private void DatePicker_SelectedDateChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { beginTime.Clear(); endTime.Clear(); //reservation button is visible ReservationButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //clear all data in main stackPanel where the reservations where stored mainStackPanel.Children.Clear(); var sp1 = new StackPanel(); var tb = new TextBlock { Text = "Dit zijn de reservering die die dag al zijn geplaatst", FontSize = 16 }; sp1.Children.Add(tb); mainStackPanel.Children.Add(sp1); //getting the selected date selectedDate = DatePicker.SelectedDate.Value; //make the timepicker visible TimePicker.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //getting the information when sun is coming up and is going down SelectedDateTime = DatePicker.SelectedDate.Value; var sunInfo = FindSunInfo.GetSunInfo(52.51695742, 6.08367229, SelectedDateTime); var sunRise = DateTime.Parse(FindSunInfo.ReturnStringToFormatted(sunInfo.results.sunrise)); var sunSet = DateTime.Parse(FindSunInfo.ReturnStringToFormatted(sunInfo.results.sunset)); InformationSun.Content = $" Er kan van {sunRise.TimeOfDay:hh\\:mm} tot {sunSet.TimeOfDay:hh\\:mm} worden gereserveerd"; sunUp = sunRise.TimeOfDay; sunDown = sunSet.TimeOfDay; using (var context = new BootDB()) { var sv = new ScrollViewer { Height = 250, VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto }; var margin = sv.Margin; margin.Right = 30; sv.Margin = margin; sv.MouseWheel += Sv_MouseWheel; var sp = new StackPanel(); foreach (var boat in SelectionList) { //getting all reservations for selected date var data1 = (from b in context.Boats join rb in context.Reservation_Boats on b.boatId equals rb.boatId join r in context.Reservations on rb.reservationId equals r.reservationId where b.boatId == boat.boatId && == selectedDate select new { beginTime = r.beginTime, endTime = r.endTime, }); var dateTrue = false; //adding all reservations for selected date to screen foreach (var d1 in data1) { beginTime.Add(d1.beginTime); endTime.Add(d1.endTime); var nameTextBlock = new TextBlock { Name = "txt", Text = $"{boat.boatName}:", TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, FontSize = 14, Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray), FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic }; var l2 = new Label { Content = $"- van {d1.beginTime} tot {d1.endTime}", Width = 400, FontSize = 14 }; sp.Children.Add(nameTextBlock); sp.Children.Add(l2); dateTrue = true; } //this will be executed when there are no reservation for selected date if (dateTrue) { continue; } { var nameTextBlock = new TextBlock { Name = "txt", Text = $"{boat.boatName}:", TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, FontSize = 14, Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray), FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic }; var l2 = new Label { Content = $"Er zijn nog geen reserveringen", Width = 400, FontSize = 14 }; sp.Children.Add(nameTextBlock); sp.Children.Add(l2); } } sv.Content = sp; mainStackPanel.Children.Add(sv); } }
private void DatePicker_SelectedDateChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { BeginTime.Clear(); EndTime.Clear(); //reservation button is visible ReservationButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ReservationButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //clear all data in mainstackpanel where the reservations where stored mainStackPanel.Children.Clear(); var sp1 = new StackPanel(); var tb = new TextBlock(); tb.Text = "Dit zijn de reservering die die dag al zijn geplaatst"; tb.FontSize = 16; sp1.Children.Add(tb); mainStackPanel.Children.Add(sp1); //getting the selected date SelectedDate = DatePicker.SelectedDate.Value; //make the timePicker visible TimePicker.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //getting the information when sun is coming up and is going down SelectedDateTime = DatePicker.SelectedDate.Value; var sunInfo = FindSunInfo.GetSunInfo(52.51695742, 6.08367229, SelectedDateTime); var dateSunUp = DateTime.Parse(FindSunInfo.ReturnStringToFormatted(sunInfo.results.sunrise)); var dateSunDown = DateTime.Parse(FindSunInfo.ReturnStringToFormatted(sunInfo.results.sunset)); InformationSun.Content = $"Er kan van {dateSunUp.ToString(@"HH\:mm")} tot {dateSunDown.ToString(@"HH\:mm")} worden gereserveerd"; ReservationMinHour.Content = "De boot moet minimaal een uur worden gereserveerd en mag maximaal twee uur gereserveerd worden"; SunUp = dateSunUp.TimeOfDay; SunDown = dateSunDown.TimeOfDay; using (var context = new BootDB()) { //getting all reservations for selected date var data1 = (from b in context.Boats join rb in context.Reservation_Boats on b.boatId equals rb.boatId join r in context.Reservations on rb.reservationId equals r.reservationId where b.boatId == BoatId && == SelectedDate select new { beginTime = r.beginTime, endTime = r.endTime, }); var dateTrue = false; //adding all reservations for selected date to screen foreach (var d1 in data1) { BeginTime.Add(d1.beginTime); EndTime.Add(d1.endTime); var sp = new StackPanel(); var l = new Label { Content = $"- van {d1.beginTime.ToString(@"hh\:mm")} tot {d1.endTime.ToString(@"hh\:mm")}", Width = 400, Height = 40, FontSize = 14 }; sp.Children.Add(l); mainStackPanel.Children.Add(sp); dateTrue = true; } //this will be executed when there are no reservation for selected date if (dateTrue == false) { var sp = new StackPanel(); var l = new Label { Content = $"Er zijn nog geen reserveringen", Width = 400, FontSize = 14 }; sp.Children.Add(l); mainStackPanel.Children.Add(sp); dateTrue = true; } } }