예제 #1
        private IEnumerable <FittingHardwareAnalyzed> ObtenerFittingHardwareSlot(IEnumerable <string> lines, Enumerados.TipoSlot slot)
            IDictionary <string, FittingHardwareAnalyzed> fwdicc = new Dictionary <string, FittingHardwareAnalyzed>();
            string hwdname = null;

            foreach (var item in lines)
                int initialUnits            = 1;
                FittingHardwareAnalyzed fha = null;
                hwdname = item.Trim();
                //Si es un Empty slot lo quitamos
                if (hwdname.ToLower().StartsWith("[empty"))
                //quitamos la coma para eliminar las ammo de los items que las admiten
                if (hwdname.Contains(','))
                    hwdname = hwdname.Split(',').First();
                //si estamos en el slot de drones o bay, puede aparecer un multiplicador, lo quitamos y tomamos las unidades
                if (slot == Enumerados.TipoSlot.DroneBay || slot == Enumerados.TipoSlot.Cargo)
                    int posX = hwdname.LastIndexOf(" x");
                    if (posX >= 0)
                        string szunits = hwdname.Substring(posX + 2, hwdname.Length - posX - 2);
                        if (int.TryParse(szunits, out initialUnits))
                            hwdname = hwdname.Substring(0, posX);
                if (!fwdicc.ContainsKey(hwdname))
                    fha       = new FittingHardwareAnalyzed();
                    fha.Name  = hwdname;
                    fha.Slot  = (short)slot;
                    fha.Units = (initialUnits - 1);
                    fwdicc.Add(hwdname, fha);
                    fha = fwdicc[hwdname];
예제 #2
        public eshFittingHardware MountFittingHardware(FittingHardwareAnalyzed fithwd, RepositorioItems repo)
            invType tipo = repo.SelectItemTypePorName(fithwd.Name);

            if (tipo == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("{0}: {1}", Messages.err_nombreItemAnalizadaNoExiste, fithwd.Name));
            eshFittingHardware salida = new eshFittingHardware();

            salida.typeID         = tipo.typeID;
            salida.positionInSlot = 0;
            salida.slotID         = fithwd.Slot;
            salida.units          = fithwd.Units;
            salida.volume         = RepositorioItems.GetVolume(tipo) * fithwd.Units;

예제 #3
        private FittingAnalyzed ObtenerFit(XElement item)
            FittingAnalyzed fit = new FittingAnalyzed();

            fit.Name = item.Attribute("name").Value;

            //obtenemos la descripción
            XElement descXml = item.Descendants("description").FirstOrDefault();

            fit.Description = descXml == null ? null : descXml.Value;

            //obtenemos el tipo de nave
            XElement shipXml = item.Descendants("shipType").FirstOrDefault();

            fit.Ship = shipXml == null ? null : shipXml.Attribute("value").Value;

            IEnumerable <XElement> itemsHardwareXml = item.Descendants("hardware");
            Dictionary <string, FittingHardwareAnalyzed> dicItems =
                new Dictionary <string, FittingHardwareAnalyzed>();

            foreach (var itemHwdXml in itemsHardwareXml)
                FittingHardwareAnalyzed fitHardware = null;
                fitHardware = ExtraerFittingHwdDesdeItemHwdXml(itemHwdXml);
                //Utilizamos el diccionario como caché para apilar las unidades de elementos con el mismo nombre
                if (dicItems.ContainsKey(fitHardware.Name))
                    dicItems[fitHardware.Name].Units += fitHardware.Units;
                    dicItems.Add(fitHardware.Name, fitHardware);

            //Una vez obtenido el diccionario con las unidades apiladas, montamos la lista de salida
            foreach (var itemHwd in dicItems)
예제 #4
        private IList <FittingHardwareAnalyzed> ObtenerFittingHardwareFromDNAModules(IList <DNAIntermediateFit.DNAItem> dnaItems)
            List <int> typeIDs = new List <int>();
            Dictionary <int, FittingHardwareAnalyzed> diccItemDnaSlots = new Dictionary <int, FittingHardwareAnalyzed>();

            foreach (var item in dnaItems)
                // we add the itemId to the types that we will have to search in database to get slot and name.
                // we initialize the dictionary of items. Name and real slot will be asigned later
                FittingHardwareAnalyzed fha = new FittingHardwareAnalyzed();
                fha.Units = item.Units;
                fha.Slot  = (short)Enumerados.TipoSlot.Cargo;
                diccItemDnaSlots.Add(item.ID, fha);

            EveShoppingContext contexto =
                new EveShoppingContext();

            var query = from it in contexto.invTypes
                        join ig in contexto.invGroups on it.groupID equals ig.groupID
                        join dte in contexto.dgmTypeEffects on it.typeID equals dte.typeID
                        join de in contexto.dgmEffects on dte.effectID equals de.effectID
                        where typeIDs.Contains(it.typeID)
                        select new
                typeID    = it.typeID,
                dmgEffect = de.effectID

            //add names to dictionary
            AddNamesToDicc(diccItemDnaSlots, dnaItems);

            //complete de dictionary adding names and slots
            foreach (var item in query)
                MergeDicDnaSlots(diccItemDnaSlots, item.typeID, item.dmgEffect);

            return(diccItemDnaSlots.Values.OrderBy(fh => fh.Slot).ToList());;
예제 #5
        private FittingHardwareAnalyzed ExtraerFittingHwdDesdeItemHwdXml(XElement itemHwdXml)
            FittingHardwareAnalyzed fitHardware = new FittingHardwareAnalyzed();
            short qty = 1;

            if (itemHwdXml.Attribute("qty") != null)
                qty = short.Parse(itemHwdXml.Attribute("qty").Value);
            string htype     = itemHwdXml.Attribute("type").Value;
            short  posEnSlot = 0;

            Enumerados.TipoSlot tipoSlot = Enumerados.TipoSlot.High;
            if (itemHwdXml.Attribute("slot") != null)
                tipoSlot = ObtenerTipoSlotPorNombreEVEXML(itemHwdXml.Attribute("slot").Value, out posEnSlot);
            fitHardware.Units = qty;
            fitHardware.Slot  = (short)tipoSlot;
            fitHardware.Name  = htype;