// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Next, generate a new UI:
        FlatWorldUI ui = new FlatWorldUI("BillboardContent");

        // It's representing a TV, so lets use some standard TV screen dimensions:
        ui.SetDimensions(800, 600);

        // As this example only uses a WorldUI, we'll set the filter mode to bilinear so it looks smoother.
        ui.TextFilterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;

        // Give it some content:
        if (HtmlFile != null)
            ui.document.innerHTML = HtmlFile.text;

        if (InputEnabled)
            // World UI's should accept input:
            UI.WorldInputMode = InputMode.Screen;

        // Grab the texture:
        Texture texture = ui.Texture;

        // Assign it to the parents material:
        Material material = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial;

        // Apply it:
        material.mainTexture = texture;
 /// <summary>Destroys this RDP.</summary>
 public void Destroy()
     // Destroy it:
     if (Renderer != null)
         Renderer = null;
        internal override void NowOffScreen()
            if (Renderer != null)
                FlatWorldUI fwui = Renderer;
                Renderer = null;

                // Make sure we're on the main thread:
                    // Destroy it:
예제 #4
    // OnEnable is called when the game starts, or when the manager script component is enabled.
    public override void OnEnable()
        // Next, generate a new UI using the given virtual screen dimensions (the name is optional but helps debug the document):
        FlatUI = new FlatWorldUI(gameObject.name, Width, Height);

        // Use PowerUI.Manager's Navigate function (which reads either Url or HtmlFile depending on which you set):

        // Optionally accept input:
        FlatUI.AcceptInput = InputEnabled;

        // Apply to the material on this gameObjects mesh renderer:
        // (Note: You can also just grab FlatUI.Texture - this is just a convenience function)
        internal override void Layout(LayoutBox box, Renderman renderer)
            // Dimensions:
            float width  = box.Width;
            float height = box.Height;

            if (Renderer == null)
                // Create the FWUI now:
                Renderer = new FlatWorldUI("#Internal-PowerUI-Raster-" + RasterID, (int)width, (int)height);

                if (Filter != null)
                    // Set source:
                    Filter.Set("source0", Renderer.Texture);

                // Grab the output texture:
                Output = Renderer.Texture;

            // Does the given renderer belong to the worldUI?
            if (renderer == Renderer.Renderer)
                // Yes! We're actually drawing the element.


            // Next we'll draw the rastered image.
            // It's essentially just the output from the renderer.

            // Get the top left inner corner (inside margin and border):
            float top  = box.Y;
            float left = box.X;

            // Update the FlatWorldUI next:
            UpdateRenderer(box, width, height);

            // Always isolated:

            // Make sure the renderer stalls and doesn't draw anything else of this element or its kids.
            renderer.StallStatus = 2;

            // Setup boundary:
            BoxRegion boundary = new BoxRegion(left, top, width, height);

            if (!boundary.Overlaps(renderer.ClippingBoundary))
                if (Visible)

            else if (!Visible)
                // ImageLocation will allocate here if it's needed.

            // Texture time - get its location on that atlas:
            if (LocatedAt == null)
                LocatedAt = new AtlasLocation(width, height);
                // Dimensions changed?
                int w = (int)width;
                int h = (int)height;

                if (LocatedAt.Width != w || LocatedAt.Height != h)
                    // Update it:
                    LocatedAt.UpdateFixed(width, height);


            // Ensure we have a batch:
            renderer.SetupBatch(this, null, null);

            if (Material == null)
                // Create the material now using the isolated shader:
                Material = new Material(renderer.CurrentShaderSet.Isolated);

                // Hook up the output:
                Material.SetTexture("_MainTex", Output);

            // Allocate the block:
            MeshBlock block = Add(renderer);

            // Set current material:
            SetBatchMaterial(renderer, Material);

            // Set the (overlay) colour:
            block.TextUV = null;

            // Z-index (same as a background-image):
            float zIndex = (RenderData.computedStyle.ZIndex - 0.003f);

            BoxRegion screenRegion = new BoxRegion();

            screenRegion.Set(left, top, width, height);

            // Setup the block:
            block.ImageUV = block.SetClipped(boundary, screenRegion, renderer, zIndex, LocatedAt, block.ImageUV);

            // Flush it: