예제 #1
        // CheckDraw
        // Checks if the given mesh should be drawn.
        private void CheckDraw(GameObject flareMesh, MeshRenderer flareMR, Vector3d position, CelestialBody referenceBody, Vector4 hslColor, double objRadius, FlareType flareType, CelestialBody referenceStarBody)
            Vector3d targetVectorToSun = referenceStarBody.position - position;
            Vector3d targetVectorToRef = referenceBody.position - position;
            double   targetRelAngle    = Vector3d.Angle(targetVectorToSun, targetVectorToRef);
            double   targetDist        = Vector3d.Distance(position, camPos);
            double   targetSize;

            if (flareType == FlareType.Celestial)
                targetSize = objRadius;
                targetSize = Math.Atan2(objRadius, targetDist) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            double targetRefDist = Vector3d.Distance(position, referenceBody.position);
            double targetRefSize = Math.Acos(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(targetRefDist, 2.0) - Math.Pow(referenceBody.Radius, 2.0)) / targetRefDist) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            bool inShadow = false;

            if (referenceBody != referenceStarBody && targetRelAngle < targetRefSize)
                inShadow = true;

            bool isVisible;

            if (inShadow)
                isVisible = false;
                isVisible = true;

                // See if the sun obscures our target
                if (sunDistanceFromCamera < targetDist && sunSizeInDegrees > targetSize && Vector3d.Angle(cameraToSunUnitVector, position - camPos) < sunSizeInDegrees)
                    isVisible = false;

                if (isVisible)
                    for (int i = 0; i < bodyFlares.Count; ++i)
                        if (bodyFlares[i].body.bodyName != flareMesh.name && bodyFlares[i].distanceFromCamera <targetDist && bodyFlares[i].sizeInDegrees> targetSize && Vector3d.Angle(bodyFlares[i].cameraToBodyUnitVector, position - camPos) < bodyFlares[i].sizeInDegrees)
                            isVisible = false;

            if (targetSize < (camFOV / 500.0f) && isVisible && !MapView.MapIsEnabled)
                // Work in HSL space.  That allows us to do dimming of color
                // by adjusting the lightness value without any hue shifting.
                // We apply atmospheric dimming using alpha.  Although maybe
                // I don't need to - it could be done by dimming, too.
                float alpha   = hslColor.w;
                float dimming = 1.0f;
                alpha   *= atmosphereFactor;
                dimming *= dimFactor;
                if (targetSize > (camFOV / 1000.0f))
                    dimming *= (float)(((camFOV / targetSize) / 500.0) - 1.0);
                if (flareType == FlareType.Debris && DistantObjectSettings.DistantFlare.debrisBrightness < 1.0f)
                    dimming *= DistantObjectSettings.DistantFlare.debrisBrightness;
                // Uncomment this to help with debugging
                //alpha = 1.0f;
                //dimming = 1.0f;
                flareMR.material.color = ResourceUtilities.HSL2RGB(hslColor.x, hslColor.y, hslColor.z * dimming, alpha);
예제 #2
        // CheckDraw
        // Checks if the given mesh should be drawn.
        private void CheckDraw(GameObject flareMesh, MeshRenderer flareMR, Vector3d position, CelestialBody referenceBody, double objRadius, FlareType flareType)
            Vector3d targetVectorToSun = FlightGlobals.Bodies[0].position - position;
            Vector3d targetVectorToRef = referenceBody.position - position;
            double targetRelAngle = Vector3d.Angle(targetVectorToSun, targetVectorToRef);
            double targetDist = Vector3d.Distance(position, camPos);
            double targetSize;
            if (flareType == FlareType.Celestial)
                targetSize = objRadius;
                targetSize = Math.Atan2(objRadius, targetDist) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            double targetRefDist = Vector3d.Distance(position, referenceBody.position);
            double targetRefSize = Math.Acos(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(targetRefDist, 2.0) - Math.Pow(referenceBody.Radius, 2.0)) / targetRefDist) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            bool inShadow = false;
            if (referenceBody != FlightGlobals.Bodies[0] && targetRelAngle < targetRefSize)
                inShadow = true;

            bool isVisible;
            if (inShadow)
                isVisible = false;
                isVisible = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < bodyFlares.Count; ++i)
                    if (bodyFlares[i].body.bodyName != flareMesh.name && bodyFlares[i].distanceFromCamera < targetDist && bodyFlares[i].sizeInDegrees > targetSize && Vector3d.Angle(bodyFlares[i].cameraToBodyUnitVector, position - camPos) < bodyFlares[i].sizeInDegrees)
                        isVisible = false;

            Color color = flareMR.material.color;

            if (targetSize < (camFOV / 500.0f) && isVisible && !MapView.MapIsEnabled)
                color.a = atmosphereFactor * dimFactor;
                if (targetSize > (camFOV / 1000.0f))
                    color.a *= (float)(((camFOV / targetSize) / 500.0) - 1.0);
                if (flareType == FlareType.Debris)
                    color.a *= DistantObjectSettings.DistantFlare.debrisBrightness;
                //color.a = 1.0f;
                color.a = 0.0f;

            flareMR.material.color = color;
예제 #3
        // CheckDraw
        // Checks if the given mesh should be drawn.
        private void CheckDraw(GameObject flareMesh, MeshRenderer flareMR, Vector3d position, CelestialBody referenceBody, double objRadius, FlareType flareType)
            Vector3d targetVectorToSun = FlightGlobals.Bodies[0].position - position;
            Vector3d targetVectorToRef = referenceBody.position - position;
            double   targetRelAngle    = Vector3d.Angle(targetVectorToSun, targetVectorToRef);
            double   targetDist        = Vector3d.Distance(position, camPos);
            double   targetSize;

            if (flareType == FlareType.Celestial)
                targetSize = objRadius;
                targetSize = Math.Atan2(objRadius, targetDist) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            double targetRefDist = Vector3d.Distance(position, referenceBody.position);
            double targetRefSize = Math.Acos(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(targetRefDist, 2.0) - Math.Pow(referenceBody.Radius, 2.0)) / targetRefDist) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            bool inShadow = false;

            if (referenceBody != FlightGlobals.Bodies[0] && targetRelAngle < targetRefSize)
                inShadow = true;

            bool isVisible;

            if (inShadow)
                isVisible = false;
                isVisible = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < bodyFlares.Count; ++i)
                    if (bodyFlares[i].body.bodyName != flareMesh.name && bodyFlares[i].distanceFromCamera <targetDist && bodyFlares[i].sizeInDegrees> targetSize && Vector3d.Angle(bodyFlares[i].cameraToBodyUnitVector, position - camPos) < bodyFlares[i].sizeInDegrees)
                        isVisible = false;

            Color color = flareMR.material.color;

            if (targetSize < (camFOV / 500.0f) && isVisible && !MapView.MapIsEnabled)
                color.a = atmosphereFactor * dimFactor;
                if (targetSize > (camFOV / 1000.0f))
                    color.a *= (float)(((camFOV / targetSize) / 500.0) - 1.0);
                if (flareType == FlareType.Debris)
                    color.a *= DistantObjectSettings.DistantFlare.debrisBrightness;
                //color.a = 1.0f;
                color.a = 0.0f;

            flareMR.material.color = color;
예제 #4
        // CheckDraw
        // Checks if the given mesh should be drawn.
        private void CheckDraw(GameObject flareMesh, MeshRenderer flareMR, Vector3d position, CelestialBody referenceBody, Vector4 hslColor, double objRadius, FlareType flareType)
            Vector3d targetVectorToSun = FlightGlobals.Bodies[0].position - position;
            Vector3d targetVectorToRef = referenceBody.position - position;
            double targetRelAngle = Vector3d.Angle(targetVectorToSun, targetVectorToRef);
            double targetDist = Vector3d.Distance(position, camPos);
            double targetSize;
            if (flareType == FlareType.Celestial)
                targetSize = objRadius;
                targetSize = Math.Atan2(objRadius, targetDist) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            double targetRefDist = Vector3d.Distance(position, referenceBody.position);
            double targetRefSize = Math.Acos(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(targetRefDist, 2.0) - Math.Pow(referenceBody.Radius, 2.0)) / targetRefDist) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            bool inShadow = false;
            if (referenceBody != FlightGlobals.Bodies[0] && targetRelAngle < targetRefSize)
                inShadow = true;

            bool isVisible;
            if (inShadow)
                isVisible = false;
                isVisible = true;

                // See if the sun obscures our target
                if (sunDistanceFromCamera < targetDist && sunSizeInDegrees > targetSize && Vector3d.Angle(cameraToSunUnitVector, position - camPos) < sunSizeInDegrees)
                    isVisible = false;

                if (isVisible)
                    for (int i = 0; i < bodyFlares.Count; ++i)
                        if (bodyFlares[i].body.bodyName != flareMesh.name && bodyFlares[i].distanceFromCamera < targetDist && bodyFlares[i].sizeInDegrees > targetSize && Vector3d.Angle(bodyFlares[i].cameraToBodyUnitVector, position - camPos) < bodyFlares[i].sizeInDegrees)
                            isVisible = false;

            if (targetSize < (camFOV / 500.0f) && isVisible && !MapView.MapIsEnabled)
                // Work in HSL space.  That allows us to do dimming of color
                // by adjusting the lightness value without any hue shifting.
                // We apply atmospheric dimming using alpha.  Although maybe
                // I don't need to - it could be done by dimming, too.
                float alpha = hslColor.w;
                float dimming = 1.0f;
                alpha *= atmosphereFactor;
                dimming *= dimFactor;
                if (targetSize > (camFOV / 1000.0f))
                    dimming *= (float)(((camFOV / targetSize) / 500.0) - 1.0);
                if (flareType == FlareType.Debris && DistantObjectSettings.DistantFlare.debrisBrightness < 1.0f)
                    dimming *= DistantObjectSettings.DistantFlare.debrisBrightness;
                // Uncomment this to help with debugging
                //alpha = 1.0f;
                //dimming = 1.0f;
                flareMR.material.color = ResourceUtilities.HSL2RGB(hslColor.x, hslColor.y, hslColor.z * dimming, alpha);