예제 #1
    FirebaseManager fbManager;      //ref to FirebaseManager Instance for easy access

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //Ref for our userID
        userID = FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CurrentUser.UserId;

        //Create ref for our firebase Instance
        fbManager = FirebaseManager.Instance;

        //Tell the user what's happening
        Log("Loading data for: " + userID);

        //Load userInfo
        StartCoroutine(fbManager.LoadData("users/" + userID, LoadedUser));
예제 #2
 private void CheckedActiveGame()
     //Does our user doesn't have an active game?
     if (user.activeGame == "" || user.activeGame == null)
         //Start the new game process
         Log("No active game for the user, look for a game");
         StartCoroutine(fbManager.CheckForGame("games/", NewGameLoaded));
         //We already have a game, load it
         Log("Loading Game: " + user.activeGame);
         StartCoroutine(fbManager.LoadData("games/" + user.activeGame, GameLoaded));