public void AutoRun() { using (FlexCelReport ordersReport = SharedData.CreateReport()) { ordersReport.SetValue("Date", DateTime.Now); ordersReport.SetValue("ReportCaption", "Sales by year and country"); using (DataSet ds = new DataSet()) { SharedData.Fill(ds, @"SELECT Employees.Country, SUM([Order Details].UnitPrice * [Order Details].Quantity) AS Sales, COUNT([Order Details].Quantity) AS OrderCount, DatePart(yyyy, Orders.OrderDate) AS SaleYear, DatePart(q, Orders.OrderDate) AS Quarter FROM ((Employees INNER JOIN Orders ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID) INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID) GROUP BY Employees.Country, DatePart(yyyy, Orders.OrderDate), DatePart(q, Orders.OrderDate)", "Data"); ordersReport.AddTable(ds); string DataPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), ".."), "..") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ordersReport.Run(DataPath + "Master Detail on one Table.template.xls", saveFileDialog1.FileName); if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to open the generated file?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="Province"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, string Province) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); //tính tổng tiền if (Province == null) Province = "0"; DataTable dt = LayDanhSach(Province); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); String QuanKhu = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); //set các thông số FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptNhanSu_DanhSachNghiHuu"); LoadData(fr, Province); if (Province != "0" & Province != "") { string sProvinceName = Province_Get_Ten(Province); fr.SetValue("Province", "ĐANG SINH SỐNG TẠI " + sProvinceName.ToUpper()); } else fr.SetValue("Province", ""); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", QuanKhu); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// Tạo file PDF xuất dữ liệu /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="MaND"></param> /// <param name="sLNS"></param> /// <param name="iThang_Quy"></param> /// <param name="iID_MaDonVi"></param> /// <param name="iID_MaPhongBan"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String MaND, String sLNS, String iThang_Quy, String iID_MaDonVi, String iID_MaPhongBan) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptQuyetToan_PhongBan"); LoadData(fr, MaND, sLNS, iThang_Quy, iID_MaDonVi, iID_MaPhongBan); String Nam = ReportModels.LayNamLamViec(MaND); if (iThang_Quy == "-1") { iThang_Quy = "Tất cả các Quý "; } if (iThang_Quy == "5") { iThang_Quy = "Bổ Sung "; } fr.SetValue("NgayThang", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); fr.SetValue("Nam", Nam); fr.SetValue("Quy", iThang_Quy); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path,String iID_MaChungTu) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); String CucTaiChinh = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); String ngay = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); DateTime dt = new System.DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day); LoadData(fr,iID_MaChungTu); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptKTKB_ThongTriTongHop"); //fr.SetValue("Nam", iNamLamViec); fr.SetValue("So", iID_MaChungTu); //fr.SetValue("Thang", iThang); fr.SetValue("Ngay", String.Format("{0:dd}", dt)); fr.SetValue("Thangs", String.Format("{0:MM}", dt)); fr.SetValue("Nams", DateTime.Now.Year); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("CucTaiChinh", CucTaiChinh); fr.SetValue("ngay", ngay); fr.SetValue("ThangCT", CommonFunction.LayTruong("KTKB_ChungTuChiTiet", "iID_MaChungTu", iID_MaChungTu, "iThangCT")); fr.SetValue("NgayCT", CommonFunction.LayTruong("KTKB_ChungTuChiTiet", "iID_MaChungTu", iID_MaChungTu, "iNgayCT")); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// Tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Đường dẫn tới file báo cáo</param> /// <param name="iTuNgay">Từ ngày</param> /// <param name="iDenNgay">Đến ngày</param> /// <param name="iTuThang">Từ tháng</param> /// <param name="iDenThang">Đến tháng</param> /// <param name="iNam">Năm</param> /// <param name="iDVTinh">Đơn vị tính</param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String iTuNgay, String iDenNgay, String iTuThang, String iDenThang, String iNam, String iDVTinh, String iSoTo, String iReport, String UserID, String iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); //Thêm chữ ký vào báo cáo fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptKT_TongHop_RutDuToan"); LoadData(fr, iTuNgay, iDenNgay, iTuThang, iDenThang, iNam, iDVTinh,iSoTo,iReport,UserID,iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet); fr.SetValue("cap1", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1).ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("cap2", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2).ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("NgayThang", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); DataTable dt = sLNS(GetLNS(iTuNgay, iDenNgay, iTuThang, iDenThang, iNam,UserID,iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet),iSoTo,iReport); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) fr.SetValue("LNS" + (i + 1), dt.Rows[i]["sMoTa"]); if (iDVTinh.Equals("rD")) fr.SetValue("DVT", "Đồng"); else if (iDVTinh.Equals("rND")) fr.SetValue("DVT", "Nghìn đồng"); else if (iDVTinh.Equals("rTrD")) fr.SetValue("DVT", "Triệu đồng"); fr.SetValue("NgayThangTK", "Từ ngày " + iTuNgay + "/ " + iTuThang + " Đến ngày " + iDenNgay + " /" + iDenThang + "/" + iNam); if (iReport.Equals("A4Ngang")) fr.SetValue("SoTo", "Tờ số: "+iSoTo); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param> /// <param name="ThangLamViec"></param> /// <param name="iID_MaDonVi"></param> /// <param name="DoTuoi_Tu"> tuoi tu</param> /// <param name="DoTuoi_Den">tuoi den</param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String DoiTuong, string LoaiIn, string Cap,string Nam, int DoTuoi_Tu, int DoTuoi_Den) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); //tính tổng tiền if (Nam == null) Nam = "0"; DataTable dt = PhanTichDuToanNS_52(DoiTuong, LoaiIn,Cap,Nam, DoTuoi_Tu, DoTuoi_Den); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); String QuanKhu = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); //set các thông số FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); if (LoaiIn.Equals("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) { //Toan lục luong fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptNhanSu_DoTuoi"); } else if (LoaiIn.Equals("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001")) { //Theo don vi fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptNhanSu_DoTuoiTheoDonVi"); } else { //Loai don vi: khoi du an va khoi doanh nghiep fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptNhanSu_DoTuoi_TheoLoaiDonVi"); } LoadData(fr, DoiTuong, LoaiIn, Cap, Nam, DoTuoi_Tu, DoTuoi_Den); if (Nam != "0" & Nam != "") fr.SetValue("Nam", "NĂM " + Nam.ToUpper()); else fr.SetValue("Nam", ""); if (Cap != "0" & Cap != "") fr.SetValue("Cap", " - CÁN BỘ CẤP " + Cap.ToUpper()); else fr.SetValue("Cap",""); string sDoiTuong = ""; if (DoiTuong == "0" || DoiTuong == "") { sDoiTuong = "TOÀN QUÂN"; } else { sDoiTuong = "Đối tượng " + L_DanhMucNgachLuong_Get_Ten(DoiTuong); } fr.SetValue("DoiTuong", sDoiTuong.ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("LoaiIn", LoaiIn); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", QuanKhu); fr.SetValue("DoTuoi", "ĐỘ TUỔI TỪ " + DoTuoi_Tu.ToString() + " ĐẾN " + DoTuoi_Den.ToString()); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param> /// <param name="ThangLamViec"></param> /// <param name="iID_MaDonVi"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String ChucVu, string LoaiIn, string Cap,string Nam) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); //tính tổng tiền if (Nam == null) Nam = "0"; DataTable dt = PhanTichDuToanNS_52(ChucVu, LoaiIn,Cap,Nam); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); String QuanKhu = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); //set các thông số FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); if (LoaiIn.Equals("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) { //Toan lục luong fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptNhanSu_ChucVu"); } else if (LoaiIn.Equals("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001")) { //Theo don vi fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptNhanSu_ChucVuTheoDonVi"); } else { //Loai don vi: khoi du an va khoi doanh nghiep fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptNhanSu_ChucVu_TheoLoaiDonVi"); } LoadData(fr, ChucVu, LoaiIn,Cap,Nam); if (Nam != "0" & Nam != "") fr.SetValue("Nam", "NĂM " + Nam.ToUpper()); else fr.SetValue("Nam", ""); //if (Cap != "0" & Cap != "") // fr.SetValue("Cap", " - CÁN BỘ CẤP " + Cap.ToUpper()); //else // fr.SetValue("Cap",""); string sChucVu = ""; if (ChucVu == "0" || ChucVu == "") { sChucVu = "(TOÀN QUÂN)"; } else { sChucVu = "(Chức vụ " + L_DanhMucChucVu_Get_Ten(ChucVu) + ")"; } fr.SetValue("ChucVu", sChucVu.ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", QuanKhu); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String TuThang, String DenThang, String NamLuong, String TrangThai) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptLuong_TongHopThuThueDauVao"); LoadData(fr, TuThang, DenThang,NamLuong,TrangThai); fr.SetValue("tuThang",TuThang); fr.SetValue("denThang", DenThang); fr.SetValue("NgayThang", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String Quy, String Nam) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptQLDA_DuToan_Quy"); LoadData(fr, Quy, Nam); fr.SetValue("quy", Quy); fr.SetValue("nam", Nam); fr.SetValue("cap2", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2).ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("cap3", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(3).ToUpper()); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public FlexCelReport CreateAndConfigureReport() { var report = new FlexCelReport(true); report.SetValue("TaxType", PurchaseOrder.TaxType); report.SetValue("PoNumber", PurchaseOrder.PoNumber); report.SetValue("InvoiceNumber", PurchaseOrder.InvoiceNumber); report.SetValue("Requestor", PurchaseOrder.Requestor); var fpo = PurchaseOrder as FreightPurchaseOrder; if (fpo != null) { report.AddTable("States", fpo.States); report.SetValue("SubTotal", fpo.LineAmountSubtotal); report.SetValue("TaxTotal", fpo.TaxAmountSubtotal); } var ppo = PurchaseOrder as ProductPurchaseOrder; if (ppo == null) { return(report); } report.AddTable("States", ppo.States); report.SetValue("PickPackTotal", ppo.PickPackCharge); report.SetValue("BoxTotal", ppo.BoxCharge); return(report); }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String iID_MaTaiKhoan) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); String NgayThangNam = ""; FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptKeToanTongHop_InTaiKhoanChiTiet"); LoadData(fr, iID_MaTaiKhoan); NgayThangNam = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); String QuanKhu = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); fr.SetValue("NgayThangNam", NgayThangNam); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", QuanKhu); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("Ngay", DateTime.Now.Day); fr.SetValue("Thang", DateTime.Now.Month); fr.SetValue("Nam", DateTime.Now.Year); if (iID_MaTaiKhoan == Guid.Empty.ToString()) { fr.SetValue("TaiKhoan", ""); } else { fr.SetValue("TaiKhoan", iID_MaTaiKhoan); } fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// Hàm khởi tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String NamLamViec) { string ngay = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptQLDA_01DT"); LoadData(fr, NamLamViec); fr.SetValue("Nam", NamLamViec); fr.SetValue("cuctaichinh", "Cục Tài Chính"); fr.SetValue("ngay", ngay); fr.SetValue("Phong", "Phòng QLNS Các DA"); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// Tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Đường dẫn tới file Excel mẫu</param> /// <param name="Thang">Tháng lương</param> /// <param name="Nam">Năm lương</param> /// <param name="TrangThai">Trạng thái duyệt</param> /// <param name="iMaDV">Mã đơn vị</param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String Thang, String Nam, String TrangThai, String iMaDV) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); //Thêm chữ ký vào báo cáo fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptLuong_TongHopQuanSo"); LoadData(fr, Thang,Nam,TrangThai,iMaDV); fr.SetValue("cap1", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1)); fr.SetValue("cap2", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2)); fr.SetValue("NgayThang", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); fr.SetValue("ThangNam", "Tháng " + Thang + " / " + Nam); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public void AutoRun() { using (FlexCelReport Report = new FlexCelReport(true)) { TMyData[] Data = new TMyData[1010]; for (int i = 0; i < Data.Length; i++) { Data[i] = new TMyData("Customer " + i.ToString()); } Report.AddTable("data", Data); Report.SetValue("split", 40); string DataPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), ".."), "..") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Report.Run(DataPath + "Overflow Sheets.template.xlsx", saveFileDialog1.FileName); if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to open the generated file?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } } } }
public override ReportRunOutcome Run(IDbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, XlsFile excelFile, StringBuilder stringOutput) { if (excelFile == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("excelFile"); } using (var dataSet = GetDataSet(connectionFactory)) { var orgUnit = dataSet.Tables["OrgUnit"]; var jobAd = dataSet.Tables["JobAd"]; if (jobAd.Rows.Count == 0) { return(ReportRunOutcome.NoResults); // No point in generating a report when there are no job ads. } using (var flexCelReport = new FlexCelReport(true)) { SetProperties(flexCelReport); SetCreditReportProperties(flexCelReport); SetJobAdReportProperties(flexCelReport); flexCelReport.SetValue("ShowGrandTotal", orgUnit.Rows.Count > 1); flexCelReport.AddTable("OrgUnit", orgUnit); flexCelReport.AddTable("JobAd", jobAd); flexCelReport.Run(excelFile); } return(ReportRunOutcome.FileResult); } }
public void AutoRun() { using (FlexCelReport ordersReport = new FlexCelReport(true)) { string DataPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), ".."), "..") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; ordersReport.SetValue("Date", DateTime.Now); using (northwndEntities Northwind = new northwndEntities()) { ordersReport.AddTable("Categories", Northwind.Categories); ordersReport.AddTable("Products", Northwind.Products); if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { TransactionOptions transactionOptions = new TransactionOptions(); transactionOptions.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.Serializable; //it would be better to sue Snapshot here, but it isn't supported by SQL Sever CE using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOptions)) { ordersReport.Run(DataPath + "Entity Framework.template.xls", saveFileDialog1.FileName); transactionScope.Complete(); } if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to open the generated file?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } } } } }
public void AutoRun() { using (FlexCelReport ordersReport = SharedData.CreateReport()) { ordersReport.GetInclude += new GetIncludeEventHandler(ordersReport_GetInclude); ordersReport.SetValue("Date", DateTime.Now); if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); using (Stream InStream = a.GetManifestResourceStream("TemplatesOnTheExe.Templates.Templates On The Exe.template.xls")) { using (FileStream OutStream = new FileStream(saveFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Create)) { ordersReport.Run(InStream, OutStream); } } if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to open the generated file?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } } } }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String iNamLamViec, String iID_MaChungTu, String sSoChungTuChiTiet, String iID_MaNamNganSach, String iID_MaNguonNganSach) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); String CucTaiChinh = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); String ngay = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); DateTime dt = new System.DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day); LoadData(fr, iNamLamViec, iID_MaChungTu, sSoChungTuChiTiet, iID_MaNamNganSach, iID_MaNguonNganSach); //Lấy thông tin đơn vị nhận DataTable dtDVN = dtDanhSachDonVi_Nhan(iNamLamViec, "", iID_MaChungTu); String DonVi = ""; if (dtDVN.Rows.Count > 0) { DonVi=dtDVN.Rows[0]["sTenDonVi_Nhan"].ToString(); } fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptThongTriLoaiNS"); fr.SetValue("Nam", iNamLamViec); fr.SetValue("So", sSoChungTuChiTiet); fr.SetValue("Thang", String.Format("{0:MM}", dt)); fr.SetValue("Ngay", ngay); fr.SetValue("Ngay", String.Format("{0:dd}", dt)); fr.SetValue("Thangs", String.Format("{0:MM}", dt)); fr.SetValue("Nams", DateTime.Now.Year); fr.SetValue("ThangCT", CommonFunction.LayTruong("KTKB_ChungTuChiTiet", "sSoChungTuChiTiet", sSoChungTuChiTiet, "iThangCT")); fr.SetValue("DonVi", DonVi); //fr.SetValue("LoaiThangQuy", TenLoaiThangQuy); fr.SetValue("CucTaiChinh", CucTaiChinh); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("Tien", CommonFunction.TienRaChu(tong)); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public override ReportRunOutcome Run(IDbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, XlsFile excelFile, StringBuilder stringOutput) { using (var dataSet = GetDataSet(connectionFactory)) { var orgUnit = dataSet.Tables["OrgUnit"]; var user = dataSet.Tables["User"]; var activeUser = new DataView(user, ActiveUserCondition, SortUsersBy, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var inactiveUser = new DataView(user, "NOT " + ActiveUserCondition, SortUsersBy, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var haveActivity = (user.Select(HaveActivityCondition).Length > 0); using (var flexCelReport = new FlexCelReport(true)) { SetProperties(flexCelReport); SetCreditReportProperties(flexCelReport); flexCelReport.SetValue("ShowGrandTotal", orgUnit.Rows.Count > 1); flexCelReport.AddTable("OrgUnit", orgUnit); flexCelReport.AddTable("ActiveUser", activeUser); flexCelReport.AddTable("InactiveUser", inactiveUser); flexCelReport.Run(excelFile); } return(haveActivity ? ReportRunOutcome.FileResult : ReportRunOutcome.NoResults); } }
/// <summary> /// Tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param> /// <param name="iID_MaDonVi"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String iID_MaChungTu, Dictionary<String, String> arrGiaTriTimKiem, String iLoai) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptTCDN_BaoCaoInKiem"); LoadData(fr, iID_MaChungTu, arrGiaTriTimKiem,iLoai); String Nam = ""; String TenBieu1 = "", TenBieu2 = ""; if (iLoai == "1") { TenBieu1 = "Biểu số 1"; TenBieu2 = "CHỈ TIÊU HOẠT ĐỘNG SẢN XUẤT KINH DOANH"; } else if (iLoai == "2") { TenBieu1 = "Biểu số 2"; TenBieu2 = "CHỈ TIÊU THU CHI NGÂN SÁCH VÀ THU NHẬP"; } else if (iLoai == "3") { TenBieu1 = "Biểu số 3"; TenBieu2 = "CHỈ TIÊU TÀI CHÍNH"; } else if (iLoai == "4") { TenBieu1 = "Biểu số 4"; TenBieu2 = "CHỈ TIÊU ĐÁNH GIÁ HIỆU QUẢ"; } String ThongTin = ""; DataTable dtChungTu = TCDN_ChungTuModels.GetChungTu(iID_MaChungTu); String sTenDoanhNghiep = Convert.ToString(CommonFunction.LayTruong("TCDN_DoanhNghiep", "iID_MaDoanhNghiep", dtChungTu.Rows[0]["iID_MaDoanhNghiep"].ToString(), "sTenDoanhNghiep")); String iQuy = dtChungTu.Rows[0]["iQuy"].ToString(); ThongTin = " Doanh nghiệp: " + sTenDoanhNghiep + " Quý:" + iQuy; dtChungTu.Dispose(); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1)); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2)); fr.SetValue("NgayThang", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); fr.SetValue("Nam", Nam); fr.SetValue("ThongTin",ThongTin); fr.SetValue("TenBieu1", TenBieu1); fr.SetValue("TenBieu2", TenBieu2); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param> /// <param name="ThangLamViec"></param> /// <param name="iID_MaDonVi"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String DoiTuong, string LoaiIn, string Cap, string Nam, string iDaTotNghiep) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); //tính tổng tiền if (Nam == null) Nam = "0"; DataTable dt = PhanTichDuToanNS_52(DoiTuong, LoaiIn, Cap, Nam, iDaTotNghiep); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); String QuanKhu = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); //set các thông số FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); if (LoaiIn.Equals("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) { //Toan lục luong fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptNhanSu_TrinhDo"); } else if (LoaiIn.Equals("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001")) { //Theo don vi fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptNhanSu_TrinhDoTheoDonVi"); } else { //Loai don vi: khoi du an va khoi doanh nghiep fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptNhanSu_TrinhDo_TheoLoaiDonVi"); } LoadData(fr, DoiTuong, LoaiIn, Cap, Nam, iDaTotNghiep); if (Nam != "0" & Nam != "") fr.SetValue("Nam", "NĂM " + Nam.ToUpper()); else fr.SetValue("Nam", ""); if (Cap != "0" & Cap != "") fr.SetValue("Cap", " - CÁN BỘ CẤP " + Cap.ToUpper()); else fr.SetValue("Cap",""); string sDoiTuong = "Trình độ " + GetTrinhDo(DoiTuong); fr.SetValue("DoiTuong", sDoiTuong.ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("LoaiIn", LoaiIn); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", QuanKhu); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// hàm khởi tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param> /// <param name="sLNS"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String NamLamViec,String iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet) { String MaND = User.Identity.Name; XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); String NgayThang = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptDT_CNSNamLNS2"); LoadData(fr, NamLamViec, MaND, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet); fr.SetValue("Nam", NamLamViec); fr.SetValue("Ngay", NgayThang); fr.SetValue("PhuLuc", "Phụ Lục Số : 4d2-C"); String TenNganSach = "Ngân sách nhà nước"; fr.SetValue("TenNganSach", TenNganSach); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String NamLamViec, String TuThang, String DenThang, String TrangThai) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); String NgayThangNam = ""; FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptKeToan_SoCaiTaiKhoan"); LoadData(fr, NamLamViec, TuThang, DenThang, TrangThai); NgayThangNam = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); String ThangNam = "Từ tháng " + TuThang + " đến tháng " + DenThang + " Năm " + NamLamViec; if (TuThang == DenThang) ThangNam = "Tháng " + TuThang + " Năm " + NamLamViec; String QuanKhu = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); fr.SetValue("NgayThangNam", NgayThangNam); fr.SetValue("ThangNam", ThangNam); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", QuanKhu); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("Ngay", DateTime.Now.Day); fr.SetValue("Thang", DateTime.Now.Month); fr.SetValue("Nam", DateTime.Now.Year); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String NamLamViec, String ThangLamViec, String TrangThai) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); String NgayThangNam = ""; FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptKeToan_BangCanDoiSoDu"); LoadData(fr, NamLamViec, ThangLamViec, TrangThai); NgayThangNam = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); String ThangNam = "Tháng "+ThangLamViec+" năm " + NamLamViec; String NamTruoc = "Số năm " + (Convert.ToInt16(NamLamViec) - 1) + " chuyển sang"; String NamNay = "Số trong năm " + NamLamViec; String NamSau = "Số trong năm " + (Convert.ToInt16(NamLamViec) + 1); String QuanKhu = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); fr.SetValue("NgayThangNam", NgayThangNam); fr.SetValue("ThangNam", ThangNam); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", QuanKhu); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("NamTruoc", NamTruoc); fr.SetValue("NamNay", NamNay); fr.SetValue("NamSau", NamSau); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// Khởi tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"> đường dẫn</param> /// <param name="NamLamViec">Năm làm việc</param> /// <param name="iID_MaDonVi">Mã đơn vị</param> /// <param name="DotPhanBo">Mã đợt phân bổ</param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String iID_MaDonVi, String DotPhanBo, String iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet) { String MaND = User.Identity.Name; XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); String TenDV = ""; DataTable dtDonVi = PhanBo_ReportModels.DanhSachDonVi2(MaND,iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, DotPhanBo); for (int i = 0; i < dtDonVi.Rows.Count;i++ ) { if (iID_MaDonVi == dtDonVi.Rows[i]["iID_MaDonVi"].ToString()) { TenDV = dtDonVi.Rows[i]["TenHT"].ToString(); break; } } String NgayThangNam = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); String QuanKhu = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); String Dot = ReportModels.Get_STTDotPhanBo(MaND, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, DotPhanBo).ToString(); //set các thông số FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptThongBaoBoSungNganSach"); LoadData(fr, MaND, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, iID_MaDonVi, DotPhanBo); fr.SetValue("Nam", ReportModels.LayNamLamViec(MaND)); fr.SetValue("TenDv", TenDV); fr.SetValue("NgayThangNam", NgayThangNam); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", QuanKhu); fr.SetValue("Dot", Dot); fr.SetValue("Tien", CommonFunction.TienRaChu(Tong)); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// Tạo file PDF xuất dữ liệu của quyết toán từng đơn vị /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="MaND">Mã người dùng</param> /// <param name="sLNS">Loại ngân sách</param> /// <param name="iThang_Quy">Quý</param> /// <param name="iID_MaDonVi">Mã đơn vị</param> /// <param name="iID_MaNamNganSach">Năm ngân sách</param> /// <param name="MaPhongBan">Mã phòng ban</param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String MaND, String sLNS, String iThang_Quy, String iID_MaDonVi, String iID_MaNamNganSach, String MaPhongBan) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptQuyetToan_DonVi_LNS"); LoadData(fr, MaND, sLNS, iThang_Quy, iID_MaDonVi, iID_MaNamNganSach, MaPhongBan); String Nam = ReportModels.LayNamLamViec(MaND); String NamNganSach = ""; if (iID_MaNamNganSach == "1") NamNganSach = "QUYẾT TOÁN NĂM TRƯỚC"; else if (iID_MaNamNganSach == "2") NamNganSach = "QUYẾT TOÁN NĂM NAY"; else { NamNganSach = "TỔNG HỢP"; } String sTenDonVi = DonViModels.Get_TenDonVi(iID_MaDonVi); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1)); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2)); fr.SetValue("NgayThang", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); fr.SetValue("Nam", Nam); fr.SetValue("Quy", iThang_Quy); fr.SetValue("NamNganSach", NamNganSach); fr.SetValue("sTenDonVi", sTenDonVi); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String NamBangLuong, String ThangBangLuong,String iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, String iID_MaDonVi,String TongHop,String KhoGiay) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); String Ngay = ""; int day = DateTime.Now.Day; int month = DateTime.Now.Month; int year = DateTime.Now.Year; Ngay = "Ngày " + day + " Tháng " + month + " Năm " + year; FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptLuong_TongHopLuongPhuCap"); LoadData(fr, NamBangLuong, ThangBangLuong, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, iID_MaDonVi, TongHop,KhoGiay); fr.SetValue("Nam", NamBangLuong); fr.SetValue("Thang", ThangBangLuong); fr.SetValue("Ngay", Ngay); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
private void Export(DataSet data) { using (FlexCelReport Report = new FlexCelReport(true)) { Report.AddTable(data); Report.SetValue("FeedName", ((FeedData)cbFeeds.SelectedValue).Name); Report.SetValue("FeedUrl", ((FeedData)cbFeeds.SelectedValue).Url); Report.SetValue("ShowCount", cbShowFeedCount.Checked); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(DataPath, "logos"), ((FeedData)cbFeeds.SelectedValue).Logo), FileMode.Open)) { byte[] b = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(b, 0, b.Length); Report.SetValue("Logo", b); } Report.Run(DataPath + "Meta Templates.template.xls", saveFileDialog1.FileName); } }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String iID_MaChungTu, String iID_MaDonVi, String LoaiTK, String iThang, String iNam, String iID_MaThongTri) { String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); String CucTaiChinh = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); string ngay = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); Thang = iThang + "/" + iNam; XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptKTTongHop_ThongTri_PhongBan"); LoadData(fr, iID_MaChungTu, iID_MaDonVi, LoaiTK); fr.SetValue("TenDV", DonViModels.Get_TenDonVi(iID_MaDonVi)); fr.SetValue("ThangNam", Thang); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("CucTaiChinh", CucTaiChinh); fr.SetValue("NgayGS", ngayGS); fr.SetValue("Ngay", ngay); //lay ten thong tri if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(iID_MaThongTri)) { DataTable dtLoaiThongTri; String SQL = "SELECT sLoaiThongTri,sTenLoaiNS FROM KT_LoaiThongTri WHERE iID_MaThongTri=@iID_MaThongTri"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@iID_MaThongTri", iID_MaThongTri); dtLoaiThongTri = Connection.GetDataTable(cmd); cmd.Dispose(); if (dtLoaiThongTri != null && dtLoaiThongTri.Rows.Count > 0) { LoaiTT = Convert.ToString(dtLoaiThongTri.Rows[0]["sLoaiThongTri"]); LoaiNS = Convert.ToString(dtLoaiThongTri.Rows[0]["sTenLoaiNS"]); dtLoaiThongTri.Dispose(); } } else { LoaiTT = "Thông tri Cấp"; LoaiNS = "Kinh phí..."; } fr.SetValue("LoaiTT", LoaiTT.ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("LoaiNS", LoaiNS.ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("Tien", CommonFunction.TienRaChu(tong)); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
private FlexCelReport CreateReport() { FlexCelReport Result = new FlexCelReport(true); Result.SetValue("test", 3); Result.SetValue("tagval", 1); Result.SetValue("refval", "l"); //Here we will add a dummy table with some fantasy values DataTable dt = new DataTable("testdb"); dt.Columns.Add("key", typeof(int)); dt.Columns.Add("data", typeof(string)); dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { 5, "cat" }); dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { 6, "dog" }); Result.AddTable("testdb", dt, TDisposeMode.DisposeAfterRun); return(Result); }
public void AutoRun() { using (FlexCelReport ordersReport = SharedData.CreateReport()) { ordersReport.SetValue("Date", DateTime.Now); ordersReport.SetValue("ReportCaption", "Suppliers"); string DataPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), ".."), "..") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ordersReport.Run(DataPath + "Regular Expressions.template.xls", saveFileDialog1.FileName); if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to open the generated file?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Khởi tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NgayGui"></param> /// <param name="iID_MaDonVi"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String NgayGui, String iID_MaDonVi) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); String tendv = ""; DataTable teN = tendonvi(iID_MaDonVi); if (teN.Rows.Count > 0) { tendv = teN.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptDuToan_InBia"); fr.SetValue("cap1", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1).ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("nam", ("năm "+DateTime.Now.Year).ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("Donvi", tendv.ToUpper()); fr.SetValue("NgayGui", NgayGui); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String iNamLamViec, String iThang, String iTrangThai) { String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); String CucTaiChinh = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); String Ngay = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptKT_ChiTiet_TaiKhoanTheoDonVi1"); DateTime dt = new System.DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day); LoadData(fr, iNamLamViec, iThang, iTrangThai); fr.SetValue("Nam", NguoiDungCauHinhModels.iNamLamViec.ToString()); fr.SetValue("Thang", iThang); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("CucTaiChinh", CucTaiChinh); fr.SetValue("Ngay", Ngay); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// Khởi tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Đường dẫn</param> /// <param name="NamLamViec">Năm làm việc</param> /// <param name="DotPhanBo">Mã đợt phân bổ</param> /// <param name="LuyKe">Lũy kế</param> /// <param name="opDonViNganh"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String DotPhanBo, String LuyKe, String opDonViNganh, String iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet) { String MaND = User.Identity.Name; XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); String TenDot = ""; String TenTT = ""; if (LuyKe == "on") { TenTT = "Đến đợt: " + ReportModels.Get_STTDotPhanBo(MaND, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, DotPhanBo); } else { TenTT = "Đợt " + ReportModels.Get_STTDotPhanBo(MaND, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, DotPhanBo); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DotPhanBo)) { TenDot = Convert.ToString(CommonFunction.LayTruong("PB_DotPhanBo", "iID_MaDotPhanBo", DotPhanBo, "dNgayDotPhanBo")); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TenDot)) { DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(TenDot); TenDot = Convert.ToString(CommonFunction.LayXauNgay(dt)); TenDot = " Tháng " + TenDot.Substring(3, 2) + " năm " + TenDot.Substring(6, 4); } } String NgayThangNam = ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai(); String QuanKhu = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptPhanBo_16D_TheoNganh"); LoadData(fr, MaND, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, DotPhanBo, LuyKe, opDonViNganh); fr.SetValue("Nam", ReportModels.LayNamLamViec(MaND)); fr.SetValue("TenDot", TenDot); fr.SetValue("TenTT", TenTT); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", QuanKhu); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("NgayThangNam", NgayThangNam); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// Tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String MaND, String iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet) { DataTable dt = NguoiDungCauHinhModels.LayCauHinh(MaND); String iNamLamViec = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { iNamLamViec = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["iNamLamViec"]); } dt.Dispose(); XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptDuToanChiNganSachQuocPhongNamTuyVien"); LoadData(fr, MaND, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet); fr.SetValue("Nam", iNamLamViec); fr.SetValue("cap1", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1)); fr.SetValue("NgayThang", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// hàm khởi tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String MaND, String iID_MaPhongBan) { DataTable dtCauHinh = NguoiDungCauHinhModels.LayCauHinh(MaND); String iNamLamViec = Convert.ToString(dtCauHinh.Rows[0]["iNamLamViec"]); String sTenDonVi = "B - "+iID_MaPhongBan; if (iID_MaPhongBan == "-1" || iID_MaPhongBan == "") sTenDonVi = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); LoadData(fr, MaND, iID_MaPhongBan); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptDuToan_TongHop_2"); fr.SetValue("Nam", iNamLamViec); fr.SetValue("Cap2", sTenDonVi); fr.SetValue("Cap1", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1)); fr.SetValue("Ngay", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String MaBL) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); using (FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport()) { LoadData(fr, MaBL); fr.SetValue("NgayThang", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); fr.Run(Result); return Result; } }
/// <summary> /// tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NgoaiTe"></param> /// <param name="Quy"></param> /// <param name="Nam"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String sDeAn, String NgoaiTe, String Quy, String iNamLamViec, String iCapTongHop) { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); String BoQuocPhong = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1); String QuanKhu = ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(2); DataTable dtDVT = QLDA_ReportModel.getdtTien(); String DVT = " triệu đồng"; for (int i = 1; i < dtDVT.Rows.Count; i++) { if (NgoaiTe == dtDVT.Rows[i]["iID_MaNgoaiTe"].ToString()) { DVT = dtDVT.Rows[i]["sTen"].ToString(); } } dtDVT.Dispose(); //set các thông số FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); //Toan lục luong fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptKHV_02DT_DTQuy"); LoadData(fr, sDeAn, NgoaiTe, Quy, iNamLamViec); fr.SetValue("Nam", iNamLamViec); fr.SetValue("Quy", Quy); fr.SetValue("Ngay", "Ngày " + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + " tháng " + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + " năm " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()); fr.SetValue("DonVi", DVT); fr.SetValue("BoQuocPhong", BoQuocPhong); fr.SetValue("QuanKhu", QuanKhu); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// Tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param> /// <param name="sNG"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, String sNG) { String MaND = User.Identity.Name; XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); DataTable dt = NguoiDungCauHinhModels.LayCauHinh(MaND); String DK = "", iNamLamViec = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(), iID_MaNamNganSach = "1", iID_MaNguonNganSach = "1"; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { iNamLamViec = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["iNamLamViec"]); iID_MaNamNganSach = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["iID_MaNamNganSach"]); iID_MaNguonNganSach = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["iID_MaNguonNganSach"]); } Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptDuToanChiNganSachQuocPhongNganSachBaoDamToanQuan"); LoadData(fr, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet, sNG,MaND); fr.SetValue("Nam", iNamLamViec); fr.SetValue("cap1", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1)); fr.SetValue("NgayThang", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
/// <summary> /// hàm khởi tạo báo cáo /// </summary> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="NamLamViec"></param> /// <param name="sLNS"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ExcelFile CreateReport(String path, String sLNS,String MaND,String iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet) { DataTable dt = NguoiDungCauHinhModels.LayCauHinh(MaND); String iNamLamViec = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(), iID_MaNamNganSach = "1", iID_MaNguonNganSach = "1"; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { iNamLamViec = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["iNamLamViec"]); iID_MaNamNganSach = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["iID_MaNamNganSach"]); iID_MaNguonNganSach = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["iID_MaNguonNganSach"]); } XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(path); FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr = ReportModels.LayThongTinChuKy(fr, "rptDuToanNganSachNhaNuocController"); LoadData(fr, sLNS, MaND, iID_MaTrangThaiDuyet); fr.SetValue("PhuLuc", "Phụ Lục 5-C"); fr.SetValue("Cap1", ReportModels.CauHinhTenDonViSuDung(1)); fr.SetValue("TenTieuDe", "DỰ TOÁN NGÂN SÁCH NHÀ NƯỚC GIAO NĂM"); fr.SetValue("Ngay", ReportModels.Ngay_Thang_Nam_HienTai()); fr.SetValue("Nam", iNamLamViec); fr.Run(Result); return Result; }
private ExcelFile CreateReport() { XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); Result.Open(MapPath("~/App_Data/template.xls")); using (FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport()) { LoadData(fr); fr.SetValue("ReportCaption", "Hello from FlexCel!"); fr.Run(Result); return(Result); } }
protected void SetProperties(FlexCelReport flexCelReport) { flexCelReport.SetValue("ReportedOrgName", _organisation.FullName); flexCelReport.SetValue("FromDate", _dateRange.Start.Value.ToString(DateFormat)); flexCelReport.SetValue("ToDate", _dateRange.End.Value.ToString(DateFormat)); flexCelReport.SetValue("AccountManagerName", _accountManager.FullName); flexCelReport.SetValue("AccountManagerPhone", Constants.PhoneNumbers.FreecallText); flexCelReport.SetValue("AccountManagerEmail", _accountManager.EmailAddress.Address); }
public static void LoadData(FlexCelReport reportStart, string CityName, string DataPath, bool UseOfflineData) { reportStart.SetValue("Date", DateTime.Now); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; ds.EnforceConstraints = false; ds.ReadXmlSchema(Path.Combine(DataPath, "TripSearchResponse.xsd")); ds.Tables["Result"].Columns.Add("ImageData", typeof(byte[])); //Add a column for the actual images. if (UseOfflineData) { ds.ReadXml(Path.Combine(DataPath, "OfflineData.xml")); } else { // Create the web request string url = String.Format("{0}&results=20", CityName); UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder(url); HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(uri.Uri.AbsoluteUri) as HttpWebRequest; // Get response using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { // Load data into a dataset ds.ReadXml(response.GetResponseStream()); } } if (ds.Tables["ResultSet"].Rows.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("Error loading the data."); } if (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables["ResultSet"].Rows[0]["totalResultsReturned"]) <= 0) { throw new Exception("There are no travel plans for this location"); } LoadImageData(ds, UseOfflineData, DataPath); /* Uncomment this code to create an offline image of the data.*/ #if (CreateOffline) ds.WriteXml(Path.Combine(DataPath, "OfflineData.xml")); #endif reportStart.AddTable(ds); }
/// <summary> /// 生成报表 /// </summary> public void CreateExcelFile(DataSet dataSource) { string fileName = SysContext.CommonService.CreateUniqueNameForFile(TemplatePath); string physicalDirectory = SysContext.Config.TempDirectory_Physical; string fileSavePath = physicalDirectory + "\\" + fileName; FlexCelReport cellReport = new FlexCelReport(true); cellReport.AddTable(dataSource); using (FlexCelReport ordersReport = cellReport) { ordersReport.SetValue("Date", DateTime.Now); ordersReport.Run(TemplatePath, fileSavePath); } FilePhysicalPath = fileSavePath; }
protected XlsFile ExportExcelError(string value = "Xảy ra lỗi trong quá trình hiển thị báo cáo! Liên hệ trung tâm CSKH để được hỗ trợ!") { try { XlsFile result; result = new XlsFile(true); result.Open(Server.MapPath("~/PDFTemplate/rptError.xls")); var fr = new FlexCelReport(); fr.SetValue("error", value); fr.Run(result); fr.Dispose(); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error($"{DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss dd/MM/yyyy")} ExportExcelError {ex.Message} {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex)}"); return(null); } }
public void AutoRun() { using (FlexCelReport ordersReport = SharedData.CreateReport()) { ordersReport.SetValue("Date", DateTime.Now); ordersReport.SetUserFormat("ZipCode", new ZipCodeImp()); ordersReport.SetUserFormat("ShipFormat", new ShipFormatImp()); string DataPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), ".."), "..") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ordersReport.Run(DataPath + "User Defined Formats.template.xlsx", saveFileDialog1.FileName); if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to open the generated file?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } } } }
public void ManualRun() { using (FlexCelReport ordersReport = SharedData.CreateReport()) { ordersReport.BeforeReadTemplate += new GenerateEventHandler(ordersReport_BeforeReadTemplate); ordersReport.AfterGenerateSheet += new GenerateEventHandler(ordersReport_AfterGenerateSheet); ordersReport.AfterGenerateWorkbook += new GenerateEventHandler(ordersReport_AfterGenerateWorkbook); ordersReport.SetValue("Date", DateTime.Now); string DataPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), ".."), "..") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ordersReport.Run(DataPath + "Encryption And Subtotals.template.xls", saveFileDialog1.FileName); if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to open the generated file?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } } } }
private void SetJobAdReportProperties(FlexCelReport flexCelReport) { if (_includeCredits) { var posterIds = GetPosterIds(); var jobAdReport = _jobAdReportsQuery.GetJobAdReport(posterIds, _dateRange); var jobAdTotalsReport = _jobAdReportsQuery.GetJobAdTotalsReport(jobAdReport.ClosedJobAds); flexCelReport.SetValue("OpenedJobAds", jobAdReport.OpenedJobAds.Count); flexCelReport.SetValue("ClosedJobAds", jobAdReport.ClosedJobAds.Count); flexCelReport.SetValue("TotalApplications", jobAdReport.Totals.Applications); flexCelReport.SetValue("TotalViews", jobAdReport.Totals.Views); flexCelReport.SetValue("TotalClosedJobAdApplications", jobAdTotalsReport.Applications); flexCelReport.SetValue("TotalClosedJobAdViews", jobAdTotalsReport.Views); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { using (FlexCelReport genericReport = new FlexCelReport(true)) { IDbDataAdapter genericAdapter = SharedData.GetDataAdapter(); try { genericReport.SetValue("ReportCaption", "Sales by Country and Employee"); genericReport.AddConnection("Northwind", genericAdapter, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); //In OleDb the parameters are positional, you don't really need to name them when creating them. //But when you are using an SQL Server connection, you *need* //to specify the parameter name ("@StartDate") and make it equal to "@" + the name //of the parameter. It is recommended that you always specify the name, even in OleDb connections. //Also, we are not going to create the parameters directly here (using new SqlCeParameter(...). //We are going to centralize all data access for the demos in SharedData, so we can change it and change all demos. genericReport.AddSqlParameter("StartDate", SharedData.CreateParameter("@StartDate", startDate.Value.Date)); genericReport.AddSqlParameter("EndDate", SharedData.CreateParameter("@EndDate", endDate.Value.Date)); string DataPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), ".."), "..") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { genericReport.Run(DataPath + "Direct SQL.template.xls", saveFileDialog1.FileName); if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to open the generated file?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } } } finally { ((IDisposable)genericAdapter).Dispose(); } } }
private void SetCreditReportProperties(FlexCelReport flexCelReport) { if (_includeCredits) { var report = _creditReportsQuery.GetCreditReport <ApplicantCredit>(_organisation.Id, _dateRange); flexCelReport.SetValue("OpeningCredits", GetCreditValue(report.OpeningCredits) ?? "unlimited"); flexCelReport.SetValue("ClosingCredits", GetCreditValue(report.ClosingCredits) ?? "unlimited"); flexCelReport.SetValue("CreditsUsed", GetCreditValue(report.CreditsUsed) ?? string.Empty); flexCelReport.SetValue("CreditsAdded", GetCreditValue(report.CreditsAdded) ?? string.Empty); flexCelReport.SetValue("CreditsExpired", GetCreditValue(report.CreditsExpired) ?? string.Empty); if (report.ClosingCredits == null || report.CreditsUsed == null || report.CreditsUsed.Value == 0) { flexCelReport.SetValue("MonthsToTopUp", string.Empty); } else { flexCelReport.SetValue("MonthsToTopUp", Math.Max(1, report.ClosingCredits.Value / report.CreditsUsed.Value)); } } }
public ActionResult XuatExcel(string tungay, string denngay) { IQueryable <SanPham> model = db.SanPhams; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tungay) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(denngay)) { string dateFrom = tungay.Split('-')[1] + "/" + tungay.Split('-')[2] + "/" + tungay.Split('-')[0]; var _tungay = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFrom); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(denngay)) { string dateTo = denngay.Split('-')[1] + "/" + denngay.Split('-')[2] + "/" + denngay.Split('-')[0]; var _denngay = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo).AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(-1); model = model.Where(n => n.NgayTao >= _tungay && n.NgayTao <= _denngay); } else { string dateTo = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); var _denngay = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo).AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(-1); model = model.Where(n => n.NgayTao >= _tungay && n.NgayTao <= _denngay); } ViewBag.dem = model.Count(); try { if (model.Count() >= 1) { using (FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(true)) { fr.SetValue("tungay", tungay); fr.SetValue("denngay", denngay); fr.AddTable("sanpham", model.ToList()); string uploadPath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/Template"); var luufile = @"E:/STYDY/DATN/Export"; //Nếu chưa tồn tại thì tạo ra folder mới if (!Directory.Exists(luufile)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(luufile); } fr.Run( Path.Combine(uploadPath + "/Book.xlsx"), Path.Combine(luufile + "/Sanpham_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd_MM_yy_hh_mm_ss") + ".xlsx") ); } SetAlert("Xuất thành công " + model.Count() + " sản phẩm!", "success"); logger.Info("Xuất thành công " + model.Count() + " sản phẩm!"); } else { SetAlert("Không có sản phẩm nào được tìm thấy!", "error"); logger.Error("Không có sản phẩm nào được tìm thấy!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { SetAlert("Xuất thống kê báo cáo thất bại!", "error"); logger.Error("Xuất thống kê báo cáo thất bại!" + ex.Message); } } return(View("XuatExcel")); }
public void SetValue(string name, object value) { _report.SetValue(name, value); }
public static void SetupNOAA(FlexCelReport reportStart, string CityName, string DataPath, bool UseOfflineData, Dictionary <string, LatLong> Cities) { LatLong CityCoords; GetCity(Cities, CityName, out CityCoords); reportStart.SetValue("Date", DateTime.Now); string forecasts; DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now; if (UseOfflineData) { using (StreamReader fs = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(DataPath, "OfflineData.xml"))) { forecasts = fs.ReadToEnd(); } } else { ndfdXML nd = new ndfdXML(); forecasts = nd.NDFDgen(CityCoords.Latitude, CityCoords.Longitude, productType.glance, dtStart, dtStart.AddDays(7), unitType.m, new weatherParametersType()); #if (SAVEOFFLINEDATA) using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(DataPath, "OfflineData.xml"))) { sw.Write(forecasts); } #endif } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(forecasts)) { throw new Exception("Can't find the place " + CityName); } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); //Load the data into a dataset. On this web service, we cannot just call DataSet.ReadXml as the data is not on the correct format. XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); { xmlDoc.LoadXml(forecasts); XmlNodeList HighList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/dwml/data/parameters/temperature[@type='maximum']/value/text()"); XmlNodeList LowList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/dwml/data/parameters/temperature[@type='minimum']/value/text()"); XmlNodeList IconList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/dwml/data/parameters/conditions-icon/icon-link/text()"); DataTable WeatherTable = ds.Tables.Add("Weather"); WeatherTable.Columns.Add("Day", typeof(DateTime)); WeatherTable.Columns.Add("Low", typeof(double)); WeatherTable.Columns.Add("High", typeof(double)); WeatherTable.Columns.Add("Icon", typeof(byte[])); for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(Math.Min(HighList.Count, LowList.Count), IconList.Count); i++) { WeatherTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { dtStart.AddDays(i), Convert.ToDouble(LowList[i].Value), Convert.ToDouble(HighList[i].Value), LoadIcon(IconList[i].Value, UseOfflineData, DataPath) }); } } reportStart.AddTable(ds, TDisposeMode.DisposeAfterRun); reportStart.SetValue("Latitude", CityCoords.Latitude); reportStart.SetValue("Longitude", CityCoords.Longitude); reportStart.SetValue("Place", CityName); }
public async Task <byte[]> GoToViewPhieuTiepNhan(PhieuTiepNhanInputDto input) { try { byte[] fileTemplate = null; ExcelFile xls = null; XlsFile Result = new XlsFile(true); using (FlexCelReport fr = new FlexCelReport(true)) { string DuongDan = "/ThuTuc_37/PhieuTiepNhan.xlsx"; var path = _appFolders.PDFTemplate + DuongDan; var hoso = await _hoSoRepos.GetAsync(input.HoSoId); fr.SetValue("HoVaTen", hoso.TenNguoiDaiDien); fr.SetValue("DiaChi", hoso.DiaChi); fr.SetValue("DienThoai", hoso.SoDienThoai); fr.SetValue("SoGiayTiepNhan", Utility.GetCodeRandom()); if (input.ListTaiLieuDaNhan.Count > 0) { fr.AddTable("ListTaiLieuDaNhan", input.ListTaiLieuDaNhan); } fr.SetValue("NgayHen", input.NgayHenCap.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); var listHoSoXyLyBoSung = _hoSoXuLyRepos.GetAll().Where(x => x.HoSoId == hoso.Id && x.IsHoSoBS == true).ToList(); List <TiepNhanBoSungReport37Dto> ListTiepNhanBoSung = new List <TiepNhanBoSungReport37Dto>(); if (listHoSoXyLyBoSung.Count > 0) { if (listHoSoXyLyBoSung.Count == 1) // lần đầu nộp bổ xung { ListTiepNhanBoSung.Add(new TiepNhanBoSungReport37Dto() { SoLanBoSung = listHoSoXyLyBoSung.Count, NgayTraGiayTiepNhanStr = "ngày " + DateTime.Now.Day + " tháng " + DateTime.Now.Month + " năm " + DateTime.Now.Year }); } else { for (int i = 0; i < listHoSoXyLyBoSung.Count; i++) { var NguoiNhan = _userRepos.Get(listHoSoXyLyBoSung[i].VanThuId.Value); var tiepNhanBoSungReport37Dto = new TiepNhanBoSungReport37Dto() { SoLanBoSung = i + 1, NgayTraGiayTiepNhanStr = listHoSoXyLyBoSung[i].NgayTraGiayTiepNhan.Value.ToShortDateString() }; ListTiepNhanBoSung.Add(tiepNhanBoSungReport37Dto); } ListTiepNhanBoSung.Add(new TiepNhanBoSungReport37Dto() { SoLanBoSung = listHoSoXyLyBoSung.Count + 1, NgayTraGiayTiepNhanStr = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() }); } } fr.AddTable("ListTiepNhanBoSung", ListTiepNhanBoSung); var currentUser = _userRepos.Get(_session.UserId.Value); fr.SetValue("NguoiKy", currentUser.Surname + " " + currentUser.Name); var day = String.Empty; var month = String.Empty; if (DateTime.Today.Day <= 9) { day = string.Format("0{0}", DateTime.Today.Day); } else { day = DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); } if (DateTime.Today.Month <= 9) { month = string.Format("0{0}", DateTime.Today.Month); } else { month = DateTime.Today.Month.ToString(); } string NgayKy = "Hà nội, ngày " + day + " tháng " + month + " năm " + DateTime.Today.Year; if (currentUser.TinhId.HasValue) { var tinh = _tinhRepos.Get(currentUser.TinhId.Value); NgayKy = tinh.Ten + ", ngày " + DateTime.Today.Day + " tháng " + DateTime.Today.Month + " năm " + DateTime.Today.Year; } fr.SetValue("NgayKy", NgayKy); Result.Open(path); fr.Run(Result); fr.Dispose(); xls = Result; var outS = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); using (FlexCel.Render.FlexCelPdfExport pdf = new FlexCel.Render.FlexCelPdfExport(xls, true)) { pdf.Export(outS); } fileTemplate = outS.ToArray(); return(fileTemplate); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Fatal(ex.Message); return(null); } }