public void MultiplyOfFiveReturnsBuzz(int number) { string expected = FizzBuzzSolution.BUZZ; string actual = FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void NumberFifteenReturnsFizzBuzz(int number) { string expected = "FizzBuzz"; string actual = FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void NumberTwoReturnsTwoAsString() { string expected = "2"; string actual = FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(2); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Call the induvidual coding challanges Console.WriteLine("Coding Challange: FizzBuzz"); _fizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(); Console.WriteLine("\r\nfrom array:"); _fizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzzArray(); Console.WriteLine("\r\nfrom list:"); _fizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzzList(); Console.WriteLine("\r\n***********************************"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Coding Challange: Palindrome"); Console.WriteLine("Array.Reverse:"); Console.WriteLine("The word Vidarradiv is a palindrome : " + _palindromeSolution.Palindrome("Vidarradiv")); Console.WriteLine("While loop:"); _palindromeSolution.PalindromeWhile("Vidarradiv"); Console.WriteLine("\r\n***********************************"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Coding challange: UserInput"); Console.Write("UserInput should print out 10. And it printed out -> "); _userInputSolution.UserInterface(); Console.WriteLine("\r\n***********************************"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Coding Challenge : Multiplier of 3 and 5"); Console.WriteLine("Natural numbers below 10"); _multiplierOf3And5.naturalNumbersBelow10(); Console.WriteLine("\r\nNatural numbers below 1000"); _multiplierOf3And5.naturalNumbersBelow1000(); Console.WriteLine("\r\n***********************************"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Coding Challenge : Even Fibonacci numbers"); _evenFibonaccciNumbers.EvenFibonacciSquence4M(); Console.WriteLine("\r\n***********************************"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Coding Challenge : Largest prime factor"); _largetPrimeFactor.FindLargestPrimeFactor(); Console.WriteLine("\r\n***********************************"); Console.WriteLine(""); // Console.WriteLine("Coding Challenge : blabla"); // int[] numbers = {-1, 2, 10, 5, 100, -10, -100 , 0}; // _sum.sumTwoSmallestNumbers(numbers); // Console.WriteLine("\r\n***********************************"); // Console.WriteLine(""); // Console.WriteLine("Coding Challenge : towerBuild"); var ts = new List <int> { 91, 74, 73, 85, 73, 81, 87 }; Console.Write(_stop.SongDecoder("RWUBWUBWUBLWUB")); Console.WriteLine("\r\n***********************************"); Console.WriteLine(""); }
public void NumberOneReturnsOneAsString() { string expected = "1"; string actual = FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(1); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void NumberFourReturnsFourAsString() { string expected = "4"; string actual = FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(4); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
/// <summary> /// ~~~~~~~~~~ Running the system: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /// /// From IDE: /// Configure the "BeFaster.App" solution to Run on External Console then run. /// /// From command line: /// msbuild befaster.sln; src\BeFaster.App\bin\Debug\BeFaster.App.exe /// /// To run your unit tests locally: /// Run the "BeFaster.App.Tests - Unit Tests" configuration. /// /// ~~~~~~~~~~ The workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /// /// By running this file you interact with a challenge server. /// The interaction follows a request-response pattern: /// * You are presented with your current progress and a list of actions. /// * You trigger one of the actions by typing it on the console. /// * After the action feedback is presented, the execution will stop. /// /// +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ /// | Step | The usual workflow | /// +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ /// | 1. | Run this file. | /// | 2. | Start a challenge by typing "start". | /// | 3. | Read description from the "challenges" folder | /// | 4. | Implement the required method in | /// | | .\src\BeFaster.App\Solutions | /// | 5. | Deploy to production by typing "deploy". | /// | 6. | Observe output, check for failed requests. | /// | 7. | If passed, go to step 3. | /// +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ /// /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Action.</param> private static void Main(string[] args) { ClientRunner .ForUsername(CredentialsConfigFile.Get("tdl_username")) .WithServerHostname(CredentialsConfigFile.Get("tdl_hostname")) .WithActionIfNoArgs(RunnerAction.TestConnectivity) .WithSolutionFor("sum", p => SumSolution.Sum(p[0].AsInt(), p[1].AsInt())) .WithSolutionFor("hello", p => HelloSolution.Hello(p[0])) .WithSolutionFor("fizz_buzz", p => FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(p[0].AsInt())) .WithSolutionFor("checkout", p => CheckoutSolution.Checkout(p[0])) .Start(args); }
/// <summary> /// ~~~~~~~~~~ Running the system: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /// /// From IDE: /// Configure the "BeFaster.App" solution to Run on External Console then run. /// /// From command line: /// msbuild befaster.sln; src\BeFaster.App\bin\Debug\BeFaster.App.exe /// /// To run your unit tests locally: /// Run the "BeFaster.App.Tests - Unit Tests" configuration. /// /// ~~~~~~~~~~ The workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /// /// By running this file you interact with a challenge server. /// The interaction follows a request-response pattern: /// * You are presented with your current progress and a list of actions. /// * You trigger one of the actions by typing it on the console. /// * After the action feedback is presented, the execution will stop. /// /// +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ /// | Step | The usual workflow | /// +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ /// | 1. | Run this file. | /// | 2. | Start a challenge by typing "start". | /// | 3. | Read description from the "challenges" folder | /// | 4. | Implement the required method in | /// | | .\src\BeFaster.App\Solutions | /// | 5. | Deploy to production by typing "deploy". | /// | 6. | Observe output, check for failed requests. | /// | 7. | If passed, go to step 3. | /// +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ /// /// You are encouraged to change this project as you please: /// * You can use your preferred libraries. /// * You can use your own test framework. /// * You can change the file structure. /// * Anything really, provided that this file stays runnable. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Action.</param> private static void Main(string[] args) { var runner = new QueueBasedImplementationRunner.Builder() .SetConfig(Utils.GetRunnerConfig()) .WithSolutionFor("sum", p => SumSolution.Sum(p[0].AsInt(), p[1].AsInt())) .WithSolutionFor("hello", p => HelloSolution.Hello(p[0])) .WithSolutionFor("fizz_buzz", p => FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(p[0].AsInt())) .WithSolutionFor("checkout", p => CheckoutSolution.Checkout(p[0])) .Create(); ChallengeSession.ForRunner(runner) .WithConfig(Utils.GetConfig()) .WithActionProvider(new UserInputAction(args)) .Start(); Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . "); Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// ~~~~~~~~~~ Running the system: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /// /// From IDE: /// Configure the "BeFaster.App" solution to Run on External Console then run. /// /// From command line: /// msbuild befaster.sln; src\BeFaster.App\bin\Debug\BeFaster.App.exe /// or /// msbuild befaster.sln; mono src/BeFaster.App/bin/Debug/BeFaster.App.exe /// /// To run your unit tests locally: /// Run the "BeFaster.App.Tests - Unit Tests" configuration. /// /// ~~~~~~~~~~ The workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /// /// By running this file you interact with a challenge server. /// The interaction follows a request-response pattern: /// * You are presented with your current progress and a list of actions. /// * You trigger one of the actions by typing it on the console. /// * After the action feedback is presented, the execution will stop. /// /// +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ /// | Step | The usual workflow | /// +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ /// | 1. | Run this file. | /// | 2. | Start a challenge by typing "start". | /// | 3. | Read description from the "challenges" folder | /// | 4. | Implement the required method in | /// | | .\src\BeFaster.App\Solutions | /// | 5. | Deploy to production by typing "deploy". | /// | 6. | Observe output, check for failed requests. | /// | 7. | If passed, go to step 3. | /// +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ /// /// You are encouraged to change this project as you please: /// * You can use your preferred libraries. /// * You can use your own test framework. /// * You can change the file structure. /// * Anything really, provided that this file stays runnable. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Action.</param> private static void Main(string[] args) { var runner = new QueueBasedImplementationRunner.Builder(). SetConfig(Utils.GetRunnerConfig()). WithSolutionFor("sum", (List <JToken> p) => SumSolution.Sum(p[0].ToObject <int>(), p[1].ToObject <int>())). WithSolutionFor("hello", (List <JToken> p) => HelloSolution.Hello(p[0].ToObject <string>())). WithSolutionFor("array_sum", (List <JToken> p) => ArraySumSolution.Compute((p[0].ToObject <List <int> >()))). WithSolutionFor("int_range", (List <JToken> p) => IntRangeSolution.Generate(p[0].ToObject <int>(), p[1].ToObject <int>())). WithSolutionFor("fizz_buzz", (List <JToken> p) => FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(p[0].ToObject <int>())). WithSolutionFor("checkout", (List <JToken> p) => CheckoutSolution.Checkout(p[0].ToObject <string>())). Create(); ChallengeSession.ForRunner(runner) .WithConfig(Utils.GetConfig()) .WithActionProvider(new UserInputAction(args)) .Start(); Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . "); Console.ReadKey(); }
public string TestForDefault(int x) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(x)); }
public string FizzBuzzFakeDeluxeTrue(int input) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(input)); }
public string BuzzTestTrue(int input) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(input)); }
public string FizzDeluxeTrueTest(int input) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(input)); }
public string FizzBuzzTest_NumIsMultiply(int num) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(num)); }
public string FizzBuzzDeluxeTest(int number) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number)); }
public string BuzzContainerTest(int number) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number)); }
public string TestForNumberContains5(int x) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(x)); }
public string FizzBuzzByContainerBuzzByDivisibleFizzTest(int number) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number)); }
public string TestFizzBuzz(int number) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number)); }
public string FizzBuzzDeluxFake(int number) { var result = FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number); return(result); }
public string DivisableByThreeAndFiveReturnsFizzOtherwiseNumber(int number) { var result = FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number); return(result); }
public string TestFizzOne(int suppliedNumber) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(suppliedNumber)); }
public string TestForMultipleOf5(int x) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(x)); }
public string BuzzNoDeluxeNumberLessThan10Test(int number) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number)); }
public string TestForNumberMultipleOf3AndContains5(int x) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(x)); }
public string NumberLessThan1000Test(int number) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number)); }
public string TestForFizzBuzzDeluxe(int x) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(x)); }
public string FakeFizzDeluxeLessThan1000Test(int number) { return(FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(number)); }