public void Load() { /*if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/flickrValues.txt")) * { * BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); * FileStream file = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + "/flickrValues.txt", FileMode.Open); * FlickrValues values = (FlickrValues)bf.Deserialize(file); * file.Close(); * * }*/ FlickrValues values = gameObject.AddComponent <FlickrValues>(); TextReader tr = new StreamReader("SavedFirstDate.txt"); TextReader tr1 = new StreamReader("SavedLastDate.txt"); TextReader tr2 = new StreamReader("SavedYears.txt"); string a = tr.ReadLine(); string b = tr1.ReadLine(); string c = tr2.ReadLine(); Debug.Log("THIS IS LOADING AND READING FROM FILE: ALL " + a + b + c); Debug.Log("THIS IS LOADING AND READING FROM FILE A: " + a); Debug.Log("THIS IS LOADING AND READING FROM FILE: B: " + b); Debug.Log("THIS IS LOADING AND READING FROM FILE: C: " + c); tr.Close(); tr1.Close(); tr2.Close(); apiStartTakenDay = c + a; apiEndTakenDay = c + b; }
public void SaveDate() { TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("SavedFirstDate.txt"); TextWriter tw1 = new StreamWriter("SavedLastDate.txt"); //saving to text files because so easy. sorry for inconvinience. //BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); //FileStream file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/flickrValues.txt"); Debug.Log("SAVING VALUES SM EM: " + startMonthValue + endMonthValue); //FlickrValues values = new FlickrValues(); FlickrValues values = gameObject.AddComponent <FlickrValues>(); values.startMonthValue = startMonthValue; values.endMonthValue = endMonthValue; // values.yearValue = yearValue; Debug.Log("SAVING VALUES TTOOOO SM EM: " + values.startMonthValue + values.endMonthValue); tw.WriteLine(values.startMonthValue); tw1.WriteLine(values.endMonthValue); //values.apiStartTakenDay = startMonthValue + yearValue; //values.apiEndTakenDay = endMonthValue + yearValue; //Debug.Log("SAVING VALUES valuesapistart + apiend: " + values.apiStartTakenDay + values.apiEndTakenDay ); //bf.Serialize(file, values); //file.Close(); tw.Close(); tw1.Close(); }
public void SaveYear() { //BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("SavedYears.txt"); //if (!tw.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/flickrValues.txt")) //file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/flickrValues.txt"); Debug.Log("SAVING VALUES Y: " + yearValue); //FlickrValues values = new FlickrValues(); FlickrValues values = gameObject.AddComponent <FlickrValues>(); values.yearValue = yearValue; tw.WriteLine(values.yearValue); //values.apiStartTakenDay = startMonthValue + yearValue; //values.apiEndTakenDay = endMonthValue + yearValue; //Debug.Log("SAVING VALUES valuesapistart + apiend: " + values.apiStartTakenDay + values.apiEndTakenDay ); //bf.Serialize(file, values); //file.Close(); tw.Close(); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) //add this script to colliders and finish years and build final apiqueue string with stringbuilder { //FlickrValues flickrValues = new FlickrValues(); FlickrValues flickrValues = gameObject.AddComponent <FlickrValues>(); Debug.Log("HIT WITH " + collider); //if (collider.gameObject.tag == "cube1") changing this if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Jan") { Debug.Log("okok you hit with cube1 aka January!!"); startMonthValue = "1-1"; endMonthValue = "1-31"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Feb") { startMonthValue = "2-1"; endMonthValue = "2-28"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Mar") { startMonthValue = "3-1"; endMonthValue = "3-31"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Apr") { startMonthValue = "4-1"; endMonthValue = "4-30"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "May") { startMonthValue = "5-1"; endMonthValue = "5-31"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Jun") { startMonthValue = "6-1"; endMonthValue = "6-30"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Jul") { startMonthValue = "7-1"; endMonthValue = "7-31"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Aug") { startMonthValue = "8-1"; endMonthValue = "8-31"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Sep") { startMonthValue = "9-1"; endMonthValue = "9-30"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Oct") { startMonthValue = "10-1"; endMonthValue = "10-31"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Nov") { startMonthValue = "11-1."; endMonthValue = "11-30"; SaveDate(); } else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Dec") { startMonthValue = "12-1"; endMonthValue = "12-31"; SaveDate(); } //now for the years //else if (collider.gameObject.tag == "Des2012") temp.... else if ( == "Collider2012") { yearValue = "2012-"; SaveYear(); } else if ( == "Collider2013") { yearValue = "2013-"; SaveYear(); } else if ( == "Collider2014") { yearValue = "2014-"; SaveYear(); } else if ( == "Collider2015") { yearValue = "2015-"; SaveYear(); } else if ( == "Collider2016") { yearValue = "2016-"; SaveYear(); } else if ( == "Collider2017") { yearValue = "2017-"; SaveYear(); } else if ( == "Collider2018") { yearValue = "2018-"; SaveYear(); } else if ( == "Collider2019") { yearValue = "2019-"; SaveYear(); } }
public IEnumerator OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { Texture2D tex; tex = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.DXT1, false); //api call example // var noSignUrl = "" + "?method=flickr.people.getPhotos" + "&api_key=0579d5b4256b91929f80cea37fb63f8c" + "&user_id=134653989%40N07" + "&min_upload_date=1.1.2018=" + "&max_upload_date=31.12.2018" + "&min_taken_date=" + "&max_taken_date=" + "&content_type=" + "&format=json" + "&nojsoncallback=1" + "&auth_token=72157702486478861-fa74bb8610aa766e" + "&api_sig=f7b42ae3f1fc127d93bc0f141bdbf590"; //this one we use, values binded to get flexible usage url = "" + "?method=flickr.people.getPhotos" + "&api_key={0}" + "&user_id={1}" + "&min_upload_date=" + "&max_upload_date=" + "&min_taken_date={2}" + "&max_taken_date={3}" + "&content_type=" + "&format=json" + "&nojsoncallback=1"; //use taken dates instead of upload dates for easier modification. done beforehand on flickr pics. // minTakenDate = "2017-8-1"; yyyy-mm-dd //maxTakenDate = "2017-8-16"; //access other script like this MonthYearValues myv = gameObject.AddComponent <MonthYearValues>(); FlickrValues fv = gameObject.AddComponent <FlickrValues>(); myv.Load(); //dont run it again, just access values like this. MonthYearValues myv1 = gameObject.GetComponent <MonthYearValues>(); //get values from files minTakenDate = myv1.apiStartTakenDay; maxTakenDate = myv1.apiEndTakenDay; Debug.Log("monthyearvalues apistarttakenday...: " + minTakenDate + maxTakenDate); var baseUrl = string.Format(url, myApiKey, userid, minTakenDate, maxTakenDate); Debug.Log("this is the api url request BASEURL " + baseUrl); //ok so httpwebreq cant handle SHA256 Certificate, use unitywebrequest or www instead. using (WWW www = new WWW(baseUrl)) { yield return(www); Debug.Log("this is WWW call " + www); string flickrResult = www.text; Debug.Log("this is supposed to be the json from server: " + flickrResult); FlickrData apiData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FlickrData>(flickrResult); foreach (Photo data in { //retrieve one photo: // http://farm{farmid}{server-id}/{id}_{secret}{size}.jpg string photoUrl = "http://farm{0}{1}/{2}_{3}_n.jpg"; string baseFlickrUrl = string.Format(photoUrl,, data.server,, data.secret); Debug.Log("this is image url for one image.. hopefully: " + baseFlickrUrl); // yield return baseFlickrUrl; //add picture's address to list.. flickrpicturelist.Add(baseFlickrUrl); } //access list of pictures with certain api request like this //ATM accessing only 1st picture of the list... modify the way to see them all before changing this! using (WWW xxx = new WWW(flickrpicturelist[apiTracker.apiCount % flickrpicturelist.Count])) { yield return(xxx); xxx.LoadImageIntoTexture(tex); GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = tex; } } }