예제 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculate the dialogs start size (Try to auto-size width to show longest text row).
            /// Also set the maximum dialog size.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="flexibleMessageBoxForm">The FlexibleMessageBox dialog.</param>
            /// <param name="text">The text (the longest text row is used to calculate the dialog width).</param>
            /// <param name="text">The caption (this can also affect the dialog width).</param>
            private static void SetDialogSizes(FlexibleMessageBoxForm flexibleMessageBoxForm, string text, string caption)
                //First set the bounds for the maximum dialog size
                flexibleMessageBoxForm.MaximumSize = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Width * FlexibleMessageBoxForm.GetCorrectedWorkingAreaFactor(0.7)),
                                                              Convert.ToInt32(SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Height * FlexibleMessageBoxForm.GetCorrectedWorkingAreaFactor(0.9)));

                //Get rows. Exit if there are no rows to render...
                var stringRows = GetStringRows(text);

                if (stringRows == null)

                //Calculate whole text height
                var textHeight = TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, FONT).Height;

                //Calculate width for longest text line
                const int SCROLLBAR_WIDTH_OFFSET = 15;
                var       longestTextRowWidth    = stringRows.Max(textForRow => TextRenderer.MeasureText(textForRow, FONT).Width);
                var       captionWidth           = TextRenderer.MeasureText(caption, SystemFonts.CaptionFont).Width;
                var       textWidth = Math.Max(longestTextRowWidth + SCROLLBAR_WIDTH_OFFSET, captionWidth);

                //Calculate margins
                var marginWidth  = flexibleMessageBoxForm.Width - flexibleMessageBoxForm.richTextBoxMessage.Width;
                var marginHeight = flexibleMessageBoxForm.Height - flexibleMessageBoxForm.richTextBoxMessage.Height;

                //Set calculated dialog size (if the calculated values exceed the maximums, they were cut by windows forms automatically)
                flexibleMessageBoxForm.Size = new Size(textWidth + marginWidth, textHeight + marginHeight);
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculate the dialogs start size (Try to auto-size width to show longest text row).
            /// Also set the maximum dialog size.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="flexibleMessageBoxForm">The FlexibleMessageBox dialog.</param>
            /// <param name="text">The text (the longest text row is used to calculate the dialog width).</param>
            private static void SetDialogSizes(FlexibleMessageBoxForm flexibleMessageBoxForm, string text)
                //Set maximum dialog size
                flexibleMessageBoxForm.MaximumSize = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Width * FlexibleMessageBoxForm.GetCorrectedWorkingAreaFactor(MAX_WIDTH_FACTOR)),
                                                              Convert.ToInt32(SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Height * FlexibleMessageBoxForm.GetCorrectedWorkingAreaFactor(MAX_HEIGHT_FACTOR)));

                //Calculate dialog start size: Try to auto-size width to show longest text row
                var rowSize          = Size.Empty;
                var maxTextRowWidth  = 0;
                var maxTextRowHeight = 0f;
                var stringRows       = GetStringRows(text);

                using (var graphics = flexibleMessageBoxForm.CreateGraphics())
                    maxTextRowHeight = graphics.MeasureString(" ", FONT).Height;

                    foreach (var textForRow in stringRows)
                        rowSize = graphics.MeasureString(textForRow, FONT, flexibleMessageBoxForm.MaximumSize.Width).ToSize();
                        if (rowSize.Width > maxTextRowWidth)
                            maxTextRowWidth = rowSize.Width;

                //Set dialog start size
                flexibleMessageBoxForm.Size = new Size(maxTextRowWidth + flexibleMessageBoxForm.Width - flexibleMessageBoxForm.richTextBoxMessage.Width + 10,
                                                       Convert.ToInt32(maxTextRowHeight * stringRows.Count()) + flexibleMessageBoxForm.Height - flexibleMessageBoxForm.richTextBoxMessage.Height + 10);