public FormQuote() { InitializeComponent(); ReadColumnConfig(dataGridView1, "Set_Quote"); dtpStart.Value = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1); dtpEnd.Value = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); UIControls.ToolStripMenuItemEx tmiQuoteImage = new UIControls.ToolStripMenuItemEx(); tmiQuoteImage.Text = "报盘附件"; tmiQuoteImage.FunCode = "50"; tmiQuoteImage.Click += tmiQuoteImage_Click; menuStrip1.Items.Insert(menuStrip1.Items.IndexOf(tmiClose), tmiQuoteImage); UIControls.ToolStripMenuItemEx tmiAddFish = new UIControls.ToolStripMenuItemEx(); tmiAddFish.Text = "新增鱼粉"; tmiAddFish.FunCode = "51"; tmiAddFish.Click += tmiAddFish_Click; menuStrip1.Items.Insert(menuStrip1.Items.IndexOf(tmiClose), tmiAddFish); FishEntity.SystemDataType item = new FishEntity.SystemDataType(string.Empty, string.Empty); List <FishEntity.SystemDataType> list = FishEntity.Variable.ProductDataTypeList.GetRange(0, FishEntity.Variable.ProductDataTypeList.Count); list.Insert(0, item); cmbCountry.DataSource = list; cmbCountry.DisplayMember = "name"; cmbCountry.ValueMember = "code"; InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbCountry, FishEntity.Constant.CountryType, true);// InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbPZ, FishEntity.Constant.Specification, true); InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbPort, FishEntity.Constant.port, true); DealDataGridViewHeader(); }
protected void InitDataGridViewColumns() { dataGridView1.Columns.Clear(); if (FishEntity.Variable.ProductDataTypeList == null) { return; } FishEntity.SystemDataType checkType = FishEntity.Variable.ProductDataTypeList.Find((i) => { return(i.Code == FishEntity.Constant.CheckItem); }); if (checkType == null) { return; } FishBll.Bll.DictBll bll = new FishBll.Bll.DictBll(); _columns = bll.GetModelList(string.Format(" isdelete=0 and issystem=0 and pcode='{0}' order by pcode asc,orderid asc", checkType.Code)); if (_columns == null || _columns.Count < 1) { return; } try { DataGridViewColumn col = null; foreach (FishEntity.DictEntity item in _columns) { col = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); col.HeaderText =; col.Name = item.code; col.Width = 80; dataGridView1.Columns.Add(col); col = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); col.HeaderText = + "_id"; col.Name = item.code + "_id"; col.Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns.Add(col); } col = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); col.Name = "id"; col.HeaderText = "id"; dataGridView1.Columns.Add(col); col.Visible = false; col = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); col.Name = "line"; col.HeaderText = "line"; col.Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns.Add(col); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = ex.Message; } }
public FormSelfMake() { InitializeComponent(); ReadColumnConfig(dataGridView1, "Set_SelfMake"); //tmiModify.Visible = false; //tmiDelete.Visible = false; //tmiPrevious.Visible = false; //tmiNext.Visible = false; //tmiSave.Visible = false; //tmiCancel.Visible = false; //tmiAdd.Visible = false; //tmiExport.Visible = false; //USER-GFH6FVIQL8 dtpStart.Value = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1); dtpEnd.Value = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); UIControls.ToolStripMenuItemEx tmiQuoteImage = new UIControls.ToolStripMenuItemEx(); tmiQuoteImage.Text = "报盘附件"; tmiQuoteImage.FunCode = "50"; tmiQuoteImage.Click += tmiQuoteImage_Click; menuStrip1.Items.Insert(menuStrip1.Items.IndexOf(tmiClose), tmiQuoteImage); UIControls.ToolStripMenuItemEx tmiAddFish = new UIControls.ToolStripMenuItemEx(); tmiAddFish.Text = "新增鱼粉"; tmiAddFish.FunCode = "51"; tmiAddFish.Click += tmiAddFish_Click; menuStrip1.Items.Insert(menuStrip1.Items.IndexOf(tmiClose), tmiAddFish); FishEntity.SystemDataType item = new FishEntity.SystemDataType(string.Empty, string.Empty); List <FishEntity.SystemDataType> list = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.GetRange(0, FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Count); list.Insert(0, item); cmbCountry.DataSource = list; cmbCountry.DisplayMember = "name"; cmbCountry.ValueMember = "code"; InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbCountry, FishEntity.Constant.CountryType, true);// InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbPZ, FishEntity.Constant.Specification, true); InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbPort, FishEntity.Constant.port, true); DealDataGridViewHeader(); if (FishEntity.Variable.User.username == "admin" || FishEntity.Variable.User.username == "ceo" || FishEntity.Variable.User.username == "zd_lyk") { this.dataGridView1.ReadOnly = false; } else { this.dataGridView1.ReadOnly = true; } }
public FormSaleRecordReport() { InitializeComponent(); ReadColumnConfig(dataGridView1, "Set_SaleRecordReport"); FishEntity.SystemDataType item = new FishEntity.SystemDataType(string.Empty, string.Empty); List <FishEntity.SystemDataType> list = FishEntity.Variable.ProductDataTypeList.GetRange(0, FishEntity.Variable.ProductDataTypeList.Count); list.Insert(0, item); cmbCountry.DataSource = list; cmbCountry.DisplayMember = "name"; cmbCountry.ValueMember = "code"; InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbCountry, FishEntity.Constant.CountryType, true);// InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbPZ, FishEntity.Constant.Specification, true); //dtpStart.Value = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1); //dtpEnd.Value = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); }
public FormNewFinish() { InitializeComponent(); ReadColumnConfig(dataGridView1, "Set_chengpin"); FishEntity.SystemDataType item = new FishEntity.SystemDataType(string.Empty, string.Empty); List <FishEntity.SystemDataType> list = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.GetRange(0, FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Count); list.Insert(0, item); cmbCountry.DataSource = list; cmbCountry.DisplayMember = "name"; cmbCountry.ValueMember = "code"; InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbCountry, FishEntity.Constant.CountryType, true);// dtpStart.Value = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1); dtpEnd.Value = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); DealDataGridViewHeader(); }
private void dataGridView1_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex < 0) { return; } if (dataGridView1.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name.Equals("type")) { if (e.Value == null) { return; } string type = e.Value.ToString(); FishEntity.SystemDataType item = FishEntity.Variable.SystemDataTypeList.Find((i) => { return(i.Code.Equals(type)); }); if (item != null) { e.Value = item.Name; } } }
public FormFishCondition() { InitializeComponent(); FishEntity.SystemDataType item = new FishEntity.SystemDataType(string.Empty, string.Empty); List <FishEntity.SystemDataType> list = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.GetRange(0, FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Count); list.Insert(0, item); cmbState.DataSource = list; cmbState.DisplayMember = "name"; cmbState.ValueMember = "name"; InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbBand, FishEntity.Constant.Brand, true); InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbCountry, FishEntity.Constant.CountryType, true); InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbFishType, FishEntity.Constant.FishClass, true); InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmborigin, FishEntity.Constant.Origin, true); InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbTechClass, FishEntity.Constant.TechClass, true); InitDataUtil.BindComboBoxData(cmbProvince, FishEntity.Constant.Province, true); this.SetButtomImage(btnQuery); }
protected FishEntity.SelfStorageFlowingReportVo DataRowToVo(DataRow row) { FishEntity.SelfStorageFlowingReportVo vo = new FishEntity.SelfStorageFlowingReportVo(); if (row["agentifcompany"] != null) { vo.agentifcompany = row["agentifcompany"].ToString(); } if (row["arriveportdate"] != null) { vo.arriveportdate = row["arriveportdate"].ToString(); } if (row["billcode"] != null) { vo.billcode = row["billcode"].ToString(); } if (row["billtype"] != null) { vo.billtype = row["billtype"].ToString(); } if (row["brand"] != null) { vo.brand = row["brand"].ToString(); } if (row["customsofcompany"] != null) { vo.customsofcompany = row["customsofcompany"].ToString(); } if (row["date"] != null && row["date"].ToString() != "") { = DateTime.Parse(row["date"].ToString()); } if (row["nature"] != null) { vo.nature = row["nature"].ToString(); } if (row["ownername"] != null) { vo.ownername = row["ownername"].ToString(); } if (row["productcode"] != null) { vo.productcode = row["productcode"].ToString(); } if (row["productid"] != null && row["productid"].ToString() != "") { vo.productid = int.Parse(row["productid"].ToString()); } if (row["productname"] != null) { vo.productname = row["productname"].ToString(); } if (row["sgs_amine"] != null && row["sgs_amine"].ToString() != "")// { vo.sgs_amine = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_protein"] != null && row["sgs_protein"].ToString() != "") { vo.sgs_protein = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_tvn"] != null && row["sgs_tvn"].ToString() != "") { vo.sgs_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["specification"] != null) { vo.specification = row["specification"].ToString(); } if (row["storagetype"] != null) { vo.storagetype = row["storagetype"].ToString(); } if (row["techtype"] != null) { vo.techtype = row["techtype"].ToString(); } if (row["state3"] != null)////////////////////////////////////// { vo.State3 = row["state3"].ToString(); //查询出状态值对应的状态名称 FishEntity.SystemDataType item = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Find((i) => { return(i.Code.Equals(vo.State3)); }); if (item != null) { vo.statename = item.Name; } } if (row["weight"] != null) { vo.weight = decimal.Parse(row["weight"].ToString()); } if (row["package"] != null) { vo.package = int.Parse(row["package"].ToString()); } return(vo); }
private FishEntity.FinishVo DataRowToVo(DataRow row) { FishEntity.FinishVo model = new FishEntity.FinishVo(); if (row != null) { #region product if (row["id"] != null && row["id"].ToString() != "") { = int.Parse(row["id"].ToString()); } if (row["code"] != null) { model.code = row["code"].ToString(); } if (row["name"] != null) { = row["name"].ToString(); } if (row["brand"] != null) { model.brand = row["brand"].ToString(); } if (row["state"] != null) { model.state = row["state"].ToString(); //查询出状态值对应的状态名称 FishEntity.SystemDataType item = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Find((i) => { return(i.Code.Equals(model.state)); }); if (item != null) { model.statename = item.Name; } } if (row["nature"] != null) { model.nature = row["nature"].ToString(); } if (row["origin"] != null) { model.origin = row["origin"].ToString(); } if (row["type"] != null) { model.type = row["type"].ToString(); } if (row["getinfotime"] != null && row["getinfotime"].ToString() != "") { model.getinfotime = DateTime.Parse(row["getinfotime"].ToString()); } if (row["endinfotime"] != null && row["endinfotime"].ToString() != "") { model.endinfotime = DateTime.Parse(row["endinfotime"].ToString()); } if (row["techtype"] != null) { model.techtype = row["techtype"].ToString(); } if (row["specification"] != null) { model.specification = row["specification"].ToString(); } if (row["productdate"] != null) { model.productdate = row["productdate"].ToString(); } if (row["shelflife"] != null && row["shelflife"].ToString() != "") { model.shelflife = int.Parse(row["shelflife"].ToString()); } if (row["quality"] != null) { model.quality = row["quality"].ToString(); } if (row["manufacturers"] != null) { model.manufacturers = row["manufacturers"].ToString(); } if (row["factoryaddress"] != null) { model.factoryaddress = row["factoryaddress"].ToString(); } if (row["remark"] != null) { model.remark = row["remark"].ToString(); } if (row["weight"] != null && row["weight"].ToString() != "") { model.weight = decimal.Parse(row["weight"].ToString()); } if (row["quantity"] != null && row["quantity"].ToString() != "") { model.quantity = int.Parse(row["quantity"].ToString()); } if (row["remainweight"] != null && row["remainweight"].ToString() != "") { model.remainweight = decimal.Parse(row["remainweight"].ToString()); } if (row["remainquantity"] != null && row["remainquantity"].ToString() != "") { model.remainquantity = int.Parse(row["remainquantity"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadeweight"] != null && row["homemadeweight"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadeweight = decimal.Parse(row["homemadeweight"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadepackages"] != null && row["homemadepackages"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadepackages = int.Parse(row["homemadepackages"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadecost"] != null && row["homemadecost"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadecost = decimal.Parse(row["homemadecost"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadeunitprice"] != null && row["homemadeunitprice"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadeunitprice = decimal.Parse(row["homemadeunitprice"].ToString()); } if (row["price"] != null && row["price"].ToString() != "") { model.price = decimal.Parse(row["price"].ToString()); } if (row["arriveportdate"] != null && row["arriveportdate"].ToString() != "") { model.arriveportdate = row["arriveportdate"].ToString(); } if (row["sailingschedule"] != null) { model.sailingschedule = row["sailingschedule"].ToString(); } if (row["ownerCode"] != null) { model.ownerCode = row["ownerCode"].ToString(); } if (row["ownershortname"] != null) { model.ownershortname = row["ownershortname"].ToString(); } if (row["ownername"] != null) { model.ownername = row["ownername"].ToString(); } if (row["billofgoods"] != null) { model.billofgoods = row["billofgoods"].ToString(); } if (row["agentifcompany"] != null) { model.agentifcompany = row["agentifcompany"].ToString(); } if (row["customsofcompany"] != null) { model.customsofcompany = row["customsofcompany"].ToString(); } if (row["createtime"] != null && row["createtime"].ToString() != "") { model.createtime = DateTime.Parse(row["createtime"].ToString()); } if (row["createman"] != null) { model.createman = row["createman"].ToString(); } if (row["modifytime"] != null && row["modifytime"].ToString() != "") { model.modifytime = DateTime.Parse(row["modifytime"].ToString()); } if (row["modifyman"] != null) { model.modifyman = row["modifyman"].ToString(); } if (row["isdelete"] != null && row["isdelete"].ToString() != "") { model.isdelete = int.Parse(row["isdelete"].ToString()); } if (row["suppliercode"] != null) { model.suppliercode = row["suppliercode"].ToString(); } if (row["supplier"] != null) { model.supplier = row["supplier"].ToString(); } if (row["quote_protein"] != null && row["quote_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_protein = decimal.Parse(row["quote_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_tvn"] != null && row["quote_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["quote_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_graypart"] != null && row["quote_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["quote_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_sandsalt"] != null && row["quote_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["quote_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_amine"] != null && row["quote_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_amine = decimal.Parse(row["quote_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_ffa"] != null && row["quote_ffa"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_ffa = decimal.Parse(row["quote_ffa"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_fat"] != null && row["quote_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_fat = decimal.Parse(row["quote_fat"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_water"] != null && row["quote_water"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_water = decimal.Parse(row["quote_water"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_sand"] != null && row["quote_sand"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_sand = decimal.Parse(row["quote_sand"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_protein"] != null && row["sgs_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_protein = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_tvn"] != null && row["sgs_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_graypart"] != null && row["sgs_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_sandsalt"] != null && row["sgs_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_amine"] != null && row["sgs_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_amine = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_ffa"] != null && row["sgs_ffa"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_ffa = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_ffa"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_fat"] != null && row["sgs_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_fat = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_fat"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_water"] != null && row["sgs_water"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_water = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_water"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_sand"] != null && row["sgs_sand"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_sand = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_sand"].ToString()); } if (row["label_protein"] != null && row["label_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.label_protein = decimal.Parse(row["label_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["label_tvn"] != null && row["label_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.label_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["label_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["label_graypart"] != null && row["label_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.label_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["label_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["label_sandsalt"] != null && row["label_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.label_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["label_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["label_amine"] != null && row["label_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.label_amine = decimal.Parse(row["label_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["label_ffa"] != null && row["label_ffa"].ToString() != "") { model.label_ffa = decimal.Parse(row["label_ffa"].ToString()); } if (row["label_fat"] != null && row["label_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.label_fat = decimal.Parse(row["label_fat"].ToString()); } if (row["labe_water"] != null && row["labe_water"].ToString() != "") { model.labe_water = decimal.Parse(row["labe_water"].ToString()); } if (row["label_sand"] != null && row["label_sand"].ToString() != "") { model.label_sand = decimal.Parse(row["label_sand"].ToString()); } if (row["label_lysine"] != null && row["label_lysine"].ToString() != "") { model.label_lysine = decimal.Parse(row["label_lysine"].ToString()); } if (row["label_methionine"] != null && row["label_methionine"].ToString() != "") { model.label_methionine = decimal.Parse(row["label_methionine"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_protein"] != null && row["domestic_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_protein = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_tvn"] != null && row["domestic_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_graypart"] != null && row["domestic_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_sandsalt"] != null && row["domestic_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_sour"] != null && row["domestic_sour"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_sour = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_sour"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_lysine"] != null && row["domestic_lysine"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_lysine = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_lysine"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_methionine"] != null && row["domestic_methionine"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_methionine = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_methionine"].ToString()); } if (row["supplierid"] != null && row["supplierid"].ToString() != "") { model.supplierid = int.Parse(row["supplierid"].ToString()); } if (row["linkmanid"] != null && row["linkmanid"].ToString() != "") { model.linkmanid = int.Parse(row["linkmanid"].ToString()); } if (row["linkmancode"] != null) { model.linkmancode = row["linkmancode"].ToString(); } if (row["linkman"] != null) { model.linkman = row["linkman"].ToString(); } if (row["latestquote"] != null && row["latestquote"].ToString() != "") { model.latestquote = decimal.Parse(row["latestquote"].ToString()); } if (row["goodsinfo"] != null) { model.goodsinfo = row["goodsinfo"].ToString(); } if (row["shipno"] != null) { model.shipno = row["shipno"].ToString(); } if (row["cornerno"] != null) { model.cornerno = row["cornerno"].ToString(); } if (row["tariffrate"] != null && row["tariffrate"].ToString() != "") { model.tariffrate = decimal.Parse(row["tariffrate"].ToString()); } if (row["samplingtime"] != null) { model.samplingtime = row["samplingtime"].ToString(); } if (row["warehouse"] != null) { model.warehouse = row["warehouse"].ToString(); } if (row["sgsweight"] != null && row["sgsweight"].ToString() != "") { model.sgsweight = decimal.Parse(row["sgsweight"].ToString()); } if (row["sgsquantity"] != null && row["sgsquantity"].ToString() != "") { model.sgsquantity = int.Parse(row["sgsquantity"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_amine"] != null && row["domestic_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_amine = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_aminototal"] != null && row["domestic_aminototal"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_aminototal = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_aminototal"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_fat"] != null && row["domestic_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_fat = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_fat"].ToString()); } #endregion #region out if (row["saleman"] != null) { model.saleman = row["saleman"].ToString(); } if (row["deliveryman"] != null) { model.deliveryman = row["deliveryman"].ToString(); } if (row["indate"] != null) { model.indate = DateTime.Parse(row["indate"].ToString()); } if (row["outdate"] != null) { model.outdate = DateTime.Parse(row["outdate"].ToString()); } if (row["companyname"] != null) { model.companyname = row["companyname"].ToString(); } #endregion } return(model); }
public FishEntity.ProductQuoteVo DataRowToModel(DataRow row) { FishEntity.ProductQuoteVo model = new FishEntity.ProductQuoteVo(); if (row != null) { #region product if (row["Display"].ToString() == "1") { model.Display = 1; } if (row["Quote_id"] != null && row["Quote_id"].ToString() != "") { model.Quote_id = int.Parse(row["Quote_id"].ToString()); } else if (row["Display"].ToString() != "1") { model.Display = 0; } if (row["id"] != null && row["id"].ToString() != "") { = int.Parse(row["id"].ToString()); } if (row["code"] != null) { model.code = row["code"].ToString(); } if (row["name"] != null) { = row["name"].ToString(); } if (row["brand"] != null) { model.brand = row["brand"].ToString(); } if (row["quotEexchangeRate"] != null) { model.QuotEexchangeRate = row["quotEexchangeRate"].ToString(); } if (row["PlaceOfDelivery"] != null) { model.PlaceOfDelivery = row["PlaceOfDelivery"].ToString(); } if (row["state"] != null) { model.state = row["state"].ToString(); //查询出状态值对应的状态名称 FishEntity.SystemDataType item = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Find((i) => { return(i.Code.Equals(model.state)); }); if (item != null) { model.statename = item.Name; } } //if (row["state1"] != null) //{ // model.State1 = row["state1"].ToString(); // //查询出状态值对应的状态名称 // FishEntity.SystemDataType item = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Find((i) => { return i.Code.Equals(model.State1); }); // if (item != null) // { // model.statename = item.Name; // } //} //if (row["state2"] != null) //{ // model.State2 = row["state2"].ToString(); // //查询出状态值对应的状态名称 // FishEntity.SystemDataType item = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Find((i) => { return i.Code.Equals(model.State2); }); // if (item != null) // { // model.statename = item.Name; // } //} //if (row["state3"] != null) //{ // model.State3 = row["state1"].ToString(); // //查询出状态值对应的状态名称 // FishEntity.SystemDataType item = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Find((i) => { return i.Code.Equals(model.State3); }); // if (item != null) // { // model.statename = item.Name; // } //} //if (row["state4"] != null) //{ // model.State4 = row["state4"].ToString(); // //查询出状态值对应的状态名称 // FishEntity.SystemDataType item = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Find((i) => { return i.Code.Equals(model.State4); }); // if (item != null) // { // model.statename = item.Name; // } //} //if (row["state5"] != null) //{ // model.State1 = row["state5"].ToString(); // //查询出状态值对应的状态名称 // FishEntity.SystemDataType item = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Find((i) => { return i.Code.Equals(model.State5); }); // if (item != null) // { // model.statename = item.Name; // } //} if (row["nature"] != null) { model.nature = row["nature"].ToString(); } if (row["port"] != null) { model.port = row["port"].ToString(); } if (row["origin"] != null) { model.origin = row["origin"].ToString(); } if (row["type"] != null) { model.type = row["type"].ToString(); } if (row["getinfotime"] != null && row["getinfotime"].ToString() != "") { model.getinfotime = DateTime.Parse(row["getinfotime"].ToString()); } if (row["endinfotime"] != null && row["endinfotime"].ToString() != "") { model.endinfotime = DateTime.Parse(row["endinfotime"].ToString()); } if (row["techtype"] != null) { model.techtype = row["techtype"].ToString(); } if (row["specification"] != null) { model.specification = row["specification"].ToString(); } if (row["productdate"] != null) { model.productdate = row["productdate"].ToString(); } if (row["shelflife"] != null && row["shelflife"].ToString() != "") { model.shelflife = int.Parse(row["shelflife"].ToString()); } if (row["quality"] != null) { model.quality = row["quality"].ToString(); } if (row["manufacturers"] != null) { model.manufacturers = row["manufacturers"].ToString(); } if (row["factoryaddress"] != null) { model.factoryaddress = row["factoryaddress"].ToString(); } if (row["remark"] != null) { model.remark = row["remark"].ToString(); } if (row["weight"] != null && row["weight"].ToString() != "") { model.weight = decimal.Parse(row["weight"].ToString()); } if (row["quantity"] != null && row["quantity"].ToString() != "") { model.quantity = int.Parse(row["quantity"].ToString()); } if (row["remainweight"] != null && row["remainweight"].ToString() != "") { model.remainweight = decimal.Parse(row["remainweight"].ToString()); } if (row["remainquantity"] != null && row["remainquantity"].ToString() != "") { model.remainquantity = int.Parse(row["remainquantity"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadeweight"] != null && row["homemadeweight"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadeweight = decimal.Parse(row["homemadeweight"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadepackages"] != null && row["homemadepackages"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadepackages = int.Parse(row["homemadepackages"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadecost"] != null && row["homemadecost"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadecost = decimal.Parse(row["homemadecost"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadeunitprice"] != null && row["homemadeunitprice"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadeunitprice = decimal.Parse(row["homemadeunitprice"].ToString()); } if (row["price"] != null && row["price"].ToString() != "") { model.price = decimal.Parse(row["price"].ToString()); } if (row["arriveportdate"] != null && row["arriveportdate"].ToString() != "") { model.arriveportdate = row["arriveportdate"].ToString(); } if (row["sailingschedule"] != null) { model.sailingschedule = row["sailingschedule"].ToString(); } if (row["ownerCode"] != null) { model.ownerCode = row["ownerCode"].ToString(); } if (row["ownershortname"] != null) { model.ownershortname = row["ownershortname"].ToString(); } if (row["ownername"] != null) { model.ownername = row["ownername"].ToString(); } if (row["billofgoods"] != null) { model.billofgoods = row["billofgoods"].ToString(); } if (row["agentifcompany"] != null) { model.agentifcompany = row["agentifcompany"].ToString(); } if (row["customsofcompany"] != null) { model.customsofcompany = row["customsofcompany"].ToString(); } if (row["createtime"] != null && row["createtime"].ToString() != "") { model.createtime = DateTime.Parse(row["createtime"].ToString()); } if (row["createman"] != null) { model.createman = row["createman"].ToString(); } if (row["modifytime"] != null && row["modifytime"].ToString() != "") { model.modifytime = DateTime.Parse(row["modifytime"].ToString()); } if (row["modifyman"] != null) { model.modifyman = row["modifyman"].ToString(); } if (row["isdelete"] != null) { model.isdelete = int.Parse(row["isdelete"].ToString()); } if (row["suppliercode"] != null) { model.suppliercode = row["suppliercode"].ToString(); } if (row["supplier"] != null) { model.supplier = row["supplier"].ToString(); } if (row["quote_protein"] != null && row["quote_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_protein = decimal.Parse(row["quote_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_tvn"] != null && row["quote_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["quote_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_graypart"] != null && row["quote_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["quote_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_sandsalt"] != null && row["quote_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["quote_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_amine"] != null && row["quote_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_amine = decimal.Parse(row["quote_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_ffa"] != null && row["quote_ffa"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_ffa = decimal.Parse(row["quote_ffa"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_fat"] != null && row["quote_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_fat = decimal.Parse(row["quote_fat"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_water"] != null && row["quote_water"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_water = decimal.Parse(row["quote_water"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_sand"] != null && row["quote_sand"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_sand = decimal.Parse(row["quote_sand"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_protein"] != null && row["sgs_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_protein = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_tvn"] != null && row["sgs_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_graypart"] != null && row["sgs_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_sandsalt"] != null && row["sgs_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_amine"] != null && row["sgs_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_amine = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_ffa"] != null && row["sgs_ffa"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_ffa = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_ffa"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_fat"] != null && row["sgs_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_fat = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_fat"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_water"] != null && row["sgs_water"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_water = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_water"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_sand"] != null && row["sgs_sand"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_sand = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_sand"].ToString()); } if (row["label_protein"] != null && row["label_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.label_protein = decimal.Parse(row["label_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["label_tvn"] != null && row["label_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.label_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["label_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["label_graypart"] != null && row["label_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.label_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["label_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["label_sandsalt"] != null && row["label_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.label_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["label_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["label_amine"] != null && row["label_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.label_amine = decimal.Parse(row["label_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["label_ffa"] != null && row["label_ffa"].ToString() != "") { model.label_ffa = decimal.Parse(row["label_ffa"].ToString()); } if (row["label_fat"] != null && row["label_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.label_fat = decimal.Parse(row["label_fat"].ToString()); } if (row["labe_water"] != null && row["labe_water"].ToString() != "") { model.labe_water = decimal.Parse(row["labe_water"].ToString()); } if (row["label_sand"] != null && row["label_sand"].ToString() != "") { model.label_sand = decimal.Parse(row["label_sand"].ToString()); } if (row["label_lysine"] != null && row["label_lysine"].ToString() != "") { model.label_lysine = decimal.Parse(row["label_lysine"].ToString()); } if (row["label_methionine"] != null && row["label_methionine"].ToString() != "") { model.label_methionine = decimal.Parse(row["label_methionine"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_protein"] != null && row["domestic_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_protein = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_tvn"] != null && row["domestic_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_graypart"] != null && row["domestic_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_sandsalt"] != null && row["domestic_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_sour"] != null && row["domestic_sour"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_sour = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_sour"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_lysine"] != null && row["domestic_lysine"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_lysine = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_lysine"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_methionine"] != null && row["domestic_methionine"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_methionine = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_methionine"].ToString()); } if (row["supplierid"] != null && row["supplierid"].ToString() != "") { model.supplierid = int.Parse(row["supplierid"].ToString()); } if (row["linkmanid"] != null && row["linkmanid"].ToString() != "") { model.linkmanid = int.Parse(row["linkmanid"].ToString()); } if (row["linkmancode"] != null) { model.linkmancode = row["linkmancode"].ToString(); } if (row["linkman"] != null) { model.linkman = row["linkman"].ToString(); } if (row["latestquote"] != null && row["latestquote"].ToString() != "") { model.latestquote = decimal.Parse(row["latestquote"].ToString()); } if (row["goodsinfo"] != null) { model.goodsinfo = row["goodsinfo"].ToString(); } if (row["shipno"] != null) { model.shipno = row["shipno"].ToString(); } if (row["cornerno"] != null) { model.cornerno = row["cornerno"].ToString(); } if (row["tariffrate"] != null && row["tariffrate"].ToString() != "") { model.tariffrate = decimal.Parse(row["tariffrate"].ToString()); } if (row["samplingtime"] != null) { model.samplingtime = row["samplingtime"].ToString(); } if (row["warehouse"] != null) { model.warehouse = row["warehouse"].ToString(); } if (row["sgsweight"] != null && row["sgsweight"].ToString() != "") { model.sgsweight = decimal.Parse(row["sgsweight"].ToString()); } if (row["sgsquantity"] != null && row["sgsquantity"].ToString() != "") { model.sgsquantity = int.Parse(row["sgsquantity"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_amine"] != null && row["domestic_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_amine = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_aminototal"] != null && row["domestic_aminototal"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_aminototal = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_aminototal"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_fat"] != null && row["domestic_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_fat = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_fat"].ToString()); } #endregion #region ProductEx if (row["quotedate"] != null) { model.quotedate = row["quotedate"].ToString(); } if (row["quoteweight"] != null && row["quoteweight"].ToString() != "") { model.quoteweight = decimal.Parse(row["quoteweight"].ToString()); } if (row["quotequantity"] != null && row["quotequantity"].ToString() != "") { model.quotequantity = int.Parse(row["quotequantity"].ToString()); } if (row["quotedollars"] != null && row["quotedollars"].ToString() != "") { model.quotedollars = decimal.Parse(row["quotedollars"].ToString()); } if (row["quotermb"] != null && row["quotermb"].ToString() != "") { model.quotermb = decimal.Parse(row["quotermb"].ToString()); } if (row["quotesuppliercode"] != null) { model.quotesuppliercode = row["quotesuppliercode"].ToString(); } if (row["quotesupplier"] != null) { model.quotesupplier = row["quotesupplier"].ToString(); } if (row["quotelinkmancode"] != null) { model.quotelinkmancode = row["quotelinkmancode"].ToString(); } if (row["quotelinkman"] != null) { model.quotelinkman = row["quotelinkman"].ToString(); } if (row["quoteproductyear"] != null) { model.quoteproductyear = row["quoteproductyear"].ToString(); } if (row["quoteproductdate"] != null) { model.quoteproductdate = row["quoteproductdate"].ToString(); } if (row["quotelife"] != null) { model.quotelife = row["quotelife"].ToString(); } if (row["quotesaildatefast"] != null) { model.quotesaildatefast = row["quotesaildatefast"].ToString(); } if (row["quotesaildatelate"] != null) { model.quotesaildatelate = row["quotesaildatelate"].ToString(); } #endregion } return(model); }
protected void DataRowToVo(FishEntity.ProductVo model, DataRow row) { if (row != null) { #region 旧 //if (row["quotedate"] != null) //{ // model.quotedate = row["quotedate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["quoteweight"] != null && row["quoteweight"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.quoteweight = decimal.Parse(row["quoteweight"].ToString()); //} //if (row["quotequantity"] != null && row["quotequantity"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.quotequantity = int.Parse(row["quotequantity"].ToString()); //} //if (row["quotedollars"] != null && row["quotedollars"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.quotedollars = decimal.Parse(row["quotedollars"].ToString()); //} //if (row["quotermb"] != null && row["quotermb"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.quotermb = decimal.Parse(row["quotermb"].ToString()); //} //if (row["quotesuppliercode"] != null) //{ // model.quotesuppliercode = row["quotesuppliercode"].ToString(); //} //if (row["quotesupplier"] != null) //{ // model.quotesupplier = row["quotesupplier"].ToString(); //} //if (row["quotelinkmancode"] != null) //{ // model.quotelinkmancode = row["quotelinkmancode"].ToString(); //} //if (row["quotelinkman"] != null) //{ // model.quotelinkman = row["quotelinkman"].ToString(); //} //if (row["quoteproductyear"] != null) //{ // model.quoteproductyear = row["quoteproductyear"].ToString(); //} //if (row["quoteproductdate"] != null) //{ // model.quoteproductdate = row["quoteproductdate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["quotelife"] != null) //{ // model.quotelife = row["quotelife"].ToString(); //} //if (row["quotesaildatefast"] != null) //{ // model.quotesaildatefast = row["quotesaildatefast"].ToString(); //} //if (row["quotesaildatelate"] != null) //{ // model.quotesaildatelate = row["quotesaildatelate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["confirmdate"] != null) //{ // model.confirmdate = row["confirmdate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["confirmsgsweight"] != null && row["confirmsgsweight"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.confirmsgsweight = decimal.Parse(row["confirmsgsweight"].ToString()); //} //if (row["confirmsgsquantity"] != null && row["confirmsgsquantity"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.confirmsgsquantity = int.Parse(row["confirmsgsquantity"].ToString()); //} //if (row["confirmdollars"] != null && row["confirmdollars"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.confirmdollars = decimal.Parse(row["confirmdollars"].ToString()); //} //if (row["confirmrmb"] != null && row["confirmrmb"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.confirmrmb = decimal.Parse(row["confirmrmb"].ToString()); //} //if (row["confirmagentcode"] != null) //{ // model.confirmagentcode = row["confirmagentcode"].ToString(); //} //if (row["confirmagent"] != null) //{ // model.confirmagent = row["confirmagent"].ToString(); //} //if (row["confirmlinkmancode"] != null) //{ // model.confirmlinkmancode = row["confirmlinkmancode"].ToString(); //} //if (row["confirmlinkman"] != null) //{ // model.confirmlinkman = row["confirmlinkman"].ToString(); //} //if (row["confirmproductyear"] != null) //{ // model.confirmproductyear = row["confirmproductyear"].ToString(); //} //if (row["confirmproductdate"] != null) //{ // model.confirmproductdate = row["confirmproductdate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["confirmlife"] != null) //{ // model.confirmlife = row["confirmlife"].ToString(); //} //if (row["confirmsaildate"] != null) //{ // model.confirmsaildate = row["confirmsaildate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["pack"] != null) //{ // model.Pack = row["pack"].ToString(); //} //if (row["spotdate"] != null) //{ // model.spotdate = row["spotdate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["spotweight"] != null && row["spotweight"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.spotweight = decimal.Parse(row["spotweight"].ToString()); //} //if (row["spotquantity"] != null && row["spotquantity"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.spotquantity = int.Parse(row["spotquantity"].ToString()); //} //if (row["spotdollars"] != null && row["spotdollars"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.spotdollars = decimal.Parse(row["spotdollars"].ToString()); //} //if (row["spotrmb"] != null && row["spotrmb"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.spotrmb = decimal.Parse(row["spotrmb"].ToString()); //} //if (row["spotagentcode"] != null) //{ // model.spotagentcode = row["spotagentcode"].ToString(); //} //if (row["spotagent"] != null) //{ // model.spotagent = row["spotagent"].ToString(); //} //if (row["spotlinkmancode"] != null) //{ // model.spotlinkmancode = row["spotlinkmancode"].ToString(); //} //if (row["spotlinkman"] != null) //{ // model.spotlinkman = row["spotlinkman"].ToString(); //} //if (row["spotproductdate"] != null) //{ // model.spotproductdate = row["spotproductdate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["spotproductyear"] != null) //{ // model.spotproductyear = row["spotproductyear"].ToString(); //} //if (row["spotlife"] != null) //{ // model.spotlife = row["spotlife"].ToString(); //} //if (row["spotstoragedate"] != null) //{ // model.spotstoragedate = row["spotstoragedate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["saledate"] != null) //{ // model.saledate = row["saledate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["saleremainweight"] != null && row["saleremainweight"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.saleremainweight = decimal.Parse(row["saleremainweight"].ToString()); //} //if (row["saleremainquantity"] != null && row["saleremainquantity"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.saleremainquantity = int.Parse(row["saleremainquantity"].ToString()); //} //if (row["saledollars"] != null && row["saledollars"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.saledollars = decimal.Parse(row["saledollars"].ToString()); //} //if (row["salermb"] != null && row["salermb"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.salermb = decimal.Parse(row["salermb"].ToString()); //} //if (row["saletradercode"] != null) //{ // model.saletradercode = row["saletradercode"].ToString(); //} //if (row["saletrader"] != null) //{ // model.saletrader = row["saletrader"].ToString(); //} //if (row["salelinkmancode"] != null) //{ // model.salelinkmancode = row["salelinkmancode"].ToString(); //} //if (row["salelinkman"] != null) //{ // model.salelinkman = row["salelinkman"].ToString(); //} //if (row["saleoutdate"] != null) //{ // model.saleoutdate = row["saleoutdate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["selfdate"] != null) //{ // model.selfdate = row["selfdate"].ToString(); //} //if (row["selfstorageweight"] != null && row["selfstorageweight"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.selfstorageweight = decimal.Parse(row["selfstorageweight"].ToString()); //} //if (row["selfstoragequantity"] != null && row["selfstoragequantity"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.selfstoragequantity = int.Parse(row["selfstoragequantity"].ToString()); //} //if (row["selfdollars"] != null && row["selfdollars"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.selfdollars = decimal.Parse(row["selfdollars"].ToString()); //} //if (row["selfrmb"] != null && row["selfrmb"].ToString() != "") //{ // model.selfrmb = decimal.Parse(row["selfrmb"].ToString()); //} //if (row["selftradercode"] != null) //{ // model.selftradercode = row["selftradercode"].ToString(); //} //if (row["selftrader"] != null) //{ // model.selftrader = row["selftrader"].ToString(); //} //if (row["selflinkmancode"] != null) //{ // model.selflinkmancode = row["selflinkmancode"].ToString(); //} //if (row["selflinkman"] != null) //{ // model.selflinkman = row["selflinkman"].ToString(); //} //if (row["selffinishproduct"] != null) //{ // model.selffinishproduct = row["selffinishproduct"].ToString(); //} //if (row["selfstoragedate"] != null) //{ // model.selfstoragedate = row["selfstoragedate"].ToString(); //} #endregion #region product if (row["id"] != null && row["id"].ToString() != "") { = int.Parse(row["id"].ToString()); } if (row["code"] != null) { model.code = row["code"].ToString(); } if (row["name"] != null) { = row["name"].ToString(); } if (row["brand"] != null) { model.brand = row["brand"].ToString(); } if (row["state4"] != null) { model.State4 = row["state4"].ToString(); //查询出状态值对应的状态名称 FishEntity.SystemDataType item = FishEntity.Variable.StateList.Find((i) => { return(i.Code.Equals(model.State4)); }); if (item != null) { model.statename = item.Name; } } if (row["nature"] != null) { model.nature = row["nature"].ToString(); } if (row["port"] != null) { model.port = row["port"].ToString(); } if (row["origin"] != null) { model.origin = row["origin"].ToString(); } if (row["type"] != null) { model.type = row["type"].ToString(); } if (row["getinfotime"] != null && row["getinfotime"].ToString() != "") { model.getinfotime = DateTime.Parse(row["getinfotime"].ToString()); } if (row["endinfotime"] != null && row["endinfotime"].ToString() != "") { model.endinfotime = DateTime.Parse(row["endinfotime"].ToString()); } if (row["techtype"] != null) { model.techtype = row["techtype"].ToString(); } if (row["specification"] != null) { model.specification = row["specification"].ToString(); } if (row["productdate"] != null) { model.productdate = row["productdate"].ToString(); } if (row["shelflife"] != null && row["shelflife"].ToString() != "") { model.shelflife = int.Parse(row["shelflife"].ToString()); } if (row["quality"] != null) { model.quality = row["quality"].ToString(); } if (row["manufacturers"] != null) { model.manufacturers = row["manufacturers"].ToString(); } if (row["factoryaddress"] != null) { model.factoryaddress = row["factoryaddress"].ToString(); } if (row["remark"] != null) { model.remark = row["remark"].ToString(); } if (row["weight"] != null && row["weight"].ToString() != "") { model.weight = decimal.Parse(row["weight"].ToString()); } if (row["quantity"] != null && row["quantity"].ToString() != "") { model.quantity = int.Parse(row["quantity"].ToString()); } if (row["remainweight"] != null && row["remainweight"].ToString() != "") { model.remainweight = decimal.Parse(row["remainweight"].ToString()); } if (row["remainquantity"] != null && row["remainquantity"].ToString() != "") { model.remainquantity = int.Parse(row["remainquantity"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadeweight"] != null && row["homemadeweight"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadeweight = decimal.Parse(row["homemadeweight"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadepackages"] != null && row["homemadepackages"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadepackages = int.Parse(row["homemadepackages"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadecost"] != null && row["homemadecost"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadecost = decimal.Parse(row["homemadecost"].ToString()); } if (row["homemadeunitprice"] != null && row["homemadeunitprice"].ToString() != "") { model.homemadeunitprice = decimal.Parse(row["homemadeunitprice"].ToString()); } if (row["price"] != null && row["price"].ToString() != "") { model.price = decimal.Parse(row["price"].ToString()); } if (row["arriveportdate"] != null && row["arriveportdate"].ToString() != "") { model.arriveportdate = row["arriveportdate"].ToString(); } if (row["sailingschedule"] != null) { model.sailingschedule = row["sailingschedule"].ToString(); } if (row["ownerCode"] != null) { model.ownerCode = row["ownerCode"].ToString(); } if (row["ownershortname"] != null) { model.ownershortname = row["ownershortname"].ToString(); } if (row["ownername"] != null) { model.ownername = row["ownername"].ToString(); } if (row["billofgoods"] != null) { model.billofgoods = row["billofgoods"].ToString(); } if (row["agentifcompany"] != null) { model.agentifcompany = row["agentifcompany"].ToString(); } if (row["customsofcompany"] != null) { model.customsofcompany = row["customsofcompany"].ToString(); } if (row["createtime"] != null && row["createtime"].ToString() != "") { model.createtime = DateTime.Parse(row["createtime"].ToString()); } if (row["createman"] != null) { model.createman = row["createman"].ToString(); } if (row["modifytime"] != null && row["modifytime"].ToString() != "") { model.modifytime = DateTime.Parse(row["modifytime"].ToString()); } if (row["modifyman"] != null) { model.modifyman = row["modifyman"].ToString(); } if (row["isdelete"] != null && row["isdelete"].ToString() != "") { model.isdelete = int.Parse(row["isdelete"].ToString()); } if (row["suppliercode"] != null) { model.suppliercode = row["suppliercode"].ToString(); } if (row["supplier"] != null) { model.supplier = row["supplier"].ToString(); } if (row["quote_protein"] != null && row["quote_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_protein = decimal.Parse(row["quote_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_tvn"] != null && row["quote_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["quote_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_graypart"] != null && row["quote_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["quote_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_sandsalt"] != null && row["quote_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["quote_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_amine"] != null && row["quote_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_amine = decimal.Parse(row["quote_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_ffa"] != null && row["quote_ffa"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_ffa = decimal.Parse(row["quote_ffa"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_fat"] != null && row["quote_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_fat = decimal.Parse(row["quote_fat"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_water"] != null && row["quote_water"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_water = decimal.Parse(row["quote_water"].ToString()); } if (row["quote_sand"] != null && row["quote_sand"].ToString() != "") { model.quote_sand = decimal.Parse(row["quote_sand"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_protein"] != null && row["sgs_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_protein = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_tvn"] != null && row["sgs_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_graypart"] != null && row["sgs_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_sandsalt"] != null && row["sgs_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_amine"] != null && row["sgs_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_amine = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_ffa"] != null && row["sgs_ffa"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_ffa = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_ffa"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_fat"] != null && row["sgs_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_fat = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_fat"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_water"] != null && row["sgs_water"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_water = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_water"].ToString()); } if (row["sgs_sand"] != null && row["sgs_sand"].ToString() != "") { model.sgs_sand = decimal.Parse(row["sgs_sand"].ToString()); } if (row["label_protein"] != null && row["label_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.label_protein = decimal.Parse(row["label_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["label_tvn"] != null && row["label_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.label_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["label_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["label_graypart"] != null && row["label_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.label_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["label_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["label_sandsalt"] != null && row["label_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.label_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["label_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["label_amine"] != null && row["label_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.label_amine = decimal.Parse(row["label_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["label_ffa"] != null && row["label_ffa"].ToString() != "") { model.label_ffa = decimal.Parse(row["label_ffa"].ToString()); } if (row["label_fat"] != null && row["label_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.label_fat = decimal.Parse(row["label_fat"].ToString()); } if (row["labe_water"] != null && row["labe_water"].ToString() != "") { model.labe_water = decimal.Parse(row["labe_water"].ToString()); } if (row["label_sand"] != null && row["label_sand"].ToString() != "") { model.label_sand = decimal.Parse(row["label_sand"].ToString()); } if (row["label_lysine"] != null && row["label_lysine"].ToString() != "") { model.label_lysine = decimal.Parse(row["label_lysine"].ToString()); } if (row["label_methionine"] != null && row["label_methionine"].ToString() != "") { model.label_methionine = decimal.Parse(row["label_methionine"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_protein"] != null && row["domestic_protein"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_protein = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_protein"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_tvn"] != null && row["domestic_tvn"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_tvn = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_tvn"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_graypart"] != null && row["domestic_graypart"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_graypart = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_graypart"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_sandsalt"] != null && row["domestic_sandsalt"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_sandsalt = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_sandsalt"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_sour"] != null && row["domestic_sour"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_sour = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_sour"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_lysine"] != null && row["domestic_lysine"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_lysine = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_lysine"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_methionine"] != null && row["domestic_methionine"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_methionine = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_methionine"].ToString()); } if (row["supplierid"] != null && row["supplierid"].ToString() != "") { model.supplierid = int.Parse(row["supplierid"].ToString()); } if (row["linkmanid"] != null && row["linkmanid"].ToString() != "") { model.linkmanid = int.Parse(row["linkmanid"].ToString()); } if (row["linkmancode"] != null) { model.linkmancode = row["linkmancode"].ToString(); } if (row["linkman"] != null) { model.linkman = row["linkman"].ToString(); } if (row["latestquote"] != null && row["latestquote"].ToString() != "") { model.latestquote = decimal.Parse(row["latestquote"].ToString()); } if (row["goodsinfo"] != null) { model.goodsinfo = row["goodsinfo"].ToString(); } if (row["shipno"] != null) { model.shipno = row["shipno"].ToString(); } if (row["cornerno"] != null) { model.cornerno = row["cornerno"].ToString(); } if (row["tariffrate"] != null && row["tariffrate"].ToString() != "") { model.tariffrate = decimal.Parse(row["tariffrate"].ToString()); } if (row["samplingtime"] != null) { model.samplingtime = row["samplingtime"].ToString(); } if (row["warehouse"] != null) { model.warehouse = row["warehouse"].ToString(); } if (row["sgsweight"] != null && row["sgsweight"].ToString() != "") { model.sgsweight = decimal.Parse(row["sgsweight"].ToString()); } if (row["sgsquantity"] != null && row["sgsquantity"].ToString() != "") { model.sgsquantity = int.Parse(row["sgsquantity"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_amine"] != null && row["domestic_amine"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_amine = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_amine"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_aminototal"] != null && row["domestic_aminototal"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_aminototal = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_aminototal"].ToString()); } if (row["domestic_fat"] != null && row["domestic_fat"].ToString() != "") { model.domestic_fat = decimal.Parse(row["domestic_fat"].ToString()); } #endregion #region 自制 if (row["salermb"] != null && row["salermb"].ToString() != "") { model.salermb = decimal.Parse(row["salermb"].ToString()); } if (row["selfstorageweight"] != null && row["selfstorageweight"].ToString() != "") { model.selfstorageweight = decimal.Parse(row["selfstorageweight"].ToString()); } if (row["selfstoragequantity"] != null && row["selfstoragequantity"].ToString() != "") { model.selfstoragequantity = int.Parse(row["selfstoragequantity"].ToString()); } if (row["selfrmb"] != null && row["selfrmb"].ToString() != "") { model.selfrmb = decimal.Parse(row["selfrmb"].ToString()); } if (row["selfstoragedate"] != null) { model.selfstoragedate = row["selfstoragedate"].ToString(); } #endregion } }