예제 #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Map buffers for reading / writing.
        particles  = Flex.Map(_particleBuffer);
        velocities = Flex.Map(_velocityBuffer);
        phases     = Flex.Map(_phaseBuffer);

        // Spawn particles.
        //spawnParticles(particles, velocities, phases);

        // Render particles.
        RenderParticles(particles, velocities, phases);

        // Unmap buffers.

        // Write to device (async).
        Flex.SetParticles(_solver, _particleBuffer);
        Flex.SetVelocities(_solver, _velocityBuffer);
        Flex.SetPhases(_solver, _phaseBuffer);

        // Tick.
        Flex.UpdateSolver(_solver, Time.deltaTime, 1);

        // Read back (async).
        Flex.GetParticles(_solver, _particleBuffer);
        Flex.GetVelocities(_solver, _velocityBuffer);
        Flex.GetPhases(_solver, _phaseBuffer);
예제 #2
    private void Awake()
        _library = Flex.Init();
        Flex.SolverDesc _solverDesc = new Flex.SolverDesc();
        Flex.SetSolverDescDefaults(ref _solverDesc);
        _solver = Flex.CreateSolver(_library, ref _solverDesc);

        _particleBuffer = Flex.AllocBuffer(_library, 28, sizeof(float) * 4, Flex.BufferType.Host);
        _velocityBuffer = Flex.AllocBuffer(_library, 28, sizeof(float) * 4, Flex.BufferType.Host);
        _phaseBuffer    = Flex.AllocBuffer(_library, 28, sizeof(int), Flex.BufferType.Host);
        _activeBuffer   = Flex.AllocBuffer(_library, 28, sizeof(int), Flex.BufferType.Host);

            int *activeIndices = (int *)Flex.Map(_activeBuffer);

            for (int i = 0; i < 28; ++i)
                activeIndices[i] = i;

            Flex.SetActive(_solver, _activeBuffer);
            Flex.SetActiveCount(_solver, 28);
예제 #3
 void Map()
     if (m_pointer == default(IntPtr))
         m_pointer = Flex.Map(m_handle);
예제 #4
        void CopyBufferContent(Flex.Buffer source, ComputeBuffer target)
            IntPtr ptr = Flex.Map(source, Flex.MapFlags.Wait);

            FlexUtils.FastCopy(ptr, m_temporaryBuffer);
예제 #5
    static void ReadBuffer(Flex.Library lib, Flex.Buffer buffer, int elementCount, int elementSize, out float[] data)
        data = new float[elementCount * elementSize];
        IntPtr ptr = Flex.Map(buffer, Flex.MapFlags.Wait);

        Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
예제 #6
 static Flex.Buffer CreateBuffer(Flex.Library lib, int elementCount, int elementSize, float[] data)
     Flex.Buffer buffer = Flex.AllocBuffer(lib, elementCount, sizeof(float) * elementSize, Flex.BufferType.Host);
     if (data.Length > 0)
         IntPtr ptr = Flex.Map(buffer, Flex.MapFlags.Wait);
         Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, data.Length);
예제 #7
    static Flex.Buffer CreateBuffer <Type>(Flex.Library lib, Type[] data)
        int elementCount = data.Length;
        int elementSize  = Marshal.SizeOf(data[0]);

        Flex.Buffer buffer = Flex.AllocBuffer(lib, elementCount, elementSize, Flex.BufferType.Host);
        if (data.Length > 0)
            IntPtr ptr = Flex.Map(buffer, Flex.MapFlags.Wait);
            for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; ++i)
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(data[i], new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + i * elementSize), false);
예제 #8
    public void TestMapUnmapBuffer()
        Flex.Library lib    = Flex.Init(Flex.FLEX_VERSION, ErrorCallback);
        Flex.Buffer  buffer = Flex.AllocBuffer(lib, 1000, sizeof(float) * 4, Flex.BufferType.Host);

        float[] positions = new float[1000 * 4];
        for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i += 4)
            positions[i + 0] = 0.1f * i;
            positions[i + 1] = positions[i + 3] = 0.0f;
            positions[i + 3] = 0.1f;

        IntPtr ptr = Flex.Map(buffer, 0);

        Marshal.Copy(positions, 0, ptr, positions.Length);

예제 #9
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        _rayMarcher = Camera.main.GetComponent <RayMarcher>();

        Flex.Params param = new Flex.Params();
        param.radius            = 10.0f;
        param.fluidRestDistance = 1.0f;
        param.gravity           = new Vector3(0.0f, -9.81f, 0.0f);
        //param.viscosity = 10.0f;

        Flex.SetParams(_solver, ref param);

        // Map buffers for reading / writing.
        particles  = Flex.Map(_particleBuffer);
        velocities = Flex.Map(_velocityBuffer);
        phases     = Flex.Map(_phaseBuffer);

        // Spawn particles.
        spawnParticles(particles, velocities, phases);
예제 #10
        public ShapeData(Collider collider)
            bool dynamic = false;

            if (collider is SphereCollider)
                SphereCollider sphereCollider = collider as SphereCollider;
                Vector3        scale          = collider.transform.localScale;
                geometry.sphere.radius = sphereCollider.radius * Mathf.Max(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z);
                flags          = Flex.MakeShapeFlags(Flex.CollisionShapeType.Sphere, dynamic);
                shapeMin       = Vector3.one * -geometry.sphere.radius;
                shapeMax       = Vector3.one * geometry.sphere.radius;
                shapeCenter    = sphereCollider.center;
                shapeCenter.x *= scale.x; shapeCenter.y *= scale.y; shapeCenter.z *= scale.z;
            else if (collider is CapsuleCollider)
                CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider = collider as CapsuleCollider;
                Vector3         scale           = collider.transform.localScale;
                if (capsuleCollider.direction == 1)
                    scale = new Vector3(scale.y, scale.z, scale.x);
                if (capsuleCollider.direction == 2)
                    scale = new Vector3(scale.z, scale.x, scale.y);
                geometry.capsule.radius     = capsuleCollider.radius * Mathf.Max(scale.y, scale.z);
                geometry.capsule.halfHeight = capsuleCollider.height * scale.x * 0.5f - geometry.capsule.radius;
                flags          = Flex.MakeShapeFlags(Flex.CollisionShapeType.Capsule, dynamic);
                shapeMin       = new Vector3(-geometry.capsule.halfHeight - geometry.capsule.radius, -geometry.capsule.radius, -geometry.capsule.radius);
                shapeMax       = new Vector3(geometry.capsule.halfHeight + geometry.capsule.radius, geometry.capsule.radius, geometry.capsule.radius);
                shapeCenter    = capsuleCollider.center;
                shapeCenter.x *= scale.x; shapeCenter.y *= scale.y; shapeCenter.z *= scale.z;
                if (capsuleCollider.direction == 1)
                    shapePreRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f);
                if (capsuleCollider.direction == 2)
                    shapePreRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 90.0f, 0.0f);
            else if (collider is BoxCollider)
                BoxCollider boxCollider = collider as BoxCollider;
                Vector3     scale       = collider.transform.localScale;
                Vector3     halfSize    = new Vector3(boxCollider.size.x * scale.x * 0.5f, boxCollider.size.y * scale.y * 0.5f, boxCollider.size.z * scale.z * 0.5f);
                geometry.box.halfExtents = halfSize;
                flags          = Flex.MakeShapeFlags(Flex.CollisionShapeType.Box, dynamic);
                shapeMin       = -halfSize;
                shapeMax       = halfSize;
                shapeCenter    = boxCollider.center;
                shapeCenter.x *= scale.x; shapeCenter.y *= scale.y; shapeCenter.z *= scale.z;
            else if (collider is MeshCollider)
                MeshCollider meshCollider = collider as MeshCollider;
                Mesh         mesh         = meshCollider.sharedMesh;
                if (mesh)
                    Vector3   scale     = collider.transform.localScale;
                    Vector3   boundsMin = new Vector3(mesh.bounds.min.x * scale.x, mesh.bounds.min.y * scale.y, mesh.bounds.min.z * scale.z);
                    Vector3   boundsMax = new Vector3(mesh.bounds.max.x * scale.x, mesh.bounds.max.y * scale.y, mesh.bounds.max.z * scale.z);
                    Vector3[] vertices  = mesh.vertices;
                    int[]     triangles = mesh.triangles;
                    if (vertices.Length > 0 && triangles.Length > 0)
                        bool useConvex = meshCollider.convex;
                        if (useConvex)
                            Vector4[] planes     = new Vector4[triangles.Length / 3];
                            Vector3[] bounds     = new Vector3[2];
                            int       planeCount = FlexUtils.ConvexPlanes(ref vertices[0], ref scale, ref triangles[0], triangles.Length / 3, ref planes[0], ref bounds[0]);
                            // Convex meshes in Flex can't have more than 64 faces
                            if (planeCount <= 64)
                                m_flexConvex = Flex.CreateConvexMesh(FlexContainer.library);
                                Flex.Buffer planeBuffer = Flex.AllocBuffer(FlexContainer.library, planeCount, sizeof(float) * 4, Flex.BufferType.Host);
                                FlexUtils.FastCopy(planes, Flex.Map(planeBuffer)); Flex.Unmap(planeBuffer);
                                Flex.UpdateConvexMesh(FlexContainer.library, m_flexConvex, planeBuffer, planeCount, ref bounds[0], ref bounds[1]);
                                geometry.convexMesh.scale = Vector3.one;
                                geometry.convexMesh.mesh  = m_flexConvex;
                                flags    = Flex.MakeShapeFlags(Flex.CollisionShapeType.ConvexMesh, dynamic);
                                shapeMin = bounds[0];
                                shapeMax = bounds[1];
                                useConvex = false;
                        if (!useConvex)
                            int[]     uniqueInds          = new int[vertices.Length];
                            int[]     originalToUniqueMap = new int[vertices.Length];
                            int       uniqueVertCount     = FlexExt.CreateWeldedMeshIndices(ref vertices[0], vertices.Length, ref uniqueInds[0], ref originalToUniqueMap[0], 0.0001f); // @@@
                            Vector4[] uniqueVerts         = new Vector4[uniqueVertCount];
                            for (int i = 0; i < uniqueVertCount; ++i)
                                uniqueVerts[i] = new Vector3(vertices[uniqueInds[i]].x * scale.x, vertices[uniqueInds[i]].y * scale.y, vertices[uniqueInds[i]].z * scale.z);
                            Flex.Buffer vertexBuffer = Flex.AllocBuffer(FlexContainer.library, uniqueVerts.Length, sizeof(float) * 4, Flex.BufferType.Host);
                            FlexUtils.FastCopy(uniqueVerts, Flex.Map(vertexBuffer)); Flex.Unmap(vertexBuffer);
                            int[] indices = new int[triangles.Length];
                            for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; ++i)
                                indices[i] = originalToUniqueMap[triangles[i]];
                            Flex.Buffer indexBuffer = Flex.AllocBuffer(FlexContainer.library, indices.Length, sizeof(int), Flex.BufferType.Host);
                            FlexUtils.FastCopy(indices, Flex.Map(indexBuffer)); Flex.Unmap(indexBuffer);
                            m_flexMesh = Flex.CreateTriangleMesh(FlexContainer.library);
                            Flex.UpdateTriangleMesh(FlexContainer.library, m_flexMesh, vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, uniqueVertCount, indices.Length / 3, ref boundsMin, ref boundsMax);
                            geometry.triMesh.scale = Vector3.one;
                            geometry.triMesh.mesh  = m_flexMesh;
                            flags = Flex.MakeShapeFlags(Flex.CollisionShapeType.TriangleMesh, dynamic);
                            Flex.GetTriangleMeshBounds(FlexContainer.library, m_flexMesh, ref shapeMin, ref shapeMax);
            shapePrevPosition = collider.transform.position + collider.transform.rotation * shapeCenter;
            shapePrevRotation = collider.transform.rotation * shapePreRotation;