예제 #1
 static void p5_crypto_pgp_keys_private_list(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
     // Using common helper to iterate all secret keyrings matching filter.
     PGPKeyIterator.Find(context, e.Args, delegate(OpenPgpContext ctx, PgpSecretKeyRing keyring) {
         // Retrieving fingerprint of currently iterated key, and returning to caller.
         var fingerprint = Fingerprint.FingerprintString(keyring.GetPublicKey().GetFingerprint());
     }, false);
예제 #2
        public static void p5_crypto_pgp_keys_create(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Making sure we clean up after ourselves.
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Retrieving identity (normally a name + email address), in addition to password.
                string identity = e.Args.GetExChildValue <string> ("identity", context);
                string password = e.Args.GetExChildValue <string> ("password", context);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(identity) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                    throw new LambdaException(
                              "Minimum [identity] and [password] needs to be supplied to create a PGP keypair",

                // Retrieving other parameters to PGP keypair creation, giving them sane defaults if not supplied.
                DateTime expires        = e.Args.GetExChildValue("expires", context, DateTime.Now.AddYears(3));
                int      strength       = e.Args.GetExChildValue <int> ("strength", context, 4096);
                long     publicExponent = e.Args.GetExChildValue("public-exponent", context, 65537L);
                int      certainty      = e.Args.GetExChildValue("certainty", context, 5);

                // Creating our key generator.
                PgpKeyRingGenerator generator = GetKeyRingGenerator(

                // Generating public keyrign.
                PgpPublicKeyRing publicRing = generator.GeneratePublicKeyRing();

                // Generating secret keyring. "Secret key" is BC's name for private key.
                PgpSecretKeyRing secretRing = generator.GenerateSecretKeyRing();

                 * Retrieving PGP context to let MimeKit import keys into PGP storage.
                 * Making sure we retrieve it in "write mode".
                using (var ctx = context.RaiseEvent(".p5.crypto.pgp-keys.context.create", new Node("", true)).Get <OpenPgpContext> (context)) {
                    // Saves public keyring.

                    // Saves secret keyring (private key, BC uses different naming convention).

                // Returning fingerprint and key-id to caller.
                e.Args.Add("fingerprint", Fingerprint.FingerprintString(publicRing.GetPublicKey().GetFingerprint()));
                e.Args.Add("key-id", ((int)publicRing.GetPublicKey().KeyId).ToString("X"));
예제 #3
        static void p5_crypto_pgp_keys_sign(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Used as buffer to hold secret signing key.
            PgpSecretKey secretKey = null;

            // Retrieving fingerprint of key to use for signing.
            var fingerprint = e.Args.GetExChildValue <string> ("fingerprint", context, null);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fingerprint))
                throw new LambdaException("No [fingerprint] supplied to [p5.crypto.pgp-keys.sign]", e.Args, context);

            // Retrieving password for signing key.
            var password = e.Args ["fingerprint"].GetExChildValue <string> ("password", context, null);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                throw new LambdaException("No [fingerprint]/[password] supplied to [p5.crypto.pgp-keys.sign]", e.Args, context);

            // Using common helper to iterate all secret keys.
            PGPKeyIterator.Find(context, e.Args, delegate(OpenPgpContext ctx, PgpPublicKeyRing keyring) {
                 * Checking if we have previously found the private signing key.
                 * This little trick allows us to sign multiple public keys while still postpone the lookup of the private
                 * signing key, until we know we actually have a match.
                if (secretKey == null)
                    // Finding secret key to use for signing the currently iterated public key.
                    foreach (PgpSecretKeyRing idxRing in ctx.SecretKeyRingBundle.GetKeyRings())
                        // Checking that this is our key.
                        var cur = idxRing.GetSecretKey();
                        if (Fingerprint.FingerprintString(cur.PublicKey.GetFingerprint()) == fingerprint)
                            // This is the signing key.
                            secretKey = cur;

                // Signing key.
                ctx.SignKey(secretKey, keyring.GetPublicKey());
            }, false, false, password, fingerprint);
예제 #4
        static void p5_crypto_pgp_keys_private_delete(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Retrieving server's main PGP key to make sure caller doesn't accidentally delete that key.
            var serverKey = context.RaiseEvent("p5.auth.pgp.get-fingerprint").Get <string> (context);

            // Using common helper to iterate all secret keys.
            PGPKeyIterator.Find(context, e.Args, delegate(OpenPgpContext ctx, PgpSecretKeyRing keyRing) {
                 * Notice, since server would effectively become useless if we allowed the caller to
                 * accidentally delete the main server PGP key, we check that the currently iterated key
                 * is not the server's main key.
                if (Fingerprint.FingerprintString(keyRing.GetPublicKey().GetFingerprint()) != serverKey)
                    // Deleting key.
            }, true, false);
예제 #5
        static void p5_crypto_pgp_keys_get_details(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
             * Using common helper to iterate all public keys, assuming that if caller
             * has supplied a fingerprint or key-id to a private key, the public key
             * will also exist in PGP context.
            PGPKeyIterator.Find(context, e.Args, delegate(OpenPgpContext ctx, PgpPublicKeyRing keyring) {
                // This key is matching specified filter criteria.
                var key         = keyring.GetPublicKey();
                var fingerprint = Fingerprint.FingerprintString(key.GetFingerprint());
                var node        = e.Args.Add(fingerprint).LastChild;
                node.Add("id", ((int)key.KeyId).ToString("X"));
                node.Add("algorithm", key.Algorithm.ToString());
                node.Add("strength", key.BitStrength);
                node.Add("creation-time", key.CreationTime);
                node.Add("is-encryption-key", key.IsEncryptionKey);
                node.Add("is-master-key", key.IsMasterKey);
                node.Add("is-revoked", key.IsRevoked());
                node.Add("version", key.Version);
                DateTime expires = key.CreationTime.AddSeconds(key.GetValidSeconds());
                node.Add("expires", expires);

                // Returning all user IDs that are strings to caller.
                foreach (var idxUserId in key.GetUserIds())
                    if (idxUserId is string)
                        node.FindOrInsert("user-ids").Add("", idxUserId);

                // Adding key IDs of all keys that have signed this key.
                foreach (PgpSignature signature in key.GetSignatures())
                    node.FindOrInsert("signed-by").Add(((int)signature.KeyId).ToString("X"), signature.CreationTime);
            }, false);
예제 #6
        static void p5_crypto_pgp_keys_public_get(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // Using common helper to iterate all public keyrings matching filter.
            PGPKeyIterator.Find(context, e.Args, delegate(OpenPgpContext ctx, PgpPublicKeyRing keyring) {
                // Retrieving fingerprint of currently iterated key, and returning to caller.
                var key         = keyring.GetPublicKey();
                var fingerprint = Fingerprint.FingerprintString(key.GetFingerprint());
                var node        = e.Args.Add(fingerprint).LastChild;

                // Returning public key as armored ASCII.
                using (var memStream = new MemoryStream()) {
                    using (var armored = new ArmoredOutputStream(memStream)) {
                    memStream.Position = 0;
                    var sr             = new StreamReader(memStream);
                    node.Value         = sr.ReadToEnd();
            }, false);
예제 #7
        static void p5_crypto_pgp_keys_private_import(ApplicationContext context, ActiveEventArgs e)
            // House cleaning.
            using (new ArgsRemover(e.Args, true)) {
                // Creating new PGP context.
                using (var ctx = context.RaiseEvent(".p5.crypto.pgp-keys.context.create", new Node("", true)).Get <OpenPgpContext> (context)) {
                    // Looping through each private key (in ascii armored format) and importing into context.
                    foreach (var idxKey in XUtil.Iterate <string> (context, e.Args))
                        // Creating armored input stream to wrap key.
                        using (var memStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(idxKey.Replace("\r\n", "\n")))) {
                            using (var armored = new ArmoredInputStream(memStream)) {
                                var key = new PgpSecretKeyRing(armored);

                                // Returning fingerprint of key that was successfully imported to caller.