//Constructor for the flight details form that fills the binding source with the flight details.
        public FlightDetailsForm()
            List <FlightDetails> fD = fR.GetFlightDetailsFromDB();

            if (fD.Count > 0)
                _flightDetalisBindingSource.DataSource = fD;
                dataGridViewFlightDetails.Visible = false;
                lblEmptyList.Visible          = true;
                comboBoxSearchParam.Enabled   = false;
                comboBoxSearchParam.Text      = "Disabled";
                btnExportFlightsToTxt.Enabled = false;
                btnExportFlightsToTxt.Text    = "No flights to export";
        //Triggers on form load gets the num of flights currently tracked and the num of details of those flights sets the label and generates a graph on prices.
        private void FlightDetailsStatistics_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int numOfFlights          = fR.GetFlightsFromDB().Count();
            var flightDetails         = fR.GetFlightDetailsFromDB();
            int numOfDetailsOfFlights = flightDetails.Count();

            lblNumOfDetailsAndFlights.Text = "Currently tracking |" + numOfFlights + "| flights out of which |" + numOfDetailsOfFlights + "| have detailed information";
            int index = 1;

            foreach (var flight in flightDetails)
                chartPrice.Series[index - 1].ChartType = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Column;
                chartPrice.Series[index - 1].Points.AddXY(1, flight.flightPrice);
                chartPrice.Series[index - 1].IsXValueIndexed = true;
                index += 1;