예제 #1
파일: App.cs 프로젝트: recurry/VersaFix
        public void OnSessionLogout(IVfxFixAppSession session, FixMessage msg)
            FixField fixSCID = msg.Header.GetField(49);
            FixField fixTCID = msg.Header.GetField(56);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("FIX CLIENT: {0} - LOGOUT.", fixSCID.Content));
예제 #2
파일: App.cs 프로젝트: recurry/VersaFix
        public void OnSessionLogon(IVfxFixAppSession session, FixMessage msg)
            FixField fixSCID = msg.Header.GetField(49);
            FixField fixTCID = msg.Header.GetField(56);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("FIX CLIENT: {0} - LOGON", fixSCID.Content));
            System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(HandleWork_SendMessages, session);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The AddMessage method adds an instance of a FIX message
        /// to the database file that is associated with the specified
        /// session. The index file is updated to reflect the position
        /// in the database of the message that is being added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sessionId">
        /// The session id of the session the message relates to.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX message to be added to the database.
        /// </param>
        public void AddMessage(string sessionId, FixMessage msg)
            // REC: Create the details instance for the task:
            TaskDetails_Add taskDetails = new TaskDetails_Add(sessionId, msg);

            // REC: Enqueue the task for asynchronous execution:
            _sequencer.Enqueue(AddMessage_Entrypoint, taskDetails);
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// The OnSessionRxAppMessage callback is invoked by a session
 /// when it receives an application layer message from the peer
 /// session it's interacting with.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">
 /// The IVfxFixSession implementation that is issuing the
 /// callback to the handler.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The application message that the session has received
 /// from its corresponding peer session.
 /// </param>
 public void OnSessionRxAppMessage(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
     if (_mapAppSessions.ContainsKey(session.InstanceId))
         IVfxFixAppSession appSession = _mapAppSessions[session.InstanceId];
         _application.OnSessionRxAppMessage(appSession, msg);
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// The OnSessionLogon callback method is invoked by an
 /// instance of a session when it completes a logon with
 /// the peer system it's communicating with.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">
 /// The IVfxFixSession implementation that is issuing
 /// the callback to the handler.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The FIX logon message (request or response) that was
 /// received from the peer session.
 /// </param>
 public void OnSessionLogon(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
     // REC: Forward the callback to the appropriate method
     // on the application's callback interface:
     if (_mapAppSessions.ContainsKey(session.InstanceId))
         IVfxFixAppSession appSession = _mapAppSessions[session.InstanceId];
         _application.OnSessionLogon(appSession, msg);
예제 #6
        private void PopulateMsgElements(string version, string msgType, FixMessage msg)
            VfxFixVxRecord vxDetails = _vxRegistry.Get(version);

            if (vxDetails != null)
                FixDxCollection msgElements = null;
                foreach (VfxFixVersion_Dictionary_Reference dxEntry in vxDetails.Dictionaries)
                    // REC: Retrieve the dictionary associated with
                    // the version definition:
                    FixDictionary dxInstance = _dxRegistry.GetEntry(dxEntry.Name);
                    // REC: Attempt to retrieve the specified message
                    // type from the dictionary:
                    FixDxMessage dxMessage = dxInstance.GetMessageByType(msgType);
                    if (dxMessage != null)
                        msgElements = dxInstance.Resolve(dxMessage.Elements);

                if (msgElements != null)
                    // REC: Create the sort ordering for the elements
                    // and populate any fields and groups that have been
                    // registered with the assembler:
                    Collection <int> ordering = new Collection <int>();
                    foreach (IFixDxElement dxElement in msgElements)

                        if (dxElement is FixDxResolvedField)
                            if (_mapFields.ContainsKey(dxElement.Tag))
                            if (_mapGroups.ContainsKey(dxElement.Tag))

                    // REC: Assign the sort ordering for the header
                    // elements to the message's header:
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// The OnSessionLogout callback is invoked by the underlying
        /// instance of a FIX session to notify the service that the
        /// session has logged out from the peer system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session">
        /// The FIX session that is generating the callback.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX logout message received from the peer.
        /// </param>
        public void OnSessionLogout(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
            lock (_synch)
                // REC: The FIX session is no longer established.
                _fixEstablished = false;

                // REC: Forward the logout notification to the app:
                _fixApplication.OnSessionLogout(_appSession, msg);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// The OnSessionLogon callback is invoked by the underlying
        /// instance of a FIX session to notify the service that the
        /// session has completed a FIX logon with the peer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session">
        /// The FIX session that is generating the callback.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX logon message received from the peer.
        /// </param>
        public void OnSessionLogon(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
            lock (_synch)
                // REC: The FIX session has been established.
                _fixEstablished = true;

                // REC: Forward the logon notification to the app:
                _fixApplication.OnSessionLogon(_appSession, msg);
예제 #9
파일: LogonTests.cs 프로젝트: kiwaa/zerofix
        public void ToString()
            var sessionId = new SessionIdentity("FIX.4.2", "EXECUTOR", "CLIENT1");
            var target    = new FixMessage(sessionId, 'A');

            target.Header.Add(34, "1");
            target.Header.Add(52, "20200925-11:05:13.797");
            target.Add(98, "0");
            target.Add(108, "30");

            var str = target.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("8=FIX.4.2\u00019=70\u000135=A\u000149=EXECUTOR\u000156=CLIENT1\u000134=1\u000152=20200925-11:05:13.797\u000198=0\u0001108=30\u000110=096\u0001", str);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleTxMessage method is invoked to inform the
        /// session that its owner needs to send a message to the
        /// peer system. The session will finalize the message, add
        /// it to the session database, and then return the message
        /// to its owner via the callback interface. Once the owner
        /// receives the callback, it can then transmit the message
        /// to the peer system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX message that the session's owner wants to send
        /// to the peer session.
        /// </param>
        public void HandleTxMessage(FixMessage msg)
            // REC: Populate the header elements for the outbound
            // message using the local assembler instance:
            _fixAssembler.PopulateHeader(_sxVersion, msg);

            // REC: Populate the trailer elements for the outbound
            // message using the local assembler instance:
            _fixAssembler.PopulateTrailer(_sxVersion, msg);

            // REC: Finalize the message and dispatch it back to
            // the session's owner for transmission to the peer:
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// create message for test request
        /// создать сообщение для тестового запроса
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reqId"></param>
        /// <param name="isTrading"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string TestRequestMsg(string reqId, bool isTrading)
            var newMessage = new FixMessage(++_msgSeqNum, "1", isTrading, _settings);

            var logOnFields = new List <Field> {
                new Field((int)Tags.TestReqID, reqId)


            var res = newMessage.ToString();

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleSession_Logon method is invoked to handle
        /// a logon message that has been received from the peer
        /// session that this session is communicating with.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX logon message received from the peer.
        /// </param>
        private void HandleSession_Logon(FixMessage msg)
            // REC: Ensure that we're in the appropriate state
            // to handle a logon message:
            if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Pending || _currentState == SessionStates.Session_Closed)
                // REC: Retrieve the FIX SenderCompID of the peer
                // from the logon message:
                FixField fldSenderCompID = msg.Header.GetField(49);
                if (fldSenderCompID != null)
                    string rxSenderCompID = fldSenderCompID.Content;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rxSenderCompID))
                        // HELP: Should the session send a reject message
                        // in this case, given that the peer didn't send
                        // its FIX SenderCompID, or should this throw an
                        // argument exception?

                    // REC: Transition to the opened state:
                    _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Opened;

                    // REC: Notify the session's owner that the session
                    // has received the logon response from the server:
                    _handler.OnSessionLogon(this, msg);
                    // REC: Throw an exception since the session has not
                    // yet been established and there will be no handler
                    // at the application level that can deal with this:
                    throw new ArgumentException("Logon message missing required field - SenderCompID.");
                // REC: Notify the session handler that an
                // administrative message has been received
                // from the peer session:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Throw an exception that indicates the
                // session is not in the appropriate state to
                // handle the received message:
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Session state invalid for received message.");
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// The OnSessionTxAppMessage callback is invoked by a session
        /// when it is ready to dispatch an application message to the
        /// peer session it's interacting with.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session">
        /// The IVfxFixSession implementation that is issuing the
        /// callback to the handler.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The application message that the session wants to have sent
        /// to its corresponding peer session.
        /// </param>
        public void OnSessionTxAppMessage(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
            if (_mapAppSessions.ContainsKey(session.InstanceId))
                IVfxFixAppSession appSession = _mapAppSessions[session.InstanceId];
                _application.OnSessionTxAppMessage(appSession, msg);

                // REC: Locate the IPC session identifier of the IPC session
                // that is associated with the service that is generating the
                // event and use that to send the message to the peer:
                if (_mapFixToIpc.ContainsKey(session.InstanceId))
                    string ipcIdentifier = _mapFixToIpc[session.InstanceId];
                    _endpoint.Send(ipcIdentifier, new VfxMsgBlock(msg.ToString()));
예제 #14
파일: TradeApp.cs 프로젝트: kiwaa/zerofix
        public void Run()
            var msg = new FixMessage(_session.ID, 'D');

            msg.Header.Add(52, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.fff"));
            msg.Add(60, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.fff"));
            msg.Add(1, "test");
            msg.Add(11, 1);
            msg.Add(21, 1);
            msg.Add(54, 1);
            msg.Add(55, "APPL");
            msg.Add(40, 1);
예제 #15
 public static FixMessage readTagValues(TcpClient client)
     FixMessage ret = new FixMessage();
     int tag;
     string value;
     while (true)
         tag = ReadInt(client);
         if (tag < 1)
         value = ReadString(client);
         ret.Add(new TagValue(tag, value));
     return ret;
예제 #16
파일: App.cs 프로젝트: recurry/VersaFix
        private void HandleWork_SendMessages(object state)
            int orderId = 1;

            IVfxFixAppSession session = state as IVfxFixAppSession;

            for (int i = 0; i != 5; i++)
                FixMessage msg = new FixMessage();

                msg.Header.SetField(new FixField(35, "8"));

                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(37, orderId++.ToString()));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(17, "5000"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(20, "0"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(150, "0"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(39, "0"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(55, "AAPL"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(54, "1"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(151, "3000"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(14, "0"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(6, "0"));

                FixGroup      grpTest     = new FixGroup(382, "2");
                FixCollection grpInstance = new FixCollection();
                grpInstance.AddField(new FixField(375, "foo"));
                grpInstance.AddField(new FixField(337, "bar"));



            if (session != null)
                for (int i = 0; i != 10000; i++)
                    FixMessage message = new FixMessage();

                    message.Header.AddField(new FixField(35, "D"));
예제 #17
파일: App.cs 프로젝트: recurry/VersaFix
        private void HandleWork_SendMessages(object state)
            int orderId = 1;

            IVfxFixAppSession session = state as IVfxFixAppSession;

            for (int i = 0; i != 5; i++)
                FixMessage msg = new FixMessage();

                msg.Header.SetField(new FixField(35, "8"));

                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(37, orderId++.ToString()));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(17, "5000"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(20, "0"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(150, "0"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(39, "0"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(55, "AAPL"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(54, "1"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(151, "3000"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(14, "0"));
                msg.Content.SetField(new FixField(6, "0"));

                FixGroup grpTest = new FixGroup(382, "2");
                FixCollection grpInstance = new FixCollection();
                grpInstance.AddField(new FixField(375, "foo"));
                grpInstance.AddField(new FixField(337, "bar"));



            if (session != null)
                for (int i = 0; i != 10000; i++)
                    FixMessage message = new FixMessage();

                    message.Header.AddField(new FixField(35, "D"));
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// create a message for request status
        /// создать сообщение для запроса статуса ордера
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clOrdId">order number specified by the user when creating/номер ордера заданный пользователем при создании</param>
        /// <param name="side">order side/направление ордера</param>
        /// <param name="securityId">instrument id/id инструмента</param>
        public string OrderStatusRequestMsg(string clOrdId, string securityId, string side)
            var newMessage = new FixMessage(++_msgSeqNum, "H", true, _settings);

            var newOrder = new List <Field>
                new Field((int)Tags.ClOrdID, clOrdId),
                new Field((int)Tags.SecurityID, securityId),
                new Field((int)Tags.SecurityIDSource, "8"),
                new Field((int)Tags.Side, side)


            var res = newMessage.ToString();

예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleSession_Heartbeat method is invoked to
        /// handle a heartbeat message from the peer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX heartbeat message that was received.
        /// </param>
        private void HandleSession_Heartbeat(FixMessage msg)
            if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Opened)
                // REC: Dispatch the administrative message
                // to the session handler:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);
                // REC: Dispatch the administrative message
                // to the session handler:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Throw the invalid operation exception
                // since the session cannot handle the message:
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Session state invalid for received message.");
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// create message for cancelling order
        /// создать сообщение для отмены ордера
        /// </summary>
        public string OrderCancelRequestMsg(string origClOrdId, string clOrdId, string securityId)
            var newMessage = new FixMessage(++_msgSeqNum, "F", true, _settings);

            var newOrder = new List <Field>
                new Field((int)Tags.OrigClOrdID, clOrdId),
                new Field((int)Tags.ClOrdID, origClOrdId),
                new Field((int)Tags.SecurityID, securityId),
                new Field((int)Tags.SecurityIDSource, "8"),
                new Field((int)Tags.TransactTime, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss"))


            var res = newMessage.ToString();

예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// message for entering
        /// сообщение для входа
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isTrading">true - if the entrance to the trading session, false for market data / true - если вход в торговую сессию, false для market data</param>
        /// <param name="heartbeatInterval"></param>
        /// <returns>сообщение в формате fix</returns>
        public string LogOnMsg(bool isTrading, int heartbeatInterval)
            var newMessage = new FixMessage(++_msgSeqNum, "A", isTrading, _settings);

            var logOnFields = new List <Field>
                new Field((int)Tags.EncryptMethod, "0"),
                new Field((int)Tags.HeartBtInt, heartbeatInterval.ToString()),
                new Field((int)Tags.ResetSeqNumFlag, "Y"),
                new Field((int)Tags.Username, _settings.Username),
                new Field((int)Tags.Password, _settings.Password)


            var res = newMessage.ToString();

예제 #22
 public void ReceviedFIXMessage(FixMessage fm)
     if (fm.SecurityType == CashDefinition.SECURITY_CASH)
         QuickFix.Message msg = QMessageBuilder.BuildDbMessage(fm.Message, fm.DbID, fm.TEBID, CashAppContext.ValidateMessage);
         if (CashAppContext != null && CashAppContext.App != null)
     else if (fm.SecurityType == CashDefinition.SECURITY_FUTURE || fm.SecurityType == CashDefinition.SECURITY_OPTION)
         QuickFix.Message msg = QMessageBuilder.BuildDbMessage(fm.Message, fm.DbID, fm.TEBID, VIOPAppContext.ValidateMessage);
         if (VIOPAppContext != null && VIOPAppContext.App != null)
예제 #23
        public string TradeCaptureReportRequestMsg(string tradeRequestId, string tradeRequestType, string subscriptionRequestType, DateTime starTime, DateTime endTime)
            var newMessage = new FixMessage(++_msgSeqNum, "AD", true, _settings);

            var newOrder = new List <Field>
                new Field((int)Tags.TradeRequestID, tradeRequestId),
                new Field((int)Tags.TradeRequestType, tradeRequestType),
                new Field((int)Tags.SubscriptionRequestType, subscriptionRequestType),
                new Field((int)Tags.NoDates, "2"),
                new Field((int)Tags.TransactTime, starTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss")),
                new Field((int)Tags.TransactTime, endTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss"))


            var res = newMessage.ToString();

예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleShutdown_Entrypoint method is the asynchronous
        /// entry point for the session's shutdown logic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">
        /// Ignored parameter - required for the method to match the
        /// needed signature for use with the sequencer.
        /// </param>
        private void HandleShutdown_Entrypoint(object state)
            // REC: If the session is currently logged on, we need
            // to dispatch a logout message to the peer:
            if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Opened)
                // REC: Transition to the closing state:
                _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Closing;

                FixMessage msgResponse = _fixAssembler.CreateMessage(_sxVersion, _axVersion, "5");
                if (msgResponse != null)
                    // REC: Dispatch the logout message to the
                    // peer session. The shutdown process will
                    // complete when the peer responds with an
                    // acknowledgment of the logout:
            else if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Pending)
                // REC: Transition to the shutdown state:
                _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Shutdown;
                // REC: Dispatch the shutdown notification
                // to the session's handler:
            else if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Closed)
                // REC: Transition to the shutdown state:
                _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Shutdown;

                // REC: Release the session record:
                _fixDatabase.ReleaseSession(_sessionId, _sessionRecord);

                // REC: Dispatch the shutdown notification
                // to the session's handler:
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// The Finalize method calculates the values for
        /// common session layer fields and assigns those
        /// values to their respective fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX message to be finalized.
        /// </param>
        public static void Finalize(FixMessage msg)
            // REC: Calculate sending time and add it to the message:
            string strTimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.fff");
            FixField fldSendingTime = msg.Header.GetField(52);
            if (fldSendingTime != null)
                fldSendingTime.Content = strTimeStamp;
                msg.Header.AddField(new FixField(52, strTimeStamp));

            // REC: Calculate the body length and add it to the message:
            int fixBodyLength = FixCalculator.GetBodyLength(msg);
            FixField fldBodyLength = msg.Header.GetField(9);
            if (fldBodyLength != null)
                fldBodyLength.Content = fixBodyLength.ToString();
                msg.Header.AddField(new FixField(9, fixBodyLength.ToString()));

            // REC: Calculate the checksum and add it to the message:
            string strChecksum = string.Format("{0:000}", FixCalculator.GetChecksum(msg) % 256);
            FixField fldChecksum = msg.Trailer.GetField(10);
            if (fldChecksum != null)
                fldChecksum.Content = strChecksum;
                msg.Trailer.AddField(new FixField(10, strChecksum));
예제 #26
        public void OnMessage(FixMessage msg)
            Console.WriteLine(">" + msg.ToString());
            var msgType = msg.Header[Tags.MsgType] as FixField <char>;

            switch (msgType.Value)
            case 'D':
                var accept = new FixMessage(_session.RevertID, '8');
                accept.Header.Add(52, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(FixSettings.DateTimeFormat));
                accept.Add(6, 0);
                accept.Add(14, 0);
                accept.Add(17, _execId++);
                accept.Add(37, _orderId++);
                accept.Add(39, 2);
                accept.Add(150, 0);
                accept.Add(151, 0);
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// The HandleSession_Message method is invoked to handle
 /// an incoming message that needs to be routed up to the
 /// session's application level message handler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="msg"></param>
 private void HandleSession_Message(FixMessage msg)
     // REC: Dispatch the message to the session's event
     // callback handler and let it process the message:
     _handler.OnSessionRxAppMessage(this, msg);
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// The PopulateHeader method populates all of the header
 /// elements in the specified message with the elements that
 /// are specified in a specific FIX version, using the values
 /// that have been set for those fields in the assembler. The
 /// method will replace the sort ordering for the target with
 /// the sort ordering that is found in the dictionary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sxVersion">
 /// The name of the session layer version that the elements
 /// for the message trailer will be retrieved from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The FIX message instance that is to be populated.
 /// </param>
 public void PopulateHeader(string sxVersion, FixMessage msg)
     PopulateHdrElements(sxVersion, msg);
예제 #29
 /// <summary>
 /// The PopulateTrailer method populates all of the trailer
 /// elements in the specified message with the elements that
 /// are specified in a specific FIX version, using the values
 /// that have been set for those fields in the assembler. The
 /// method will replace the sort ordering for the target with
 /// the sort ordering that is found in the dictionary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sxVersion">
 /// The name of the session layer version that the elements
 /// for the message trailer will be retrieved from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The FIX message instance that is to be populated.
 /// </param>
 public void PopulateTrailer(string sxVersion, FixMessage msg)
     PopulateTrlElements(sxVersion, msg);
예제 #30
        private void PopulateTrlElements(string version, FixMessage msg)
            VfxFixVxRecord vxDetails = _vxRegistry.Get(version);
            if (vxDetails != null)
                // REC: Ensure that there is at least one FIX dictionary
                // assigned to the specified version definition:
                if (vxDetails.Dictionaries.Count > 0)
                    FixDictionary dxEntry = _dxRegistry.GetEntry(vxDetails.Dictionaries[0].Name);
                    if (dxEntry != null)
                        FixDxCollection trlElements = dxEntry.Resolve(dxEntry.Trailer);
                        if (trlElements != null)
                            // REC: Create the sort ordering for the elements
                            // and populate any fields and groups that have been
                            // registered with the assembler:
                            Collection<int> ordering = new Collection<int>();
                            foreach (IFixDxElement dxElement in trlElements)

                                if (dxElement is FixDxResolvedField)
                                    if (_mapFields.ContainsKey(dxElement.Tag))
                                    if (_mapGroups.ContainsKey(dxElement.Tag))

                            // REC: Assign the sort ordering for the header
                            // elements to the message's header:
                        string error = string.Format("Dictionary \"{0}\" not registered.", vxDetails.Dictionaries[0]);
                        throw new ArgumentException(error);
                    string error = string.Format("The version \"{0}\" has no associated dictionaries.", version);
                    throw new ArgumentException(error);

                string error = string.Format("The version \"{0}\" is not registered.", version);
                throw new ArgumentException(error);
예제 #31
 /// <summary>
 /// The HandleSession_Message method is invoked to handle
 /// an incoming message that needs to be routed up to the
 /// session's application level message handler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="msg"></param>
 private void HandleSession_Message(FixMessage msg)
     // REC: Dispatch the message to the session's event
     // callback handler and let it process the message:
     _handler.OnSessionRxAppMessage(this, msg);
예제 #32
 /// <summary>
 /// The HandleSession_Resend method is invoked in response
 /// to the session receiving a FIX resend request from the
 /// peer system that it's interacting with.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The FIX resend message received from the peer.
 /// </param>
 private void HandleSession_Resend(FixMessage msg)
예제 #33
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleSession_Logon method is invoked to handle
        /// a logon message that has been received from the peer
        /// session that this session is communicating with.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX logon message received from the peer.
        /// </param>
        private void HandleSession_Logon(FixMessage msg)
            // REC: Ensure that we're in the appropriate state
            // to handle a logon message:
            if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Pending || _currentState == SessionStates.Session_Closed)
                // REC: Retrieve the FIX SenderCompID of the peer
                // from the logon message:
                FixField fldSenderCompID = msg.Header.GetField(49);
                if (fldSenderCompID != null)
                    string rxSenderCompID = fldSenderCompID.Content;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rxSenderCompID))
                        // HELP: Should the session send a reject message
                        // in this case, given that the peer didn't send
                        // its FIX SenderCompID, or should this throw an
                        // argument exception?

                    // REC: Transition to the opened state:
                    _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Opened;

                    // REC: Notify the session's owner that the session
                    // has received the logon response from the server:
                    _handler.OnSessionLogon(this, msg);

                    // REC: Throw an exception since the session has not
                    // yet been established and there will be no handler
                    // at the application level that can deal with this:
                    throw new ArgumentException("Logon message missing required field - SenderCompID.");
                // REC: Notify the session handler that an
                // administrative message has been received
                // from the peer session:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Throw an exception that indicates the
                // session is not in the appropriate state to
                // handle the received message:
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Session state invalid for received message.");
예제 #34
파일: App.cs 프로젝트: recurry/VersaFix
 public void OnSessionRxAdmMessage(IVfxFixAppSession session, FixMessage msg)
     FixField fixSCID = msg.Header.GetField(49);
     Console.WriteLine(string.Format("FIX CLIENT: {0} SENT: {1}", fixSCID.Content, msg.ToString()));
예제 #35
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleSession_Logon method is invoked to handle
        /// a logon message that has been received from the peer
        /// session that this session is communicating with.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX logon message received from the peer.
        /// </param>
        private void HandleSession_Logon(FixMessage msg)
            // REC: Ensure that we're in the appropriate state
            // to handle a logon message:
            if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Pending || _currentState == SessionStates.Session_Closed)
                // REC: Retrieve the FIX SenderCompID of the peer
                // from the logon message:
                FixField fldSenderCompID = msg.Header.GetField(49);
                if (fldSenderCompID != null)
                    // REC: The SenderCompID from the peer becomes the
                    // session's TargetCompID for outgoing messages:
                    _fixTargetCompID = fldSenderCompID.Content;

                    // REC: Now that the FIX SenderCompID of the peer
                    // session is known, it is used to construct the
                    // identifier for the session - used to retrieve
                    // the session's details from the database:
                    _sessionId = string.Format("{0}-{1}", _fixSenderCompID, _fixTargetCompID);

                    // REC: Attempt to retrieve the session details
                    // from the session database:
                    if (_fixDatabase != null)

                        // REC: Note that once a session record is acquired
                        // from the database, it must be released when it is
                        // no longer needed by the session instance...
                        _sessionRecord = _fixDatabase.AcquireSession(_sessionId);
                        if (this._resetSequence == true)
                            _sessionRecord.RxSequence = 1;
                            _sessionRecord.TxSequence = 1;


                    // REC: Register the peer session's SenderCompID as
                    // the TargetCompID for outgoing messages:
                    _fixAssembler.SetField(new FixField(56, _fixTargetCompID));

                    // REC: Assemble the response message:
                    FixMessage response = _fixAssembler.CreateMessage(_sxVersion, _axVersion, "A");

                    // REC: Handle the sequence number reset flag
                    // if it is present in the logon message:
                    FixField fieldReset = msg.GetField(141);
                    if (fieldReset != null)
                        response.AddField(new FixField(141, "Y"));

                    // REC: Transition to the opened state:
                    _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Opened;

                    // REC: Notify the session's owner that the peer
                    // session has sent the logon request:
                    _handler.OnSessionLogon(this, msg);

                    // REC: Dispatch the administrative message out
                    // to the session's owner:
                    // REC: Throw an exception since the session has not
                    // yet been established and there will be no handler
                    // at the application level that can deal with this:
                    throw new ArgumentException("Logon message missing required field - SenderCompID.");
                // REC: Notify the session handler that an
                // administrative message has been received
                // from the peer session:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Throw an exception that indicates the
                // session is not in the appropriate state to
                // handle the received message:

                //throw new InvalidOperationException("Session state invalid for received message.");
예제 #36
 /// <summary>
 /// The OnSessionRxAppMessage callback is invoked by a session
 /// when it receives an application layer message from the peer
 /// session it's interacting with.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">
 /// The IVfxFixSession implementation that is issuing the
 /// callback to the handler.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The application message that the session has received
 /// from its corresponding peer session.
 /// </param>
 public void OnSessionRxAppMessage(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
     // REC: Forward the app message to the application:
     _fixApplication.OnSessionRxAppMessage(_appSession, msg);
예제 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// The OnSessionLogon callback method is invoked by an
 /// instance of a session when it completes a logon with
 /// the peer system it's communicating with.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">
 /// The IVfxFixSession implementation that is issuing
 /// the callback to the handler.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The FIX logon message (request or response) that was
 /// received from the peer session.
 /// </param>
 public void OnSessionLogon(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
     // REC: Forward the callback to the appropriate method
     // on the application's callback interface:
     if (_mapAppSessions.ContainsKey(session.InstanceId))
         IVfxFixAppSession appSession = _mapAppSessions[session.InstanceId];
         _application.OnSessionLogon(appSession, msg);
예제 #38
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleSession_TestRequest method is invoked to
        /// handle a test request that has been received from the
        /// peer that the session is interacting with.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX test request received from the peer.
        /// </param>
        private void HandleSession_TestRequest(FixMessage msg)
            if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Opened)
                // REC: Dispatch the administrative message to the
                // session's callback handler:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Construct a response message to the test
                // request and dispatch it to the peer:
                FixMessage msgResponse = _fixAssembler.CreateMessage(_sxVersion, _axVersion, "0");
                if (msgResponse != null)
                    // REC: Retrieve the test request token from
                    // the incoming request and assign it to the
                    // outbound response message:
                    FixField fldTestReqID = msg.GetField(112);
                    if (fldTestReqID != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fldTestReqID.Content))
                            msgResponse.AddField(new FixField(112, fldTestReqID.Content));


예제 #39
 /// <summary>
 /// The HandleSession_Resend method is invoked in response
 /// to the session receiving a FIX resend request from the
 /// peer system that it's interacting with.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The FIX resend message received from the peer.
 /// </param>
 private void HandleSession_Resend(FixMessage msg)
예제 #40
        /// <summary>
        /// The CreateMessage method creates a new instance of
        /// a specific FIX message in accordance with the message
        /// definition in the dictionaries associated with the
        /// specified FIX application layer version. The message
        /// that is created by this implementation of the method
        /// will also include a populated header and trailer that
        /// conforms to the header and trailer definition found in
        /// the specified session layer FIX version.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sxVersion">
        /// The session layer version of the FIX protocol that will
        /// be used to locate message definitions for the message that
        /// is to be created.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="axVersion">
        /// The application layer version of the FIX protocol that
        /// will be used to locate the message definition for the
        /// message that is to be created.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msgType">
        /// The FIX message type of the message to create.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The resulting instance of a FIX message.
        /// </returns>
        public FixMessage CreateMessage(string sxVersion, string axVersion, string msgType)
            FixMessage result = new FixMessage();

            // REC: Determine if the MsgType field has already
            // been defined and maintain a reference so that it
            // can be restored after this is done:
            FixField fldMsgType = GetField(35);

            // REC: Assign the specified MsgType to the internal
            // field map so that it gets substituted:
            SetField(new FixField(35, msgType));

            PopulateHdrElements(sxVersion, result);
            PopulateMsgElements(axVersion, msgType, result);
            PopulateTrlElements(sxVersion, result);

            // REC: Restore the previous value for the
            // message type, if one was present:
            if (fldMsgType != null)
                // REC: The MsgType field was not present before
                // this call was made, so remove it:

            return result;
예제 #41
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleTxMessage method is invoked to inform the
        /// session that its owner needs to send a message to the
        /// peer system. The session will finalize the message, add
        /// it to the session database, and then return the message
        /// to its owner via the callback interface. Once the owner
        /// receives the callback, it can then transmit the message
        /// to the peer system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX message that the session's owner wants to send
        /// to the peer session.
        /// </param>
        public void HandleTxMessage(FixMessage msg)
            // REC: Populate the header elements for the outbound
            // message using the local assembler instance:
            _fixAssembler.PopulateHeader(_sxVersion, msg);

            // REC: Populate the trailer elements for the outbound
            // message using the local assembler instance:
            _fixAssembler.PopulateTrailer(_sxVersion, msg);

            // REC: Finalize the message and dispatch it back to
            // the session's owner for transmission to the peer:
예제 #42
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleSession_Heartbeat method is invoked to
        /// handle a heartbeat message from the peer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX heartbeat message that was received.
        /// </param>
        private void HandleSession_Heartbeat(FixMessage msg)
            if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Opened)
                // REC: Reset the heartbeat timestamp:
                _rxLastHeartbtTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                // REC: Dispatch the administrative message
                // to the session handler:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Dispatch the administrative message
                // to the session handler:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Throw the invalid operation exception
                // since the session cannot handle the message:
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Session state invalid for received message.");
예제 #43
 /// <summary>
 /// The CreateMessage method creates a new instance of
 /// a specific FIX message in accordance with the message
 /// definition in the dictionaries associated with the
 /// specified FIX application layer version. The message
 /// that is created by this implementation of the method
 /// will not contain a populated header or trailer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="axVersion">
 /// The application layer version of the FIX protocol that
 /// will be used to locate the message definition for the
 /// message that is to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msgType">
 /// The FIX message type of the message to create.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public FixMessage CreateMessage(string axVersion, string msgType)
     FixMessage result = new FixMessage();
     PopulateMsgElements(axVersion, msgType, result);
     return result;
예제 #44
        /// <summary>
        /// The OnSessionLogout callback is invoked by the underlying
        /// instance of a FIX session to notify the service that the
        /// session has logged out from the peer system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session">
        /// The FIX session that is generating the callback.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX logout message received from the peer.
        /// </param>
        public void OnSessionLogout(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
            lock (_synch)
                // REC: The FIX session is no longer established.
                _fixEstablished = false;

                // REC: Forward the logout notification to the app:
                _fixApplication.OnSessionLogout(_appSession, msg);
예제 #45
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleSession_Logout method is invoked to handle
        /// a logout message that has been received from the peer
        /// session that the session is interacting with.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX logout message that was received.
        /// </param>
        private void HandleSession_Logout(FixMessage msg)
            // REC: If the session is already in the closing
            // state, then this is the acknowledgement by the
            // peer session that it has received the logout:
            if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Closing)
                // REC: Transition to the shutdown state:
                _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Shutdown;

                // REC: Notify the session handler that the
                // administrative message has been received
                // from the peer session:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Release the session record from the
                // database so that it can be used again:
                _fixDatabase.ReleaseSession(_sessionId, _sessionRecord);

                // REC: Dispatch the shutdown notification
                // to the session handler:
            else if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Opened)
                // REC: Transition to the closing state:
                _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Closing;

                // REC: Notify the session handler that the
                // administrative message has been received
                // from the peer session:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Release the session record from the
                // database so that it can be used again:
                _fixDatabase.ReleaseSession(_sessionId, _sessionRecord);

                // REC: Dispatch a logout response to the peer
                // session to acknowledge the shutdown:
                FixMessage msgResponse = _fixAssembler.CreateMessage(_sxVersion, _axVersion, "5");
                if (msgResponse != null)

                // REC: Transition to the closed state:
                _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Closed;
                // REC: Notify the session handler that
                // the session is logged out:
                _handler.OnSessionLogout(this, msg);
                // REC: Notify the session handler that an
                // administrative message has been received:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Throw an exception that indicates the
                // message was received in an invalid state:
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Session state invalid for received message.");
예제 #46
        private void PopulateTrlElements(string version, FixMessage msg)
            VfxFixVxRecord vxDetails = _vxRegistry.Get(version);

            if (vxDetails != null)
                // REC: Ensure that there is at least one FIX dictionary
                // assigned to the specified version definition:
                if (vxDetails.Dictionaries.Count > 0)
                    FixDictionary dxEntry = _dxRegistry.GetEntry(vxDetails.Dictionaries[0].Name);
                    if (dxEntry != null)
                        FixDxCollection trlElements = dxEntry.Resolve(dxEntry.Trailer);
                        if (trlElements != null)
                            // REC: Create the sort ordering for the elements
                            // and populate any fields and groups that have been
                            // registered with the assembler:
                            Collection <int> ordering = new Collection <int>();
                            foreach (IFixDxElement dxElement in trlElements)

                                if (dxElement is FixDxResolvedField)
                                    if (_mapFields.ContainsKey(dxElement.Tag))
                                    if (_mapGroups.ContainsKey(dxElement.Tag))

                            // REC: Assign the sort ordering for the header
                            // elements to the message's header:
                        string error = string.Format("Dictionary \"{0}\" not registered.", vxDetails.Dictionaries[0]);
                        throw new ArgumentException(error);
                    string error = string.Format("The version \"{0}\" has no associated dictionaries.", version);
                    throw new ArgumentException(error);
                string error = string.Format("The version \"{0}\" is not registered.", version);
                throw new ArgumentException(error);
예제 #47
 public void Enqueue(FixMessage fixMessage)
예제 #48
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleSession_Logon method is invoked to handle
        /// a logon message that has been received from the peer
        /// session that this session is communicating with.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX logon message received from the peer.
        /// </param>
        private void HandleSession_Logon(FixMessage msg)
            // REC: Ensure that we're in the appropriate state
            // to handle a logon message:
            if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Pending || _currentState == SessionStates.Session_Closed)
                // REC: Retrieve the FIX SenderCompID of the peer
                // from the logon message:
                FixField fldSenderCompID = msg.Header.GetField(49);
                if (fldSenderCompID != null)
                    // REC: The SenderCompID from the peer becomes the
                    // session's TargetCompID for outgoing messages:
                    _fixTargetCompID = fldSenderCompID.Content;

                    // REC: Now that the FIX SenderCompID of the peer
                    // session is known, it is used to construct the
                    // identifier for the session - used to retrieve
                    // the session's details from the database:
                    _sessionId = string.Format("{0}-{1}", _fixSenderCompID, _fixTargetCompID);

                    // REC: Attempt to retrieve the session details
                    // from the session database:
                    if (_fixDatabase != null)
                        // REC: Note that once a session record is acquired
                        // from the database, it must be released when it is
                        // no longer needed by the session instance...
                        _sessionRecord = _fixDatabase.AcquireSession(_sessionId);
                        if (this._resetSequence == true)
                            _sessionRecord.RxSequence = 1;
                            _sessionRecord.TxSequence = 1;

                    // REC: Register the peer session's SenderCompID as
                    // the TargetCompID for outgoing messages:
                    _fixAssembler.SetField(new FixField(56, _fixTargetCompID));

                    // REC: Assemble the response message:
                    FixMessage response = _fixAssembler.CreateMessage(_sxVersion, _axVersion, "A");

                    // REC: Handle the sequence number reset flag
                    // if it is present in the logon message:
                    FixField fieldReset = msg.GetField(141);
                    if (fieldReset != null)
                        response.AddField(new FixField(141, "Y"));

                    // REC: Transition to the opened state:
                    _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Opened;

                    // REC: Notify the session's owner that the peer
                    // session has sent the logon request:
                    _handler.OnSessionLogon(this, msg);

                    // REC: Dispatch the administrative message out
                    // to the session's owner:
                    // REC: Throw an exception since the session has not
                    // yet been established and there will be no handler
                    // at the application level that can deal with this:
                    throw new ArgumentException("Logon message missing required field - SenderCompID.");
                // REC: Notify the session handler that an
                // administrative message has been received
                // from the peer session:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Throw an exception that indicates the
                // session is not in the appropriate state to
                // handle the received message:

                //throw new InvalidOperationException("Session state invalid for received message.");
예제 #49
        private void PopulateMsgElements(string version, string msgType, FixMessage msg)
            VfxFixVxRecord vxDetails = _vxRegistry.Get(version);
            if (vxDetails != null)
                FixDxCollection msgElements = null;
                foreach (VfxFixVersion_Dictionary_Reference dxEntry in vxDetails.Dictionaries)
                    // REC: Retrieve the dictionary associated with
                    // the version definition:
                    FixDictionary dxInstance = _dxRegistry.GetEntry(dxEntry.Name);
                    // REC: Attempt to retrieve the specified message
                    // type from the dictionary:
                    FixDxMessage dxMessage = dxInstance.GetMessageByType(msgType);
                    if (dxMessage != null)
                        msgElements = dxInstance.Resolve(dxMessage.Elements);

                if (msgElements != null)
                    // REC: Create the sort ordering for the elements
                    // and populate any fields and groups that have been
                    // registered with the assembler:
                    Collection<int> ordering = new Collection<int>();
                    foreach (IFixDxElement dxElement in msgElements)

                        if (dxElement is FixDxResolvedField)
                            if (_mapFields.ContainsKey(dxElement.Tag))
                            if (_mapGroups.ContainsKey(dxElement.Tag))

                    // REC: Assign the sort ordering for the header
                    // elements to the message's header:
예제 #50
파일: TradeApp.cs 프로젝트: kiwaa/zerofix
 public void OnMessage(FixMessage msg)
     Console.WriteLine(">" + msg.ToString());
예제 #51
        /// <summary>
        /// heartbeat message
        /// сообщение пулься
        /// </summary>
        public string HeartbeatMsg(bool isTrading)
            var newMessage = new FixMessage(++_msgSeqNum, "0", isTrading, _settings);

예제 #52
        /// <summary>
        /// The Dispatch_AppMessage method is invoked by the
        /// session to finalize an outbound application layer
        /// message and return it to the session's owner for
        /// transmission to the peer system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX message to be finalized and dispatched.
        /// </param>
        private void Dispatch_AppMessage(FixMessage msg)
            // REC: Adjust the tick counter to reflect the
            // time that the more recent message was sent:
            this._lastTxTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            // REC: Assign the FIX BeginString to the message:
            msg.Header.SetField(new FixField(8, _fixBeginString));

            // REC: Assign the outbound sequence number to the
            // message based on the persisted session record:
            msg.Header.SetField(new FixField(34, _sessionRecord.TxSequence.ToString()));

            // REC: Finalize the message so that its checksum and
            // related fields are set correctly:

            // REC: Insert the outbound message into the session
            // database so that it can be recovered if there is a
            // resend request from the peer session:
            _fixDatabase.AddMessage(_sessionId, msg);

            // REC: Dispatch the finalized message to the owner
            // of the session so it can be sent to the peer:
            _handler.OnSessionTxAppMessage(this, msg);
예제 #53
        /// <summary>
        /// The OnSessionTxAppMessage callback is invoked by a session
        /// when it is ready to dispatch an application message to the
        /// peer session it's interacting with.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session">
        /// The IVfxFixSession implementation that is issuing the
        /// callback to the handler.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The application message that the session wants to have sent
        /// to its corresponding peer session.
        /// </param>
        public void OnSessionTxAppMessage(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
            if (_mapAppSessions.ContainsKey(session.InstanceId))
                IVfxFixAppSession appSession = _mapAppSessions[session.InstanceId];
                _application.OnSessionTxAppMessage(appSession, msg);

                // REC: Locate the IPC session identifier of the IPC session
                // that is associated with the service that is generating the
                // event and use that to send the message to the peer:
                if (_mapFixToIpc.ContainsKey(session.InstanceId))
                    string ipcIdentifier = _mapFixToIpc[session.InstanceId];
                    _endpoint.Send(ipcIdentifier, new VfxMsgBlock(msg.ToString()));
예제 #54
        /// <summary>
        /// The HandleSession_Logout method is invoked to handle
        /// a logout message that has been received from the peer
        /// session that the session is interacting with.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX logout message that was received.
        /// </param>
        private void HandleSession_Logout(FixMessage msg)
            // REC: If the session is already in the closing
            // state, then this is the acknowledgement by the
            // peer session that it has received the logout:
            if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Closing)
                // REC: Transition to the shutdown state:
                _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Shutdown;

                // REC: Notify the session handler that the
                // administrative message has been received
                // from the peer session:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Release the session record from the
                // database so that it can be used again:
                _fixDatabase.ReleaseSession(_sessionId, _sessionRecord);

                // REC: Dispatch the shutdown notification
                // to the session handler:
            else if (_currentState == SessionStates.Session_Opened)
                // REC: Transition to the closing state:
                _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Closing;

                // REC: Notify the session handler that the
                // administrative message has been received
                // from the peer session:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Dispatch a logout response to the peer
                // session to acknowledge the shutdown:
                FixMessage msgResponse = _fixAssembler.CreateMessage(_sxVersion, _axVersion, "5");
                if (msgResponse != null)

                // REC: Transition to the closed state:
                _currentState = SessionStates.Session_Closed;

                // REC: Release the session record from the
                // database so that it can be used again:
                _fixDatabase.ReleaseSession(_sessionId, _sessionRecord);

                // REC: Notify the session handler that
                // the session is logged out:
                _handler.OnSessionLogout(this, msg);
                // REC: Notify the session handler that an
                // administrative message has been received:
                _handler.OnSessionRxAdmMessage(this, msg);

                // REC: Throw an exception that indicates the
                // message was received in an invalid state:
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Session state invalid for received message.");
예제 #55
        /// <summary>
        /// The GetChecksum method calculates the checksum for
        /// an instance of a FIX message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The FIX message to analyze.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The FIX protocol checksum of the message.
        /// </returns>
        public static int GetChecksum(FixMessage msg)
            int result = 0;

            // REC: Process the header elements:
            foreach (IFixElement hdrElement in msg.Header)
                result += CalculateSum(hdrElement.Tag.ToString());
                result += 0x3D;
                result += CalculateSum(hdrElement.Content);
                result += 0x01;

                FixGroup group = hdrElement as FixGroup;
                if (group != null)
                    foreach (FixCollection instance in group.Instances)
                        result += CalculateSum(instance);

            // REC: Process the message body:
            foreach (IFixElement msgElement in msg.Content)
                result += CalculateSum(msgElement.Tag.ToString());
                result += 0x3D;
                result += CalculateSum(msgElement.Content);
                result += 0x01;

                FixGroup group = msgElement as FixGroup;
                if (group != null)
                    foreach (FixCollection instance in group.Instances)
                        result += CalculateSum(instance);

            // REC: Process the message trailer:
            foreach (IFixElement trlElement in msg.Trailer)
                if (trlElement.Tag == 10)

                result += CalculateSum(trlElement.Tag.ToString());
                result += 0x3D;
                result += CalculateSum(trlElement.Content);
                result += 0x01;

                FixGroup group = trlElement as FixGroup;
                if (group != null)
                    foreach (FixCollection instance in group.Instances)
                        result += CalculateSum(instance);

            return result;
예제 #56
        /// <summary>
        /// The GetBodyLength method calculates the appropriate
        /// value for the FIX BodyLength field of the specified
        /// message, in accordance with the FIX Protocol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">
        /// The message that the BodyLength value is to be
        /// calculated from.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The body length of the message, calculated according
        /// to the method specified in the FIX protocol.
        /// </returns>
        public static int GetBodyLength(FixMessage msg)
            int result = 0;

            // REC: Calculate the combined length of all
            // elements in the header of the message:
            bool lengthFound = false;
            foreach (IFixElement element in msg.Header)
                if (lengthFound == true)
                    result += element.Tag.ToString().Length;
                    result += 1;
                    result += element.Content.Length;
                    result += 1;

                    FixGroup group = element as FixGroup;
                    if (group != null)
                        foreach (FixCollection instance in group.Instances)
                            result += CalculateLength(instance);
                    if (element.Tag == 9)
                        lengthFound = true;

            // REC: Calculate the combined length of all
            // the body elements in the message:
            foreach (IFixElement element in msg.Content)
                result += element.Tag.ToString().Length;
                result += 1;
                result += element.Content.Length;
                result += 1;

                FixGroup group = element as FixGroup;
                if (group != null)
                    foreach (FixCollection instance in group.Instances)
                        result += CalculateLength(instance);

            // REC: Calculate the combined length of all
            // elements in the trailer of the message:
            foreach (IFixElement element in msg.Trailer)
                // REC: Terminate when the checksum field
                // is encountered in the trailer:
                if (element.Tag == 10)

                result += element.Tag.ToString().Length;
                result += 1;
                result += element.Content.Length;
                result += 1;

                FixGroup group = element as FixGroup;
                if (group != null)
                    foreach (FixCollection instance in group.Instances)
                        result += CalculateLength(instance);

            return result;
예제 #57
파일: App.cs 프로젝트: recurry/VersaFix
 public void OnSessionTxAppMessage(IVfxFixAppSession session, FixMessage msg)
예제 #58
 /// <summary>
 /// The PopulateTrailer method populates all of the trailer
 /// elements in the specified message with the elements that
 /// are specified in a specific FIX version, using the values
 /// that have been set for those fields in the assembler. The
 /// method will replace the sort ordering for the target with
 /// the sort ordering that is found in the dictionary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sxVersion">
 /// The name of the session layer version that the elements
 /// for the message trailer will be retrieved from.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The FIX message instance that is to be populated.
 /// </param>
 public void PopulateTrailer(string sxVersion, FixMessage msg)
     PopulateTrlElements(sxVersion, msg);
예제 #59
 /// <summary>
 /// The OnSessionRxAppMessage callback is invoked by a session
 /// when it receives an application layer message from the peer
 /// session it's interacting with.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">
 /// The IVfxFixSession implementation that is issuing the
 /// callback to the handler.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The application message that the session has received
 /// from its corresponding peer session.
 /// </param>
 public void OnSessionRxAppMessage(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
     if (_mapAppSessions.ContainsKey(session.InstanceId))
         IVfxFixAppSession appSession = _mapAppSessions[session.InstanceId];
         _application.OnSessionRxAppMessage(appSession, msg);
예제 #60
 /// <summary>
 /// The OnSessionTxAppMessage callback is invoked by a session
 /// when it is ready to dispatch an application message to the
 /// peer session it's interacting with.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">
 /// The IVfxFixSession implementation that is issuing the
 /// callback to the handler.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msg">
 /// The application message that the session wants to have sent
 /// to its corresponding peer session.
 /// </param>
 public void OnSessionTxAppMessage(IVfxFixSession session, FixMessage msg)
     // REC: Forward the app message to the application:
     _fixApplication.OnSessionTxAppMessage(_appSession, msg);
     // REC: Send the app message to the peer system:
     _ipcEndpoint.Send(null, new VfxMsgBlock(msg.ToString()));