
   Assert.AreEqual(a.ColumnLength, b.ColumnLength);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,0], b[0,0]);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,1], b[0,1]);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,0], b[1,0]);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,1], b[1,1]);
예제 #50
    public void SolveMatrix()
      FloatMatrix b = new FloatMatrix(3);
      b[0,0] = 2;
      b[0,1] = 2;
      b[0,2] = 2;
      b[1,0] = 13;
      b[1,1] = 13;
      b[1,2] = 13;
      b[2,0] = 25;
      b[2,1] = 25;
      b[2,2] = 25;
      FloatMatrix x = qr.Solve(b);

      b = new FloatMatrix(3,2);
      b[0,0] = 2;
      b[0,1] = 2;
      b[1,0] = 13;
      b[1,1] = 13;
      b[2,0] = 25;
      b[2,1] = 25;
      x = qr.Solve(b);

      b = new FloatMatrix(3,4);
      b[0,0] = 2;
      b[0,1] = 2;
      b[0,2] = 2;
      b[0,3] = 2;
      b[1,0] = 13;
      b[1,1] = 13;
      b[1,2] = 13;
      b[1,3] = 13;
      b[2,0] = 25;
      b[2,1] = 25;
      b[2,2] = 25;
      b[2,3] = 25;
      x = qr.Solve(b);

      FloatMatrix A = new FloatMatrix(4,3);
      A[0,0] = -4.18f;
      A[0,1] = -5.011f;
      A[0,2] = -5.841f;
      A[1,0] = 4.986f;
      A[1,1] = 5.805f;
      A[1,2] = 6.624f;
      A[2,0] = 3.695f;
      A[2,1] = 3.687f;
      A[2,2] = 3.679f;
      A[3,0] = -5.489f;
      A[3,1] = -7.024f;
      A[3,2] =  8.56f;

      FloatQRDecomp qrd = new FloatQRDecomp(A);
      FloatMatrix B = new FloatMatrix(4,1);
      B[0,0] = 1;
      B[1,0] = 4;
      B[2,0] = 2;
      B[3,0] = 1;

      x = qrd.Solve(B);
      Assert.AreEqual(x[2,0], 0.0998564,TOLERENCE);

      B = new FloatMatrix(4,3);
      B[0,0] = 1;
      B[1,0] = 4;
      B[2,0] = 2;
      B[3,0] = 1;
      B[0,1] = 1;
      B[1,1] = 4;
      B[2,1] = 2;
      B[3,1] = 1;
      B[0,2] = 1;
      B[1,2] = 4;
      B[2,2] = 2;
      B[3,2] = 1;

      x = qrd.Solve(B);
      Assert.AreEqual(x[2,0], 0.0998564,TOLERENCE);
      Assert.AreEqual(x[2,1], 0.0998564,TOLERENCE);
      Assert.AreEqual(x[2,2], 0.0998564,TOLERENCE);
 ///<summary> Constructor </summary>
 public FloatMatrixEnumerator (FloatMatrix matrix) 
예제 #52
		public void ForEach()
			FloatMatrix test = new FloatMatrix(new float[2, 2] { { 1f, 2f }, { 3f, 4f } });
			foreach (float f in test)
    /// <summary>
    /// Solve a symmetric square Toeplitz system with a right-side matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Y">The right-hand side of the system.</param>
    /// <returns>The solution matrix.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
    /// Parameter <B>Y</B> is a null reference.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="RankException">
    /// The number of rows in <B>Y</B> is not equal to the number of rows in the Toeplitz matrix.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="SingularMatrixException">
    /// The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.
    /// </exception>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This member solves the linear system <B>TX</B> = <B>Y</B>, where <B>T</B> is
    /// a symmetric square Toeplitz matrix, <B>X</B> is the unknown solution matrix
    /// and <B>Y</B> is a known matrix.
    /// <para>
    /// The class implicitly decomposes the inverse Toeplitz matrix into a <b>UDL</b> factorisation
    /// using the Levinson algorithm, and then calculates the solution matrix.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    public FloatMatrix Solve(IROFloatMatrix Y)
      FloatMatrix X;

      // check parameters
      if (Y == null)
        throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Y");
      else if (m_Order != Y.Columns)
        throw new RankException("The numer of rows in Y is not equal to the number of rows in the Toeplitz matrix.");


      if (m_IsSingular == true)
        throw new SingularMatrixException("The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.");

      int M = Y.Rows;
      int i, j, l, m;     // index/loop variables
      float[] Inner;      // inner product
      float[] G;        // scaling constant
      float[] A;        // reference to current order coefficients
      float scalar;

      // allocate memory for solution
      X = new FloatMatrix(m_Order, M);
      Inner = new float[M];
      G = new float[M];

      // setup zero order solution
      scalar = 1.0f / m_LeftColumn[0];
      for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
        X.data[0][m] = scalar * Y[0,m];

        X.data[m*m_Order] = scalar * Y[0,m];

      // solve systems of increasing order
      for (i = 1; i < m_Order; i++)
        // calculate inner product
        for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
          Inner[m] = Y[i,m];
          Inner[m] = Y[i,m];

        for (j = 0, l = i; j < i; j++, l--)
          scalar = m_LeftColumn[l];
          for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
            Inner[m] -= scalar * X.data[j][m];
            Inner[m] -= scalar * X.data[m*m_Order+j];

        // get the current predictor coefficients row
        A = m_LowerTriangle[i];

        // update the solution matrix
        for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
          G[m] = m_Diagonal[i] * Inner[m];
        for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
          scalar = A[j];
          for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
            X.data[j][m] += scalar * G[m];
            X.data[m*m_Order+j] += scalar * G[m];

      return X;
    public void CDWide()
      FloatMatrix wm = new FloatMatrix(2,3);
      FloatCholeskyDecomp wcd = new FloatCholeskyDecomp(wm);

    /// <summary>
    /// Invert a symmetric square Toeplitz matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="T">The left-most column of the symmetric Toeplitz matrix.</param>
    /// <returns>The inverse matrix.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
    /// <B>T</B> is a null reference.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="RankException">
    /// The length of <B>T</B> must be greater than zero.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="SingularMatrixException">
    /// The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.
    /// </exception>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This static member combines the <b>UDL</b> decomposition and Trench's algorithm into a
    /// single algorithm. When compared to the non-static member it requires minimal data storage
    /// and suffers from no speed penalty.
    /// <para>
    /// Trench's algorithm requires <b>N</b> squared FLOPS, compared to <b>N</b> cubed FLOPS
    /// if we simply solved a linear Toeplitz system with a right-side identity matrix (<b>N</b> is the matrix order).
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    public static FloatMatrix Inverse(IROFloatVector T)

      FloatMatrix X;

      // check parameters
      if (T == null)
        throw new System.ArgumentNullException("T");
      else if (T.Length < 1)
        throw new System.RankException("The length of T must be greater than zero.");
      else if (T.Length == 1)
        X = new FloatMatrix(1);
        X[0, 0] = 1.0f / T[0];

        int N = T.Length;
        float f, g;
        int i, j, l, k, m, n;
        X = new FloatMatrix(N);

        // calculate the predictor coefficients
        FloatVector Y = FloatSymmetricLevinson.YuleWalker(T);

        // calculate gamma
        f = T[0];
        for (i = 1, j = 0; i < N; i++, j++)
          f += T[i] * Y[j];
        g = 1.0f / f;

        // calculate first row of inverse
        X[0, 0] = g;
        for (i = 1, j = 0; i < N; i++, j++)
          X[0, i] = g * Y[j];

        // calculate successive rows of upper wedge
        for (i = 0, j = 1, k = N - 2; i < N / 2; i++, j++, k--)
          for (l = j, m = i, n = N - 1 - j; l < N - j; l++, m++, n--)
            X[j, l] = X[i, m] + g * (Y[i] * Y[m] - Y[k] * Y[n]);

        // this is symmetric matrix ...
        for (i = 0; i <= N / 2; i++)
          for (j = i + 1; j < N - i; j++)
            X[j, i] = X[i, j];

        // and a persymmetric matrix.
        for (i = 0, j = N - 1; i < N; i++, j--)
          for (k = 0, l = N - 1; k < j; k++, l--)
            X[l, j] = X[i, k];


      return X;
    /// <summary>
    /// Solve a symmetric square Toeplitz system with a right-side matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="T">The left-most column of the Toeplitz matrix.</param>
    /// <param name="Y">The right-side matrix of the system.</param>
    /// <returns>The solution matrix.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
    /// <B>T</B> and/or <B>Y</B> are null references
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="RankException">
    /// The length of <B>T</B> does not match the number of rows in <B>Y</B>.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="SingularMatrixException">
    /// The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.
    /// </exception>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This method solves the linear system <B>AX</B> = <B>Y</B>. Where
    /// <B>T</B> is a symmetric square Toeplitz matrix, <B>X</B> is an unknown
    /// matrix and <B>Y</B> is a known matrix.
    /// <para>
    /// This static member combines the <b>UDL</b> decomposition and the calculation of the solution into a
    /// single algorithm. When compared to the non-static member it requires minimal data storage
    /// and suffers from no speed penalty.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    public static FloatMatrix Solve(IROFloatVector T, IROFloatMatrix Y)

      FloatMatrix X;

      // check parameters
      if (T == null)
        throw new System.ArgumentNullException("T");
      else if (Y == null)
        throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Y");
      else if (T.Length != Y.Columns)
        throw new RankException("The length of T and Y are not equal.");

        // allocate memory
        int N = T.Length;
        int M = Y.Rows;
        X = new FloatMatrix(N, M);                 // solution matrix
        FloatVector Z = new FloatVector(N);       // temporary storage vector
        float e;                                   // prediction error
        int i, j, l, m;

        // setup zero order solution
        e = T[0];
        if (e == 0.0f)
          throw new SingularMatrixException("The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.");
        for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
          X[0, m] = Y[0, m] / T[0];

        if (N > 1)

          FloatVector a = new FloatVector(N - 1);   // prediction coefficients
          float p;                                   // reflection coefficient
          float inner;                               // inner product
          float k;

          // calculate solution for successive orders
          for (i = 1; i < N; i++)

            // calculate first inner product
            inner = T[i];
            for (j = 0, l = i - 1; j < i - 1; j++, l--)
              inner += a[j] * T[l];

            // update predictor coefficients
            p = -(inner / e);
            for (j = 0, l = i - 2; j < i - 1; j++, l--)
              Z[j] = a[j] + p * a[l];

            // copy vector
            for (j = 0; j < i - 1; j++)
              a[j] = Z[j];

            a[i - 1] = p;
            e *= (1.0f - p * p);

            if (e == 0.0f)
              throw new SingularMatrixException("The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.");

            // update the solution matrix
            for (m = 0; m < M; m++)

              // retrieve a copy of solution column
              for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
                Z[j] = X[j, m];

              // calculate second inner product
              inner = Y[i, m];
              for (j = 0, l = i; j < i; j++, l--)
                inner -= Z[j] * T[l];

              // update solution vector
              k = inner / e;
              for (j = 0, l = i - 1; j < i; j++, l--)
                Z[j] = Z[j] + k * a[l];
              Z[j] = k;

              // store solution column in matrix
              for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
                X[j, m] = Z[j];





      return X;
예제 #57
		public void CurrentException2()
			FloatMatrix test = new FloatMatrix(new float[2, 2] { { 1f, 2f }, { 3f, 4f } });
			IEnumerator enumerator = test.GetEnumerator();
			object value = enumerator.Current;
 public void ImplictToFloatMatrix()
   FloatMatrix a = new FloatMatrix(2,2);
   a[0,0] = 1;
   a[0,1] = 2;
   a[1,0] = 3;
   a[1,1] = 4;
   ComplexFloatMatrix b = ComplexFloatMatrix.ToComplexFloatMatrix(a);
   Assert.AreEqual(a.RowLength, b.RowLength);
   Assert.AreEqual(a.ColumnLength, b.ColumnLength);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,0], b[0,0].Real);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,1], b[0,1].Real);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,0], b[1,0].Real);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,1], b[1,1].Real);
    /// <summary>
    /// Get a copy of the Toeplitz matrix.
    /// </summary>
    public FloatMatrix GetMatrix()
      int i, j;

      // allocate memory for the matrix
      FloatMatrix tm = new FloatMatrix(m_Order);

      // fill top row
      float[] top = tm.data[0];
      Array.Copy(m_LeftColumn.data, 0, top, 0, m_Order);

      if (m_Order > 1)
        // fill bottom row (reverse order)
        float[] bottom = tm.data[m_Order - 1];

        for (i = 0, j = m_Order - 1; i < m_Order; i++, j--)
          bottom[i] = m_LeftColumn[j];

        // fill rows in-between
        for (i = 1, j = m_Order - 1; j > 1; i++)
          Array.Copy(top, 0, tm.data[i], i, j--);
          Array.Copy(bottom, j, tm.data[i], 0, i);
      if (m_Order > 1)
        float[] top = new float[m_Order];
        Array.Copy(m_LeftColumn.data, 0, top, 0, m_Order);
        tm.SetRow(0, top);

        // fill bottom row (reverse order)
        float[] bottom = new float[m_Order];

        for (i = 0, j = m_Order - 1; i < m_Order; i++, j--)
          bottom[i] = m_LeftColumn[j];

        // fill rows in-between
        for (i = 1, j = m_Order - 1 ; j > 0; i++)
          float[] temp = new float[m_Order];
          Array.Copy(top, 0, temp, i, j--);
          Array.Copy(bottom, j, temp, 0, i);
          tm.SetRow(i, temp);
        Array.Copy(m_LeftColumn.data, 0, tm.data, 0, m_Order);

      return tm;
    public void Equals()
      ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2,new ComplexFloat(4,4));
      ComplexFloatMatrix b = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2,new ComplexFloat(4,4));
      ComplexFloatMatrix c = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2);
      c[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(4,4);
      c[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(4,4);
      c[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(4,4);
      c[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(4,4);

      ComplexFloatMatrix d = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2,5);
      ComplexFloatMatrix e = null;
      FloatMatrix f = new FloatMatrix(2,2,4);